Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1087 The Increasingly Frustrated Rita Finally Lay Down!

December brings high winds and sleet to Hogwarts.

Although there are always drafts in the castle in winter, every time everyone walks past Durmstrang's big boat parked on the lake, they are grateful for the hot fire and thick walls in the castle. The big ship pitched and rocked in the strong wind, its black sails fluttering and dancing in the dark night sky. Everyone worried about whether the Durmstrang teachers and students living inside would freeze to death

In fact, Hogwarts planned to prepare dormitories for them, but Durmstrang's students were unwilling to squeeze into a space with Hogwarts students. Speaking of which, the grievances between Durmstrang and Hogwarts also have something to do with Dumbledore.

The first-generation Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald came from Durmstrang, but when he was sixteen years old, he was expelled for conducting "evil experiments" and "attacking classmates and almost killing people". It was external news, and no one knew whether he was actually fired.

After all, Durmstrang is a school that refuses to accept Muggle students and allows students to practice black magic. Conducting "evil experiments" is actually a normal thing. Qing Zhang can assure you that Viktor Krum must have done it in Durmstrang, and even every student in Durmstrang has done it. The dark aura on them cannot be hidden from anyone at all.

Of course, Durmstrang’s reluctance to live with Hogwarts students is certainly not all because of the love and hatred between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. It is a magic school that accepts Muggle students. Unfortunately, most of Hogwarts are Muggle-born wizards or half-blood wizards, and only a small number of Slytherin students dare to say that they are pure-blooded. As for who? Know!?

Even if the students of Slytherin are really pure-blood wizards, Durmstrang will not be too enthusiastic about them. In their view, the students of Hogwarts are like flowers in a greenhouse. , still weak and incompetent, even avoiding black arts like snakes and scorpions, and even created a subject called Defense Against the Dark Arts, which seemed like a joke, so they didn't want to live with Slytherins.

In this regard, Beauxbaton is much better. Apart from the fastidiousness and attire of these students, there are no shortcomings.

It was Hagrid who kept supplying Lady Maxim's steeds with their favorite spring malt whiskey. The smell of alcohol wafted from the feed trough in the corner of the temporary Mas, and the students in the Protection of Magical Animals class were a little dizzy. Qing Zhang and the others even smelled of wine from the meat of the fried-tailed snails, so Hagrid had to say he was crazy.

But maybe because of the new love, Hagrid shifted his attention from his precious snails to Ms. Maxim. Qing Zhang could see the big stupid man reading the book he gave him several times. While taking notes, he still giggled.

It made it easier for the Hufflepuff predators to buy from Hagrid, because Hagrid didn't pay attention to his magical animal "friends" at all, and gave the Hufflepuff students a chance to walk away with some uneaten food. To be honest, eating too much snails was a bit boring, and they all liked that Hagrid could change his class supplies.

It's a pity that Hagrid, who was confused by the beauty, took the words of the Hufflepuff student Friends of Animals as the wind, and heard them from the left ear to the right ear. I don't know how much he listened to. Each lesson is devoted to tending to his snails.

The students of Hufflepuff have almost researched 108 ways to eat fried snails, they are really fed up, and they are easy to get angry if they eat too much fried snails, some students have pimples a lot.

In the middle of class that day, Hagrid was still studying the scriptures of picking up girls, but an unexpected visitor disturbed him.

It was a strange woman covered in bandages, with a familiar voice. It was Rita Skeeter who hadn't appeared for a long time. At this time, she was not accompanied by her rumored "boyfriend" photographer.

"Who are you!?" Hagrid said unhappily when he was interrupted.

"My name is Rita Skeeter, reporter for the Daily Prophet." Rita replied, looking at Hagrid with a wide smile, her gold teeth gleaming.

"It seems that Dumbledore said that you are not allowed to enter the school again." Hagrid also remembered who the other party was, but he couldn't see the other party's mummy-like dress for a while.

But after knowing who it was, his brows frowned even tighter.

Not only Dumbledore said so, but Professor McGonagall and the others did not welcome this female reporter.

Whether it was Qing Zhang or Harry's reports, they were all written by this reporter who had no moral conscience at all. To be honest, if it wasn't for the self-cultivation and friendship, Professor McGonagall and the others would have come to greet them.

Rita Skeeter seemed not to have heard Hagrid's words. With a bright smile, she pointed to the little ones being taken care of by the students not far away and asked, "By the way, what are the names of those fascinating animals!?"

"Skreck," Hagrid replied gruffly.

"Really!?" Rita nearly clapped her hands with such interest, "I've never heard of it before.....where did they come from!?"

