Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1084 The Dazed People Are Poor People!

What is a bewildered person!?

The three-jumping old man Kevin counts as one, the Hanged Man in The Forbidden City counts as one, and of course Dumbledore in Harry Potter also counts as one.

Some people will never see others as they walk, and they will go all the way to the dark, and they still firmly believe that what they did is right, and it is okay to pay any price. One point is that they also clearly know that the innocent people they have sacrificed along the way are wrong, but for the sake of lofty ideals, all of this is worth it.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was apparently such a conflicted man.

When Dumbledore was young, he also had the ideal that wizards should rule the world.

When he was a teenager, he and his friend Gellert Grindelwald even planned some things about the uprising. The two had a good talk, and they also expected to go on a long trip to travel around and then do something about it. Their common philosophy at the time was "for the greater good".

But unlike Grindelwald who was alone, Albus Dumbledore had a family, and as the eldest brother, he had to take care of his younger siblings. His younger brother Aberforth was already very dissatisfied that he was tired of being with Grindelwald all day and neglected to take care of his family. In addition, he was going to abandon his family and leave completely, so Aberforth was completely angered , got into a fight with my brother and Grindelwald.

In the end, the brothers Dumbledore and Grindelwald fought against each other. During the process, Dumbledore's sister Ariana was hit by the scattered spell of the three and died.

Albus Dumbledore was saddened by the tragic death of his sister, gave up his ambitions, and parted ways with Grindelwald completely. At the same time, he also embarked on the path of the White Wizard, devoting his whole life to the cause of stopping the Black Wizard, the first The first-generation Dark Lord Grindelwald and the second-generation Dark Lord Voldemort were eventually directly and indirectly defeated by Albus Dumbledore.

This kind of life experience made him more and more aware of the terrible and harmfulness of ambition. It is not terrible for ordinary people to be mediocre. Grindelwald and Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Perhaps it was these two talented human wizards he had met before, and their actions had brought pain to the world and countless people, so when Dumbledore met a When he was able to compare with Grindelwald or surpass the former two little wizards, his uneasiness and vigilance rose to the extreme.

Moreover, when Qing Zhang appeared, he might not live long in his old age, and when he was cultivating his successor, Harry Potter, he might have sensed that this was destiny, just like the black-and-white confrontation between Dumbledore and Grindelwald back then. , it is very likely that the war between the next generation of white wizards and the Dark Lord was born on Harry Potter and Qing Zhang.

Because of this kind of conjecture, or the awe and confusion about fate, Dumbledore made a mistake. He gave Qing Zhang a "7" in the first event of the Triwizard Tournament, which can be said to be very low. Scores should not appear among the principal and his own students.

When Dumbledore came back to his senses, he couldn't change it anymore. Of course, he didn't think it was wrong to be wary of Qing Zhang, but regretted that he was too obvious, which was not conducive to subsequent temptations or guidance. I put myself completely on the opposite side of Qing Zhang, how can I make the other party trust me and accept my guidance!?

Unlike Harry, Qing Zhang has his own parents and family, and Dumbledore cannot be the only one in his heart and the light that lights up the way ahead. This is the biggest difference, and it is also why Dumbledore dare not fully trust Qing Zhang Zhang's reason.

So it is right to say that he is a bewildered person. He has been guarding this already fragile wizarding world all his life. When he was young, it was okay. He felt that he could do it, he could do it, and he could do it, but now, When he was old and tired, he saw a young wizard who might cause turmoil in the wizarding world again, and he did have a problem with his mentality.

From Dumbledore's point of view, no, rather from the point of view of any wizard, you can see that Qing Zhang is extraordinary, his future will not be ordinary, even if he wants to be ordinary, it is impossible, and such a person who is destined to be extraordinary A wizard, every move will cause the wizarding world and even the whole world to be in turmoil because of him.

If what he did was good, it would be fine, but what he did was "evil", then the world is destined to go into darkness in turmoil.

These are things that Dumbledore can’t tell McGonagall or others. After all, these are things that never happened. Because of things that didn’t happen, even Dumbledore would find it ridiculous to be wary of a little wizard at school. , If the person who did not do this was himself, he would definitely laugh out loud.

As a powerful wizard, Dumbledore has already been able to foresee that his own death is not far away. This is a very mysterious feeling, similar to a divination premonition. In the old saying of the East, it is "perceiving the destiny".

It is precisely because of this premonition that he intends to leave Voldemort as a sharpening stone for Harry Potter. In Dumbledore's view, Tom, the second-generation Dark Lord, is far worse than Gellert Grindelwald Yes, it doesn't matter whether it's strength or the level of thinking, but it's enough as a whetstone, and it can also let Harry see the darkness in the process, so that he won't easily go astray in the future.

No one would think that when Dumbledore discovered Voldemort's first horcrux, he would not know that the other party had made more horcruxes, and knowing that there were still horcruxes in the world, he would stay in the academy Let's find and destroy them!?

Did he even really not realize that something was wrong with the scar on Harry's head!?

