When Percy and Harry were whispering, Dumbledore also pulled Qing Zhang and Hermione to talk a lot. It didn't look like there was a tense relationship before, and even encouraged Qing Zhang to talk to Hermione. In the next game, you must have a good mood to win glory for the school.

It made Qing Zhang wonder if the other party was really taken away. This is not like the suspicious old Deng, but he stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling face. Qing Zhang also smiled and said something along the lines of the other party. sentence.

Fleur Delacour criticized the Hogwarts decor to Roger Davies.

"It's nothing." She looked at the star-studded walls around the hall, and said contemptuously, "At Beauxbaton Castle, our hall is covered with ice sculptures at Christmas time. Of course, they don't melt.. ...Like giant diamond statues, shining in the auditorium. The food is superb. We also have a choir of nymphs who serenade us while we eat. We don't have these ugly ones around the walls Armor, if any mischievous ghost came into Beauxbatons, it would be thrown out, like this.

As she spoke, she patted the table impatiently, and then Roger Davis looked at Peeves with a strange grinning head poking out of it. He really wanted to defend his alma mater, It's a pity that it's too weak to say anything at the moment.

Didn't you see Professor McGonagall with a dark face the whole time?!

Krum and his female companion have been quiet all the time, but they seem to be in a good mood, although neither of them are talking.

Hagrid came too, sitting at another staff table. He put on that ugly shaggy brown suit again and was looking up towards the guest of honour. To be precise, he was flirting with Maxim's girl, the only shortcoming was that he was dressed a bit rusty and still couldn't make a sound.

As time passed, all the things on the table were eaten, and Dumbledore stood up and told the students to stand up. Then with a flick of his wand, all the tables whizzed away to the walls, leaving an open space in between. He conjured up a high stage, which was attached to the base of the right wall, on which stood a drum kit, several guitars, a lute, a cello and several organs.

At this time, the weird sisters embraced the stage together, and the audience burst into thunderous applause. They all have very thick hair and wear deliberately ripped black robes

They picked up their respective musical instruments, plucked the strings, and played a slow and sad tune.

At this time, Qing Zhang and Hermione, like everyone else, walked onto the dance floor hand in hand with their respective dance partners.

However, the two of them seem to have never learned dancing, so they can only swing their bodies to the rhythm of the music. In fact, the others are not much better. Except for those wizards from pure-blood families, very few young wizards have participated in dance parties at this age, and I was too young to dance.

This is actually nothing, just like at the opening ceremony, everyone sang their own songs, and now everyone dances their own songs, no one laughs at anyone, because everyone is the same, this may be the only place in the wizarding world that is better than the Muggle world.

Everyone was very happy, except for Harry and Ron, it was definitely not a happy thing for two big men to hug and dance together, at least they didn't think it was any fun.

During this period, Ron wanted to deliberately stretch his feet to make Qing Zhang look ugly, but Bi Qing Zhang avoided it, making him flushed with anger.

Harry, on the other hand, stared at Qiu Zhang, who was smiling like a flower next to Cedric, and was stepped on by Ron and others several times without noticing.

In the end, both Harry and Ron couldn't hold on, so they simply quit the dance floor. Anyway, as a warrior, he passed the test if he skipped it. There is no need to persist until the end of the dance.

Hermione was also tired after dancing for a while, and Qing Zhang took her outside to sit at the table drinking a drink and resting. Hannah and Justin continued to play wildly on the dance floor with great interest. Many people changed their partners while dancing, but they didn't seem to notice.

There were also men and women who took the opportunity to sneak out, as if planning to have a private date.

Harry and Ron also seemed to have walked out of the auditorium. By the way, Qing Zhang didn't see Snape during the whole process. Thinking about it, he would never come to this occasion. If there is anyone in Hogwarts who looks forward to this day the least , that must be Snape.

However, Qing Zhang also noticed that his dean, Professor Sprout, seemed a little excited at this time, and walked outside with a sneer, as if he had something important to do.

What does the calendar look like!?

Of course, Qing Zhang didn't want Harry to suspect that his teacher was going to do something bad and secretly followed him out. He wasn't curious, and following up would only embarrass the professor.

Hermione rested her hands on her chin and looked at the crazy men and women on the dance floor, as well as the weird sister band who kept playing this instrument, the smile on her face never disappeared. She seemed to like the current atmosphere very much.

Qing Zhang leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Would you like to see what secrets are in the golden egg!?"

"Ah!?" Hermione didn't react, and then looked at Qing Zhang incredulously, "Why did you say this all of a sudden!?"

