Although many unexpected things happened in the second project, it was finally completed, and the four warriors returned safely with their hostages.

After Harry and Ron, the last ones, both drank the potion given by Madam Pomfrey, Ludo Bagman's magically amplified voice exploded again, startling everyone and shocking the scene. The chaotic audience fell silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally made a decision. Mercus, the female mermaid leader, told us everything that happened at the bottom of the lake. We have decided to rate all warriors as follows on the basis of a full score of 50 points... "

"Qing Zhang showed excellent bubble head spell and constant temperature spell, and broke the record, completed the entire project process in the shortest time, and successfully rescued the hostages. We give him 48 points.

Suddenly there was applause from the stands.

"Why did you deduct two points?" Some people were still very dissatisfied, but it was covered up by the applause.

In fact, the people who deducted two points were Ludo Bagman and Percy Weasley respectively. As for the reason, I won't go into details for the time being, and everyone knows it.

"Although Fleur Delacour also showed excellent use of the Bubble Curse, she spent a lot of physical strength and time dealing with Grindylow, as the second one who returned with the hostages, but she was stipulated Three seconds out of an hour."

As he spoke, Bagman looked at the crowd with different expressions, and finally landed on Fu Rong who was smiling wryly, and said, "Therefore, we finally gave her 43 points."

Fu Rong touched her younger sister Gabriel's head, "I'm sorry, Gabriel, sister, I should have rushed to save you earlier."

She didn't rejoice because she got a pretty good score. Fu Rong knew better than anyone that she was lucky this time. If it wasn't for her, she might not be able to rescue Gabriel in the end, even if she knew Gabriel There is no real danger, but she will still be her future demon for ten lifetimes and will only be in her arms.

It can be said that it was great that she was able to rescue Gabriel with her own hands. The only problem is that it was three seconds longer than the scheduled time. If this is not an act but a real thing, then it means that the extra three seconds Zhong is the key to Gabriel's death, how can Furong be happy with this knowledge!?

"Sister, are you unhappy!?" Gabriel, who was only eight years old, didn't quite understand why the second runner-up, Fu Rong, didn't smile at all. Gabriel pointed to Qing Zhang who was whispering something to Hermione over there. , thoughtfully, "Is my sister not reconciled!?"

"No, how should I put it, I'll know when Gabriel grows up, and let's thank each other later, thanks to her this time, otherwise my sister might only have zero points." Furong said with a sigh, she Ben is a smart person, maybe he still couldn't figure it out in the lake before, but now he has basically figured out the situation.

Maybe Qing Zhang really helped her at that time, and of course maybe it was not intentional, but Furong still remembered this kindness. If it wasn't for this unintentional help, Furong herself knew that she might have been in a slump from the beginning, and just found a passable man to marry. Don't talk about ideals or ambitions, those can only be a joke.

Bagman didn't care what Fleur thought. After giving Fleur's score, he turned his head to look at Viktor Krum, who had a gloomy expression.

"Viktor Krum used Transfiguration, incomplete but still effective, but it took him longer than expected due to the sudden situation at the bottom of the lake

However, his excellent response won the unanimous approval of the referees, and we finally gave him 40 points. "

"Sometimes luck is part of strength."

Karkaroff slapped his hands very vigorously, and he didn't feel ashamed of this score. In fact, as the third place in the second event, Krum's score was not too far away from the first and second places. After two rounds of competition, He is still the number one scorer.

As Karkaroff said, Krum lost luck this time and encountered a mutation in the lake at the same time, but Harry didn't encounter the large-scale Grindylow monster, if it weren't for Krum Tom's strength is even better, and I am afraid that Harry will not be the last one, but him.

It can be said that it is an honor to lose!

Seeing Professor Karkaroff applauding, Krum, who had always been gloomy, seemed to have become less gloomy, and instead had an imperceptible smile on his face.

In the final analysis, it is just that Krum has too high demands on himself.

"Finally, Harry Potter took gill grass, and achieved amazing results." Ludo Bagman came to Harry's side, and patted Harry's shoulder, who was somewhat depressed, and he was the last one to return , even far exceeding the stipulated time of one hour. However, the merman leader told us that Mr. Potter, with his excellent intelligence, defeated them and brought back the hostages. He is only a fourteen-year-old boy, which is great. "

Hermione curled her lips wrapped in a blanket, "It's like a fourteen-year-old boy."

