Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1099 Some People Who Have Never Been Treated Kindly By The World!

Maybe it's because Furong was ranked next to Qing Zhang before, so at this moment Furong is just not too far away from Qing Zhang, and it is just in the direction of Qing Zhang.

As Qing Zhang got closer to the past, the densely packed Grindylo water monsters surrounding Furong Delacour were decreasing a little bit, and when Qing Zhang got closer, they scattered in a rush, desperately heading in the opposite direction flee.

Furong didn't know what happened, but the excitement of just over a minute still consumed a lot of physical strength and the air in the bubble hood, and her face was a little ugly at the moment.

Moreover, the sudden dispersal and escape of those green monsters also made her heart ache to the extreme.

This situation can only be caused by some more terrifying monster approaching, which makes those water monsters so frightened.

The first project was a fire dragon, and the second project really didn't know what kind of scary and dangerous creatures the organizers had produced, which forced Furong to fly.

To be honest, Fu Rong almost doubted the charm brought by her quarter Veela blood after successive setbacks on the other three warriors, but these monsters swarmed one by one like sharks smelling blood, Let her know that her charm is still there.

"Damn, this lineage has been dragging its feet"

As I said before, the wizarding world has a subtle attitude towards this kind of mixed-race children who are the combination of two races. Not only are mixed-race giantesses like Ms. Maxi "147" Ms. Ms. The same is true for half-blood wizards. Even though there have been rumors that the origin of wizards was born from the combination of Muggles and magical animals, modern wizards still discriminate against these hybrids.

Perhaps this part of non-human blood did bring a lot of advantages, and could have higher aptitude and talent than ordinary wizards, but the same kind of hybrids would often be treated unfairly and pointed at by various gossips for a long time.

Voices kept telling them they were not welcome.

So whether it is Ms. Maxime or Fleur Delacour, in fact, they are somewhat repulsive to some of their own blood. Now it is the second time in the Triwizard Tournament that they are dragging themselves back. Fleur is more and more against this person. The veela lineage is boring.

The hand holding the magic wand has all the veins exposed at this moment, which shows how hard it is. She is guarding the surroundings and preparing for the next attack.

Suddenly a black shadow appeared in her field of vision and approached her at a very fast speed. Fu Rong released a powerful spell towards her without thinking.

But it was easily avoided by the shadow.

"Damn it!" Fu Rong cursed secretly, and then stepped back while continuing to release the Chaos Curse, the First Curse and the Cui Sleeping Curse.

It's a pity that none of them hit, but the black shadow got closer.

Fear of death made Fu Rong feel suffocated. Seeing the black monster getting closer and closer to her eyes, Fu Rong closed her eyes in fright, waiting for the arrival of death.

She might be the first warrior to die!? I'm sorry, Gabriel, it's my sister's fault.

Qing Zhang stared at this crazy woman who was waiting to die with her eyes closed. If she hadn't had a good temper, she might have been attacked one after another, so she couldn't help but fight back.

With just this little guts, join the Triwizard Contest!

Ignoring Fleur Delacour, Qing Zhang moved forward quickly. There are more and more stone dwellings below, and some dwellings even have gardens. Of course, they are not terrestrial flowers and plants, but some rather peculiar ones. Aquatic magic plants seem to emit shimmering light.

These stone dwellings are the homes of mermaids, but now there are no mermaids, and they are quiet and even a little chaotic. It seems that there was a riot before, leaving a lot of valuables outside without having time to take them away.

At the moment, Hermione and the others are tied up in the middle of the small mermaid village square, where a huge rough statue stands - a mermaid carved out of huge stones. Unlike ordinary mermaids, it wears a crown.

Hermione, Ron, the Slytherin girl who was Krum's partner at the Yule Ball, and a silver-haired eight-year-old girl were firmly bound to the stone fish tail.

All four of them seemed to be in a deep sleep, their heads drooping weakly on their shoulders, and a string of thin blisters kept coming out of their mouths.

Qing Zhang landed on it, looking at Hermione who was sleeping peacefully and ignorant of the outside world, felt a little funny, lightly swiped her finger on the rope tied to Hermione, and it broke immediately, Qing Zhang He hugged Hermione who was floating without restraint, then glanced at the remaining three hostages, and swam directly upwards.

Not long after Qing Zhang left, Fleur Delacour cautiously entered the mermaid village. Because Qing Zhang scared away the mermaids and water monsters, Fleur was not blocked any more. Krum, who was the first to find here, collided with those scattered mermaids and water monsters, and had to start a round of confrontation.

As for Harry, he was still groping forward in the dark, swimming and getting close to the shore, not finding the right direction at all.

"Gabriel!" Furong finally came to the square, relying on the illumination of the luminous objects in the mermaid village, her field of vision expanded, and she saw her own sister tied to the tail of the mermaid stone statue from a distance.

Gabrielle Delacour's blue face at this moment made Fleur a little nervous.

Although rationality told Furong Gabriel that it was impossible to be harmed, she was still very worried and nervous, and almost exhausted all her strength. Furong shot out like a sharp arrow and came to the place where the hostages were.

