The day after the final exam, Professor McGonagall called Qing Zhang and Harry to her office to talk.

It's absurd to say, because they need to compete in the third event in the evening.

"The relatives of the warriors will be invited to watch the finals, uh... you can go and meet now, Zhang, you stay for a while, Potter, you can go to the meeting room."

Harry opened his eyes, as if he really wanted to tell Professor McGonagall that he didn't want to see the Dursleys at all, but seeing Professor McGonagall's serious face, Harry swallowed the words in the end .

He left Professor McGonagall's office sullenly.

After Harry closed the door, Professor McGonagall's stern face and facial muscles relaxed, and his tone became a little softer, "Zhang, I'm sorry, for some reason, we can't bring your family to watch The final final, it's really a pity."

Seeing Professor McGonagall stood up and solemnly apologized, Qing Zhang was silent for a while, then said, "It's not like that, Professor. I understand, in fact, I don't want my parents to come, you know that this place is very important to them very dangerous."

"You are always so sensible, I am a little jealous of Professor Sprout." Professor McGonagall sat back again, looked at the impeccable little boy in front of him, and compared the naughty bears in his own college. Child, Professor McGonagall felt a tightness in his chest and felt a little uncomfortable.

People compare people, shop around, and immediately dislike my own.

"Actually, before I talked to you, I was very worried that you would mind, and even hoped that we would bring your family "080"." Professor McGonagall rubbed his eyebrows, and after thinking about the next words, Then he continued, "But the problem is, as you said, Hogwarts is not safe, no, it is safe, it is the safest place in the whole of England, but this is for wizards."

Although some things are not marked, they are facts. For example, if a student does something bad at school, the Hogwarts teachers will tell their parents. This is why Ron and the others received a yelling letter from Mrs. Weasley. Neville is also like this.

But if children from Muggle families make mistakes, Hogwarts professors will basically not tell their parents and elders. Perhaps in the eyes of some people, this is discriminatory treatment, but in fact it is true, because even if the Muggle parents and elders of these students are told, they cannot understand and do anything.

Muggle parents and elders can't even write letters for owls to send letters. Unless the students put the owls they bought at home, it is impossible to send letters by Muggle postmen.

Not to mention some Muggle parents and elders, they don't understand the teaching of wizards at all, and they think it's nothing. Even now, some Muggle parents still think that their children should not go to Hogwarts, but to Muggle schools. There are not a few who continue their studies here.

Of course, some people think that if they just come to watch a game, so many professors at Hogwarts can't protect one or two Muggles!?

In fact, this is not a question of whether it can be protected, but as a Muggle, appearing in a place outside of Diagon Alley in the wizarding world is itself a relatively sensitive matter. In addition, the Triwizard Tournament is open to the whole of Europe and even the whole world. A large-scale event that attracts worldwide attention, in the wizarding world that lacks entertainment, almost all wizards will pay attention.

As for the wizarding world, besides Death Eaters, there are also many wizards who are not Death Eaters but also hate Muggles. Most of these guys are psychologically distorted. place, otherwise something will happen.

Therefore, it is best not to appear in the wizarding world, especially when Qing Zhang's current identity is still relatively sensitive. Yes, as a warrior representing a magic school, this identity brings honor and also brings A lot of trouble, the more outstanding you are, the more people will think your Muggle family is a stain, some fanatics may get rid of your parents for you, not to mention some people who hate Muggles themselves Dark wizard.

This is also the reason why Professor McGonagall left Qing Zhang behind to give him psychological counseling, but I didn't expect Qing Zhang to be so understanding and righteous, and she didn't need her to break things up to understand and accept. That's an unpleasant fact.

The more sensible children are, the more they will show pity. At this moment, Professor McGonagall is extraordinarily gentle, "For compensation, you can ask for anything, as long as it is not too much, I can agree."

The situation on Harry’s side has become a little different. Now his godfather, Sirius Black, is not wanted, because Qing Zhang and the others pointed out the anomaly earlier, Sirius Black has been in St. Bago Get the best treatment possible.

If Professor Dumbledore hadn't forced him to stay in the hospital until he recovered, he might have been discharged from the hospital to meet Harry and took Harry away from the Dursleys. Of course, Dumbledore would definitely not agree.

Now only to watch his godson's game, Dumbledore allowed Sirius Black to leave the hospital for a while, the big black dog was very happy for this, and could not wait to see Harry right away.

As for the Weasley family, of course they would also come. In fact, if Sirius Black hadn't been there, their family would have come as Harry's "family" because they were closer to Harry.

From the beginning to the end, Hogwarts has never considered the Dursleys' affairs. Whether Dursley is willing to come or not, it is impossible for Dumbledore to allow them to appear in Hogwarts. , is almost equivalent to telling everyone where Harry lives now, which is very dangerous.

Of course Qing Zhang wouldn't say that he doesn't need anything anymore, it's a bastard not to take advantage of it, and it's only natural for him to compensate him.

After thinking for a while, he said, "If it's possible, I would like information about the Patronus Charm. You know, the dementors brought a lot of unhappiness to everyone last year."

Professor McGonagall frowned when he heard this, not because Qing Zhang Shizi opened his mouth, "Zhang, in fact, the Patronus Charm is not a secret in the wizarding world. Many people know how to do it, but it is very difficult. It can be done consecutively." There are very few wizards, even if it is me...I can give you some, but you may not be able to learn them, even if you have always been good at learning spells."

