Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1094 Don't Call Him Ron, Now He's Called Juliet!

At about seven o'clock, the sky began to get dark, and the students staying in school all returned to the common room of the child, preparing to change into the dress robes that had been prepared earlier, and the girls began to prepare earlier, even if they had Convenient magic, but it still takes a lot of time for a wizarding girl to dress up.

Qing Zhang's custom-made dress is somewhat similar to that of Zhongli in Yuanshen, but with some changes, especially in the main color, Qing Zhang chose white.

After wearing it, it doesn't have the solemn feeling of Zhongli, but it has a touch of elegance. Of course, if Qing Zhang's body is fully opened in two or three years, and his height is raised a little bit, then the feeling will be even better.

By the time Qing Zhang and the others got fully dressed and came up, the hall was already full of students, who were circling back and forth, waiting for the arrival of eight o'clock, when the door of the auditorium would open. Some people wanted to meet their dance partners from other colleges, so they squeezed sideways in the crowd, looking for each other's figure, and finally made their dresses full of wrinkles, and even their hair was messed up.

The Hufflepuff boys from Qing and Zhang were shrewd, instead of going forward, they went in the opposite direction, went outside, and waited for the girls to arrive.

Not long after, Hannah and the others from the same academy came to join them, and then sisters Patil chatted with Hermione about some interesting things, and walked over abruptly.

Qing Zhang was also slightly taken aback when she saw Hermione's outfit, Hermione at this moment was quite different from her previous image. She appears to have done something to her hair to make 910

They are no longer matted, but smooth and shiny, and are pulled into an elegant bun at the back of the head.

At the same time, Hermione was also wearing a robe made of flowing light purple-blue fabric, no, it should be a princess dress, with some lace and decorations added to it.

"How's it going!?" Hermione stepped forward slightly and asked with a bright smile, as if noticing that Qing Zhang's eyes stayed on her for a long time.

"If you didn't speak, I thought it was Cinderella who forgot to come in the pumpkin cart. You are so beautiful today!" Qing Zhang did not hesitate to praise her.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "What Cinderella!? I thought you'd say Snow White!?"

Qing Zhang took Hermione's hand and said, "But I don't want to be a necrophilic prince! For a princess, it's better to be alive."

"Bah, that's not called necrophilia, you've ruined the romantic atmosphere, how can you tell me to face childhood fairy tales when I go back in the future!?" Hermione glared at Qing Zhang angrily, but her heart was still sweet. Cheers, she actually likes Cinderella very much. Compared with Snow White, who was a princess from the beginning, most ordinary girls actually like the story of Cinderella more.

Which girl has never dreamed that her future partner will be a "prince"!? She can see herself among thousands of flowers and compare herself to the bright moon.

Just when the two were about to say something, they suddenly noticed that the surroundings had become quiet, and they couldn't help but looked in the direction of the crowd in surprise.

Of course, it's not as simple as the sound of needles falling around. Qing Zhang felt that there were people staring at him maliciously just now, which made Qing Zhang frown slightly.

He looked in the direction of that unfriendly gaze, and found that it was a "girl" wearing a long dress that was somewhat old and fat like a pregnant woman's skirt. After the other party's malicious gaze collided with Qing Zhang's gaze, He was taken aback for a moment, then looked away in a panic.

Qing Zhang frowned more and more, because he found that he seemed to have never seen this "girl" raising pigs, it was too strange.


When Qing Zhang shifted his eyes to the male companion who was holding the arms of the "girl", he couldn't help but gasped, because that person was the famous Harry Potter.

Wait, that "girl" looks familiar if you look closely at her face, isn't this Ron Weasley!?

At this moment, not only Qing Zhang discovered this fact, but everyone who realized the true identity of Harry's female companion had their brains shut down and silently watched the two of them.

"It's too much fun..." It was Justin's voice, which seemed to be trembling.

"Malfoy is crying." This is what Qiu Zhang, who was playing with Cedric's arm, said in a low voice. At some point, many Ravenclaw girls surrounded her, looking left and right. , the eyes are shining brightly.

Cedric Diggory looked helpless, and looked weird when he looked at Harry and the others.

Hermione couldn't help grabbing Qing Zhang's arm, "Yuan, it turns out that what everyone in Ravenclaw said is true, they actually have this kind of relationship...

At this moment, Hermione's three views were impacted, no wonder Ron always looked at her upset, it turned out that same-sex repulsion!

No wonder Lavender Brown's love is so obvious, Ron couldn't feel it at all. It turned out that it wasn't dull, but because he had long been attached to him and had no feelings for women.

Similarly, it’s no wonder that Harry always gets tired of being with Ron. He was mercilessly rejected by anyone who invited him before, and he deliberately put on a bad face and said some offensive things with Ron. It turned out that he just wanted to be able to Be aboveboard with Ron.

On the other end, Fred and George, the Weasley twins, also looked at their younger brother in astonishment, as if they were looking at a monster. The flower of her love has also withered for the intimate Harry, who is arm in arm. The person she likes is snatched away by her brother.

Harry was a little embarrassed by everyone's stares, and he didn't dare to look at anyone. Only his good brother Ron could reassure his restless heart

They stick closer together.