The last time it was discussed that it was played in a different medium environment. In fact, there is basically only one in water, and other media are dangerous. Zhang and the others didn't take any action, they seemed to have forgotten about it, and Hermione almost forgot that she needed to get the clues in the golden egg.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Qing Zhang would suddenly talk about this matter.

Qing Zhang pulled Hermione to stand up, put her index finger in front of her lips, let out a "shh----" and said, "Come with me, there is a surprise!"

Hermione, who was a little confused, was led by Qing Zhang to the Response Room on the eighth floor.

Looking at the golden egg inside, Hermione became more and more confused, it doesn't look like there is water here!?

"Open it and have a look!?" Qing Zhang urged.

Hermione looked at Qing Zhang, wondering if there were traces of joking on his face. After all, everyone knew that if he opened it, there would be a piercing and scary sound, so asking her to open it, isn't it playing tricks!?

However, seeing that Qing Zhang didn't look like he was planning to play a prank, Hermione hesitated for a moment and walked over to pick up the golden egg and tried to open it, frowning and thinking: Could it be that I made a wrong judgment before, the medium needed is not water!?

Opening the golden egg carefully, Hermione unexpectedly found that there was no harsh strange noise that the students said, and of course there were no other noises—there were a few old books with some old skins inside.

"This is a Christmas present for this year, and I plan to deliver it to you personally." Qing Zhang said, of course, he also imitated the golden egg. Just staying in the library, Qing Zhang also wanted to repay the other party.

These are some ancient books from pure-blood families that he obtained by pretending to enter Knockturn Alley. Of course, they are not related to black magic.

something dangerous as a thank you gift to Hermione.

Among them are some alchemy notes and notes on ancient spells, as well as some manuscripts. Due to serious shortages, their value has been greatly reduced, but for a little wizard from a Muggle family like Hermione, they are absolutely precious. Just a few words are the results of the predecessor's painstaking efforts and experience.

And Hermione liked books, there is no more suitable gift than this one.

Hermione stared at the few books in her hands. Although there were missing pages and parts of them were damaged, she still liked them very much. Holding a few books, she was very pleasantly surprised. She thought Qing Zhang forgot to prepare Christmas presents again. , the result...unexpectedly surprised her.

The little witch couldn't help but kissed Qing Zhang's face, "Thank you, I like it very much.

"But in this way, the Christmas present I gave you seems a bit too light." After Hermione was happy, she began to feel annoyed again. The Christmas present she gave Qing Zhang today was a hand-woven scarf, which was more precious than these too cheap for literature.

Qing Zhang touched the place where he was kissed, "Your compensation is enough."

Hermione blushed when she saw this, "Okay..."

"But that golden egg..."

"It's okay, that one is fake, I made it temporarily, and the real one is still in my dormitory." Qing Zhang waved his hand indifferently and explained.

"Oh." Hermione lowered her head and drew circles on the ground with her toes, shyly afraid to look at Qing Zhang.

Qing Zhang took her hand again and said, "There is no one else here, let's continue dancing here!?"

Because there are too many people on the dance floor in the auditorium, they danced and danced before and ended up simply avoiding other people. From time to time, people were stepped on or fell down. The dance floor is quite chaotic, so it's strange to have fun.

"Okay." Hermione replied quietly.

Qing Zhang snapped his fingers, and the soothing music sounded, and the candles in the room flickered.

The two stuck together, dancing a simple and fragmented dance, and the shadows on the wall followed suit.

On the other side, Hannah and the others were finally tired from dancing. After leaving the dance floor, they realized that Hermione and Qing Zhang had disappeared, and immediately found their friends.

Professor Sprout returned to the auditorium again, and she came to Professor McGonagall with something in her hand. The two witches got together and said something excitedly with serious faces.

Under the flickering light, there seemed to be a pink beetle on the palm of Professor Sprout.

At the same time, near the village of Ottery-St. Catchpole, on the top of a small hill not far to the north of the Burrow where the Weasley family lived, there was a black cylindrical house like a huge stone.

The little moon Luna Lovegood is lying in front of the window with her face in her hands and looking up at the moon.

"Lulu, what do you think is going on at the ball now!?"

Luna looked at the blue slime rubbing against her and asked.

She didn't mean to blame her father. Even if Mr. Lovegood didn't ask her to come back, she actually didn't plan to stay in school, because after her mother passed away, she also went to school, and Mr. Lovegood was the only one at home. Na didn't want her father to be too lonely at Christmas.

"Lulu~" Slime yelled, as if she was really answering Luna's question, which made Luna giggle, "Yes, it must be very exciting."

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