Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1092 Professor Mcgonagall: Sure Enough, It Is Better Than Other People's Children!

"What's wrong, what happened!?"

Hermione hid in the Hufflepuff common room for most of the day, and returned to the Gryffindor tower at night. Unexpectedly, she just read out the password for the day, opened the entrance, and saw a girl of about the same age He covered his face and hurried out, almost hitting Hermione, if she hadn't dodged in time.

But what concerned Hermione the most was that the other party seemed to be crying and ran away.

I hope that the other party can come back before the gate control, otherwise he will be regarded as a bad student who goes out at night, and I am afraid that points will be deducted and the leader will punish him at the same time.

Although Hermione doesn't care much about the score in the Academy Cup now, she still thinks about it a little bit. Maybe, she said, maybe, this year, she was lucky, so that in the seven years she went to school, there was one time in her own academy that was able to become number one.

Wait, after Hermione entered the Gryffindor common room, she saw many students whispering in it, with strange expressions on their faces.

Only then did the question at the top appear, Hermione really didn't know what happened.

Seeing Hermione came back, Parvati Patil was taken aback for a moment, then put away her astonishment, showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, and greeted Hermione, this kind of performance made Hermione's heart thump—— Nothing happened to me, did it!?

She is hiding, not staying in the Gryffindor dormitory, and still can't escape!?

But things didn't seem to be what Hermione was worried about. Several Gryffindor seniors saw that it was Hermione who came in. They just took a look at Hermione and chased them out. They planned to look like the girl who ran out just now. .

"What happened!?" Hermione came to her two roommates with a strange expression and asked in a low voice.

Lavender Brown coughed, turned her head and didn't seem to intend to answer Hermione's 480 question. At this moment, she seemed to have an unspeakable feeling.

After some hesitation, Parvati briefly recounted the matter, and Hermione couldn't help but be dumbfounded after hearing it, "'s this time, and they still pick and choose and don't know what's good! ? Crazy!? Don't they know that without a dance partner, it will become a joke in the wizarding world!?"

Parvati and Lavender showed embarrassment and didn't know how to answer the words.

The whole story is also very simple, as mentioned in the previous chapter, Professor McGonagall managed to coax a few girls to come over, and warned Harry and Ron to cherish it, and it turned out that Harry and Ron agreed , as soon as Professor McGonagall left, he relapsed.

He didn't intend to exchange feelings with other girls at all, and he would leave the other party aside and ignore them, making them feel embarrassed to continue to stay.

If that's the case, it's not a big deal, but it's just that they left, so Harry and Ron commented on them, but the girls haven't gone far, so they naturally heard it.

It was one of the heroines, Heloise Midgen, who ran out crying just now. Perhaps this name is unfamiliar to many people, but as I mentioned before, it was the pimples on the face that almost got rid of it. The girl with her own nose, if she doesn't have acne, is actually a pretty little girl.

It's a pity that the babo tuber pus prepared by Professor Sprout didn't seem to be able to cure her acne. Don't want to dance with ugly people, and her nose seems to be a little crooked", completely devastated.

Of course, if it was just (caaa) like this, Parvati’s look before would not be so strange, but if she knew that she was also one of the girls coaxed by Professor McGonagall to be Harry’s dance partner, then it would be fine. Understand why.

Fortunately for Heloise, Harry and Ron haven't had time to comment on her, but unfortunately, she is afraid to continue, and she plans to tell Professor McGonagall early tomorrow morning, let her change someone, she I plan to go home and not stay in school.

She was completely terrified, and Harry and Ron didn't know if they had been cursed with dementia. They really dared to say anything. Now, which girl dare not believe in evil!?

In vain, they thought that Hermione avoided the dormitory like a snake and scorpion, it was a bit too much fuss!? They didn't expect that they were the clowns in the end, Miss Knowing Things, and saw the two dog men clearly early in the morning.

Lavender didn't forget that he had blown Ron to Hermione before, saying that he didn't mean to, that he was not that kind of person, but the slap in the face came too fast, and his little sister almost died completely.

What made her heave a sigh of relief was that she had already found a dance partner, and Professor McGonagall did not come to lobby her. Otherwise, if she followed suit, she might have to find a hole to get in now and not come out until the end of the world.

Hermione still couldn't believe it when she saw that everyone present looked concerned, how are they doing now!?"

Didn't he really follow the words of that guy Qing Zhang and finally dance with Professor McGonagall!?

