On Tuesday, Hogwarts only had less than half a day of class, and the class was completely suspended before noon. The professors allowed all the students in the school to have time to go to the fire dragon enclosure that had been built earlier.

It's hard to believe that this building, like the ancient Roman arena, appeared overnight. In this regard, wizards are indeed much better than Muggles. It is also impossible.

Professor Sprout led Qing Zhang to the competition venue early, and at the same time said a lot of things to let Qing Zhang not be nervous, but from Qing Zhang's point of view, this pudgy witch seemed to be more powerful than his client. Be more nervous.

"Don't worry, professor! In my hometown, there has always been a saying [We are the descendants of real dragons], we will not be afraid of fire dragons." Qing Zhang comforted her dean in a low voice, Not afraid of being heard.

"You know!?" Professor Sprout was a little surprised. He didn't seem to expect that Qing Zhang would know the content of the first project. God knows how she was still worrying about how to send the information without violating the regulations. Woolen cloth!?

There's no way too many eyes are on them, especially that obnoxious Rita Skeeter and her photographer lover, who almost have eyes on them.

"Although the professors deliberately arranged the course so that we have no chance to discover the fire dragon in advance, it is too obvious that "eight or nine zero" is too obvious. Anyone who is willing will find it." Qingzhang smiled and said, since the fire dragon came After that, Hogwarts did not have a class from Hagrid, and the professor did not punish the students to go to the Forbidden Forest. This is all traceable.

It's just that most people don't pay attention to it. As for how to find out that it's a fire dragon, it's easier. Everyone knows where the secret is hidden. Some people with strong curiosity will naturally go back and explore. There is always a way to see something. , No matter how well the confidentiality work is done, it cannot prevent endless inquiries.

Qing Zhang would bet that Harry was definitely not the only one who discovered the existence of the fire dragon in advance, but the others did not have Harry's invisibility cloak, nor Dumbledore's escort, so they were discovered and had to sign a non-disclosure agreement. nothing more.

If you pay close attention, you will find that the Weasley twins have not been active since the day they signed up, and there is very little news about them. This in itself is an abnormal signal

Professor Sprout looked very relieved at his outstanding student, "It seems that I am overthinking, but if you find that you can't do it, you don't have to be brave. I believe you have a better future, not Stop there, my boy."

"Okay, I can't waste too much time, the other warriors should have arrived, we have to hurry up, don't be rude."

Withdrawing the hand that was stroking Qing Zhang's head, Professor Sprout felt a lot more relaxed. She led Qing Zhang to speed up the pace. They walked around the edge of the Forbidden Forest and walked towards the place where the fire dragon was.

There was a grove of trees, and a large tent was erected in the cleared space to block the dragons, and the entrance of the tent faced them.

"Go in, Zhang. I can only send you here, I wish you good luck." Professor Sprout stopped and said with a slight smile.

"Well, I will, I wish you a happy professor." Qing Zhang walked into the entrance, waved at Professor Sprout who hadn't left yet and said with a smile.

After finishing these, Qing Zhang walked in without further delay.

Fleur Delacour sat on a low wooden stool in a corner. She was not at all as calm as usual, she looked very pale and sickly

Viktor Krum looked more gloomy than usual, with a low air pressure all over his body, maybe it was an illusion, Qing Zhang found that his calf was trembling, but it was only a small amount.

As for Harry, well, Harry hasn't come yet.

I hope the previous hints are enough. Without Hermione's brain, to be honest, whether Harry can think of using the Flying Curse is still a question. If he is not afraid of hurting Harry's self-esteem, Qing Zhang may directly feed the answer into his mouth, but it won't work, it will definitely make you more unhappy in the end.

For example, Draco Malfoy will not let go of ridiculing that Harry is not a real warrior at all, and it is too bad that he needs a competitor to help him solve his problems. In this way, one can imagine what will happen in the future.

So sometimes if you want to help others, you can't really send the Buddha to the west, that will only be self-defeating, just like a school teacher who will not post the answer in front of you, but teach you the way to solve the problem.

Qing Zhang blinked and found a seat to sit down. Since no one wants to talk, he should be a quiet and handsome man.

Not long after, Harry also came in. Qing Zhang could see that he was still nervous, but he didn't have a pale face, his legs were weak and he couldn't walk, it seemed that he had an idea to solve the problem.

Qing Zhang smiled at Harry, and didn't say anything to him. Harry didn't seem to want to talk, so he smiled back, and found a seat to sit down.

Bagman, who had been standing inside for a long time, turned his head at this moment, "Harry! That's great! Come in, come in, relax, just like being at home!"

I'm afraid he was the only one in the audience who felt the most relaxed. Standing among those pale warriors, he looked like a big cartoon character. At this time, he put on the old Hornets uniform again, looking a little funny.

"Okay, everyone is here now—it's time to tell you about the situation!" Bagman said cheerfully, "When the audience is assembled, I will pass this bag to each of you in turn."

