Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1096 It Is A Rare Thing In The World To Have Both Perfections, Not To Lose The Tathagata And Not To

On the second day of Christmas, Hermione and Qing Zhangcai appeared in front of the crowd again and did not return overnight.

Regarding where they went and what they did last night, both of them tacitly did not tell anyone else.

During the following holidays, no one planned to go home, so they simply stayed at school. In fact, it was the first time for many people to stay in school during the long vacation. Hogwarts, where there are no classes to attend, seems to be a little different, making people want to lie lazily on the lawn and enjoy the sun.

It's a pity that it's winter now, and it would be really cold to lie there.

However, while playing wildly together, Hermione's routine has not changed much. She is still a frequent visitor at the other end of the library, and her relationship with Qing Zhang seems to have taken a step forward, but it seems that nothing has changed.

Years flow like water, years are like songs, quiet and good.

The holidays go by like this day by day, but it is not really without the slightest disturbance.

If there are any major events during the period, there is indeed one, that is, Rita Skeeter personally appeared on the "Daily Prophet" headline heroine. In the photo, the female reporter's eyes were partly enlarged, but she is familiar with her Everyone can easily recognize her identity.

Because of violating the laws related to Animagus, it is now undergoing further review by the court of the Ministry of Magic to confirm whether the evidence is complete. If it is proved that she is an illegal Animagus and uses this ability to invade the privacy of others, then Rita · Skeeter is likely to face trial, as to what the final punishment is, it has not yet been determined.

There is a certain chance of being transferred to Azkaban for a fixed-term prison sentence.

Many wizards who were deeply hurt by this, and who had long held a grudge against the female reporter, clapped their hands and cheered after seeing the first edition of the "Daily Prophet" report!

Hermione, who was obsessed with learning, also ordered a glass of fruit wine to celebrate after seeing the report of the day. She had already disliked that guy.

In addition to this incident, some unpleasantness occurred during the period.

In line with the "kindness" that Harry gave him the clues to the first project, Qing Zhang also asked Hermione to pass on Harry's ideas on how to solve the mystery of the golden egg. As for why he didn't give the answer directly, then It's because Qing Zhang doesn't know whether the words stored in every golden egg are the same.

In fact, speaking of "gratitude", in fact, Harry didn't really help before, not to mention that he delayed telling the clues until the day before the game, but Hagrid had already given this reminder, Harry His favor is really superfluous.

However, Qing Zhang accepted this "love". Although he had reported some suggestions before, it was considered clear, but since Harry didn't plan to eat alone before, Qing Zhang naturally shared information this time, after all Both of them represent Hogwarts. It can be said that the relationship between the two is prosperous and there is no need to make a clear distinction.

But, some of the two are indeed rivals, at least in the case of the other two warriors, they are "rivals", so Qing Zhang will not openly have any contact with Harry, so as not to be offended.

It's just that Hermione's side is not going well at all. After Christmas, Ron seems to have more opinions on Hermione. Whenever he sees Hermione, he will be sarcastic, and he will not give Hermione and Harry a chance to talk alone. .

And Harry and Ron were always together, almost inseparable, which made Hermione very headache and couldn't find a chance at all.

What made Hermione even more speechless was that she said that she wanted to talk to Harry about something and hoped to be alone for a while, but Ron insisted that she might have come to harm Harry, because Hermione and Qing Zhang had a very good relationship , Maybe Harry stole Qing Zhang's limelight, maybe it made Harry unable to participate in the second project.

This is simply unreasonable trouble. There is still a long time before February 24th. She is here to harm Harry, and she must ensure that Harry cannot be cured for such a long time!? How can it be done!? Not to mention them There is no deep hatred between them, right? As for!?

In the end, Hermione got a little impatient, and she simply told Ginny, the primary school girl, to listen, and told Ginny not to be listened to by too many people, so as not to be known by Beauxbatons and Durmstrang . Asking Ginny to tell Harry, as for whether Harry believes it or not, that is not Hermione's concern, and she is doing her best.

Fortunately, Ginny was very obedient and didn't doubt Hermione's intentions, and she told Harry exactly as required, and was not listened to by more people, including Ron who was mentally ill.

No way, since the incident of Ron's women's dress at the Christmas ball, his brothers and sisters are a little afraid to get too close to Ron. If they can't meet, it's better not to meet each other, so as not to ruin their reputation, especially Weasley The twins, who finally found a girlfriend, would cry if they broke up because of Ron.

After talking about the lucky side, let's also talk about the unfortunate side.

Unfortunately, Harry didn't seem to be listening, he doubted Hermione's words. And it seems that it is not enough to complain about Shangqing Zhang. From Harry's point of view, he himself had clearly told Qing Zhang what the first project was—and Qing Zhang had made Hermione convey an inexplicable word in fair exchange, asking Harry to bubble the golden egg Bath, oh my god, is this playing with him!?

Harry felt that he didn't need such a worthless help at all. Of course, the most important thing was that during the vacation, Harry saw the goddess Qiu Zhang and Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff College more than once during the holidays. Walking up and down the corridor arm in arm, the sweet atmosphere of being in love made Harry feel a little dislike for Hufflepuff House.

