Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1083 The Incomprehensible Dumbledore!

People's joys and sorrows are inseparable.

Gryffindor, who only cared about his own happiness, didn't even notice that the Hufflepuffs left suddenly during the dinner, and they didn't see the weird eyes from the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Leigh Porter, their hero, proved himself through the first event and finished second.

One must know that if Karkaroff hadn't given Krum a perfect score, maybe Harry would have been number one. After all, Krum lost an ordinary real dragon egg and didn't even have a chance to save it. This is absolutely necessary. If everyone is deducted points, then there is no need to continue the game.

This time it was the dragon egg that was destroyed, so is it okay to implicate the audience in casualties next time!?

Even Ron approached Harry again, and it seemed that there were signs of reconciliation with him, which made Harry very happy. Not to mention that his good friend returned to him, he also passed the first project

And the second project will have to be faced after three months.

That's simply not good enough.

Originally, he thought that he was really bad, that he would not even be able to break through the first project. Everyone said it was difficult and dangerous, but he managed to get the golden egg from under the eyes of the fire dragon.

This made Harry a little bit elated, just like participating in Quidditch for the first time, finding the Golden Snitch first in the game, and winning the game for the academy.

Of course, not every Gryffindor is intoxicated in the sea of ​​joy, Hermione was a little depressed, she didn't even go to the surprise party prepared by Fred and George with food stolen from the kitchen, and stayed alone In the dormitory, buried in reading.

No, in the end, I simply buried myself under the blanket to isolate the sound from outside.

It’s not that Hermione doesn’t want to go to Qing Zhang, it’s just that, as a Gryffindor, it’s awkward for her to go to the Hufflepuff common room. After all, Harry is a warrior of Gryffindor. She said Mission comfort and so-called fair words will seem a bit ironic.

Over the years, Hermione has also grown a lot, at least in terms of people's sophistication, she is very different from the original one, her emotional intelligence has become higher, and she knows what to say on which occasions.

What troubles Hermione is that she doesn't know if this will affect the relationship between her and Hufflepuff friends. If Hermione's friends in Hogwarts really count, only Hufflepuff students.

Gryffindors are full of boozy friends. If something happens, the first one will not be on Hermione's side. It's like last school year when Ron lost his mouse. Everyone speaks for Ron, even if they know It's not about Hermione's Crookshanks, but she still doesn't think she should have a cat.

This is a bit ridiculous, mice are so dirty, you like it, but she can’t keep cats, what kind of reason is this!? And owls also eat mice, why don’t you drive away all the owls in the school!?

Ever since such a thing happened, Hermione gave up the idea of ​​further developing a relationship with her classmates in her college. This kind of practice of putting a hot face on a cold ass, and she has to bow her head and lick her face to make friends when she is right, makes her She felt a little cheap and unworthy.

In many fan fictions, there are people who think that Gryffindor students are very righteous and friends, but from the original novel, Harry has been betrayed by such "friends" more than once. When in doubt, alienate you, instead of standing by your side to support you.

The betrayal of Peter Pettigrew is actually not incomprehensible. After all, Gryffindor is like this. What they trust is not their companions and friends, but themselves. They are too proud to be arrogant, and they feel that everyone should surround them If you turn around on your own, naturally you won't have any sincerity.

It is most appropriate to describe this kind of classmate relationship as "drinking friends". Only when they do bad things together will they appear united.

Regarding Hermione's incompatibility, and not attending the celebration party at this time, Ron curled his lips and said a few unpleasant words, and then he didn't take it seriously, let alone whether Hermione would attend their party or not. I don't care about it, delicious food is the most important thing.

"Haha, Harry, you didn't see how ugly Malfoy's face was when your total score came out. They took off the badge wearing 'Support Qing Zhang' on their robes and threw it away. It's so funny." Ron was very happy, he couldn't understand Draco Malfoy, no, as long as he was a sexual Malfoy, he couldn't understand it.

Harry also smiled when he heard that, he remembered Malfoy's previous teacher wearing the badge that could be turned into "Potter's stinking shit" and walked around on his face. Being deflated, it put Harry in a great mood.

The Weasley twins even told Harry that they wrote to their mother about the results of Harry's competition. Mrs. Weasley seemed very happy for Harry, but she still told Harry to be safe.

"Oh my god, it's pretty heavy." Lee Jordan took Harry's golden egg on the table, weighed it in his hands and said, "Open it up, Harry! Let's see what's inside."

"Okay, come on, Harry, open it!" echoed the others, all eager to see what was inside.