It is definitely a stupid thing to underestimate a legendary wizard, just like the basilisk in the second grade, doesn’t he really know!? Then why didn’t a single student die!? Myrtle’s Has the cause of death really not been investigated!?

Be bold, and it is correct to regard the events of each school year as a training level for Harry to meditate on.

It is said that people become mature with age, and Dumbledore is more than one hundred and ten years old. Even if he is not a wizard, his wisdom cannot be underestimated at this age, not to mention that he is still a powerful wizard!?

The next day, at breakfast, there was a small meeting in the auditorium, and Dumbledore was going to explain everyone's confusion, which was notified by the heads of the various colleges to everyone before going to bed last night

So early in the morning, no matter whether there was class or not, everyone came to the auditorium and sat down at the long tables of their respective colleges, even the students of Beauxbaton and Durmstrang.

Those on the Slytherin side were gloating and whispering to each other, looking at Hufflepuff or Gryffindor from time to time, wondering what funny things they were talking about.

Laquenlaw's students were much quieter. They sat upright with their backs straight.

The Gryffindor students were all sluggish. Many of them were yawning and looked like they hadn't slept enough. After all, they had a celebration party in the common room last night and even drank alcohol. At this moment It's strange to have spirit.

In the end there is Hufflepuff, all of them are bitter and bitter at the moment, without the smiling faces of the past, any Hufflepuff student at this moment is a powder keg that will explode at one point, if anyone dares to make If something is not right, then there will definitely be a storm.

Qing Zhang sat in the crowd and glanced at the teaching desk over there. At this moment, Dumbledore and the others hadn't arrived yet, so he couldn't help but rubbed the center of his brows. He never thought it would turn out like this

From Qing Zhang's point of view, he and Dumbledore don't have much deep hatred. Is it necessary to make this situation!? And he doesn't like this small British wizarding world

No, it's better to say that these wizards are indeed all weird, and he feels tired just to take care of these guys..0

Ambition!? His ambition is the stars and the sea, well, of course not, he just wants to live a retired pastoral life, live comfortably by himself, and then his children and grandchildren can live comfortably up.

As for who rules the world and where wars broke out, these have nothing to do with him, as long as they don't offend him, he doesn't bother to care about them at all.

Perhaps just as Dumbledore was worried, then Qing Zhang has no ideas and the strength that Guang also possesses, so he will not be allowed to ignore it, and someone will involve him in the vortex.

However, these Qing Zhang didn't realize it at the moment, or he actually knew it, but he just didn't care. He possessed more power than Dumbledore overestimated. With that power to say "no" to everything, naturally he would not I feel that my thoughts are ridiculous.

Regarding Dumbledore giving himself a relatively low score, to be honest, Qing Zhang didn’t feel too much trouble in his heart. He didn’t want to be so outraged by his Hufflepuff classmates. After all, he didn’t really want to win this In the Triwizard Tournament, it doesn't matter even if he can't enter the third round, he just doesn't want Cedric, a good friend, to die here.

It can be said that when he successfully signed up and replaced Cedric Diggory, his goal was achieved, and what happened next was actually not important anymore, and he firmly believed that Dumbledore had only one chance to score low , even if Dumbledore really loses his mind, it is impossible to do this again and again. The position of headmaster is not only for Dumbledore. When all the professors unanimously question the headmaster, there is Powers to replace Headteachers.

Therefore, apart from Qing Zhang worrying that his classmates are more online than himself, the person who has been treated unfairly, he is in a good mood. As for the voices from the outside world, Qing Zhang is not the kind who will be depressed and autistic just because of some voices People, or let's put it this way, when will the dragon pay attention to the provocation of the ants?

Do you really think that Rita Skeeter can still write Qing Zhang's gossip now!?

She is so unlucky now that she can be hit on the head by bird feces when she goes out, and any accidents may happen. How can she have time to take care of her own career on 5.7!? Haven’t you seen her appear often!?

At some point, Cedric and Ernie changed places to be next to Qing Zhang. At this moment, the handsome young man said to Qing Zhang with a guilty face, "I'm sorry, junior, if it wasn't for me...

Qing Zhang interrupted him, "Don't say it, don't say it, you don't think the current situation is all your fault, do you? It's not me, Senior Diggory, you are too narcissistic, right?

And I signed up voluntarily, so what does it have to do with you!?"

"Actually, there is no need for you to be like this. As a Hufflepuff, it is not important to win the first place. The important thing is what you have learned and realized in the process. Compared with the scores, what I want to say is that the competition is quite interesting. That's enough." Qing Zhang also talked to other students at this time, and he felt that if he didn't say anything, these students would soon become irritable brothers.

"Of course, I'm not saying that you have to endure when you are unfair, it's wrong, but we don't need to hurt ourselves because of others, and didn't Professor Dumbledore say that he will give us a reasonable explanation today!? Why? Why don't you listen to it!?"

"As a Hufflepuff, I have always felt that the most precious thing in our college is unity, so don't worry, even if we encounter difficulties and injustices, as long as we are united, nothing can stop us, so don't suffer too much. deep!".

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