Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1109 Fake Moody: Harry, You Pretend To Be A Pig And Eat A Tiger! ?

"The trophy is coming!"

Harry shouted, pointing at the Triwizard Cup with his wand, and the trophy flew towards him through the air. Harry grabbed it.

The legendary function of the door key is activated again spontaneously.

Harry heard Voldemort yelling in rage, felt a jerk at his navel, and felt the dizziness of the door lock working again—he was swept away in a whirlwind of colors.

I don't know how long it took, maybe half an hour, or just a split second.

Harry felt himself fall to the ground, his face buried in the grass, the smell of grass filling his nose. When the door key took him flying, he had his eyes closed. "Now he is still with his eyes closed. All his strength is gone.

He was so dizzy that the ground beneath him was shaking like the deck of a ship.

To steady himself, Harry tightened his grip on the two things still in his hands: the smooth handle of the Triwizard Cup and his wand.

He felt that if he let go of one of them, he would slide into the darkness gathering around the edges of his mind.

Fear and fatigue made him sprawled on the ground, smelling the grass, waiting...waiting for someone to do something...waiting for something to happen...while the scar on his forehead kept on Dull burning pain..

A wave of sound overwhelmed him, confusing him, voices everywhere, footsteps, shouts... He frowned tightly, as if this was a nightmare that would soon be over

A pair of strong hands grabbed him and turned him over.

"Harry, Harry!"

He opened "800" and opened his eyes.

In front of him was the starry night sky, Sirius Black squatted beside him anxiously, his eyes were full of anxiety and bloodshot. Albus Dumbledore was looking down at Harry, his gaze seemed to be penetrating, seeing Harry clearly from inside to outside.

Surrounded by dark figures, they all came towards him.

Harry could feel the ground under his head shaking slightly with their footsteps, and he became more dizzy and even faintly gagged.

But his tense nerves were relaxed. He knew that he was back, really back. This was the edge of the maze, and he could see the high stands all around, people walking on them, and stars shining above his head.

Harry let go of the trophy, and he grabbed Black's wrist with his free hand, but his eyes were fixed on Dumbledore, "He's back, Voldemort, he's back."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of many people at the scene changed, as if they had heard something horrifying and frightening, and some even backed away unconsciously, knocking down the people behind them

"What's wrong! What happened!?"

Cornelius Fudge's upside-down face appeared in front of Harry, his face was as pale as powder falling at any moment, and he looked terrified.

"Fudge, it's none of your business here!" Sirius Black pushed Fudge over in disgust, "I'll talk about it later, Harry needs to rest now.

As he spoke, he looked pleadingly at Dumbledore who had been silent behind him, and Dumbledore nodded, "Okay, Connelly give our champion some personal space and time."

Only then did everyone notice the Triwizard Cup that Harry left aside, Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore, "Are we going there now!?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "Well, but we have to make some preparations.

Professor McGonagall didn't say anything when he heard the words, just nodded, and then said to Sirius Black who protected Harry like a chicken, "Black, send Harry to the small hospital first."

"Let me come."

Before Sirius Black could react, a burly and strong man pushed through the crowd, came up to Harry and hugged him horizontally.

"You!" Sirius Black was furious, "I am Harry's godfather! Put him down."

"He's safer with me around." Fake Moody cast a disapproving glance at the emaciated Black, and half dragged and half hugged Harry through the terrified crowd.

Harry heard people gasping, screaming, shouting. Moody pushed him through the crowd and headed for the castle. Harry heard Moody's heavy breathing as he walked across the lawn, the lake and Durmstrang's big boat.

Then he was pulled from behind by someone, it was Sirius Black, he stared at Moody with wide eyes, his hands trying to grab Harry, "Where are you going to take Harry!?"

This lunatic, although Sirius Black has always known how crazy Moody is from Harry's letters, and even dared to use the three Unforgivable Curses in class, but he didn't expect there to be such a lunatic. Harry went to the school hospital, and this guy...

"No, he doesn't need it," said False Moody, staring at Black with his big, big, horrible blue eye.

Harry always felt that when he said this, Professor Moody seemed to be smiling, very cold.

"Let me say one more thing, let him go." Black also looked at the fake Moody coldly.


During the silent confrontation, suddenly a magical light hit the unprepared Black, and the fake Moody was able to cast spells silently.

"What did you do!?" Harry looked at Sirius Black who fell to the ground with a horrified face, and asked the fake Moody angrily.

"Don't move around, I don't want to kill you until I know everything from your mouth." Fake Moody stared at Harry with cold eyes, and took out his wand with the other hand, as if

Do something to Black who is down.

"If you dare to hurt Black, I will never cooperate." Harry threatened.

He already realized that there was something wrong with the professor who had always been nice to him in front of him.

Speaking of which, he never figured out who put his name into the Goblet of Fire. Before that, he suspected it was Karkaroff, because he was always looking for Snape sneakily, and Harry hated Snape very much , maybe it was done by the two of them in partnership, in order to get rid of him reasonably with the help of the Triwizard Tournament.

Of course, Harry also suspected that it was Ms. Maxim, because Hagrid told him that Ms. Maxim wanted to get close to him in order to win the Triwizard Tournament, and the place where Mr. Crouch disappeared last was indeed very close to Maxim. Ms. Mu was resting in the carriage. At that time, Ms. Maxim should have a high chance of getting on the horse.