Hagrid wasn't really stupid, of course he wouldn't answer this question honestly, "It was found in the Forbidden Forest, if you want, you can go in and look for it, but with Dumbledore's consent.

The Hippogriff incident last time made Hagrid understand how annoying the guys outside are, not to mention this female reporter named Rita Skeeter. Even he felt that the previous reports were too much, Harry But he was going crazy.

"Haha, of course I will..." Rita laughed, then changed the subject and said, "By the way, I've seen you reading a book before, can you tell me what you are reading!? You are so I don't see a lot of teachers who are passionate about learning."

Hagrid covered the cover of the book with his big hand, and looked at this stubborn woman vigilantly. This is his treasure. He heard from Qing Zhang that he got it from that magical eastern country (caeg), which is currently the only one in the UK. This one, Hagrid didn't like to be thought of as being stolen or damaged.

He wouldn't even touch Harry and Ron, let alone Rita Skeeter.

disappear as far as you can.

"I can't show you some books about magical beasts!" Hagrid said angrily, and hid the books behind his back.

This action made Rita's eyes shine, as if she had discovered some great news, but she didn't mean to force Hagrid to hand it over, after all, it would be bad if she sneaked in and was discovered, and it was very serious. Might reveal some of her secrets.

"Oh, Fantastic Beasts books, that's awesome."

"By the way, I want to interview you. What do you think of the current performance of the four warriors? I don't know that some unpleasant things happened before. Can you elaborate!?"

Hagrid glared at him and didn't speak directly. Just at this time, the castle bell rang, which meant that the class was over.

"Everyone can finish class, ma'am, it's time for me to leave. If you want to interview, find someone else."

During this time, Ms. Maxim taught Hagrid a lot about how to deal with people with ulterior motives, that is, try to say as little as possible, and it is best to refuse any communication at the beginning|not give the other party a chance.

It can be said that because of the strategy book given by Qing Zhang, Hagrid has made better progress than the original book and Ms. Maxim.

Rita watched as Hagrid put the book behind his clothes into his clothes, then turned and left without saying a word, the hand holding the quill and parchment paused, but there was still a smile on his face

"Okay then, let's talk again when we have a chance!"

Even though she said so, she still wrote this sentence on the parchment. The teacher of the Protection of Magical Animals class at Hogwarts is a half-blood giant who is difficult to contact and seems to be secretly conducting some illegal experiments. He has a book Books related to taboo black magic, it is recommended that the Ministry of Magic focus on investigation and send this dangerous element that endangers the safety of little wizards to Azkaban.

Just finished writing, suddenly a lump of bird droppings fell from the sky on Rita's head, covering her face, the bird seemed to be loose, and part of it flowed into her mouth, "Bah, bah, bah, damn bird.

Just after she finished cursing, a bolt of lightning landed on her body, and the witch's screams immediately shocked the little wizard who was going to the castle and Hagrid who was returning to his home.

Not long after, Rita Skeeter was carried to Madam Pomfrey, the school doctor. Madam Pomfrey looked at this scorched guy, and she was a little suspicious, and quickly asked those who brought him Student, "Is this...!?"

Harry and Ron glanced at each other, "Ma'am, this is Rita Skeeter, you should have heard of her, she sneaked into the school before, but was struck by lightning, Professor McGonagall asked us to bring her to humane Treat her according to the doctrine, the professor's opinion is to try her best to treat her, and it is best to make sure that she has nothing wrong with her, just a little bit.

Harry and Ron didn't understand why Professor McGonagall kept emphasizing "a little bit", but they were in charge of speaking, and they just said what the professor asked them to say.

Madam Pomfrey understood immediately, and then looked at Rita Skeeter who was thrown on the hospital bed with some excitement, "I understand, you can go back, I promise to treat her properly."

Harry and Ron shuddered, and then ran away quickly, always feeling that Mrs. Pet Frey was a little scary at the moment.

Qing Zhang heard about this incident while having dinner, and he shrugged his shoulders. The curse he cast would only happen whenever Rita wanted to do something bad. ".

Hermione and the others felt very relieved. You must know that Rita, a female reporter, had written a lot of reports that made them angry. Maybe she planned to write some unhappy articles this time. Now she was struck by lightning It's been a long time since I won't be able to come out for activities, and I deserve it.

But Hermione and the others are also a bit pity, it would be better if they simply hacked to death.

They heard about it from Hagrid. This guy asked Hagrid to inquire about the four participating warriors before, and maybe he wanted to make a big news sensationalize the public. .

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