[The cold and fever have been bad for the past few days, and I feel dizzy, maybe I have sun again, and it is still a new type of mutation, everyone should pay attention to it! 】

"Dumbledore, where's Harry! What's wrong with Harry!?"

Seeing Dumbledore and others coming out of the maze with a silent face, Sirius Black pushed Bill and Charlie away, and rushed to Dumbledore anxiously. The viewing platform was already in chaos.

Several Aurors are controlling Durmstrang's headmaster, Igor Karkaroff. Durmstrang's students are filled with righteous indignation, but they are helplessly kept in isolation. The British Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge was acting righteously at the moment, and when he saw Dumbledore and the others coming out, he also walked over.

"Dumbledore, this is the bad boy!?" Looking at Viktor Krum who was brought out by the levitation spell, Fudge pretended to be a stranger when he saw him for the first time, slightly surprised .

But no one could hide the excitement hidden deep in his eyes.

"Fart! This is slander!" Karkaroff sternly retorted loudly.

"Heh, wands don't tell lies. I'll get an answer soon after I send my wand to the Wand Appraisal Department." Fudge looked contemptuously at Karkaroff who was still talking hard when he was about to die, feeling a little bored.

"We still need to investigate." After appeasing the excited Sirius Black, Dumbledore took a deep look at Cornelius Fudge, "We found that Krum was controlled by the Imperius Curse, So everything he does has the potential to be involuntary."

"Black, the Triwizard Cup has been turned into a door key, and without our knowledge, now we can only wait for Harry to come back.

Looking at the tired Dumbledore, Sirius Black wanted to say something more, but in the end he lowered his head and said dejectedly, "Yes, Professor..."

Ludo Bagman also cautiously approached at this time, "So... Can anyone tell me what happened!?"

As the host, he is as confused as the audience in the stands.

First, the four teachers in charge of patrolling ran into the maze in a hurry, and then delivered some news to Dumbledore halfway. Finally, the inexplicable Auror called by Minister Fudge controlled Durmstrang's people, and then Deng Bullido and Ms. Maxim also entered the maze.

Bagman looked at Fleur Delacour, who was brought out with a pale face by Ms. Maxime, and then at Qing Zhang, a fourth-year Hogwarts student who silently followed behind the team. And Viktor Krum, who was in a coma, seemed to realize something, "Why is there one less person!? Ha, where is Harry?"

"There was an accident, Bagman. I hope you can reassure the audience and give us a little time. The fact is that we don't fully understand the situation now. It's too sudden.

Dumbledore stopped Bagman from yelling, and then said to Madam Pomfrey who was walking over with an uneasy face, "Bobby, these two children need you...

Madam Poppy Pomfrey checked the situation of Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum, her expression changed, she gave birth to two children with a gloomy face, "Come with me now The school hospital is fast, and if Dumbledore organizes such an event next time, I will definitely not agree."

Seeing Madam Pomfrey's face turned ugly and her temper turned up again, Dumbledore felt helpless, "I will, and I hope this is the last time."

After listening to Molly Weasley, she felt cold hands and feet at the moment. If Bill and Charlie hadn't supported her in time, the fat lady would have fallen to the ground.

"Mum, don't be nervous, Harry is sure to be fine."

"Yes, Mum, Harry is the Boy Who Lived."

Molly was full of guilt, "No, I should have stopped him from participating earlier..."

Qing Zhang felt bored watching this scene. If I knew it earlier, so what if I knew it earlier. As a Gryffindor, Harry is so stubborn and difficult to persuade. Don’t you graduates know that!? If prohibition is useful, Gryffindor wouldn't die as the school with the most serious points deducted for violating school rules.

Sensing the gazes of Hermione and other friends in the stands, Qing Zhang looked over and nodded to them, expressing that he is safe and rest assured.

Then Qing Zhang waited for Dumbledore and the others to finish their discussion before interjecting, "Professor, what should I do next!?"

Moody's eyes darkened when he heard the sound, he always felt that this little boy would be an obstacle.

Professor McGonagall came to her senses. Before the fake Moody could say anything, she said with a guilty expression, "I almost forgot about you, sorry, Zhang. You...you go back first, I think Sprouse Professor Te is also worried about you."

Dumbledore also nodded when he heard the words, "Go back first, Zhang. If there is a need, we will find you again."

Qing Zhang nodded, "Okay, but I don't know much, you all know it too suddenly."

Professor McGonagall and the others smiled reluctantly, "Yeah, it was too sudden.

Qing Zhang walked towards the entrance, and was stopped by Professor Sprout, who had been waiting there for a long time, for a careful inspection, and finally found that Qing Zhang was really fine. The witch breathed a sigh of relief, "It's great that you're fine.

Seeing the four warriors, two of them entered vertically and were carried out horizontally, Professor Sprout's heart was a little cold, especially when the whereabouts of one warrior was still unknown, she was really worried about her favorite The students also had an accident.