When she saw that her sister was still breathing, her holding heart finally let go.

Her wand said to the rope that tied Gabriel: "Torn apart!", and the rope split, and she picked up Gabriel, turned and swam in the same direction as she came, and at the same time, headed upwards. , was 45 angles.

Because of the darkness in the black lake, Fu Rong couldn't calculate the time accurately at all. She could only calculate it based on the amount of air in her current bubble. She was afraid that it would take too long, so she was doing her best now. swimming.

She was afraid that something might happen to her younger sister because of the delay in returning home.

As for the safety of the other two hostages, she didn't care so much at all, her sister's safety was more important than anyone else!

In fact, Furong's move was right. It was because she didn't waste a single minute that she was able to leave completely. Almost at the moment she left, the mermaids and water monsters that escaped before all returned. Those water monsters seemed to smell Seeing a certain smell from Fu Rong and her sister, they all looked excitedly in the direction Fu Rong was leaving, with the intention of chasing after her.

It's a pity that it's different from here. Furong, who has rescued the hostages, has completely let go. As a 17-year-old student who is about to graduate, she has mastered no less magic than adult wizards. In addition to experience, there are some shortcomings, plus the four points One of the talent bonuses brought by Veela blood, she is stronger than many adult wizards.

So it is not easy even for the water monsters to catch up with Furong now, not to mention the direction Furong is heading for, and there is a monster that makes these monsters in the water terrified. catch up.

At this time, because of the return of the mermaids, Krum and Harry finally found this place after following these mermaids.

Looking at the densely packed mermaids and Grindylow water monsters, both of them looked unhappy.

When Qing Zhang surfaced with Hermione, the spectators in the direction of Hufflepuff stood up and cheered. Dumbledore smiled and nodded at Qing Zhang, and the other referees had different expressions. One of them, Ludo Bagman, almost yelled "It shouldn't be!"

He must have prepared some kind of backhand to help Harry find the hostages, but it seems that something happened and it didn't take effect..0

"Son, I have to say you did a great job!" Dumbledore stood up and pulled Qing Zhang up so that he and Hermione could return to the shore smoothly.

Qing Zhang hugged Hermione and said to Dumbledore, "Professor, can Hermione wake up!?"

"No problem." Dumbledore waved his wand, and Hermione, whose face turned blue, instantly changed color and returned to normal. The next second, she opened her eyes and spit out a big mouthful of lake water.

"Gosh, it sucks, I don't want to go through it a second time."

After Hermione opened her eyes, she glanced at Qing Zhang who was still hugging her, and said to Dumbledore.

Although she lost consciousness in the lake before, she didn't feel anything at all, but just being wet now, exuding an unpleasant smell, and the smelly lake water in her mouth just now, was enough for Hermione dislike.

She definitely doesn't want a second time.

Madam Pomfrey brought over two blankets at this time, and Dumbledore, who was in the way, covered Qing Zhang and Hermione, and forcefully poured a hot potion into their mouths, and immediately there was heat It came out of the ears of the two.

"I don't want a second time either." Madam Pomfrey said with an uneasy expression.

"Oh, my God, it's too messy to have such a small child. Hurry up and come up with the child." Before Dumbledore could say anything, Madam Pomfrey was holding an eight-year-old child at this moment. When the girl emerged from the water and walked towards Fleur, she was even more nervous than the headmaster of Ms. Maxim's family.

Seeing this, Dumbledore said helplessly, "I think I may have another headache for a long time." He also winked at Hermione and Qing Zhang, obviously he expected that the irritated Pomfre Mrs. Lei will definitely take revenge on him in a small way in the future.

After Hermione got off the ground, she wrapped herself in the blanket and looked back towards Fleur, "I think there is reason to be angry, she is too young [I think this is very unsafe."

"But it's not for us to decide." Dumbledore also looked at Gabrielle Delacour and said.

Although Furong's parents are here, they are all adult wizards, and their strength is guaranteed. If the hostages choose them, Furong will not have a sense of urgency at all. In fact, the treasures that were robbed by the other three warriors are the same. Krum also has parents, and so does Qing Zhang.

However, Qing Zhang's parents were Muggles, and they were not allowed in because of regulations, so it was also impossible for them to be selected as hostages.

In fact, if Fleur really liked someone, or if Roger Davis, the dance partner she chose at the Christmas ball at the time, had a little sincerity, it would be impossible for Fleur's sister Gabe Li became a hostage.

It's a pity that because of the damned quarter Veela blood, Fleur's experience from childhood to adulthood was not so pleasant, so that she couldn't help everyone, except for the equally unfortunate principal Ms. Maxim of Beauxbatons. Sincerely, especially if she couldn't keep awake under the charm brought by her Veela blood, she would definitely not like him.

That's why Dumbledore said he had no choice.

Furong is indeed excellent, but this Triwizard Tournament is the most targeted for her, not because the referees are targeting her, but because she is not suitable for these events. If Qing Zhang does not participate, she will be the second She couldn't go on with this project at all, and there would only be more and more Grindylo water monsters. In the end, she would continue to increase the number until she couldn't hold on, which obviously would not appear for other contestants. .

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