
Fleur Delacour never imagined that she would be attacked so soon, and the attacker was Viktor Krum. You must know that Krum is currently the number one in the total score and the first to enter At this time, he didn't want to get to the Tri-Power Cup as soon as possible, but hid himself and gave the latecomers a head-on blow.

Fu Rong couldn't believe that someone's brain circuit was so strange.

Fortunately, Qing Zhang said before that if there is only one entrance, he will choose to directly eliminate other competitors. It will be zero points, and there is no need to continue the game in the end.

It can be said that this is the fastest way to pass customs.

Just because she had heard Qing Zhang's terrifying speech, Furong has been making preparations these days, just to prevent herself from being eliminated in the first place.

Because of this, in the face of Krum's sneak attack, she was not eliminated immediately. Krum's curse hit the "armor body" and counterattacked, making the opponent appear.

Unless Krum was using Avada Kedavra at the time, it was absolutely impossible to break her carefully prepared defensive spell with just one blow.

Krum dodged it, and was hit by the bounced magic light bullet. He stared at Fleur who had turned around and pointed his wand at him with a sinking face. The missing armor.

Although the magic spell of armor and body protection is very useful, few people will put it on themselves all the time, because it will continuously consume their own magic power, which is obviously not a rational approach.

Especially in this labyrinth where you don't know how long you need to stay in it, every magic power is precious and will not be wasted easily.

But Furong just did this, how long did it take to enter the arena!? Counting the time of her ambush, Furong only entered the arena for 2 or 3 minutes. Set up a shield for yourself, how cautious is this!?

Too bad.

Seeing that he missed a hit, Krum didn't plan to delay any longer. He and Furong are basically on par in strength. He may be better than Furong, but definitely not by much. If he continues to entangle with Furong now, it will be impossible It will really delay the progress and lose the game.

So seeing Fleur pointing her wand at herself, Krum turned and ran away without thinking.

Seeing this, Fu Rong didn't chase after her. She was relieved when the surrounding area was completely quiet, and continued to put a shield on herself, and then went on to explore the way.

It's not Furonggou, but the first two projects pitted her too badly. No one knows better than Furong how attractive her quarter of Veela blood is to magical animals. Of course, the effect on ordinary animals will be even more outstanding. up.

God knows how many fantastic animals Hagrid stuffed in!?

Hearing the coquettish voice echoing in the passage, Harry and Qing Zhang were taken aback.

After the surrounding silence fell, Harry called out "Fleur!?"

When he didn't get an answer, Harry's heart suddenly sank: Sure enough, the third project is more difficult than the first two!? How long has it been since the beginning, has something happened to Fleur already!?

But at the same time that his heart was heavy, Harry also discovered one thing, that is, Fleur seemed not far from where he was, otherwise he would never have heard it so clearly.

"I don't know what happened to Furong now!? But I have to be careful..."

Harry recalled Hagrid's advice to him before, telling him to be careful of these foreigners. Although Harry was a little hesitant, he didn't intend to move closer to Fleur at this time.

He turned directly to the passage on the left, and then quickened his pace, but within a few steps, Harry's face changed because he saw a large pile of snails.

"Hagrid, he put these snails in there!?"

No wonder the props used to protect magical animals recently have become Snuffers. It turns out that Hagrid didn't finally realize his conscience and told them not to take care of this smelly, ugly and grumpy thing anymore, but because the snails had new ones. place.

The stench of rotten fish and rotten shrimp from these fried-tailed snails that had not been improved by the Hufflepuff students made it difficult for Harry to breathe, and the opponents were densely packed on the ground, and Harry absolutely couldn't jump over them. With a distance of three meters, it is impossible for him to jump over the minefield by jumping.

It is said that these little guys are underestimated by landmines. You must know that these snails can even injure a half-breed giant with thick skin and flesh like Hagrid, and ordinary Muggle landmines will definitely not be able to break through Hagrid's defense. Use the new post-World War II mines.

Don't think this is the author's nonsense, but ordinary magical creatures have great resistance to physical damage, and can only resist magic with magic, which is why wizards are mostly dismissive and arrogant towards Muggles.

Of course, wizards can't hold bullets physically, but magical creatures are different, especially giants and dragons, which are really very powerful in defense. If it is changed to other Western fantasy worlds

It is even more difficult to harm these alien creatures with hot weapons.

So Harry definitely doesn't want to use his small body to test whether these snails are in a good mood today!?