You must know that Hufflepuff has always given people the impression of mediocrity. Most students are basically unknown during their seven years at school. For students like Qing Zhang who have emerged early in the morning, they can be sure that as long as they don't die halfway, the future will be bright. , As long as it is a teacher, everyone likes it very much.

Students will have great achievements in the future, and half of the credit is due to the teacher. Of course, it may be a bit utilitarian to say this, but it is indeed the truth. Human hearts cannot be truly selfless

"Dean, I'm fine." Seeing that Professor Sprout seemed to be coming for a second inspection, Qing Zhang hurriedly persuaded him, "By the way, Dean, do you know that Professor Moody!? He seems to be right I have great malice, does he hate Muggle-born wizards!?"

"Moody!?" Professor Sprout was successfully diverted. She looked at Alastor Moody who was arguing with Dumbledore and the others in confusion, and frowned, " I don't think so... However, there are rumors that he has gone crazy in recent years, and he has made many inexplicable actions...."

"If you really don't feel wrong, then stay away from him, he will only be at Hogwarts for one year, and there is not much time left."

In fact, Professor Sprout doesn't like the other party either. She always feels that Professor Moody's aura makes her very disliked, which has never happened before.

Qing Zhang couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "It turns out that the dean also believes in that rumor."

Professor Sprout rolled his eyes, "Zhang, this is not a question of believing it or not. Rather, many examples have proved that there has never been a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts who can die well. I think you have a deep understanding. "

Think Quirrell in first year, Lockhart in second year, and Lupine in third year.

Quirrell died, Lockhart became an idiot, and Lupine was still alive. Lupine seemed to be unaffected, but in fact he did a lot, and in the end he was a werewolf. Everyone knows that he is a werewolf, and it is almost impossible to find a job and live a stable life.

0 looking for flowers......

Even Lupine is likely to be hunted down by some werewolf-hating wizards.

Just ask if you are miserable or not.

Compared with Quirrell who died and disappeared, Lockhart and Lupine are undoubtedly more miserable.

To be honest, how Lupine exposed himself as a werewolf is still a mystery. Although many students have already guessed it, there is no way for anyone to make Snape too obvious.

It's Wolf's Poison and it teaches how to distinguish and deal with werewolves. It's almost like telling everyone that Lupine is a werewolf by name.

But the students who guessed it didn't say anything, and when the semester came to an end, the truth was still exposed.

It's just off the charts.

However, Qing Zhang guessed that the person who broke the news should be Peter Pettigrew, only he would know that Lupine is a werewolf, and it happened that Lupine was a werewolf not long after Peter Pettigrew escaped, and then restrained Dumbledore's energy was exhausted, and they were tired of dealing with those students' parents and some wizards with ulterior motives.


As for how Peter Pettigrew did it!? Don’t forget who rescued him. Although the noseless Tom cat became a little out of order because of splitting his soul too many times, as the second Dark Lord, since he Being able to secure this position, and still being feared by most wizards, must have his ability.

It was not difficult for Voldemort to control a reporter and make a big news.

The only thing in the entire wizarding world that made Voldemort afraid was his mentor, Dumbledore. In his view, other wizards were easily manipulated ants, who couldn't even resist, and could only let him do what he wanted.

At the same time, there must be an insider in the British Ministry of Magic, because only a small number of Hogwarts professors and a few officials of the Ministry of Magic, such as Fudge, knew about Peter Pettigrew being arrested and brought under control, but Voldemort rescued the "protected" "Get up Pettigrew, this has to be thought-provoking.

It must not be that Voldemort has been hiding in Hogwarts all the time, because it can't be done. After Voldemort experienced the Sorcerer's Stone incident in the first year, he became weaker. In this state, he absolutely dare not have any chances, absolutely dare not Hide too close to Dumbledore.

So there are people from Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic for sure.

Back to the topic, why did Qing Zhang talk to Professor Sprout all of a sudden!? One is to make a draft, so that Professor Sprout has a mental preparation, because Qing Zhang plans to take good care of each other, and he didn’t want to talk to him at first Little Barty, but who made the other party show killing intent towards Qing Zhang? Qing Zhang has never been soft-hearted when it comes to threats, and directly takes the other party away, so as not to become a scourge in the future and bite himself back.

The second is, let Professor Sprout be careful, don't be fooled by the fake Moody, who knows what Barty Crouch Jr. can do!? This guy is for his beloved Voldemort, even his own father Killed by hand, the bones are still buried near Beauxbaton's carriage.

This kind of crazy guy is capable of doing anything, and most of the professors at Hogwarts, except Dumbledore, have been blunted by this peaceful life, and they will not be too defensive against themselves If his colleagues exposed their backs unsuspectingly, the fake Moody might directly stab him in the back.

In his opinion, the death light of the professor at Hogwarts is the best, so that his master Voldemort will avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles.

For this dean who has always taken great care of himself, Qing Zhang really does not want anything to happen to him. .

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