This is not alarmist, the Patronus Charm is the most famous (and notoriously difficult) defensive spell, most wizards and witches cannot cast the Patronus Charm, and being able to cast the Patronus Charm is often considered a sign of extraordinary magical ability.

Its learning difficulty can be ranked high among all spells. However, contrary to its difficulty, as long as some accumulated wizard families have recorded how to learn the Patronus Charm, because the Patronus Charm is also one of the oldest spells, and it appears in many ancient magic legends.

Therefore, the Patronus Charm is actually a widely spread defensive spell in the wizarding world. However, because it is too difficult, it is generally rarely mentioned. Of course, some Muggle-born wizards still don't know it when they become adults, because they won't ask if they haven't seen it, and if they don't ask, they won't go back to understand or even learn.

The wizarding world is a small, relatively closed society. After graduation, it is difficult to communicate as frequently as in school, and even speak freely and say anything. The real situation is that everyone has their own small circle after graduation, and outsiders can't get in at all, let alone share knowledge.

This is why many wizards want to be teachers at Hogwarts, except for the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, which is too evil.

Qing Zhang nodded, "Being able to learn and being able to understand are two different things, as you know, professor, it is very difficult for us to obtain knowledge in this area.

"Even if you want to try whether you have this talent, the first problem is that there is no way to obtain it."

Professor McGonagall sighed, "You're right, well, I can teach you, but I haven't learned it myself, so I can't give you advice, I hope you understand.

"I understand, I'm very happy to know." Qing Zhang said with a smile.

"Then I'll tell you..."

It's Professor McGonagall's teaching time, skip ahead.

In fact, Qing Zhang doesn't need the Patronus Charm, at most he just thinks it is very interesting, but Hermione and the others will need it. The magic of this world, how should I put it, basically focuses on the microcosmic and spiritual concepts, and the scenes shown It is not grand and powerful, even if it is regarded as the taboo of the three unforgivables, but it is only a single-body magic, it is like shooting a pistol, one bullet at a time, when facing a large number of enemies, it is still possible to be dropped Poured..0

This is also the reason why many wise wizards are so afraid of the progress of Muggles. They can already foresee the unsatisfactory future, and wizards' magic may be amazing, but they can't really protect themselves.

In particular, Muggle weapons have developed rapidly over the years, and the effective range of shooting has become farther and farther. If a wizard shows up, he is almost certain to die. Before you realize that you are locked, or before the bullet penetrates your flesh, You don't realize it at all.

Once it is fully implemented, it is basically impossible for wizards to win, and it is useless to kill more Muggles, because there are too many Muggles to kill, and the number of wizards is too small.

But these are all digressions. The reason why Qing Zhang wants the Patronus Charm is to prepare for the future. Voldemort will definitely return. Even if Qing Zhang stops it this time, it is useless. The other party has too many The method is back, and how should I say it, Harry, Voldemort's lifelong enemy, will also help to some extent.

He is too immature, and he is too Gryffindor in doing things, so his weakness is very obvious. If Qing Zhang is Voldemort, there are a hundred ways and a thousand ways to make Harry die without a burial, and even take Harry's hand It is not difficult to make a secret layout and complete the strategic goal.

Because compared to Dumbledore, Harry Potter is just a child who hasn’t grown up, and he’s still a fool who grew up in a Gryffindor-like academy—he has a passion but lacks self-awareness and sense of proportion.

Since Voldemort's return cannot be stopped, it is natural that people around him who he cares about have enough self-protection ability, and creatures like dementors will definitely be used by Voldemort again. Compared with the Ministry of Magic, supporting Voldemort will undoubtedly make people They get more and are freer.

As for how to learn the Patronus Charm, in fact, it is also possible to use tricks, but the wizards think too much about the problem, and they don't understand why they can't learn the Patronus Charm, but some people can attribute it all to their talents.

But is there really only talent!? In fact, it is unwavering and unshakable "love". Often this kind of love will be accompanied by death, because only the love of the dead cannot be questioned and overthrown, of course it does not mean sacrifice People who love you can, but death is indeed a shortcut.

Just like we firmly believe that Lei Feng is a good person, but if his life has not disappeared at that time and he becomes a corrupt official in the future, will we still talk about "learning from Lei Feng"!?

In the same way, in 1.8, some famous paintings are famous paintings because the authors took advantage of them.

Looking back, now that we understand this point, the learning of the Patronus Charm can be regarded as operation.

Brainwashing yourself, firmly believing that a certain existence will be single-minded and responsive to your needs,

He will not hesitate to protect himself at critical moments-this is actually the same as believing in gods or guardian angels.

But most wizards don't believe in gods, so naturally they can't learn the Patronus Charm.

Of course, Muggles may not all believe in gods, but it is easier for Muggles who do not have extraordinary power to believe in gods. However, it is impossible for Qing Zhang to let Hermione

They went to believe in Lao Shizi's god, but he himself didn't believe it, let alone Hermione and the others, they were half wizards after all, and they who had mastered extraordinary powers were even more inappropriate to the gods

It's the same thing, although they are far, far away from gods.

But God never showed up, and they believed in their hearts that it was fabricated and fabricated.

At this time, instead of trying to believe in an illusory god, or believe in a "great man", if Voldemort did not rule the Death Eaters with violence and fear, say no

It is certain that all Death Eaters, especially the cult few among them, can learn the Patronus Charm.

This is Qing Zhang's idea. As for whether it can be achieved, it is up to try. But before that, he had to know spells and related knowledge, but the wizarding world had a monopoly on knowledge.

If you don't learn from Professor McGonagall this time, you may have to wait until you actually work at Hogwarts in the future. .

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