Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1098 The Second Project - Rescue In The Lake!

Time passed day by day, and soon it was February 24th, which was the day of the second event.

After breakfast, Qing Zhang was led by Professor Sprout to the paddock around the fire dragon last November. Stand by.

After Qing Zhang arrived, Durmstrang's Viktor Krum and Beauxbaton's Fleur Delacour were already waiting there, and Fleur seemed to be wearing a slightly thicker outfit today. robe.

"Didn't that classmate of yours come!?" Fu Rong asked in a low voice when she saw Qing Zhang coming.

During this period of time, due to frequent encounters in the swimming pool near Hagrid's hut, Fu Rong and Qing Zhang became more and more familiar. It's impossible to be enamored with a boy who is so much younger than herself, unless she is a pervert.

Compared with Qing Zhang, she seems to like teasing Hermione more.

Qing Zhang shrugged, "I don't know him very well, neither he nor his friends seem to like me very much.

Fu Rong was surprised, but still nodded. If their school were also two warriors, they might not be able to get along. After all, although they came from the same school

But it is also a competitor, and there is only one person who wins everything in the end.

Compared with the opponents from other schools, the players from this school are more difficult to tolerate. After staying in Hogwarts for so many days, Fu Rong can also feel that the four houses of Hogwarts are not as close as a family.

Especially Slytherin and Gryffindor.

"He won't stop coming!?"

Fleur also saw it. Harry was still soaking in the library just yesterday. It seemed that he hadn't solved the problem of how to get into the water. If this was the case, he would be discouraged and plan to abstain. It wouldn't be a surprise if he didn't come today things.

"No, he will come." Qing Zhang said firmly.

"Ah!?" Fu Rong looked at Qing Zhang with some confusion, and wanted to ask Qing Zhang what he was thinking, but before she could ask any further questions, she heard Harry's panicked voice from behind.

As soon as she turned her head, Fleur saw Harry Potter slipping in the mud and sliding towards her. At the same time, before Harry arrived, a puddle of mud splashed in front of Fleur, making Fleur's face change drastically.

She stepped back, but it was still too late, she avoided the pounced Harry, but the robes were still stained, and even got some on her face.

"Take it." Qing Zhang handed a pack of disposable tissues to Fu Rong, who looked a bit unhappy, and looked at the embarrassed Harry, he curled his lips, "I just said he will be there."

That’s right, the other warriors are all on their own, only Harry is supported by a bunch of ghosts and monsters, how could he let him abstain!?

"You should have warned me earlier!" Furong took it and took out a few tissues and wiped her face.

Qing Zhang Wenyan revealed a nasty smile, "But we are opponents, how can I remind you, if something happens to you now and you have to leave, I will be very happy.

Fu Rong rolled her eyes, "Isn't it just to tease your little girlfriends a little bit!? Do you want to be so stingy!? Anyway, sister, I also got to know you once. 11

Qing Zhang spreads his hands, "It's none of my business, it's obviously your own distraction, the moment you get to the arena, you shouldn't be distracted, if it's a triwizard competition in the past, sister, you may lose your life.

"Look at Krum, he obviously didn't look back, but he moved away early."

Fu Rong looked in the direction of Qing Zhang's finger, and sure enough Viktor Krum of Durmstrang was not standing in the original position, and Harry Potter was lying beside him at the moment.

"So none of you guys reminded me!?" Fu Rong became even more angry, she is still not a beauty, why does it not work for these guys, and none of you pay attention to her charm, which makes Fu Rong very angry defeat.

She thought that with her quarter Veela charm, she could easily take down other opponents! To be honest, when she found out that the other warriors except herself were male, she really thought it would be It is a simple checkpoint.

But unexpectedly, all of them seemed to be blind, and they were not captured by her beauty at all.

Especially the little guy Qing Zhang, she approached intentionally more than once, but in the end, although the other party would smile and chat with her, but he was not caught, even a little boy couldn't handle it, making Furong almost suspicious She is a fake beauty.

As soon as Harry got up over there, Percy Weasley came over from the referee's seat angrily, "Where have you been!? The game is about to start, and everyone is waiting for you!"

"I..." Harry got up and wanted to explain, but he found that if he told the other party that he had overslept in the library, if it wasn't for Dobby who woke him up and really missed the time, Percy probably more angry.

"Okay, okay, Percy! Let him breathe!" Ludo Bagman was still taking sides with Harry.

As for Dumbledore smiling at Harry, Professor Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim were a little unhappy. Obviously, the reason why the game has not started yet is to wait for Harry alone, and Dumbledore Lido must have said a lot on Harry's behalf before Harry came, and the game was delayed.

"Sorry." Harry said quietly.

Then he was placed among the Warriors by Ludo Bagman. The four warriors lined up in chairs on the shore of the Black Lake, each ten feet apart. Harry was last in line, next to Krum, and to Krum's right was Qing Zhang, followed by Fu Rong.

Qing Zhang and Fu Rong had already pulled out their wands, but Krum started to take off his robe, and finally only a pair of swimming trunks were left on his body, revealing his strong muscles, which made many little fans in the stands The little boy screamed.

