After leaving Professor McGonagall's office, Harry returned to the gradually deserted auditorium and finished his unfinished breakfast. But his speed was very slow, he didn't want to go to the meeting room to meet the Dursleys, if he could, he didn't want to see them for the rest of his life.

"Harry, my mother called you over, and I don't know why she's at Hogwarts." At this moment, Ron came over panting, his forehead covered with fine sweat.

"What!?" Harry looked at Ron in astonishment.

Ron pointed over there, "The meeting room, they are all waiting for you, my father and Bill are here."

Harry stood up in bewilderment, and was dragged by Ron into the meeting room. Passing through the hall, the two directly pushed the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he was hugged by a tall figure, who had a strong strange smell, a bit like the smell in Snape's Potions class, which seemed to come from the strange smell mixed up by various potions.

"Oh, let me have a look, Harry, you've lost weight."

It was Sirius Black. After he let go of Harry, he began to look at Harry non-stop, as if he wanted to see Harry enough from beginning to end.

"Blake, calm down, you scared Harry." It was Mrs. Weasley's voice, and she seemed a little helpless.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Harry saw Mrs. Weasley standing in front of the fireplace with Bill, looking at him with a smile, and Charlie waved to Harry.

"Didn't expect that!" Mrs. Weasley said enthusiastically, "We'll come to see you play, Harry!"

"Haha, Harry. You don't know that I wanted to come, but Dumbledore didn't allow it." Sirius Black stood up and patted his godson on the shoulder.

Harry could imagine that he must have a very happy smile on his face at this moment, oh, my God, Professor McGonagall should have told him earlier that the Dursleys were not here, in that case, he might be even more eager to come sooner .

Much like Harry's side, Viktor Krum, who had inherited his father's hooked nose, spoke fluent and fast 20 Bulgarian with his dark-haired parents in the corner of the room.

On the other side, Fleur was actively croaking with her mother in French, and her little sister Gabriel was holding her mother's hand, listening distractedly.

After a long time, Fleur came to Harry's side, and Harry spoke to Harry with flattered eyes, "Potter, isn't Qing here? I didn't see his parents here either."

I wanted to introduce him to my family. "

Calling him Potter, but calling Qing Zhang Qing made Harry a little depressed, but Harry still told Fleur that Qing Zhang was left alone by Professor McGonagall.

Fleur frowned, then seemed to think of something, cursed secretly in French, thanked Harry, and finally went back to tell her mother something.

It could be seen that there was a moment of surprise on Furong's mother's face.

If Harry knew French, he would be able to know that Fleur told her mother that Qing Zhang's parents were Muggles.

The reason why Furong's mother was surprised was because Furong said before that Qing Zhang was very powerful, and Mingming was much younger than herself, but she was better than her in every way, and might even have some mortal blood.

This also made Furong's mother mistakenly think that Qing Zhang's parents must also be very powerful wizards.

"Maybe it's a Squib." Fleur's mother guessed, because some wizarding families will send the Squibs from their offspring to the Muggle world to let them fend for themselves, but some of the Squibs' descendants will also have wizards, and often these wizards will inherit the family His bloodline is very powerful, and generally if the family still exists, they will take this kind of wizard back after they know about it.

However, there are also some wizard families that have declined in the long river of time and ceased to exist.

Therefore, many Muggle-born wizards actually have to worry about it. Maybe their ancestors were not ordinary.

Especially young wizards like Qing Zhang who have Xia descent, have no way to find out the situation of their ancestors. It is unrealistic to go to Xia Guo to check the genealogy.

The three warriors and their families killed the time and returned to the auditorium at dinner time.

Ludo Bagman and Cornelius Fudge sat down at the staff table. Bagman looked very happy, but Cornelius Fudge, who was sitting next to Ms. Maxim, was sullen and said nothing. Ms. Maxim also buried her head in her meal and didn't pay attention to the other party at all, but her low pressure can be felt by anyone.

