Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1093 Hagrid: Sorry, Harry, You're Kind, You'll Find Better Ones!

When Christmas was approaching, heavy snow fell on the castle and the grounds, and everyone realized that winter was coming, and the whole world seemed to be white.

Beauxbaton's light blue carriage looked like a big frosted pumpkin in winter, and the little gingerbread house next to it was Hagrid's hut; A layer of ice was covered and became smooth and translucent, and the sail rope was also stained with a layer of hoarfrost.

The house-elves in the kitchen below were so busy preparing hot stews and sweet puddings in a variety of flavors that only Fleur Delacour could find an excuse to complain, and she didn't seem to like it at all. The appearance of British food is slightly disgusting every time.

Of course, as long as the big fish and meat are too greasy, Qing Zhang agrees with this point very much, but the reason is different from Fu Rong's dislike. Not interested in this dish.

Of course, other people secretly looked at Harry and the others from time to time, with a strange look at freaks and rare and rare animals. Everyone heard about the Gryffindor farce last night.

Qiu Zhang and Fleur Delacour were in the most complicated mood, because the two young boys approached them respectively yesterday and invited them to be their dance partners, but they both rejected them. Unexpectedly, after going back, the two The little guy can still make such a thing.

This is the rhythm of planning to completely focus on lonely life!

At this time, Qing Zhang also listened to the gossip news that Hannah and the others inquired from other people with a speechless face. She was completely in admiration for these two mindless guys.

Could it be that without Hermione, the military adviser and think tank, Harry and Ron really have no taboos, they dare to say anything, and they can do everything without thinking~!?

"Did you notice that I'm different today!?" Hermione asked Qing Zhang, waving her hand in front of Qing Zhang's eyes, signaling him not to be distracted.

For Harry and Ron, Hermione didn't intend to pay too much attention to it at all, just do what she likes, they are not familiar with each other.

And it's time to complain, I already complained last night.

After recovering, Qing Zhang glanced at Hermione, "You have a lot of hair on your head this year."

"It's not this one, look again!?" Hermione said while stretching out her hand to press the stump of hair on the top of her head, while grinning and grinning.

Qing Zhang sized him up again, this time more carefully, and after looking at the old man for a while, he said, "Your dark circles are heavy again, pay attention to rest, don't stay up all night."

"Take a closer look!?" Hermione maintained a smile showing eight teeth, but her other hand had already deformed the spoon.

" put on lipstick on purpose today..."

Before Qing Zhang could finish speaking, Hermione crushed the silver spoon in her hand, causing the little Hufflepuff badgers to tremble in fear, "You're blind, you noticed the lipstick, didn't you see it?" Are my teeth changing!?"

Hermione was about to die of anger. In vain, she went to Madam Pomfrey to ask for advice on how to shrink her teeth to normal size. Wasn't it for the Christmas ball to appear in the most perfect image!? As a result, this Fools look at those who look at this, but they can't see this change.

"Ahem...Of course I noticed, I just wanted to tease you, Hermione." Qing Zhang said with a guilty conscience.

Don't tell Hermione, he really didn't notice it, who would usually stare at other people's teeth!?

"Hmph, let me believe you." Hermione snorted softly, and then asked, "How about it, doesn't it look better this way!? For many years, I have been persuading my parents to make my teeth shrink, but they Hope I stick with those orthodontic wire braces, you know, they're all dentists."

In addition to this, the clothes that Hermione and Qing Zhang made in Madam Malkin's robe store in Diagon Alley were also sent by owls, and everyone was very satisfied after checking

Except it's a little pricey.

Fortunately, after the third grade, there are very few books outside that Hermione has not read. She saved a lot of Galleons, and at the same time, after going to Xiaguo with Qing Zhang's family, their family is also rich. Even if you don't run a dental clinic anymore, you don't have to worry about your work.

If it weren't for the limited amount of Muggle currency to be exchanged for wizard currency, maybe they are quite rich among wizards, but of course this kind of loophole cannot be exploited. This is not the first time inflation has occurred in the Muggle world, and some fools are desperately printing money. Of course the goblins are not stupid, it's useless to have too much waste paper in hand.

You must understand that once the Muggle banknotes flow into the wizarding world, the Muggles who don't know the existence of the wizarding world will increase the number of printing because of the sudden decrease in the currency in the market, and finally depreciate the banknotes in the hands of the goblins, or It becomes waste paper, so the wizard currency that the Goblin Bank allows to exchange is limited every year.

Soon came Christmas day.

Most of the lower grade students have gone home, so Hogwarts is not as lively as before, but you can still see many people fighting in the snow. If you are not paying attention, you may be caught by the unknown when passing by. Whoever throws the snowball hits it will always hurt, so it's better not to.