Only Harry, at this moment, was still bent over, resting his hands on his knees, panting heavily.

Bagman seemed to be waiting for Harry to catch his breath and get ready. He walked towards the judge's table very slowly, like a snail, as if those short steps would take him out of a year's journey. Average time.

This made Krum, who was only wearing big underpants and blowing the cold wind, turn blue, and Karkaroff was even more angry.

Fu Rong and Qing Zhang took their wands and prepared for a long time, they looked like fools in a daze, and Ms. Maxim also twitched suddenly.

"That's enough, Bagman!" Dumbledore couldn't hold his smile anymore, and reminded Ludo Bagman not to go too far, "Otherwise, other people won't be able to resist friendly exchanges with you later. .”

Dumbledore bit the accent on the word "communication".

"Okay." Bagman noticed that Karkarov and Ms. Maxim had bad faces, and knew that if he continued to favor Harry in this way, he would really be beaten, so he sneered a few times before returning quickly. Next to the referee table.

He didn't sit down, but stood up, pointed his wand at his throat, and said, "The voice is loud!"

As a result, his voice became as loud as thunder, passing over the dark lake to the stands, the wizarding world didn't need any microphones at all.

"Listen everyone, our warriors are in their positions. As soon as I blow the whistle, the second task begins. They have a full hour to recover what has been taken from them. I count to three and one...  ..two...three!"

A shrill whistle echoed in the cold still air. Cheers and applause erupted from the stands. At the same time, Qing Zhang and Fu Rong pointed their wands at their heads and recited the head-bubbling curse and the constant temperature curse that can keep the body warm.

This is already very fast, the two of them have practiced countless times before this, but there are still people who got into the water one step ahead of them, and the first one to get into the water was the least favored Harry

He quickly took off his shoes and socks, took a handful of gill grass from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, and then plunged directly into the water.

0 for flowers...

This made many people in the stands look surprised, because they were far away, Harry was very fast, and the movement of swallowing the gill grass was stealthy and done in one go, most people only saw Harry and went into the water without thinking. , are somewhat skeptical of life.

The second person to enter the water was Viktor Krum. After partially deforming himself, he also entered the water. If it hadn't taken a while to release the transformation technique on himself, he was actually the first to enter the water of.

Hearing two "plops" of going into the water, Qing Zhang was still relatively calm, and cast a spell on herself unhurriedly, but Fu Rong was a little restless. Just jumped into the water.

Seeing that Qing Zhang shook his head secretly, but Qing Zhang didn't delay too much, he also went into the water about two seconds after Furong went down.

Because of the constant temperature and warming spell, Qing Zhang didn't feel much about the freezing cold lake water. Of course, even if the spell didn't work, the coldness wouldn't affect Qing Zhang at all. body works.

If it wasn't for fear of shocking the world, Qing Zhang wouldn't even want to use these spells, and the speed could be even faster.


With the Bubble Head Curse, Qing Zhang can open his eyes in the water, but the water of the Black Lake is dark and black, and because it is still winter, the sunlight itself is not so bright, so you can see it in it. The distance is even shorter.

But Qing Zhang couldn't be troubled, he even easily penetrated the entire Great Lake.

Fleur was unsurprisingly entangled by a group of Grindylow water monsters. The girl seemed to use most of the water to stop the warriors from advancing. , but not many guards.

(Note: Grindylow is a kind of horned, pale green water devil that lives in lakes all over Britain and Ireland. They feed on small fish and attack both muggles and wizards, but it is known that mermaids have tamed them. Grindylow has very long fingers which, though powerful in grasping, break easily.)

I have to say that the quarter of Veela blood is indeed a big pit.

At the moment, Viktor Krum is in the form of a half-man, half-shark. He transformed part of his body into a shark, especially the head.

This kind of transformation seems to allow him to breathe in the water, and at the same time, he also has the ability of a part of the shark, which can capture some information or taste in the water.

Although Krum was the second to go into the water, he was the first to find the real direction.

It does have some ability, but although this incomplete transformation is a coincidence, it will not be as risky as an Animagus, but it also has certain risks. If you are not careful, you may become permanently inhuman and inhuman. Ghost.

A simple evaluation is that courage is commendable, but it is not worth advocating!

In the end was Harry. He was obviously the first to enter the water, but in the end he was scurrying around in the water like a headless fly. In this extremely visible black lake, Harry couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north, and east. When he didn't get to the hostage's location, he became a little at a loss as he swam around.

But to Qing Zhang's surprise, this place will appear in the original book to guide Harry correctly

Myrtle in the direction of the direction does not seem to appear.

Without thinking too much, Qing Zhang swam directly to the direction where Hermione was. Along the way, whether it was light rain, or the Grindylow monster, or people and people, they all avoided in fear, letting the

the way forward.

If Furong has the physique to attract these monsters, then there is no doubt that Qing Zhang is the insulator, no, the insulator is not accurate, it should be the expulsion physique.

I don't know what kind of image Qing Zhang looks like in the eyes of these creatures in the water! Shan?

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