It appears that something unpleasant happened between Madam Maxime and Cornelius Fudge, the British Minister for Magic.

As for what happened, with Ron's big mouth, many people actually knew something inside.

The reality is that Percy Weasley replaced Mr. Crouch, and now it is replaced by Cornelius Fudge. It is all because Mr. Crouch, who had been out of contact for a long time, was found, but disappeared again. Fudge suspects something to do with Ms. Maxime.

Because the place where Mr. Crouch was found was near Beauxbaton's carriage, and Ms. Maxim lived in the carriage. She was too big, and it was impossible for her to live in Ravenclaw like Fleur and the others. Inside the dormitory.

As for who was the first to discover Mr. Crouch, seeing how Ron told the story so ups and downs, he knew it was his good brother Harry Potter, but Harry described the appearance of Mr. Crouch at that time Not much better than a beggar, seems to be tortured crazy.

Unfortunately, when he found Dumbledore and the others, Mr. Crouch disappeared again.

Snape also insisted that Harry was making up a prank to make Dumbledore punish Harry, but Dumbledore obviously believed that Harry was not lying, and even called Fudge.

Fudge seems to believe that the person who kidnapped Mr. Crouch is Ms. Maxim, so the two are having a very unpleasant fight now. Because werewolves and giants are representatives of evil in the wizarding world, so any wizard with some non-human blood is not very popular, just like Professor Flitwick, some people suspect that he has goblin blood, so when he was in school, Many classmates laughed at him.

Qing Zhang is of course in the auditorium at this time, and everyone at the Hufflepuff table is cheering him on, because the third project will start later, everyone hopes that Qing Zhang can eat more and not be too nervous .

But from Qing Zhang's point of view, they seem to be more nervous than themselves.

However, there is no way around this, because Qing Zhang and Harry are the third and fourth respectively in terms of total points. If the third game also loses, then Hogwarts, which is the home court, obviously Having two warriors, but still losing to other magic schools, would be a big joke of the year.

The dinner was even richer than usual, and everyone ate absent-mindedly. Dumbledore stood up at the staff table as the enchanted ceiling turned from blue to purple twilight.

Everyone also fell silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes I'm going to invite you all to the Quidditch pitch [to watch the last ten events of the Master Tournament. Now, brave men, throw Dr. Bagman on the playing field."

Qing Zhang stood up, and the Hufflepuff students applauded him together. Seeing what Luna said to him, Qing Zhang seemed worried in her eyes. This little witch seemed to have a premonition that something unpleasant would happen today. For this matter, Qing Zhang gave the other party a reassuring look.

For Hermione's words, she secretly encouraged him with a smile, because she was surrounded by Gryffindors who were cheering for Harry, and she didn't dare to stand out too much, so she could only come secretly.

"That's my mother, she is very grateful to you for helping me." Furong walked to Qing Zhang at this time, and pointed to the mother and daughter who smiled and waved over there. The difference from Furong and Gabriel was that Furong's mother didn't have silver hair, so it seemed that the side that inherited the Veela lineage was her father's side.

"Your father didn't come!?" Qing Zhang nodded to Furong's mother and sister, then looked away, and asked in a low voice. He didn't want to say thank you or not, because Furong believed that he had helped her.

"He can't go away." Furong said a little uncomfortably. In fact, Furong's father has one-half Veela blood. If he came, there would be some unpleasant disturbances. The daughter cheered, but finally gave up.

Naturally, Fu Rong would not say this, Veela is synonymous with vixen in the wizarding world, so her reputation is not good.

While talking, they entered the Quidditch pitch, which had become completely unrecognizable. A twenty-foot hedge bordered the edge of the field. There was a gap in front of them, which was the entrance to the great labyrinth, and there were three other entrances, because Bagman signaled them to stand in different places.

The passages inside are dark and a bit scary.

Five minutes later, people began to enter the stands. Hundreds of students filed into their seats, and the air was filled with excited voices and chaotic footsteps.

