Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1078 Qing·Zhang: Your Stink Of Talking To People In The Toilet Needs To Be Corrected!

In fact, Hagrid's words can only be trusted.

Of course it's not because he reminded that there is only "dragon" and the word "fire" is missing in front of it, such a meaningless thing.


On the second day, Sunday, Qing Zhang and Hermione keenly noticed that the other three warriors were also unexpectedly easy to learn, found a stack of books in the library, and then found a place far away from the others Flipping through it, it is Harry who knows least about disguise.

Because of the books Harry found, there are: "The Man Who Dotes on Fire Dragons", "Basic Charms to Deal with Hyperactive and Fidgety Animals", "Fire Dragons Are Treasures-" and so on.

It is very purposeful, and at first glance, it is to look up information related to fire dragons.

Like Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum, they are much smarter. They found a bunch of books with everything in them, making it difficult to tell what they really want to do and what they want to find!?

On this point, Qing Zhang and Hermione were similar to Furong and the others. After all, they had promised Hagrid not to let more people know, especially that he would leak the secret.

Unfortunately, judging from the current situation, it seems that there is no need to keep it secret.

"Hagrid lied to us!?" The little witch Hermione puffed up her cheeks and closed a book, her face full of annoyance.

Qing Zhang waved his hand, "How is it possible? It's not like you don't know that Hagrid doesn't know how to lie at all. If he had that ability, he wouldn't have been nearly executed for his horse and beast last school year." gone."

"Probably the information was told to them secretly by their respective teachers, just like us, that's why they did so much cover-up and found so many messy books to confuse the audiovisual. Think about it, Ms. Maxim often checks on her Isn't it normal for those cart horses to look for Hagrid, come and go, and see those 'props' that have been smuggled in!?"

Hermione thought for a while, and found that it might be what Qing Zhang said, "But, why didn't the professor come to us!? Did they forget!?"

While talking, Hermione secretly glanced at Harry Potter who was scratching his head. Harry didn't seem to be going well.

Of course, Hermione is not concerned about whether Harry is going well or not. Although she and Harry are both Gryffindor classmates, because of Ron, the relationship can be said to be not much better than that of strangers, especially Last school year, because of the incident between Crookshanks and Ron, there was a very unpleasant quarrel, and Hermione also felt a little displeased with Harry, Ron's best friend.

Now Hermione is a little worried about whether the professors are also influenced by the first "Daily Prophet" and don't want to see Qing Zhang. Otherwise, how could Harry know that the first project is related to the fire dragon? I'm afraid the professors told each other of.

But their side is the information obtained in exchange for a shady deal with Hagrid. If Hagrid hadn't found it yesterday, they might not know when they would have known the news. And Hermione was sure that the professors would not hand Hagrid this kind of thing that needed to be kept secret and not be known by everyone, and he would always end up making the matter known to everyone, if there was no one to help.

And now, Harry has started to find a way to deal with the fire dragon by himself, but until now, no non-Hagrid professor has come to them, which makes the little witch feel a little uneasy, and at the same time, a little resentful. Feel wronged and angry for Qing Zhang.

Qing Zhang knows that Hermione has misunderstood. In fact, the professor did not tell Harry and Cedric in the original plot. The Hogwarts professors couldn't hide the fact that they were brought to Hogwarts ahead of schedule, but they just couldn't tell their participating students.

Otherwise, when the time comes to play under the watchful eyes of so many people, if one's own warrior looks like he knows that he is not surprised at all, and seems to have a winning chance, he will definitely be criticized. This is also the reason why Beauxbaton and Durmstrang obviously obtained useful information by themselves in advance. This is a commendable thing, but they still ask their own warriors to keep it secret, just to cheat Hogwarts. Together, they turned Hogwarts' advantages into disadvantages.

Let Qing Zhang and Harry, who were supposed to enjoy the benefits of this game, fall into a helpless situation, really can only rely on individuals.