There was no class that day, and Qing Zhang and the others slept until noon and didn't get up until noon. It was rare that even the diligent Hermione was like this, and it was rare to be lazy, which made everyone feel very fresh and interesting.

After the fun, Qing Zhang took a walk along the Black Lake with his friends in the afternoon. Speaking of which, there was no ice on the Black Lake, which disappointed many children who wanted to skate. Of course, the children of wizard families were the first The first time I heard about the game of sliding on the ice with two blades on the soles, everyone felt novel and interesting, but it was a pity that I couldn't try it.

As they walked, everyone suddenly saw Hagrid. He seemed to be looking for them specially, and they heard his greeting from a distance.

"What's the matter, Hagrid!?" Qing Zhang and the others asked in surprise.

One must know that during this period of time, Hagrid was always by Ms. Maxim's side whenever he had time, and wished he would not leave for 24 hours. It was a hell of a day to see Hagrid alone.

You won't be dumped!? Qing Zhang thought with a bit of mischief.

"You seem to be in a hurry." Hermione looked at Hagrid, who was still sweating in the winter, and was also a little curious.

After Hagrid had greeted several people, he pulled Qing Zhang and said, "Zhang, I have something I want to talk to you about, is that okay!?"

With pitiful watery eyes stared at by this stupid big man, can Qing Zhang say no!?

aversion to cold.

"Great, I promise I'll only delay you for a little while, just a little while." Seeing Qing Zhang nodded, Hagrid opened his mouth wide and smiled innocently.

Then he took Qing Zhang to the side, away from Hermione and the others.

"Do you still have that kind of book!?" Hagrid rubbed his hands and asked a little embarrassedly.

"The Book!? What Book!?" Qing Zhang Wenyan was stunned, then patted the back of his head and said, "You mean the book "One Hundred Ways to Please Girls" that I gave you earlier!?"

0 looking for flowers......

"Didn't you get along well with Ms. Maxim!? Could it be that you have used the contents so quickly!?"

If this is the case, Qing Zhang has to marvel at Hagrid's diligence. I hope Ms. Maxim will not think that Hagrid is too annoying and her favorability will drop, Amen!

"No, it's not like that, this is me, this is..." Hagrid quickly waved his hands to express that it was not what Qing Zhang thought, but he seemed a little hesitant about the real reason, "That I want It's for Harry and the others, I'm afraid they will damage mine, so..."

Qing Zhang frowned, "So, you also heard about the two of them, and you want to find a book for them to learn from!?"

Hearing this, Hagrid nodded fiercely, and praised with a thumbs up, "Zhang, you are really smart, no wonder Dumbledore said that you are the pride of Hogwarts, that's what I mean, hehe, so, is there any more?" !?"

Qing Zhang rolled his eyes, "How could there be more, what do I want so much for!? And it's not suitable for Potter and Weasley, I don't think they like girls. "

Hagrid scratched the back of his head, "Ah!? Don't like girls!? Why!? Don't they like magical animals? I remember that Harry and Ron liked unicorns and dragons before, and Lu Wei (hell) The three-headed dog died."

Qing Zhang has a black line, is that what he meant!? How do you think they will be sad!? What do you usually have in your mind!? Blast-tailed snails!?

"They still like you, don't they!?" Qing Zhang said, rolling his eyes.

Hagrid turned pale when he heard the words, and waved his hands, "No, no, it's impossible, I don't have that kind of hobby.

As he said that, Hagrid still hugged himself with both hands, looking terrified.

Everyone said that I didn't mean it, can't you hear the joke!?

Qing Zhang Fue, "Anyway, I don't have any books, and it won't be long before tonight, so it's useless even if you're in a hurry, do you understand!?"

Hagrid nodded weakly, "Ming...Understood..."

No, you don't get it at all. Qing Zhang roared in his heart.

"If it's okay, I'll go back. I really can't help you." I'm tired, let's destroy it.

"Uh, ok, ok." Hagrid said no problem, and he needed to go back and be quiet, and he figured out how to laugh at the horrible idea of ​​Harry and Ron, and it's best not to make them too sad, God, this is so hard.

When Qing Zhang returned to Hermione and the others, the little friends were a little curious, but they didn't ask any more questions. Since Hagrid acted so secretively that they didn't want them to know, it's best not to ask now, otherwise Qing Zhang Zhang is not easy to do.

Qing Zhang just smiled helplessly at this, and didn't say anything.

However, it seems that Harry and Ron really haven't found a dance partner until now, otherwise they wouldn't have alarmed Hagrid, whose eyes were full of Ms. Maxim.

However, Qing Zhang really didn't intend to get involved in this muddy water. Professor McGonagall was almost fainted by the two of them, and Qing Zhang didn't want to cause trouble for himself. Not to mention that this guy, Ron, has always had eyes for Qing Zhang and Hermione, and his nose is not his nose, so it would be strange if he could listen to Qing Zhang. .

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