As he spoke, he lifted up a purple silk bag and shook it, motioning for everyone to take a closer look.

"You pick out little models of the thing you're each going to face! They come in different...um...kinds. I have one more thing to tell you...ah, yes. ...Your task is to pick up the golden eggs!"

Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum's faces were turning green at this moment, and they didn't speak, because they were afraid that they would vomit out.

Maybe he was already imagining what would happen to him when he was treated as an egg thief by the fire dragon.

Harry's face didn't look much better, he even wanted to cry, compared to the other three who at least came to the competition voluntarily, he was forced to come up, it's not too miserable.

I hope that the so-called "golden egg" will not be too big or heavy, otherwise he will die.

Qing Zhang frowned. He found that after he approached, those fire dragons seemed to be unnervingly quiet. He didn't know if others had noticed, but he found that the fire dragon hadn't made a sound for a long time.

"It's not good...these magical creatures are too sensitive, and they have to find a way to hide their aura." Qing Zhang was a little scared. He stayed too long, and the four fire dragons were scared to death. Too sinful.

You must know that Qing Zhang seldom goes near the Forbidden Forest because of this. Those giant acromantids have moved several times, migrating all the way to the deeper part of the Forbidden Forest. This scares them more than the appearance of the basilisk. Qing Zhang couldn't help but smile bitterly, why should he be so nervous if he doesn't eat spiders!?

As for unicorns and centaurs, Qing Zhang, a traveler, has never seen them before.

As this weird atmosphere continued, it didn't take long before the sound of hundreds of feet walking through the tent came from outside, and the owners of the feet were chatting excitedly, joking...that heartless joy The appearance of the tent is in sharp contrast with the inside of the tent..0

After hearing the sound, Fu Rong and the others seemed to have heard the signal of execution, and their faces turned white again, but Bagman smiled more cheerfully [he has already begun to untie the purple silk bag.

Lady first. ’ He handed the bag to Fleur Delacour.

Furong is about to cry, it is really unnecessary for ladies to be the priority at this time.

She reached into the cloth bag with a trembling hand, and took out a small, lifelike model of a dragon—a Welsh green dragon with a number tied around its neck: number two.

When it was Krum's turn, he pulled out the bright red Xia Guo fireball with the number three tied around his neck. Without even blinking his eyes, he just sat down and stared at the ground in a daze.

When it came to Qing Zhang, he didn't think much about it, and directly took out one of the remaining two models. To him, these big lizards were all the same, and he had to kneel down and beg them not to die when he punched them down.

I didn't expect that it would be the same silver-blue Swedish short-snosed dragon as the original Cedric, with the number one tied around its neck. This made Qing Zhang suspect that this had been decided long ago, otherwise why didn't there be any changes!?

Harry had no choice but the Hungarian Horntail, number four. The model dragon spread its wings and exposed its tiny fangs, which was not cute at all. It could be seen that this guy was definitely extremely ferocious, and Harry was thinking about how much he could eat from it.

"Okay, you all got it!" Bagman took back the cloth bag and looked at the models in everyone's hands and said, "You have all drawn the fire dragon you are going to face, and the numbers on your necks are the order in which you fight the fire dragons , Do you understand!? Well, I'm going to leave you for a while now, because I have to explain to the audience. Mr. Zhang, you are the first one, you walked into that field as soon as you heard the whistle, you understand! ?So.....Harry.....Can I have a few words with you!? Come outside!?'

As he spoke, he pulled the somewhat reluctant Harry out of the tent, not giving Harry a chance to refuse.

After watching Bagman lead Harry away, Fu Rong said to Qing Zhang, "Need me to introduce you to the Swedish Short-Snouted Dragon, little brother!?"

Qing Zhang shrugged, "No need, big sister."

Although Fu Rong's face was still a bit grim, but at this moment, she pretended to be calm, "Oh, that's a pity, but have you thought of a way!? I might as well tell you that fire dragons are immortal against egg thieves."

When the word "death" was mentioned, she visibly flinched. After all, she was just a student who was about to graduate, and she had only heard about fire dragons before, but she had never seen them before, and those big guys looked very strange. horrible.

Especially thinking that a mixed-blood wizard like her with a quarter of Veela blood may be the most attractive food in the eyes of these big murderers. Others don't know what will happen, but Furong is sure that when she faces the fire dragon , it will not be easy.

In fact, Ms. Maxim had already revealed to her that the first project was a fire dragon, but she didn't think of a good way. There are some ways that other wizards can say, but if she comes, it will be greatly discounted. If she is facing a hero She may still try to charm the dragon, but if it is a female dragon, Furong can guarantee that she will die a miserable death.

I hope her preparation will be of some use, otherwise... I can only give up the first game.

Qing Zhang could see that Fu Rong was just nervous and wanted to talk to someone, so she chatted with the other party to pass the time. Speaking of which, he was the first one to play, should I pretend to be scared!?

Forget it, it's too much trouble. .

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