Without even thinking about it, he rushed into another road, only thinking about throwing the snail far away. Harry quickened his pace, and as soon as he turned the corner, he saw a dementor walking slowly towards him, twelve feet tall, its face hidden by a hood, its rotting and scabbed hands outstretched.

It approached step by step, and touched Harry by feeling. Harry could even hear the wheezing in its throat. A cold, slimy feeling came over him, but Harry knew what to do...

He tried his best to think of the happiest thing, and he tried to concentrate on imagining how happy his godfather Sirius Black and the Weasleys would be when he got out of the maze, how happy he would be, and even Cho Chang might look at him differently and abandon Seymour. Derek looked at himself with that little white face and red face.

While imagining those happy scenes, Harry raised his wand and shouted: "Call God to protect you!"

A silver stag popped from his wand and ran towards the dementor. The dementor took two steps backwards, tripping over its robes. Harry had never seen a dementor fall before.

"Hold on!" he followed the silver Patronus, "You're a boggart! Funny funny!"

There was a bang, and a plume of blue smoke exploded. The silver deer disappeared. Harry wished it would stay and keep him company....He went on, walking as fast and silently as he could, still holding his wand high and listening vigilantly to his surroundings.

Everyone walked cautiously, but there was a lot of leisurely walking on the long side.

He didn't encounter any magical animals. It can be said that his road ahead was very smooth and smooth. Small animals without many brains hid almost as soon as they felt his breath, even the most irritable and fearless The master who is not afraid has to avoid the edge.

It can be said that in the natural world, there are really not many creatures that are as dull as humans.

In the eyes of the creatures of nature, Qing Zhang is a super-large predator, a terrifying existence at the top of the food chain, and he doesn't want to appear in front of him at all, wishing to have two more legs and roll as far as he can.

It can be said that except for those magic plants that have no way to escape, anyone who can survive will run away.

Those who can't run will also dig holes in the ground, bury themselves, and hide in them shivering.

`Funny funny!'

But not all magical animals are like this, some magical animals will do some incomprehensible stupid things because they are too frightened, such as this Boggart that tremblingly appeared in front of Qing Zhang.

There is a very magical thing about this kind of creature, that is, it will become the most feared thing in the heart of someone who is closest to it, and this change is often not their own initiative, when someone is close to them, they will be passive turned into what the man feared.

At this moment, the unlucky Boggart turned into the appearance of Irena again, Qing Zhang has a black hair, he is really not afraid of Irena now, and what he was afraid of before was obviously the ancient god. The indescribable witch lady is not the silver-haired beautiful girl Irena, you can't change the appearance of an ancient god, but don't fool people like this!

This will ruin Qing Zhang's reputation, how could he be afraid of an ordinary beautiful girl!?

After seeing the boggart disappearing into blue smoke, Qing Zhang continued to move forward. He looked at the direction pointed by the directional spell, and turned directly to the passage on the right. After walking for a long time, he saw two gates appearing in front of him. , one door is golden and the other is silver.

The doorknob of the two Taoists is a handsome eagle.

On the wall between the two doors, there is a line of shining words. Qing (Qian's) Zhang went up to check it, which probably means that only one of the two doors is a way of life, and the other is a way of death. One of the big eagles on the mountain can only tell the truth, and the other can only tell lies. He has only one chance to ask questions to the two eagles.

After Qing Zhang finished reading the rules, he went directly to Silver Eagle and asked, "I think if I ask Golden Eagle, it will tell me whether the road behind you is life or death!?"

Silver Eagle opened his mouth and replied: "It will tell you that behind me is the way of life."

Qing Zhang turned around and pushed open the golden door, and walked in.

"This must be the checkpoint set by Professor Flitwick."

I have to say that the people of Ravenclaw really like eagles, and they didn't even forget to make a bronze eagle statue when designing the level.

The next road is a straight road with no forks.

Proceeding along the front light, Qing Zhang came to a relatively large room. This room is not airtight. There is an exit or entrance connected to the southeast, north, west, top, bottom, and six sides. The entire room is a full two hundred square meters, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a small square.

The most central position is a high platform, which is four or five meters high from the ground, but there are stone steps that can be climbed, and the uppermost position is a trophy gauge that is shining with an attractive light.

Qing Zhang didn't come forward immediately, in fact, the real test was here, if anyone was dazzled by the victory, he would definitely not be able to please. .

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