Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1097 Myrtle: Say It To Me, Female-Toilet-Toilet-Room!

How about Hagrid, Harry didn't have time to pay attention.

As the time approached the date of February 24th, he became more and more anxious. Female classmates who could talk like Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown seemed to be interested in him. The attitude is very cold.

Except for Ginny, no one seemed to want to greet Harry with the same kind face as they used to.

But Harry didn't really care too much about it. He felt that he might not have taken her too seriously in the matter of his partner before, which is why Parvati and the others were angry. He thought that when he had a chance to care about them later, the relationship would be improved again. Can go back to the past.

Harry is now more concerned about the golden egg mystery, which he has not yet solved.

Every time he opened it and listened carefully, hoping to figure out the mystery, and forced himself to think about the meaning of those voices, he would be defeated by that terrible voice, and he would have to close the golden egg again after a short period of time. The cry was locked inside the eggshell.

He had to admit that there was nothing he could do with this golden egg.

During this process, it's not that he didn't think of the inexplicable words that Hermione conveyed through Ginny, but in the end he shook his head and didn't take it seriously. Taking a bath for the golden egg, it's really lucky that Hermione and the others can think of such absurd words, if they really do that, they will definitely be regarded as idiots, maybe Qing Zhang and the others will wait for him to do this, and then laugh at him!

He is not fooled.

However, Harry had no idea that he was the only one among the four warriors who was like a headless chicken, and the other three had already started making final preparations for the arrival of the second project.

Like Viktor Krum of Durmstrang, as long as you pass the big ship of Durmstrang moored on the lake, you can see the figure of the other party appearing on the deck, or simply swimming in the lake And diving, just wearing a pair of swimming trunks to reveal a strong upper body, which made many of his little fans scream.

Others who didn't know the inside story felt that the other party was crazy, and even entered the Black Lake to swim in this season.

Obviously, Krum has already solved the riddle hidden in the golden egg.

As for Fleur Dracul, Qing Zhang learned from Luna that the other party got along well with Ravenclaw students, had good friendships with many people, and seemed to have been practicing some magic tricks in private. The look of a curse.

Maybe, the idea of ​​solving the mystery has already been obtained from some Ravenclaw licking dogs. Ravenclaw's students have always been known for their wisdom, and this small problem will definitely not trouble them for a long time, not to mention that Fleur Delacour is not stupid herself.

Of course, Qing Zhang felt that she must have never thought of how much her quarter of Veela blood betrayed her. In the original book, the reason why she was attacked by Grindylow when she was approaching the target, and failed to rescue the hostages— ——Her sister Gabriel, the main reason is her veela blood, if this problem is not solved, this girl will not be able to do many jobs related to magical animals after graduation.

Because it is difficult for others, but for her it is the highest difficulty of hell level.

Unless she can control her "charm" like a real Veela, it's better not to engage in work related to magical animals, maybe one day she will be captured by some gorilla and become her "wife".

It is naturally impossible for Qing Zhang to remind the other party of this issue. Unlike Harry, Furong is a complete competitor.

As for Qing Zhang, both Hermione and Cedric gave the same suggestion, which is to master the Bubble Curse before the arrival of the second item, which can be said to be consistent with what Fleur Delacour thought .

Compared with the dangerous transfiguration technique chosen by Krum, the A-Head Curse is undoubtedly much safer.

At least it doesn't open you up to the possibility of permanent limb deformities.

The bubble head spell creates a large bubble around the caster's head, which looks like a goldfish bowl has been turned upside down. This spell can be used to breathe underwater, or to isolate the surrounding dirty air.

However, it is not without disadvantages. Wizards with bad breath will make the gas in the bubbles no longer suitable for breathing after thirty minutes. Even if there is no bad breath, it will only prolong the time a little. It would be tantamount to killing yourself.

Therefore, if it is not enough to just master the Bubble Curse, Hermione and the others suggest that it is best to learn how Krum is as familiar with underwater sports. At this time, Hermione and the others also found that Durmstrang might have unlocked the Golden Egg It's a mystery, and everyone is lamenting that none of the people who can become a warrior are mediocre.

But in the end they still didn't jump into the Black Lake Winter Swim, mainly because if they did that, they would probably offend Krum's little fans. Although they are not afraid of these blind fans, it would be better to have less trouble.

And if you want to practice water, there is no other place to use it. Just find an open space and dig a small pond. There are many places like Hogwarts, especially the one near the Forbidden Forest. As long as you don’t enter the Forbidden Forest Inside, it's not a violation of school rules.

Besides, he had helped Hagrid anyway, so Hagrid was still willing to help with this little favor.

In fact, Hagrid also wanted to get a big pool out, to see if he could ease the recent tense relationship between him and Ms. Maxime by giving Fleur Delacour convenience, because there was no Rita Sky According to special reports, at present the relationship between Hagrid and Ms. Maxim is not as complete as in the original book.

Let's put it this way, the big pool is used by Qing Zhang and the others and Furong Delacour in turn.

Perhaps Hagrid's efforts have paid off. Although his relationship with Ms. Maxim has not returned to what it was before, it is no longer in the cold war stage, and the atmosphere has eased.

However, Hermione has some small opinions, because Hagrid has forgotten his friends for sex, and even donated the swimming pool they worked so hard to build. For Fleur Delacour, a woman who looks like a vixen, Hermione has always loved her. Both have some hostility, unilateral dislike of seeing each other.