"So... I misunderstood, but what happened to Harry!?" After listening to Qing Zhang's analysis, Hermione also believed more than half of it, and her anger was much less, but I'm still a little confused why Harry can know, he won't also have the ability to see things!?

No one believes that Harry can obtain information on his own without being discovered. Even though many adult wizards are indeed a bit useless, professional professionals who work with dragons are definitely not useless at all. These dangerous creatures live together in the wild. If you don’t have the slightest bit of vigilance, you may die hundreds of times early. Don’t think that if you raise a dragon, the dragon will obey you. This is a very rare situation.

Dragons are the proudest creatures, and if you want them to be obedient, you must prove that you are stronger than them, and you are so powerful that the gap cannot be made up.

Therefore, these wizards who take care of the dragon have to arrange people to patrol and watch at night, for fear that they will enter the belly of the dragon if they close their eyes.

As for the dragon's sense of smell, even if Harry had an invisibility cloak, it was impossible not to be discovered. The invisibility cloak is not so magical, it can even eliminate the smell.

"We'll have to ask Harry, but I don't think he'll tell us." Qing Zhang shrugged, although in the original plot, Harry found out by accident, but in fact it's impossible, as Hermione analyzed In that way, even if Harry owns the top-notch invisibility cloak, it's useless. He can hide from the wizards, but he can't hide from those big lizards, otherwise the Goblin Bank wouldn't be raising a giant dragon underground.

I'm afraid, it was Dumbledore who made a secret move so that Harry could not be discovered by anyone.

This old bee likes to stare at Harry all day long, playing his savior-growing game, so whoever has a strong relationship with Harry will be unlucky, I'm afraid it's what you're doing all day, the old wizard is watching , After all, no one knows that the headmaster of Hogwarts can enjoy that level of authority, maybe he can always know where everyone in Hogwarts castle is!?

Of course, it is impossible for Hermione to ask Harry. As Qing Zhang said, Harry will never tell them. If Harry wanted to share information, he would have come and secretly told them. Since he didn't have it, it means he doesn't have it intention.

There is nothing to say about this. After all, they are both classmates and competitors now. Sending information to the opponent is a bit brain-dead, let alone more than three years.

The number of times Qing Zhang and Harry have spoken can be counted on one hand, and the relationship is not bad or bad.

There is a saying, "a familiar stranger".

"Let's go back with the books first... His members of the Starchaser Club will come over soon, chattering and annoying..."

Hermione, who no longer looked at Harry, curled her lips from Viktor Krum, who was hiding in the farthest corner, and muttered in a low voice.

Sure enough, when they left the library, a group of girls led some young boys and walked past them on tiptoe. One of them had this Bulgarian scarf tied around his waist

Then there's the routine Mrs. Pince's Lion Roar, and kicks the hardcore guys out of the library because they're so loud "The City Library is a quiet place.

One thing that Qing Zhang and Hermione both guessed wrong is that Harry doesn't seem to intend to eat alone. This boy may have many shortcomings. Although he always does some unpleasant things, his essence is not bad , just lacks a reliable adult discipline.

As for being sensitive, this is probably a problem that every orphan who has no father or mother will have.

The next Monday, the day before the first event of the competition, Harry didn't know how long he had been lying in wait in the men's room, and finally waited for Qing Zhang to go by himself, and passed the information that the first event was the fire dragon. It was conveyed to Qing Zhang.

Fortunately, boys don't go to the toilet together like girls, otherwise Harry might wait until the sea is dry and rocks die, and he won't be able to wait for a chance to be alone with Qing Zhang, thinking that God will cast a spell on Qing Zhang without anyone knowing it. It is obviously unrealistic for Qing Zhang to think that this is an accident and separate from his friends.

Although Qing Zhang knew the content a long time ago, he was a little surprised that Harry did not choose to hide it but shared it. You must know that the relationship between Qing Zhang and Harry is much different than that between Cedric and Harry in the original book. Harry's relationship is even worse. It can be said that it is a little bad. If Ron has not had any conflicts with Harry, he must have pulled Harry to sneer at this time. There are absolutely not a few good words. Who let Qing Zhang and He Min came close.

