Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1082 The Honest People Who Have Been Bullied!

On the night after the first competition ended, the deans of the four colleges gathered in the headmaster's office to question Dumbledore. Of course, the main ones who came to question were Minerva McGonagall and Pomona Sprout. Professor, Professor Filius Flitwick is here for the show, and Professor Severus Snape is here for the joke.

As soon as the four of them entered the door, they saw the old bee Dumbledore eating candy heartlessly, and they frowned slightly.

Professor McGonagall walked over directly and said angrily, "Albus, I think you have to give us an explanation."

"Is there anything to explain, as I said earlier, this old bee's mind is full of molasses, and in his heart only Potter is his student." Snape sneered, Dumbledore's partiality didn't happen once or twice Now, but if everyone made the same mistake as Harry Potter, they would have been expelled from school long ago, so why is there such a big event every year!?

Even if you don’t talk about Harry Potter, didn’t Dumbledore favor Gryffindor students when Snape was in school!? How Snape targets Gryffindor students in class now is completely wrong Learned from Dumbledore, of course, compared to the hypocritical Dumbledore, Snape didn't even bother to put on some superficial work.

Hate is hate.

Professor Sprout didn't speak, but she kept staring at Dumbledore. It was obvious that this chubby witch, who had always been low-key and unassuming, was really angry at this moment. It was scary for an honest man to get angry.

If Dumbledore can't give her a satisfactory explanation, she will definitely let Dumbledore know how terrible it is to offend a master magic plant and Hufflepuff.

"Calm down, let's listen to what Dumbledore said first, maybe he has his own reasons." Flitwick came out to smooth things over at this time, especially persuading Professor McGonagall

The dean from Gryffindor was the most irritable in the room.

"I'm calm." Professor McGonagall said flatly, but still stared at Dumbledore with a straight face.

"Would you like some chocolate? Sweets will make you feel good." Dumbledore smiled and looked at the four deans who came to question the teacher.

"No need." The four coldly rejected 600's offer.

Seeing this, Dumbledore was not reluctant, he took off his glasses, took out a handkerchief and wiped it slowly, "Okay, I will give you a satisfactory explanation...

"Ah!" Only Snape sneered when he heard the words, he knew that Dumbledore would definitely quibble, it was like this every time.

Thinking of the tragic death of Lily, Snape's eyes were full of gloom.

The only children born in the prophecy were Longbottom and Potter. Snape didn't think there was any place safer than staying with Dumbledore, but in fact, neither of the two families was sheltered. Are these people under my nose!?

No, this lunatic may be testing the authenticity of the prophecy and trying to rewrite fate.

Or, he had other thoughts, but it was beyond Snape's guess.

But compared to Dumbledore, Snape is more ruthless than James Potter and Voldemort. One of these two people failed to protect Lily and keep her away from danger, and the other killed her, and he will also be named Severus. Snape's men killed.

Now he is just an Avenger.

Dumbledore didn't seem to hear Snape's sneer. After putting on his glasses again, he said, "I'm protecting Zhang. He's special, isn't he!?"

"Protection!?" Professor Sprout couldn't bear it this time. She has never heard that treating students unfairly is protection. If so, can she also buckle Harry in class in the future? Points, hundreds of points will be deducted for a class!? After all, you Dumbledore treats Harry as a treasure and other students as grass, doesn’t he!?

She can also imitate it, "love" type of protection.

It turns out that Snape learned from you, the headmaster, it's awesome.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were also a little speechless, "Professor Dumbledore, are you serious!?"

Dumbledore said with sincerity in his eyes, "Of course [Minerva] I didn't (cach) lie." [Otto I will. )

"A little wizard who can subdue a fire dragon, do you know what this means!?"

Snape sneered again, "You don't want to say, what kind of blood does that kid have?!? Oh, I think you really should check if your brain is full of syrup. We will check every little wizard before entering school. It's been investigated, and his parents, and even his parents' parents, were Muggles, do I need to remind you of that, Professor!?"

"Thank you for your reminder, Severus, but I don't know about Alzheimer's yet, of course I know it, but no one knows if Zhang's ancestors were Muggles, right!? And the mysterious ancient East of Xia Kingdom is very Mysterious, Zhang, an oriental wizard living outside, is very valuable for research, which means that he may be in danger and being in the limelight is not a good thing."

Dumbledore looked at Professor Sprout and Professor McGonagall and said seriously, "And I just want to make his total score a little lower so that it won't be too noticeable. I didn't expect that other referees would give such a low score. Yes, that was my oversight."

Hearing that, Professor Sprout and Professor McGonagall felt less annoyed. To be honest, apart from Ms. Maxim and Mr. Crouch, Dumbledore's score is not too low, at least seven points. However, Ludo Bagman directly gave zero points, and Qing Zhang's total points could not be improved at all, and he was ranked last.

In terms of eccentricity, this Bagman is even more eccentric. He gave Harry a perfect score. Those who didn't know thought he was Harry's biological father, and the old king next door!

It's just that Dumbledore gave nine points to the other three warriors, but he gave Qing Zhang seven points. In addition, Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts, which makes it even more eye-catching.