Lee handed the golden egg to Harry, and Harry dug his fingernail into the ring of grooves on the golden egg and smashed it.

It was empty, and there was nothing there - but the moment Harry opened it, a terrifying, piercing scream filled the room. Harry had heard a similar sound before at Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday party, the noise of a band of ghosts playing with a musical saw.

This made the Gryffindor students who participated in the party cover their ears one by one, and rolled on the ground, some of them even fainted, which shows how terrifying this horrible noise is.

"Shut it!" Fred yelled, putting his hands over his ears.

Harry also suppressed the discomfort and slammed the golden egg shut. He felt that he couldn't hear anything now.

"What's that!?" Seamus Finnigan stared at the golden egg and asked with lingering fear, "It's like the cry of a female ghost......Harry, you may have to pass a female ghost next time ,I guess!"

"It seems that someone is being tortured!" Neville said with a miserable face. He had scattered the sausage meat on the ground before, but now he didn't care to pick it up. He said worriedly, "Maybe what you have to deal with is Ruan Xin." Curse, Harry."

"Don't be silly, Neville, it's not legal, they can't cast the Cruciatus Curse on warriors. I think it sounds a bit like Percy singing... maybe you're going to attack him in the shower , Harry." George jokingly said, they have always looked down on Percy, the elder brother of the good baby, and will say bad things whenever they have the opportunity.

Fortunately, Percy had already graduated, otherwise he would have yelled at the twins to teach them a lesson.

0 looking for flowers......

In the end, everyone failed to discuss an answer that could convince everyone. As for letting them listen to that terrifying voice again, no one wanted to leave it to Harry to think about it slowly during these three months.

On Beauxbaton's side, after Fleur Delacour received the treatment, she also learned about the situation of the first event competition from other students. To be honest, she was a little dumbfounded, whether it was Qing Zhang's performance or His final score made her a little confused.

More importantly, she also noticed the jubilation at the Gryffindor table and the gloom at the Hufflepuff table. The disunity among the Hogwarts students also made her, an outsider, very surprised. sigh.

Of course, what Furong couldn't understand was the headmaster of Hogwarts, what was the famous Dumbledore thinking? Did he have any grudges against his students!? And he still showed it at this time, isn't it a little bit not too good!?

At the same time, Furong is very thankful that her headmaster is Ms. Maxim, at least she is clear-headed.

God knows, if Ms. Maxim gave Furong a low score at that time, Furong would have been hit hard and her heart would have collapsed, and she might have announced her withdrawal on the spot and left before she had no face to face the folks and elders.


Not to mention Beauxbaton's side, Durmstrang's side is similar, everyone thinks Dumbledore is old, suffering from some kind of geriatric disease, otherwise how could he do such a stupid thing!?

Is it just to tell them that even if Hogwarts has two warriors, it will not affect the fairness of the game!?

Then that abandoned student is really pitiful.

Why not pick just one warrior from the start!

And Barty Crouch Jr., who pretends to be Professor Moody, also has some doubts about what Dumbledore is planning to do!? He has some doubts whether this Dumbledore is also a fake

Someone else pretended to be!?

But compared to him, it's really not professional at all.

Of course, Barty Jr. doesn’t think that anyone can subdue Dumbledore and act as the opponent. He, Voldemort’s follower, knows how strong Dumbledore is. When Voldemort was at his peak, he was very afraid of this old man. So after more than ten years, Dumbledore is still a mountain that is difficult for any wizard to cross.

However, in order to prevent his plan with Voldemort from being affected, Barty Jr. still planned to observe Dumbledore to prevent any accidents. This Dumbledore was actually hired by Dumbledore to play him. The real Dumbledore From light to dark at this moment, perhaps they have been discovered.

To be honest, Barty Jr. was very worried about the killing of Bertha Jorkins. A wizard from the Ministry of Magic disappeared for no reason, which was enough to attract the attention of many people. What the master meant, little Barty had to scold others, because he was stupid.

Now Dumbledore's abnormality made Barty Jr. suspicious, thinking that Dumbledore had discovered something. To be honest, being able to rescue Peter Pettigrew so easily before was a very strange thing in itself.

The more he thought about it, the more disturbed a smart and cunning person like Barty was.

He didn't think that a well-known wizard like Dumbledore would target a young wizard. Maybe it was because the other party discovered something that he wanted the other party to withdraw from the competition, and maybe he didn't participate in the danger.

Although he was a little uneasy, Barty Jr. pretended to be Moody and remained calm, showing no flaws. .

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