In the next two weeks, Qing Zhang was the warrior who was the most leisurely, and many people secretly praised his psychological quality because of his lack of restlessness, but Professor Sprout still found He talked several times, and after confirming that Qing Zhang was not pretending, he was completely relieved.

Contrary to Qing Zhang, Hermione, an audience member who is obviously not a contestant, is busier than all the warriors. Unlike the original book, she did not complain about the treatment of house-elves. She devoted all her energy to researching the three Items that may appear in the Strong Competition.

For this reason, she followed Luna to Ravenclaw's internal library to search for the record texts of the Triwizard Tournament over the years. The more tragic and bloody the records were, the more restless the little witch felt, and her mouth Will he curse Qing Zhang in a low voice to vent his feelings?

The emperor's attitude of not rushing the eunuchs made Qing Zhang feel a little ashamed, thinking that he shouldn't be too calm and calm!?

However, I have to say Hermione's hard work. He did understand a lot about the Triwizard Tournament. Of course, these are of no use to the present, but in order not to dampen the enthusiasm of the little witch, Qing· Zhang still accepted all orders, without any impatience.

Perhaps because they are all competitors, Fleur Delacour did not take the initiative to find Qing Zhang after the magic wand testing ceremony, but when they bumped into each other occasionally, the other party would still give Qing Zhang a nod. She is used to holding the posture of a cold goddess.

As for Viktor Krum, there will always be some small fans around the other side, or Malfoy and others on the Slytherin side will gather together to chat with the other party, and it is also a look that is not right. However, compared to Fu Rong, Krum's attitude towards Qing Zhang and other players is more indifferent and alienated.

In short, Qing Zhang never said a word to him.

Meanwhile, Harry's life at the castle takes a turn for the worse when Rita Skeeter's article about the Triwizard Tournament is published. This article is not so much a report on the Tournament as it is an embellished portrayal of Harry's personal life.

A large portion of the first page of the newspaper was devoted to a photograph of Harry, and the entire article (which continued on to the second, sixth and seventh pages) was about Harry, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang The name of the warrior was squeezed into the last line of the article, and 830 was misspelled, and Qing Zhang was not mentioned at all, as if he didn’t know there was such a warrior, which was completely different from the conspiracy theories that were widely reported before. different.

The article was published ten days ago, and now every time Harry thinks about it, he still feels a burning and uncomfortable sense of shame in his heart. Rita Skeeter had seen him say a lot of terrible things that he didn't remember saying, let alone in that broom closet.

[I think my parents gave me strength. I know if they could see me now they would be so proud of me...yes I still cry for them some nights and I don't feel ashamed to admit it...I know the game Nothing can hurt me, because they guard me in the dark...J

Because of this passage, Sirius, who was receiving rehabilitation treatment in St. Mungo's far away, sent an owl to send a letter overnight. He wrote many, many words, the whole article was sorry, and now that he is there, there is no need to be sad. Wait until he can leave After the hospital, Harry will be picked up from his Muggle relative's house.

This put Harry in a better mood, but he wrote the truth and wrote back to Sirius so he wouldn't have to worry about himself.

If the previous paragraph is still good, then the following is even more excessive. Not only does Rita Skeeter turn his hesitations into a number of disgusting tirades, but she also asks what other people think of him and takes them out of context.

[Harry finally found his love at Hogwarts. When I passed the corridor, I heard several Hogwarts students chatting, they said that the relationship between Harry and Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy is very complicated, it seems unclear I can't tell, and recently Mr. Ron Weasley seemed to be having trouble with him because of some trivial matters. The young master of the Malfoy family took advantage of the situation and appeared by Harry's side many times to give him warmth.

She is simply a little angel!]

Ever since this article appeared, Harry has had to put up with people looking at rare and magical animals, but it's not completely unhealthy - Draco Malfoy doesn't appear in front of him very much, and continues his work. That ridiculous and obnoxious clown behavior.

As for doesn't matter if you don't say anything, this guy blushed and said loudly that these are all slanders, but he was asked to explain why he was awkward with Harry, and he hesitated and refused to go into details. In the end, the description became darker and darker, so that every time Harry met Lavender Brown, the other party would sneer at him, as if he had done something outrageous.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but since the report came out, Viktor Krum, who had previously ignored Ron, often appeared around Ron, and then the two gradually began to talk together, which made Harry feel a little nervous. It was hard, especially hearing Ron bragging to his classmates every night about befriending Viktor Krum and getting autographs.

Perhaps because even the last friend alienated him, Harry's mentality became worse and worse. Even Professor McGonagall couldn't help talking to him many times, hoping to make Harry correct his mentality.

Don't be influenced by the outside world.

It's a pity that these are useless, because of past experiences, Harry's mind is very sensitive, he attaches too much importance to everything that the wizarding world has now, and is very afraid that he will lose them one day, and then finds that this is just a dream, he will be in Dursley The Li family woke up in that small room.

This is the most unacceptable for Harry who already has nothing, so he will desperately grab everything. But the more you want to grab something, the more you will let it go away

It's like he wants other people not to be indifferent to him, but he thinks too badly about the most normal things, and becomes a bit persecuted paranoia, which finally makes Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw's classmates dare not near.

Like Ron, obviously, as long as he doesn't keep denying it dryly, he jokes along with the other person's mind and says that he tried to sign up casually at night, and he succeeded unexpectedly. In fact, no matter how jealous Ron is, I'm afraid it won't Really mess with him.

It's a pity that Harry, at that time, was only thinking about himself, and he had no time to pay attention to Ron's psychological gap, or he was used to Ron's silent company, and he ignored the fact that friends need mutual accommodation and maintenance.