And Fleur Delacour also seems to like to tease Hermione, a little witch, and when she notices Hermione's unfriendly eyes, she will deliberately wink at Qing Zhang and a few boys, even if Qing Zhang is immune With this level of charm, she didn't make a fool of herself, her eyes were as clear as ever, but it still made Hermione feel very uncomfortable.

The two women have completely met each other like this. When they are together, they will always clash with each other, and it is often Hermione who loses.

Like Ernie and Justin, they were ashamed and lost. Fleur only needs to release a little charm to fascinate two young boys who have not experienced much in the world, and they are afraid that they will not remember anything.

Just when the three warriors including Qing Zhang were making final preparations for the second project, Harry finally ushered in the dawn——Professor Moody’s hint

In fact, it can be said to be explicit.

This fake Professor Moody, played by Barty Crouch Jr., will not let Harry really mess up on the second project, and may even abstain on the spot, there is no way for that to happen (cacf) In this case, it doesn't matter whether Harry becomes a joke, but Harry, who can only get zero points in the second item, even if he gets a high score of 40 points in the first item, he will still be in the second item. , the total score is at least 40 points behind the other three warriors.

In this case, before the third event, Harry's confidence might collapse, and he voluntarily abstained from participating in the competition. Naturally, the conspiracy they had planned before would have to be declared bankrupt, which was not what Barty Crouch Jr. wanted.

So even if it would arouse Dumbledore's suspicion, he must help Harry.

To be honest, Barty Crouch Jr. looked down on Harry, thinking that Harry was just a lucky guy, and he couldn't even solve this little difficulty by himself, and just like that, he even defeated the wise and mighty Voldemort, Barty Jr. really wanted to kill Harry, the kid who had tarnished the majesty of the Dark Lord.

At the same time, Barty also complained a little bit about why Dumbledore knew that Harry Potter was a fool without a brain, so he didn't arrange a partner with a brain for him. That Ron Weasley was even more useless than Harry Potter Chai, I really don't know what to say, just two mindless scumbags together, do you want to prevent the return of the great Dark Lord!?

Stop joking.

After being hinted by Professor Moody, Harry finally decided to take a bath with his precious lumpy golden egg.

Even though Harry knew that he had misunderstood Hermione, Qing Zhang and the others, Qing Zhang and the others had no conspiracy, but he still didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him, who told Hermione and the others not to make it clear, otherwise there would be no delay It also caused him a misunderstanding.

In fact, if Harry had paid close attention to Hagrid during this time, he might have discovered that there was an extra swimming pool near Hagrid's hut, and would Fleur Delacour and Qing Zhang enter it? Come for some winter swimming.

In this case, even if he didn't know what was hidden inside the golden egg, he probably guessed that the second item must be related to water, and there was a high probability that swimming or even deep diving would be required.

【Look for us, where our voices sound,

We cannot sing on the ground.

When you search, Qing thinks carefully:

We took away your most beloved baby.

You only have one hour,

To seek and recover what we have taken,

After an hour there is no hope,

It has completely disappeared and will never appear. 】

In the water, the golden egg that was opened released no longer the harsh and terrible sound that was imprisoned, but changed into a beautiful singing sound like a clear spring.

"But what does this mean!?" Harry soaked naked in the water, holding his breath and getting his head out of the water after listening to the lyrics.

His underdeveloped brain didn't know what the lyrics were trying to express. Maybe even Barty Crouch Jr. didn't expect to get to this point, and he could still stump Harry.

"This is the song of the mermaid."

"Who!?" Harry was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a female voice.

"It's me." Myrtle got out of the water and landed on the floor of the bathroom. Seeing Harry reaching out to cover her little bird, she couldn't help curling her lips, "It's too small, I'm not interested.

"Why are you here!?" Harry looked at the other person with some annoyance, "I-Qian is not wearing anything now!"

Fortunately, the foam in the water was very thick, otherwise Harry would have wanted to die, and these ghosts would still be peeping.

But even though he knew he wouldn't be naked, the naked Harry still felt very uncomfortable being stared at by Myrtle like this.

"You ran to my site by yourself, and you asked me why I'm here!?" Myrtle puffed up her cheeks and looked at Harry dissatisfied. "This is the girls' bathroom. Do you think it's strange that I'm here, or are you here?" Strange here!?"

"I...." Harry was speechless, didn't he just want to find a place where no one was there!? He had forgotten that there was a female ghost named Myrtle staying there all year round.

"By the way, what's the matter with the mermaid's singing you just mentioned!?" Harry knew he was wrong, so he put away his anger and changed the subject.

"A mermaid is a mermaid, what's the matter!? You have been studying at Hogwarts for so long, and you haven't heard a mermaid singing in the lake!? Oh, yes

Now, those singing sounds are going to be awful out of the water. said Myrtle.

"So... the second project I need to deal with is actually a mermaid!?"

Harry reacted belatedly, and at the same time remembered that he might have gone crazy when he laughed at Krum's winter swimming with Ron before, and his face blushed suddenly.

"Then do you know the meaning in the lyrics!? What is the most beloved baby that was snatched away!?"

"I don't know!? And I'm going to sleep, can you go out!? Otherwise, I'll call someone." Myrtle looked at Harry who was holding on to it impatiently.

She didn't like this boy who would speak ill of girls behind their backs and call girls ugly, because it was too much.


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