Professor Sprout and the others can imagine that Rita Skeeter’s article will definitely be published in the Daily Prophet tomorrow, with the title already thought out, titled “Dumbledore Admits Hufflepuff’s Warrior Is A low-level fake warrior, only Potter is a real warrior", or "Just Dumbledore, or Crazy Dumbledore!?"

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

What's worse is that Hufflepuff, who has always been neutral in the school, is likely to favor Slytherin, and has been at odds with Gryffindor ever since, and even the smart Ravenclaw will choose to alienate Gryffindor, because in their eyes People who come to Gryffindor are too dishonest and selfish to understand collective honor.

It is foreseeable that the previously harmonious campus atmosphere may be gone forever.

Dumbledore seemed to see the worries of Professor McGonagall and the others, and he said, "I will solve it, don't worry, that kind of situation will not happen if I am here, I will explain it to everyone tomorrow, it is not that I am targeting Zhang... ...Of course I'll have another reason."

It's a pity that Professor Sprout and the others were not completely relieved. Although Dumbledore's reasons just now were reasonable, they all began to have some estrangement from Dumbledore, and they no longer trusted Dumbledore as much as before.

If it is true what Dumbledore said, when he finds that Fleur and Krum's scores are too high, he should also lower Harry's score, which makes him appear impartial and impartial. He deducted one point from Harry. This distinction was a bit too obvious, and Dumbledore's reason for protection seemed a bit too far-fetched.

Because this is equivalent to roasting Qing Zhang on the fire, and it is more eye-catching than winning the first place. Is it really "protecting"!?

It is precisely because Dumbledore is avoiding the most important things that the four deans lack trust in him. Dumbledore explained, but it seems that he did not fully explain, which made them trust each other as before.

After Professor McGonagall and the others left, the portraits of past principals hanging in the principal's room began to whisper.

Many principals looked at Dumbledore with scrutiny, as if they suspected that the other party was sent by other schools, just to make Hogwarts completely decline, and if you think about it, you will find that since Dumbledore became the principal In the end, there were really not a few graduates who achieved any fame, and they were all very mediocre.

If these principals have seen Naruto, they will doubt whether Dumbledore is a copy of the third generation of Naruto.

Dumbledore ignored these gazes, he came to the window and looked out at Hogwarts in the dark night, "Let me see if you are the second Tom...

He whispered, the voice was so small that even he couldn't hear it clearly, but his eyes were very profitable at the moment. ,

On the other side, in the Hufflepuff common room, each and every Hufflepuff student was very silent, without the usual vitality at all, and everyone sat silently.

I don't know how long it took before someone finally spoke, it was Ernie McMillan, "I always thought that Dumbledore didn't discriminate against us, but I didn't expect that he seemed to dislike us Hufflepuff even more than Professor Snape No wonder he looked so happy when Harry's name came out of the Goblet of Fire, declaring Harry a champion regardless of other people's opinions."

The little wizard who admired Dumbledore in the past is dead now, and Ernie feels very aggrieved.

As a Hufflepuff warrior, Qing Zhang represents all Hufflepuffs, but now that he has been dismissed like this, all the little badgers have a fire in their hearts. Just now they ate half of the dinner in the auditorium No more.

After all, Gryffindor celebrated Harry happily one by one, which made Hufflepuff students feel humiliated from top to bottom.

In particular, Ludo Bagman gave Qing Zhang zero points, but gave Harry full marks, which made Hufflepuff feel that people all over the world were targeting them.

Could it be that being able to subdue the fire dragon without fighting is better than fleeing in embarrassment under the pursuit of the fire dragon!?

If what Bagman gave Hufflepuff was humiliation, then Dumbledore's dishonesty completely ignited Hufflepuff's anger. All Hufflepuff put down their knives, forks and chopsticks, and stared at the noise Gryffindor left the Great Hall.

Some little witches in the lower grades even started to cry. This was too much, and they were all bullying these honest Hufflepuffs.

Qing Zhang couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene. To be honest, he felt that Lao Deng was a little baffled. This kind of coquettish operation at this time was to force him to lead the unfairly treated Hufflepuff to be the third generation of Dark Lord. !?

This is the situation of that idiot Voldemort back then. There are only so many pure-blood wizards and Hufflepuffs. It can be said that in the entire British wizarding world, wizards born in Hufflepuffs account for seven-tenths of the whole. Believe it or not Qing· Zhang Yi waved his hand, now the Ministry of Magic needs to change its head!?

It’s not that Qing Zhang is joking, if the Daily Prophet really dares to mess around tomorrow, there will be chaos inside and outside the school, and there is no need for Qing Zhang to express his opinion, these Hufflepuffs who have been treated unfairly will explode, and want to I know that not everyone outside is living a happy life, especially there are so many Hufflepuff-born wizards, and most of them may still be at the bottom. Now that this kind of scandal is happening, I am afraid that these people will really make all their mistakes It was thrown to the current authorities, and then a wave of peasant uprisings came.

The only thing missing is being a leader.

"Professor Sprout has gone to ask Principal Dumbledore, and I believe there will be an answer soon. Don't think too much." What Qing Zhang can do now is of course to comfort these injured little badgers up.

You can't really just wave your hand and shout, "The prince and general have a kindness"!?

Come on, he just came to school. .

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