Harry has never doubted Professor Moody. Although his teaching is very radical, Harry is a little scared, but at the same time, the feeling of being able to release forbidden curses reasonably and legally is also very stimulating and exciting. And Professor Moody also helped him a lot, just like the second project, if the other party hadn't reminded him, he probably wouldn't have thought of how to crack the golden egg.

"Oh!? Do you think I'll be afraid!?" Although the fake Moody said so, he put away his wand, "Forget it, it's not a good time to make extra troubles now, time is running out."

As he spoke, he strode over Black, thumped up the marble stairs, and finally brought Harry into his office, where Harry had visited many times, especially in the second year, Lockhart Just let Harry here help him deal with letters from fans.


The sound of the door being locked brought Harry back to his senses, "Who are you!?"

No matter how stupid Harry was, he would know that this person was not Professor Moody, because the Professor Moody Harry had seen in Dumbledore's Pensieve was definitely not like this, and his walking legs were fine just now, which is not normal.

The fake Moody didn't answer Harry's question, he threw Harry on the chair, poured water on his own, and handed a glass of water to Harry, "Come, drink a glass of Veritaserum, and I'll answer you problem. Don’t think about someone saving you, Dumbledore and the others have gone to other places now.”

Harry turned his head away, how could he drink!?


"Don't force me, I don't want to be too rough." Fake Moody's face turned cold and threatened.

"Why are you doing this!?" Harry continued.

"You ask too many questions, and who do you think you are!? If you want to know, someone will tell you!?" The fake Moody held Harry's head with one hand, and was about to pour the water glass into Harry's mouth Fill in.

"Haha, don't you think you're amazing!? When your name is spit out from the Goblet of Fire, don't you feel proud that you are the son of destiny! Idiot, I did this...0"

"But I didn't expect you to be such a waste. It took me so much effort to get you to the last project. Without my intervention, you couldn't even pass the first project. I really thought you discovered the fire dragon by yourself. Is it!?"

"It's not easy, Harry, to get you through these projects without arousing suspicion. I have to use all my scheming to make it invisible to people. If you win too easily, Dumbledore will rise up." Suspicious. As long as you enter the maze, it's best to start first - in this way, I will have a chance to get rid of the other warriors and clear the way for you. But I didn't expect you to be so miserable. The last place is really a waste My painstaking efforts..."

"Wait, something's wrong! Why am I telling you this!?" Barty Crouch Jr. suddenly came back to his senses, looked at Harry with some doubts, and then took a step back, "What did you do to me! ?"

Thinking that Harry had defeated his master after all, and made Voldemort disappear when he was still a baby, Barty Crouch Jr. couldn't help but think about it when he realized his abnormality at this moment.

Could it be that Harry Potter has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!?

Harry looked at the fake Professor Moody blankly, wondering what the other party wanted to do!?

"No, you....No, I..." Fake Moody looked at Harry incoherently, he leaned against the door, startled, but Harry's expression was too confusing, It made him unable to judge whether his previous anomaly was caused by Harry.

But the feeling of palpitations made Barty Crouch Jr. feel very uneasy, as if an ominous shadow enveloped him.


A dazzling red light, accompanied by a loud sound of wood breaking, the door of Moody's office was rushed open, sending the fake Moody flying out.

The fake Moody fell flat on his face.

Harry was still staring at the spot where the fake Moody's face had been, seeing Albus Dumbledore, Professor Sprout, Snape and McGonagall looking at him through the fairy-glass. He turned his head and saw that they were standing in the doorway, with Dumbledore in front, wand in hand.

"Thanks to you, Pomona, otherwise Harry would be in danger." Dumbledore put away his wand and smiled at Harry before looking at Professor Sprout.

Professor McGonagall brought Harry out in the past and thanked Professor Sprout non-stop.

Professor Sprout waved his hand, "I just happened to see it."

In fact, ever since Qing Zhang told him about Professor Moody's anomaly, Professor Sprout has been quietly paying attention to him. When Sirius Bu 3.8 Lake chased the fake Moody away, Sprout The professor followed behind.

When she saw Sirius Black being dizzy, she actually seemed to go out, but considering that she was not the kind of wizard who was good at fighting, she held back, and then turned to inform Dumbledore, fortunately Dumbledore He hasn't followed the door key of the Three Strong Cup to leave, otherwise he will be in trouble.

In Professor Sprout's impression, Snape and Flitwick may not be witches who are good at fighting.

Master, as for Hagrid, just ignore it.

"Minerva took Harry to the hospital first, he was terrified, I need to stay, this is not my old friend, I need to find out who he is, I have to."

When Dumbledore looked at the unconscious Mad-Eye Moody, his face was so terrible, there was no kind smile in the past, and there was no spark of happiness in the eyes behind the glasses. that old one

Every wrinkle on his face was filled with cold anger.

A power radiated from Dumbledore's body, as if he was burning with heat.

He walked into the room, put one foot under Moody, and turned him over, exposing his face. Snape followed in without looking at Harry, as if he didn't see Harry at all.

Personal average.

Professor McGonagall hugged Harry, "Go, Potter, take me to the hospital..."

Her bobo lips trembled slightly, as if she was about to cry.

Harry turned around and glanced at the three people in the room, then obediently followed Professor McGonagall and the others to leave.

He has many, many questions, but no one seems to want to answer him. .

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