If Hermione hadn't known about Harry's life experience, she would have doubted whether this Mr. Bagman was Harry's biological father, commonly known as "Old Bagman next door".

Otherwise, why would Ludo Bagman, a guy who had never had anything to do with Harry before, favor Harry in everything and give Harry enough face, wishing he would keep doing rainbow farts, so he didn’t care if he offended other people? It's really closer to father and son than to father and son.

To use an example, it is afraid of melting in the mouth.

Ron comforted Harry casually, "Don't be like this, I'm ready for you to abstain, aren't you doing a good job!?"

The corners of Harry's mouth twitched, but he couldn't laugh. No one knew better than him how much water was in his ability to complete the game. He was indeed ready to abstain, but it happened that Dobby came over to send him off this morning. Gill grass, now Dobby is a house elf at Hogwarts, this is against the rules, and Harry didn't come up with it at all, he just feels guilty now.

"However, it's a pity that most of the referees are too harsh for a child." Speaking of this, Bagman looked at the rest of the referees except Percy, including Dumbledore, very dissatisfied, "So, Mr. Potter The final score was 35 points."

The referees all rolled their eyes after being alluded to, Ms. Maxim even snorted coldly. To be honest, if he really didn't show mercy at all, Harry would have to be disqualified for this round, not to mention the points. By the way, the precious magic plant like gill grass has a very harsh growth environment and is difficult to cultivate, which makes its price not cheap.

Not to mention Harry, these adult wizards may not take it out as soon as they can, and they still use it in such a show-like competition, just to grow gills and webbed fingers and toes in the water within an hour. Down to swim and breathe!?

Who can stand such a loser!? Even the final prize money of the Triwizard Tournament may not be enough to pay back.

Gill grass is usually used in certain precious potions. Even a potion master like Snape would only be willing to cut off a small piece and use it as medicine. Chewing and swallowing it directly like Harry is such a prodigal. up.

Therefore, if it is really pursued, the source of Harry's gill weed must be investigated clearly, but this kind of thing is not suitable for it to happen, otherwise there will be a bigger disturbance, involving the entire European wizarding world.

All of a sudden, from the second place in the total score to the last place in the total score, three points lower than the third place Qing Zhang, Harry's face became more and more ugly, he could already imagine the ridicule of Malfoy and others .

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. The third and last project will be carried out on the evening of June 24." Bagman continued, "The warriors will know the specific content of the project one month in advance , This time I will not engage in any golden eggs. Thank you for your support to the warriors."

Bagman gave Harry a meaningful look, and then left, this time he didn't pull Harry to say anything.

Madam Pomfrey began to escort the warriors and hostages back to the castle to change into dry clothes. On the way, the school doctor never stopped accusing Dumbledore and the others of being inappropriate. He made so many bad things every time, and he didn't understand her at all. What if the children were all sick and their studies were delayed!?

And when underwater, if something really happened, it would be too late to rescue them.

The lady was full of opinions about Dumbledore.

The second project ended like this, but people are still very curious about what happened in the lake. After all, the audience didn’t see much of the second project. After the warriors went into the water, they didn’t know anything. Even before the warriors rescued the hostages, no one knew that there were still hostages. Everyone thought they still needed to find some treasure or something.

Hermione was also speechless about this, what could she know, she was suddenly called into Professor McGonagall's office, and then Dumbledore hypnotized them with magic, and first assured them that there was absolutely no danger, and the rest They don't even know.

To be honest, if she had known earlier that she would be thrown into the cold and smelly black lake, Hermione would not have agreed to anything. God knows how many times she took hot baths after she went back to make herself less nervous.

Ron is different. What he said was fair at the beginning, but then it became more and more outrageous, and he almost said "Even if I carry a stone pillar on my back and my hands are tied, I, Ron, am still invincible in the world", he told everyone How he punched mermaids and water monsters underwater at that time didn't even matter to Harry.

If he doesn't go to storytelling, it's really a waste of talent.

In short, Hermione rolled her eyes every time she heard him bragging.

[The author has something to say: I have a fever again, and it hurts. 】.

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