Because of the Triwizard Tournament, this year's Christmas has undergone a little change. More people choose to stay in school. At the same time, students who are warriors must stay and participate in the Christmas ball. This is a tradition.

Qing Zhang is more troubled that the candidates for the dance partner, not to mention Hermione and Luna, many girls have also sent invitations to him, and they did not look down on him because of his poor performance in the first event, but This kind of popularity also made Qing Zhang a little distressed.

Because there can only be one dance partner, of course it doesn’t matter who you dance with or how many people you dance with after the dance is over or before it starts, but in formal occasions there can only be one, this is the rule.

The girls seem to be looking forward to that day~ coming.

There are also some boys who also want to stay in school to participate in the prom, but they have to give up with tears because they can't find a female partner. However, the four warriors including Qing Zhang are very popular, and the invitations they receive are almost endless.

The four of them represent the faces of their respective schools. How to deal with these invitations is actually a test. If they are handled beautifully and make people speechless, then they will naturally leave a good impression on the judges. If they are not handled properly, then no matter you How excellent, so after all, it leaves flaws in the impression points.

Because of such high requirements, it is generally not allowed to let little wizards under the age of 17 become warriors. Children who are too young, do things with enthusiasm, and lack comprehensiveness in considering things. It is easy to make troubles and jokes. Maybe the person involved does not think it is a big deal, but as a warrior, he is the focus of attention, and his every move will be magnified by a magnifying glass.

Qing Zhang is a human being in two lifetimes, although he is not good at dealing with it, but he is also relatively tactful, so he can't do anything to pick thorns, and he doesn't hit the smiling face with his hand." You politely declined the others, saying that you have found a dance partner, in fact That's fine, other people will understand, and if they can't understand, others will help them understand.

And generally, those who invite Qing and Zhang are seniors from the same school. They usually don't look up and look down, and they don't feel alienated just because of a polite refusal.

Viktor Krum has more little fans, and there is no shortage of dancing partners, but what annoys him is that there are still male dancing partners, and these little male wizards of Hogwarts have imitated the girls and sent him Invitation, and a coy look, Krum almost threw up seeing it.

If he hadn't known that this was Hogwarts and he was a public figure, he would have kicked these disgusting things out one by one.

As a football star, Krum is already very experienced in how to face fans' pursuit. As for which girl to choose as a shield in the end, Krum's eyes flashed with thought and hesitation.

As a French wizard with a quarter of Veela blood, Fleur Delacour is very beautiful in itself, and has a soul-stirring "beauty". The only female warrior, she naturally has an advantage.

She doesn't need to be too entangled with the things that male warriors need to consider, because as long as women don't do evil things that are too shocking and unbearable for the world, especially beautiful women, everyone will be more tolerant. Compared with male warriors, they have to deal with one A person who came to invite.

Fu Rong was much more straightforward. She randomly found a boy in Ravenclaw who was quite eye-catching, and the matter was settled. How to deal with those other suitors who are jealous

That's something that the lucky guy needs to think about. It's impossible for a girl like her to solve this kind of thing!?

As for why it is Ravenclaw!? There is no special reason, perhaps because the students of Beauxbatons lived in the dormitory of Ravenclaw during this period, so compared with the students of Ravenclaw Recently, and Ravenclaw graduates are generally elite brainpower in various industries. After graduation, Fu Rong also needs to work. If she can be recruited in advance, she will naturally earn without compensation.

More importantly, Ravenclaw students know how to measure and have good brains. At least they will not do things that make themselves difficult. This alone is a better choice.

As for why you don’t choose your classmates from your own school!? Actually, the reason is very simple. Although this Triwizard Tournament is a competition between three schools, it is also a grand occasion for the entire wizarding world. We must try our best to show harmony so as not to release the power to the outside world. A bad signal, which makes the position of one's own country and school embarrassing.

You closed the door and even chose your own school as your dance partner, so it will naturally make people look down on Hogwarts from the two schools. Obviously, Hogwarts has so many students as the home field, and you don’t like any of them. , isn't this a mess!?

However, any other warrior who was the same age as Harry would not have moved so well as the two of them.

In the end, it was Harry, who shined in the first project, although Dumbledore admitted that he gave Harry a high score, and he gave it to prevent Hogwarts.

However, Harry still gained a lot of fans. You must know that these fans did not come because of his title of "The Boy Who Lived", but actually appreciated and liked Harry because of his performance in dealing with the fire dragon.

But things didn't go well, that's all, on the point of the dance partner.

A week ago Harry would have said that finding a dance partner was a piece of cake compared to dealing with a Hungarian Horntail. But now he's got the hang of the Horntail and is facing the challenge of finding a girl to dance with.

He felt that he would rather fight the dragon one more round.

After all, Harry didn't know many classmates who had registered for Christmas detention at Hogwarts. Of course he always stayed at school for Christmas himself, because if he didn't he would go back to the Rue de la Virgin, but there were always so few people who stayed at school before, and it was strange how many people he knew.

This year was different, as everyone from fourth year onwards seemed to be staying on (ruts had come), and it seemed to Harry that they were all obsessed with the upcoming prom - at least all the girls were.

Girls giggling and whispering in the corridors, girls squealing and laughing every time a guy walks by, girls exchanging ideas excitedly about what to wear on Christmas night...

Of course, this is not the reason why Harry said that looking for a dance partner is exhausting compared to fighting a fire dragon. In fact, the day after the Christmas ball was announced, a third-year Hufflepuff girl with curly hair invited Harry , but was rejected by Harry without even thinking about it.