The sky is now a clear dark blue and stars are starting to appear.

Hagrid, Professor Moody, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick walked into the stadium, walking towards Bagman and several warriors. They all had big red stars shining on their hats, except Hagrid, whose red star was on the back of his terry vest.

"We will patrol outside the maze." Professor McGonagall saw the doubts of the warriors and explained, "If you encounter difficulties and want to be rescued, you can shoot red sparks into the sky, and we will have someone to help you, understand!? "

The warriors nodded together.

"Okay, let's go!" Bagman said happily to the four patrolmen.

After Professor McGonagall and the others left, Bagman pointed his wand at his throat, and said "loud voice", and his magically amplified voice resounded in the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the last competition of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Please report the current score! First place, Durmstrang Viktor Krum with 84 points; No. 1 The second place, Fleur Delacour of Beauxbaton College, scored 83 points; the third and fourth place, Qing Zhang and Harry Potter of Hogwarts, scored 78 points and 75 points respectively.

Harry hung his head, as if feeling a little ashamed. Qing Zhang has a calm face, basically untouched by the outside world.

In fact, everyone understands that the score of the first event is too high, and it is unfair. Therefore, there is no need to have any psychological reactions to this ranking order.

"Now... Viktor Krum, listen to my whistle!" Bagman yelled, "Three! Get in!"

As soon as the word "one" fell, Krum rushed directly into the entrance passage without any hesitation.

After waiting for about 10 seconds, the second whistle sounded, and Fleur Delacour also entered the maze, then the third whistle and the fourth whistle, as the last one, Harry and Ke Loum entered the maze a minute later.

Don't underestimate this minute, sometimes half a second can make a huge enough difference, let alone a minute.

The tall hedges cast black shadows on the path. I don't know whether it was because the hedges were tall and dense, or because of magic. After entering the maze, the audience's voices could not be heard, and it was surprisingly quiet inside.

The difference from the original work is that this time the maze has four entrances, so everyone cannot meet other opponents at the beginning, even if you deliberately slow down or chase desperately.


This is destined to be a lonely road ahead.

"Fluorescent flicker.

Qing Zhang let the magic wand emit light, which can be used as a torch to illuminate the way forward. This magic is so low-level that even a first-year student can easily learn it, but it is a

A magic that can carry through a wizard's life, and will be used many times.

That's why some people say that as long as wizards know how to flash fluorescent lights, then they can beat people with their wands.

"Show me the way." With the light source, it is natural to need to find the correct way out in the intricate maze. In fact, the maze is really simple for wizards.

Simply, a wayfinding business method can solve the problem.

So Furong didn't guess about the maze before, because it was a bit too simple.

Of course, it is different if the maze is specially arranged by the wizard, and the magic may be misleading, so the experienced archaeological team of the ruins will use more magic for

Troubleshoot errors and even detect traps.

But these cannot be mastered by school students, they need experience and strong magic power reserves, it is obviously impossible for professors to do this, and they will not use some rare magic power

materials to build a one-off maze, so a guiding spell is enough.

It should be some level puzzles that really become obstacles to block progress—it can be some kind of magical animals, or magical plants and certain spells that need to be used to cross the level.

Special terrain traps and more.

Of course, even if it is a guiding spell, a rookie with a bad mentality may not be able to remember it immediately. After all, this is a maze, isolated from the world, and alone.

Ann is very normal.

The wand was placed flat on Qing Zhang's palm, and as the spell was recited, the wand began to rotate, and the bright spot pointed in a certain direction, and the idealistic magic directly pointed to the end

What Qing Zhang has to do now is to choose a side road that can eventually lead there.

Just try it a couple of times.

In fact, this maze is the easiest for Qing Zhang, because Hagrid put a lot of magical animals in it, and these little things are very afraid of Qing Zhang, so not only

Not to mention that Shan Qingzhang went very smoothly, these little guys even tried and made mistakes for it. .

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