Obviously, Professor McGonagall's psychological counseling failed again. Women with personalities like her and Hermione are not suitable for this kind of work at all, even if Hagrid is better than them.

This caused Professor McGonagall a big blow and a headache at the same time. This is why it was previously stipulated that it was best not to allow young wizards under the age of seventeen to participate, even though history has proved that many talented young wizards have surpassed The same goes for grown-up wizards.

There is a saying, "He who is strong in spirit is really strong."

However, Professor McGonagall wants Rita Skeeter, a pregnant woman, to stop her rumor-mongering behavior, but the other party has no choice, unless there is definite evidence to prove that the other party's statements are indeed false, but how to prove it!? If so It is easy to get all the stolen goods, and Rita Skeeter has been dismissed long ago because of her offending skills.

But in fact, Professor McGonagall doesn't need to worry about Rita Skeeter's life being too good. Qing Zhang's bad luck curse on her has begun to show obvious effects little by little.

Recently, this witch with a black conscience (caeh) was so unlucky that she would choke on her saliva and even fall on the ground when she walked.

And this is not over, this bad luck seems to be contagious, just like her photographer friend, when she was planning to secretly take some beautiful scenery with the camera, she slipped suddenly, and Rita S Kit bumped into each other and kissed. At that time, both of their faces turned green and were seen by many people.

Then there was the rumor of Rita Skeeter and her photographer boyfriend, which of course made it into the new issue of The Quibbler, ushering in a big sale for Luna's father's business, no The poor wizard who was poisoned by Rita Skeeter at least bought ten or twenty copies by himself, which means giving it to everyone who is familiar with it and sharing it together.

In addition, Rita Skeeter didn't know if she ate something wrong. In short, every time she talked with someone, she couldn't help but let out a stinky and loud fart, which made it impossible for her to breathe now. People are willing to accept her interview, but everyone can't stand the smell.

Rita Skeeter seemed to feel that she might have been cursed or had really eaten something wrong, but no matter how much she checked, she couldn't find it. On the contrary, the doctors she had repeatedly distrusted were very cold and unfriendly to her, Especially Ms. Pomfrey, the school doctor, she had a bad face when she saw the other party, so she almost drove her away.

But Beauxbaton's headmaster, Ms. Maxim, seems to have ushered in the early spring. I don't know when she and Hagrid seem to get close. Qing Zhang and the others have seen them talking about something several times, and the atmosphere is not bad look.

However, Qing Zhang and the others wisely did not bother, nor did they make the matter known to everyone.

But Hagrid didn't know if he was in a hurry like Cedric before. When Qing Zhang and Hermione were reading in the library, he came over like a thief, and then hesitated for a long time. , Finally, he said that he wanted to ask Qing Zhang to help him, how to win the heart of a beautiful lady.

Qing Zhang rolled his eyes at that time, how did he know!?

What Cedric is after is a normal person, but what Hagrid wants to pursue is not to mention a half-blood giantess, Ms. Maxim is also the principal of a magic school, how can he Qing Zhang help you catch him? !?

Seeing that Qing Zhang was unwilling to help, Hagrid also secretly told him that if he could help, he would reveal some information about the first project, but Qing Zhang and the others had to promise not to tell others.

Hearing this, Hermione, who was a little unhappy and impatient, rushed ahead of Qing Zhang to help him make the decision and agreed, and then signaled Qing Zhang, the great lover, to perform.

Qing Zhang rubbed his brows and said, "Well, first of all, Hagrid, you'd better not mention half-giant-related things, you may not mind, but half-breed people are not recognized or even discriminated against by the general public, and Mark Ms. Sim is still the principal of a school, if you say something like a half-blood giant, there is absolutely no possibility for you, and all the original goodwill will be deducted."

Hagrid froze for a moment, as if he didn't understand. Hermione couldn't stand it, and said, "You should respect the other party, and don't you know if you have ever been discriminated against!? Leaving aside, Malfoy is How about when you are in class, you will never forget, do you think Ms. Maxim is not respected by students and their parents just like you!?"

Compared with the house elves, Hermione sympathized with these discriminated hybrids more. They suffered more unfair treatment, and they were obviously closer to humans, and their interests did not conflict. They could be regarded as one of the branches of a whole.

Qing Zhang saw that Hagrid still didn't understand, but after promising to be cautious in his words and deeds, he took out a book he bought in the Muggle world to deal with Cedric, a book called "One Hundred Ways of Begging Girls"

How to please the child" was handed over to Hagrid, a big fool, "This was originally intended for Cedric, but now he doesn't need it, so I'll send it to you. You can go back and study it carefully."

Read it, it will definitely be rewarding.

Hagrid's eyes widened, and he took the "Bible" carefully, with tears streaming down his face, "Thank you, I will definitely read it carefully, when my business is done, by the way,

You Xia people need to set up a banquet to entertain your relatives and friends, I will treat you well. "

Qing Zhang nodded dully, "Whatever you like, as long as you're happy."

After Hagrid got the Bible, he wanted to go back to study right away, but before he left, he remembered the reward he had promised before.

He remembered.

He said in a low voice, "It's a dragon. I can say too much. Anyway, you can figure out your own way. I didn't even say Harry."

Seeing Hagrid leaving in a hurry, Hermione's mind went blank, "What!?"

"Dumbledore and the others are crazy!? Even adult wizards dare not say that they can handle it easily!?"

"Keep your voice down Hermione, and that's a tuatara not a dragon."

"It's time like this, you're too calm, idiot!" Hermione was annoyed by Qing Zhang's reaction, "No, I have to find out how to kill the dragon, don't bother me, go

twenty one

Qing Zhang: "..11

Looking at Hermione who was running to find a book, Qing Zhang stretched out Erkang's hand, with a helpless expression on his face, it was really just a big lizard. .

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