In this strange and silent atmosphere, the oak door slowly opened, and Professor McGonagall walked out slowly with his hands folded in front of him, and said, "Warriors, please come with me! Others can come in. "

Everyone recovered, only to find that the students of Durmstrang and Professor Karkaroff had already put away their jaws that had fallen to the ground, and walked into the auditorium together with calm expressions. Immediately, he didn't care about continuing to shock the relationship between Harry and Ron, and hurriedly followed, for fear of being too late.

After almost everyone entered, Qing Zhang took Hermione, who was still in a daze, to Professor McGonagall who was waiting in front of the door. Krum was already standing there at the moment, and he was accompanied by a beautiful girl in a blue robe, who seemed to have seen it in the Slytherin team, but the average Slytherin rarely thought of Draco. · Malfoy is always in the limelight with such a high profile, so it's normal that he can't get his name sometimes.

Fleur Delacour also walked over with Roger Davis, the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, and nodded to Qing Zhang and Hermione with a bright and decent smile. Like a competitor, but like an old friend.

But in return Hermione rolled her eyes.

Harry and Ron walked slowly at the end. Professor McGonagall seemed to have seen the two of them, and his face twitched imperceptibly, but he didn't intend to say anything to them. After taking back his peripheral vision, Seeing that the four warriors and their dance partners had all arrived, he said with a straight face, "Come with me!"

Finally, Qing Zhang and the others who followed Professor McGonagall into the auditorium found that everyone had already taken their seats inside, and they, the warriors, lined up two by two with their dance partners, followed her through the crowd, Walking towards a big round table with referees sitting in front of the auditorium, the people in the auditorium applauded them generously along the way.

The walls of the auditorium were covered with glittering silver frost, the ceiling was starry night sky, and there were hundreds of mistletoe sprigs and ivy garlands. Gone were the four college tables, replaced by a hundred small, lantern-lit tables, with a dozen people sitting at each table.

Although everyone was applauding, their eyes were attracted by the strange combination of Harry and Ron, which made the dance partner of the other two warriors and the female warrior Fleur a little upset, puffing up their cheeks slightly.

They are all girls who think they are beauties, how can they really endure that their attractiveness is not as good as those of the two boys!?

When the warriors came to the front of the guest table, Dumbledore smiled happily, and even greeted Qing Zhang and Hermione as kindly as before, but when his eyes fell on Harry and Ron, Dumbledore Lido's smile was still stiff for a moment..0

Professor Karkaroff nodded to Krum, and then turned to the other warriors with a stern face, without a single smile. Ludo Bagman was wearing a bright purple robe tonight, with big yellow stars printed on it. He clapped his hands as enthusiastically as his classmates, but he seemed a little tired and had serious dark circles under his eyes. Ms. Maxim took off her usual black satin uniform and put on a lavender flowing dress.

As for Mr. Crouch, he didn't seem to be there. Instead, a familiar person was replaced in his place——Percy Weasley. At this moment, Percy forgot to applaud and smile, and he looked like hell He stared at Ron dumbfounded.

The atmosphere suddenly became more and more strange.

The warriors and their dance partners walked to the table and chose a seat close to their headmaster, and Ron wanted to pull Harry to sit next to Dumbledore, but Percy pulled Harry ahead of him. Sit on the seat next to him.

"I don't remember that I have a younger sister." Percy blushed, gnashing her teeth and staring at the wig on Ron's head and his dress.

At this moment, he didn't get the joy of being reused and promoted at all. He just felt that this was a nightmare, and he had the humiliating title of "a younger brother who is a womanizer" on his head.

"There's a reason for that," Ron murmured.

No matter who told them that the time was up, they didn't find a female partner, and Harry, as one of the warriors, had to be there and couldn't escape at all.

Aggrieved, Ron glanced at Hermione, who was close to Qing Zhang, with some complaints. This defector would rather be the dance partner of other college boys than help them.

But Hermione was so beautiful today, Ron almost couldn't recognize her, and became more and more unhappy with Qing Zhang.

Afraid of Percy's misunderstanding, Harry whispered to Percy the ins and outs of their decision, "I didn't find a partner, so that's the only way to go."

As he spoke, Harry glanced at Qiu Zhang, who was talking to Cedric and making a small bell, with a disappointed expression on his face.

"By the way, why are you here, Percy, Mr. Crouch!?"

Percy sighed, knowing that this was the case, and it was too late to say anything now, seeing Harry changing the subject, he also explained wittily, "I'm sorry that Mr. Crouch's condition is not good, very bad. "

"Since the World Cup, he's been off. It's no surprise - it's been too much work. He's not as young as he used to be - although, of course, he's still very good and his mind is still as sharp as ever. .”

"But the World Cup was a terrible defeat for the Ministry as a whole, and Mr Crouch was personally agitated by the misbehavior of his house-elf, Winky or something. Naturally, he Get her out right away, but—well, as I said, he's getting old and needs to be looked after

Percy seemed a little compassionate at the moment, but also seemed a little reserved and proudly continued, "He needs to rest and want to have a quiet Christmas, and I am honored to be entrusted by him to handle some things here on his behalf.

But after finishing speaking, Percy glanced at Ron's ghostly look again, but his smile faded again.

He still can't pretend to be invisible, and for the twins and Ginny who are not optimistic about his younger brother and older brother, Percy wants to ask a question, do you really mind at all!? This thing is embarrassing our family!

Isn't that just a dance partner!? Can't you guys really help find one!?

Sure enough, in terms of communication skills, my family members can't do anything without me.

Percy sighed……………….

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