At this time, Angelina had just come back from the outside, and after hearing Hermione's words, she rolled her eyes and complained, "What else can I do, one thing is wrong, those two bastards hid back in their room, even No apology."

"I'm a little worried now whether Fred will be like his brother, but I just accepted his invitation, alas..."

At this time, Ginny Weasley, who had been silent for a long time, became more and more embarrassed. She defended her two twin brothers in a weak position, "No, it won't be... the only weird one in our family is Ron. , my parents and brothers have said so..."

If my mother knew that she didn't defend Fred and the others, and lost all the girls she had a crush on, she would kill her when she returned home.

Angelina and Alicia Spinnet also smiled helplessly at this. They have known the twins for so long, so they naturally know that they are not that kind of people. They were just talking angry. Seeing Ginny I was frightened, and suddenly I was a little embarrassed and overwhelmed.

"Is Midgen alright!?" Hermione and Lavender hurriedly asked after seeing Angelina and the others come back.

Angelina shook her head when she heard this, "It should be fine, she went to the school hospital, I think Madam Pomfrey should be able to comfort her well, uh...don't look at us, we just got driven back , Madam Pomfrey has always disliked crowds and noise, which will affect her patients' rest."

When talking about "patients", Angelina recalled the female reporter named Rita Skeeter. She seemed to be clamoring to be discharged from the hospital, but she was "kindly" persuaded by Mrs. Pet Frey. Lying upright on the hospital bed with eyes wide open, motionless, it was scary.

But I heard that she was struck by lightning, maybe it was really not thorough? After all, even the wizarding world cannot recover from such injuries in a short time.

In the Muggle world, if a Muggle is struck by lightning, it has long been considered whether it will go to heaven or hell.

Hermione raised her forehead, it's okay, she was really afraid that Heloise Midgen would jump off the building!

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, but Professor McGonagall was blown up. Who could understand that she planned to take a good rest. After all, as the vice-principal these days, Dumbledore might cause trouble if he didn't care about things. , how long has she been busy making the Christmas ball go well!?

As a result, I finally finished what I could do, and wanted to take a rest, so as not to let myself be haggard to attend the dance scene. As a result, Madam Pomfrey received a violent death call from Madam Pomfrey, telling her that a girl from Gryffindor was about to have a nervous breakdown, and something bad might happen.

She hurriedly put on her robes and rushed to the school hospital, wondering if something happened, could it be that a black wizard broke in, or was it an illegal Animalus!?

After Professor McGonagall came to the school hospital and learned the truth, his face turned dark on the spot.

That's how Harry and Ron treat promises to her!?

Before the river crosses, the bridge will be demolished!?

And after getting into trouble, just hide and everything will be fine, don't even think about what will happen to the girl they hurt!?

Although Professor McGonagall really wanted to run and grab the ears of those two little bastards at this moment, and educate them well, but seeing that she was crying to death, she kept asking Madam Pomfrey if there was a way to cure her acne, and to let her For Eloise Midgen, whose nose is not crooked, Professor McGonagall could only stay with Madam Pomfrey to comfort the little girl, "Even the potion made from the pus of Babo's tuber didn't work so quickly, It has to be applied for a long time, at least a year, and your nose is pressed and not crooked, trust me."

Because Heloise's acne is very stubborn, the treatment cycle is naturally longer than that of ordinary people. I didn't expect this situation, which made the little girl scare herself a little, thinking that it would be like this for the rest of her life.

"Really, Professor!?" Miss Midgen seemed to have finally stopped her tears. She still believed what her dean said.

"Of course, if you actually find out, if you keep applying it for a while, although the acne has not completely disappeared, it has indeed faded a lot. If you continue to persist for a while, it will be fine." Professor McGonagall gave the other party confidence at this time , Try to be as sincere as possible in your expression and tone, for fear that the little girl will really go into a corner and do something crazy.

The other party lost her nose last time, but now she is a little scared.

After Heloise Midgen was appeased, Madam Pomfrey said to the exhausted Professor McGonagall, "I think Potter and Weasley are either brain or mouth sick.

You should probably bring them to me to have a look. "

Professor McGonagall looked at Madam Pomfrey, who still had a lot of anger, and couldn't help showing a wry smile, "Forget it, it will make you angry, they are probably already terminally ill."


Professor McGonagall sighed for a long time, she was suddenly a little worried about the situation on the day of the Christmas ball, and hoped that there would be no real joke.

No, now she has thought that tomorrow will be known to everyone. .

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