Of course, this is nothing, although the atmosphere of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor after the first project is a bit subtle, but Harry represents Hogwarts anyway, and the two houses do not want Slytherin and Gryffindor There are some irreconcilable contradictions like that, and Hermione, a frequent visitor of Hufflepuff, is also a student of Gryffindor, so it is not surprising that a Hufflepuff girl invites Harry, and others will not say something.

However, what should I say about the Gryffindor students, they are a little brainless, especially the students in the lower grades, who are messed up in terms of emotional intelligence and dealing with people. Harry's practice of rejecting people without even thinking about it is a bit inappropriate. As a result, his friends Dean, Seamus and Ron even sarcastically and ridiculed the girl afterwards, saying a lot of nasty and impolite things

And the junior wizards of Gryffindor still thought it was right, and they just laughed and entertained themselves, and Harry didn't stop them.

Maybe he is used to it and thinks it's nothing!?

The next day, two more girls came to invite Harry, one was in the second grade, and the other was in the fifth grade, but Harry also—refused mercilessly and hesitantly

Later, no one came to Harry again, because he and his friends took pleasure in doing this, which made many girls turn black, and even the Gryffindor students who had already invited their dance partners suddenly regretted it. , Let the people of Gryffindor live with themselves, don't come to them.

The Gryffindor students didn't know what happened, they just felt that the women were inexplicable.

As for Harry, he has taken a fancy to Cho Chang of Ravenclaw, and he is waiting for Cho Chang to extend an invitation to him, but this is destined to be impossible, because Cho Chang has long been with Cedric Diggory. The agreement was made. Although the relationship between the two of them has not been fully established as boyfriend and girlfriend, Qiu Zhang did not refuse Cedric's chance to pursue her. At present, the relationship between the two is heating up a little bit, and Guo Xu will be completely bound in a short time up.

0 for flowers 00

Unless Qiu Zhang likes old cows to eat young grass, it is impossible to fall in love with Harry at this time, not to mention that Harry is really nothing compared to the current Cedric except for his status as a warrior. Cedric's excellence, like Qing Zhang, was recognized by the four colleges, unlike Harry who was always judged by the professors, it was almost a negative teaching material.

Besides, Harry and Qiu Zhang don’t know each other, at least they haven’t talked much so far, how could Qiu Zhang fall in love with Harry out of nowhere and even invite him!? Unless he is under the aura of brain damage.

Qing Zhang didn't care whether Harry could find a dance partner in the end, although his impression of Harry had changed, but being friends was a mutual matter, there was no reason for him to go and lick it, Qing Zhang also had no shortage of friends .

One more Harry is not more, one less Harry is not much, not to mention that being friends with Harry is not a good thing, and even Qing Zhang's friends will also be on the list of Dumbledore's chess pieces, and it will become a confrontation at that time. The cannon fodder of Voldemort's Death Eaters, even if you want to stay away, not every cannon fodder is lucky enough to survive.

Not to mention wizards like Qing Zhang and Hermione whose parents and family members are all Muggles, getting involved is not beneficial at all, and it will make their families suffer revenge. If parents like Lily Potter are careful, It will be found that they died very early, not long after Lily lent James Potter, after completely binding the camp.


Of course, it is not written in the book whether he was killed in retaliation by the Death Eaters, but the chances of both husband and wife dying all of a sudden, unless there is food poisoning or a natural or man-made disaster, are still very small.

Death Eaters Naqing Zhang and Hermione can't help it, but their family members who have no self-protection ability are different, so this is definitely not a good thing-to be friends with Harry, but you have to sacrifice your parents and family members.

Because of the need to stay to attend the ball for Christmas, Qing Zhang wrote to her family in the public lounge, telling them that Christmas will not go back, let them live well at home, and at the same time send the Christmas that has been prepared for a long time Owls send presents.

Just as Qing Zhang was splashing ink on the letter, Justin and the others walked over, sat down beside Qing Zhang, and put a glass of juice for Qing Zhang.

Several people were a little surprised and said, "Qing, you must not know what we found in the kitchen!"

The Hogwarts Kitchen is located directly below the Hogwarts Great Hall, accessible by the stairs leading to the Hufflepuff Basement.

Its door is hidden in the stone underground corridor, where the lights are bright, and there is a painting of a bowl of fruit hanging there. Just scratch a pear in the painting, it will giggle, and then Transforms into a green doorknob, revealing the entrance to the Hogwarts kitchens.

Because it is very close to the kitchen, Hufflepuff students can always go there for extra meals and some small desserts. It can be said that among the four colleges, Hufflepuff students are comfortable. No need to climb stairs, no need to live at the bottom of a lake to worry about rheumatism, and

It is close to the classroom, and there is a midnight snack when you are not hungry.

It can be said that the students of Hufflepuff must be the people who are most familiar with the kitchen, besides the house elves inside.

"Oh!? What did you find!?" Qing Zhang asked without raising his head, his hands were working hard for a moment.

Ernie raised his eyebrows and exaggeratedly said, "There are two more house elves in the kitchen, oh my god, now many new families outside can't find one, almost only old families

Hogwarts was able to find two of the house-elfs that can only be had at one time, which is so shocking. "

Hermione took a bite of a biscuit, a little confused, "Isn't it just a house elf!? You're exaggerating too much."

Hermione also wrote a letter to her parents at the side. She also planned to stay in school, and was Qing Zhang's dance partner back then. As for Luna, her father Xenophilius Lovegood

The husband did not intend to let his little padded jacket be carried away by wolves at all, and he did not agree with Luna staying in school at all, at least for a long time.

Naturally, Qing Zhang didn't need to worry at all.

It was Luna's father who scolded "pig" Zero between the lines.


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