Obviously he was better and more dazzling than Cedric in Quidditch, and he also became a warrior in the Triwizard Tournament. Harry felt that Cho Zhang should really look at himself, not Cedric's little boy. .

He didn't know she was treated like this.

After Qing Zhang learned about Harry's situation from Hermione, he just shook his head, saying that Hermione has done a good job, and that's enough.

In fact, Qing Zhang doesn't care what Harry thinks. If the other party doesn't trust him, then he doesn't trust him. Anyway, he has done what he should do, and he has a clear conscience. At that time, Harry really can't let go. Well, other people can't blame him, "You can't let Zhang Sipi beg Harry to believe you!?

He wasn't that humble, and Harry didn't deserve it.

As for why it is said that Harry may have a tumble on the second item, Qing Zhang is not talking nonsense, although the second item has not changed, but this time there is no Cedric to remind Harry, if Ha Harry continued not to believe the words of Qing Zhang and Hermione because of prejudice, so Harry, who was unprepared, would definitely face Waterloo in the second project

Especially the Iron Triangle in the original book, Miss Hermione Granger, the think tank, is still missing. With Harry's knowledge and ability over the past three years, there is no way to come up with a way to deal with underwater breathing on the spot, let alone It is said that underwater combat is still needed.

On February 24th, the water in the Black Lake was icy cold. If you didn’t learn the Warmth Curse, you would still be unable to move an inch. It can be said that the current events of the Triwizard Tournament are indeed much easier than hundreds of years ago. Bigger is also safer, but this is still not something an ordinary fourteen-year-old wizard in fourth grade can easily pass.

The reason why there is a window period of three months between the second event and the first event is to give enough time for the four warriors to make full preparations during this period. He even gave clues about the golden egg in advance. If it was in the previous triwizard competitions, this kind of thing would never happen. The warriors must be unprepared for the game [Ten bad really will die on it.

Where might give you clues and time to prepare!?

The long vacation passed quickly, and after the new semester, everyone noticed that Harry not only carried books, parchment and quills on his back in class as usual, but also carried his golden egg baby Gita with him, for fear of others It's the same as if you can't see it, you take it everywhere, and you don't mind getting in the way.

There is no need to ask, Qing Zhang and Hermione can be sure that Harry didn't take their words seriously at all, and didn't even think about trying, they just didn't say anything about it.

That's what these bad boys do, and the moment you change your mind about it, he tells you you changed it too soon.

Here I have to mention Rubeus Hagrid, a fool, a super fool. Qing Zhang had repeatedly told him not to mention the half-blood giant in front of Ms. Maxim, but it turned out that he was so confused at the critical moment that he got carried away and told Ms. Maxim about his own story. life experience.

He has a giant mother who doesn't have a terrible motherhood, and a dwarf human father who is very good to him.

Of course, these are nothing at all. Since two people are together, these things should be told to each other, but when Hagrid said these things, he still looked at Maxi with a self-righteous ""```" solution" Ms. Mu, I think the other party must be the same as him, and has feelings for his parents.

But he forgot what Qing Zhang reminded him that the secular world is not friendly to mixed-race children, and not every parent has feelings for their children, and their union does not exist because of love.

Hagrid was better, his mother was a giant, and after giving birth to Hagrid, Hagrid was abandoned to Hagrid's father and left. But Ms. Maxim's mixed-blood giants, most of them have a giant father. With the giant's character, the human mother as the mother must not be voluntary, and the process of this combination can be said to be unforgettable, both physically and mentally. Tortured to pieces.

Even if the human mother is lucky enough to survive with the remaining child, then she must not have a good impression of the child, and did not kill the child

This is just rejection from blood relatives, what is even darker is discrimination and unfriendliness from the outside world.

Why was Hagrid so easily found guilty and had his wand broken and forced to drop out of school!? In fact, it had something to do with his status as an unpopular half-giant. Becoming an equal existence, even becoming the Minister of Magic, wizards are not so friendly (get it) to other alien races.

The only exception is the goblin who manages wizard currency, but even goblins can only manage money, and others are not allowed to get involved. This is an unspoken rule.

So now I can always see Hagrid so drunk that he doesn't even understand what he did wrong. With Hagrid's simple brain, why is Ms. Maxim suddenly angry?

He didn't understand at all, is it really because he mentioned his parents!?

Just because the wound is stuttering doesn't mean the wound doesn't exist anymore, it will still bleed and hurt when it is opened.

If Hagrid doesn't realize this himself, no one can help him. Qing Zhang has already reminded him, but it's useless, because that problem has always been there, and if you don't want to avoid it, you can always avoid it as if you can't see it. does not exist.

There is nothing Qing Zhang can do about it.

"I still hope that Hagrid can be with Ms. Maxim..." Hermione sighed faintly. Although Hagrid is a bit naive, he is a simple person in essence, and he and Mark The reason why Ms. Sim has no other half at this age must be because

caused by one's own identity.

No matter how much Ms. Maxim denies it, in fact, other people are more or less aware that she has a giant blood.


And Hermione also felt that Ms. Maxim was really happy when she got along with Hagrid before, which absolutely cannot be faked.

Why!? Now they have to torture each other!? She couldn't understand, is the identity of a half-blood giant really that important! Ren?.

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