Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1085 You Are Lofty, You Are Amazing, Let's Go!

Perhaps it was Qing Zhang's words that helped. In any case, the Hufflepuffs she thought of all cheered up again, put away their spikes and hostility, and waited patiently for Dumbledore's arrival one by one.

If you really want to say how much they hate Dumbledore, of course not, except for children born in Muggle families, most of the little wizards grew up listening to the words about how great Dumbledore was. It can be said that Harry Potter, the boy who survived the catastrophe, may not be comparable to Dumbledore's status in the hearts of these little wizards.

Even the students of Slytherin didn't have a trace of admiration and respect for Dumbledore, maybe even awe.

In short, the main reason why Hufflepuff can't go out for a while is that most of them are relatively mediocre, or their talents are outside the mainstream and not prominent, and most people may not be able to A chance to discover your talents.

Therefore, they are destined to be underestimated before they shine, even their parents think they are mediocre and incompetent, so when they find that some of them break this concept and shackles and shine, They would all draw close to this light and pin their expectations on this person. Whether it was Cedric or Qing Zhang, they were all excellent people, which was recognized by the four academies.

And this kind of person is exactly what these Hufflepuffs hope to become, so it is not so much that Qing Zhang and the others are themselves, it is better to say that they have substituted themselves into Qing Zhang, and regard themselves as stomach Zhang. .

But when some people don’t want the Hufflepuff sun to appear, naturally these Hufflepuffs will be angry and feel that the whole world is an enemy. This is related to their previous experience. They are too eager to be praised and applause.

No one wants to spend a lifetime in obscurity.

Low-key is sometimes mediocre sophistry.

Now I and others finally have a chance to win applause and honor, but because of the injustice of others, they have to continue to be buried in the soil. I wonder who is willing, even if the person who does this is Dumbledore.

Especially when Qing Zhang and Harry Potter have such a big relationship, this kind of anger almost overwhelmed the little Hufflepuff wizard's sanity, forgetting how great Dumbledore is and how worthy of respect.

They don't even think about whether Dumbledore has a reasonable reason, but feel that Dumbledore looks down on them just like everyone else. As long as they perform well, they feel that they are wrong and they are cheating, which has a negative impact on the whole world. Doubt and grief.

Honest people are terrible once they get into the horns. Compared with Voldemort's Death Eaters dominated by fear, these paranoid Hufflepuffs are much more powerful than Death Eaters. Even Grindelwald's thought-linked The saints are not as good as them, because they represent the majority of people. The main reason for the change of any dynasty or era is because they stand against the majority of people in the last period.

Therefore, once Hufflepuff, who occupies the majority of people, is really irritated, then even if the wizarding world does not want to make changes, even if most of the Hufflepuffs are not in high positions.

A drop of water looks mediocre and weak, but when there is more, it will form a flood and a tsunami.

No, Dumbledore was forced to stand up and give everyone an explanation. In fact, where do the other three colleges need any explanation? One is the beneficiary, and the other two are outsiders. It doesn't matter whether you give it or not, explain it or not.

Moreover, Harry is also a warrior representing Hogwarts, and it is enough for one of them to win.

A little bit of time passed, Dumbledore and the others finally came.

Professor McGonagall and the others all had serious faces, and Dumbledore also put away his smiling face this time. He didn't sit down, but stood up and looked at everyone present seriously, before saying, "I think, between you There must be many people who are puzzled at the moment, some people don't care or have opinions on me, and say some bad things, but I am standing here now to explain to everyone, or to the parties involved, I think this is very necessary .

Hearing that everyone started whispering, Qing Zhang squinted his eyes, he felt that Dumbledore was looking at him, but there was not much hostility, it seemed that compared to yesterday, the old man relaxed a lot towards him A vigilant look.

I don't know if it was just pretending, but I figured it out, but it doesn't matter anymore, Qing Zhang didn't think about it anymore, after all Dumbledore is not someone to him, so it doesn't matter how he thinks about it.

The Hufflepuff students did not speak, they were all waiting for Dumbledore's explanation.

"First of all, I am here to say sorry to Mr. Zhang." Dumbledore suddenly bowed in Qing Zhang's direction, and then said under the surprised eyes of everyone, "As one of the referees, I do apologize to you Something is unfair."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole audience went uproarious. Even Professor McGonagall and the others were a little stunned. I didn't expect Dumbledore to say such a thing. This is another reason for what he said last night!? Admitting that he is really unfair! ?It's better not to say it!?