0 looking for flowers...

"Aren't you afraid...uh...I mean surprised!? There are four fire dragons, and each of us needs to deal with one." Harry also seemed to find that Qing Zhang was a little too calm, and couldn't help asking .

Qing Zhang scratched his face, of course he would not be so stupid as to tell the truth, but he did have a much better impression of Harry, and he felt that the boy could still be saved, provided that Dumbledore stopped playing his tricks, Otherwise, in the future, he will either become the next noseless Tom or a reckless bastard who only acts on his own preferences.

"Actually, Hagrid told us, but he made us promise not to disclose it to others, and you and Hagrid have such a good relationship, I thought he had already told you..

Between being pitted by Hagrid and pitting Hagrid, Qing Zhang chooses to pit Hagrid, leaving the problem to Hagrid to solve by himself.

It's not that Qing Zhang is deliberately trying to drive a wedge between them, but that the matter itself is that Hagrid is dishonest. Don't think about it, if Qing Zhang knew that the information was leaked in the end, he would definitely be detained at that time Putting on the hat of "selfishness and disregarding the overall situation", but he and Hermione agreed that Hagrid would not disclose it to others, making both of them inhuman.

So this must be Hagrid's fault. He revealed it to Qing Zhang and the others, so it doesn't matter if he revealed the information to Harry. You can't say that you gave the information to the Eight-Power Allied Forces The Imperial Japanese Army is not a traitor, is it!?

To be honest, it was Hagrid himself, Qing Zhang and Hermione who kept their promises, and they really did not expect that Hagrid would really choose to keep it a secret from Harry. Anyone with a discerning eye can see how good the relationship between them is.

Harry's face twitched, obviously unable to calm down, "or... maybe he hasn't had time yet... I think..."

Seeing Harry who was not confident at all, Qing Zhang patted him on the shoulder, "Don't think too much, if the truth knows the truth, just ask Hagrid directly, and say sorry to him by the way, after all I have broken the agreement with him, I hope he will not blame me for breaking my promise."

Since Harry is willing to share information with him, Qing Zhang also accepted the favor, "Talk about the fire dragon, if you don't know how to deal with it, I can give you a little advice——Don't forget you It's Gryffindor

The most powerful Seeker, that clumsy lizard may not be as flexible as you. 11

"Professors can't really ask the warriors to kill the dragon, unless someone is willing to see the "Daily Prophet" appearing in the "Daily Prophet" for so many years.

This is no longer the era of mixed blood and barbarism hundreds of years ago.

Harry opened his mouth, a little surprised, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that Qing Zhang's analysis made sense, and nodded, "Thank you, I have searched a lot of books, you and Hermione may

Already seen it, but I have to say, I'm not good at it, so I haven't gained much so far other than some useless new knowledge. "

When he knew that he needed to face the fire dragon, Harry was really frightened. He even wanted to ask his godfather for help, but considering that Sirius Black had been in Azkaban for many years

His body was broken and he had to receive treatment with peace of mind, so he didn't send the letter.

What's worse, because of the conflict with Ron, now he doesn't know who to talk to!?

Ron's jealousy was a little unreasonable, and Harry felt that he should believe in himself instead of suspecting that it was unethical for him to hide his secrets and not share with him the way to become a warrior, which made Harry very sad.

They had been inseparable for more than three years, but they were even closer than brothers, yet they couldn't get any trust in the end.

"Alright, talk to Hagrid, I don't think there should be other reasons why he doesn't regard you as a friend, don't let yourself regret it later, the best way to resolve misunderstandings is to be honest.

That's all I want to say, I need convenience, can you leave for a while!?" Qing Zhang felt a little uncomfortable holding back his urine, Harry, a bastard, didn't know who to talk to

I learned to talk to someone in the toilet, awesome five. .

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