Professor McGonagall wanted to stand up and stop the bastard old man from going crazy.

However, Dumbledore ignored the strange gazes of the crowd and continued, "The unfairness I said was not aimed at someone on purpose. What I wanted to say was Mr. Zhang. It was because of a referee's scoring standard, and a principal's In all humility, I give one of our Warriors a seven.

"It's just that I didn't expect that the other judges gave too high scores to other warriors. I think every judge should not be emotional, but can you imagine that if we gave all warriors an 8 When the score is nine, then the game is really meaningful."

"In the end, I had to give Harry nine points. Only in this way can our Hogwarts warriors not be the last ones. In fact, I should give Harry six points."

"But, professor! You gave Krum and them nine points." Justin stood up and said at this moment. He doubted Dumbledore's statement. If it was true, why would he give such a score to the players from the other two schools? high score!?

Isn't this inconsistent!?

Dumbledore was not angry, he smiled, "Don't you think they are great!? Isn't their performance wonderful!? It's just that they made some small mistakes, so I deducted points from them."

"Whether it is a hypnotic spell or an eye disease spell, they are all very good. They have shown us how to ensure our own safety when encountering a fire dragon. I think the meaning of the competition is not only through the competition, but also to tell more people , what should I do in the same situation!?”

"Neither Harry nor Mr. Zhang has undoubtedly achieved this. Others don't have Harry's talent for flying broomsticks and are not Quidditch players. Similarly, Mr. Zhang can't follow suit. We can't expect to meet in the wild When the fire dragon arrives, the opponent will clamp its tail.

Hearing this, many people nodded. Indeed, many members of the Quidditch team may not be able to reach Harry's level, and it was really dangerous at the time. It is entirely due to a lot of luck that he was able to be safe in the end.

As for Qing Zhang, there is really nothing to say. Others can't imitate it, and they can't learn much, because not everyone has the ability to stand there and surrender to the fire dragon.

"Of course, because I don't give full marks to any warriors, I did give Mr. Zhang a very low score. If the full score is nine points, then in fact I only deducted two points from him. One point is for humility, don't be proud." , One point is because he has never used wisdom and magic from the beginning to the end." Dumbledore said, "This is the high demand I have for my own students, so it is not suitable for Miss Delacour and Mr. Krum, they I’ll still score 10 out of 10 there.”

"Being able to become warriors at the age of seventeen, our two little warriors are naturally worthy of higher standards. So I hope that in the next projects, other judges can put away their own small thoughts and be more fair , give as many points as you want."

"That's all I want to say. Next, I wish you all a happy meal."

Looking at Dumbledore, Ms. Maxim and other judges who left after speaking, they looked as if they had eaten a fly, and their faces were ugly. Doesn't this mean that the current situation is actually caused by their injustice!?

Indeed, their scoring is a bit unfair, but isn’t this an unspoken rule!? Why is it that you, Dumbledore, are arrogant and amazing, and you dare to say such things!?

Especially Ludo Bagman, he was the only judge who scored zero points, and now all the pressure fell on him.

It can be said that if he does not give a reasonable explanation, the position of Director of the Department of Magical Sports of the Ministry of Magic will really come to an end.

Of course, he doesn't care about the director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports. This status will not bring any benefits at all. Li is so biased in taking care of him, it is entirely for the purpose of paying off debts and making a fortune.

As for the outstanding performance of Qing Zhang, the more disturbed and disgusted Bagman was, which would cost him nothing, so he directly scored a zero.

In fact, after scoring the score, he also regretted it a little. He did too much, but he didn't expect that everyone would pay more attention to Dumbledore who gave seven points. He was relieved and secretly said: Hi, the more controversial and attract more people to participate in gambling, the better for him, and Dumbledore doesn't care about him.

However, he didn't expect that Dumbledore would do this, throw away the relationship completely, and would rather offend them to say that, this is simply... too shameless.

You are noble, you are amazing!

Goodbye no love.

At this moment, Bagman wished he could hold Dumbledore and ask him to rearrange his language, but unfortunately he couldn't.

With a sullen face, Bagman is not in the mood to talk to Harry anymore. He just wants to imagine how to deal with the upcoming bombings. The Ministry of Magic will definitely let him face the anger of the people alone. of.

He also needs a plausible reason.

hateful. .

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