"Alastor Moody——!"

Sirius Black suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up from the hospital bed and fell to the ground, a pair of wolf-like eyes searched the space under the dim yellow light, and then...he saw lying on the bed. The old guy on the hospital bed in the distance.

Just as Sirius Black was about to jump over and tear up this shameless and dirty old thing, a big pussy pocket swung from the side and slapped Black back on the bed.

"Shut up and be quiet, or I'll make you speechless forever!"

Madam Pomfrey stared angrily at the big dog with her hips crossed, and Harry, who was sitting on the hospital bed next to her, also looked embarrassed, "That... Sirius... you misunderstood , that is the real Professor Moody, the one who arrested me before was a fake..."

"Harry, are you okay!? I already knew...I knew this would happen...Uh, wait, what do you mean by telling the truth!?"

Sirius Black didn't bother to get angry and blame who hit him. After hearing Harry's familiar voice, all his attention was attracted to it. Ever since James Potter and Lily Potter were indirectly killed by him After Hogwarts F4 fell apart, now Harry is the person Sirius Black cares about most in the world.

Sirius Black and Severus Snape, who want to redeem themselves, are actually similar, except that Snape is more awkward.

"Quiet, quiet! It's been so many years since you graduated, why hasn't it changed at all!?" Madam Pomfrey became even more annoyed when she saw Sirius Black's demeanor, wishing to drive this dog out.

But as a doctor, Madam Pomfrey couldn't really drive patients out.

No one knows better than her how weak Sirius Black's seemingly sturdy body is at this moment. His more than ten years of career in Azkaban has already corroded his body to be riddled with holes. Even a wizard The world's most prestigious St. Mungo's Hospital can only make up for his shortfall a little bit. If you really want to say it, Sirius Black conservatively estimates that he will have to live in the hospital for three to five years before he can barely recover to the health line.

If not, how could Sirius Black have fainted for such a long time due to a mere stun spell!? Compared with his body, his mental damage was actually more serious. Strange, best at torturing a person until he collapses and commits suicide.

Seeing that his godson Harry was fine, Sirius Black, who finally regained his sanity a little bit, couldn't help but smile embarrassingly at the angry Madam Pomfrey. When he was in school, he was terrified of the school doctor. But even Dumbledore dared not show his face, the ruthless person who grabbed his ears and cursed, dared not offend anyone if he offended her.

I remember that when we were in school, he and James were tossed by the other party's terrible medicine many times. Black suspected that Madam Pomfrey did it on purpose, because his own prescription was definitely not so bad.

"Quiet, quiet. I promise to be quiet!"

"It's best." Madam Pomfrey looked at Black and Harry expressionlessly, her eyes were full of warning. To be honest, looking at these two people, Madam Pomfrey felt like going back in time to decades. Harry looked exactly like his father, save for the color of his eyes.

However, what broke Madam Pomfrey was that as soon as Sirius Black kept quiet, the old bee Dumbledore came, seeing Madam Pomfrey's darkened face, Dumbledore also looked embarrassed, "Bo Than, I have something very important, really..."

"Hmph." Madam Pomfrey finally gave in, "You'd better hurry up and keep your voice down."

"I promise." Dumbledore sighed, and then came between Harry and Black's hospital bed, pulled a chair and sat down, "I think you have a lot to know, and of course I also have something I want to hear from you, Harry." Know here."

"What's going on!?" Sirius Black asked eagerly, but his voice was very low, and he carefully glanced at Madam Pomfrey over there.

Dumbledore began to tell Sirius Black exactly what Barty Crouch Jr. said under the truth potion, including why he took Harry away, and he didn't expect Harry to come back alive.

Black's face changed, sometimes angry, sometimes nervous, and sometimes relieved.

Harry, on the other hand, listened absent-mindedly. He was so tired that every bone in his body was aching. Escaping from Voldemort and the others, he fought his life, of course it was not for nothing, and after returning, he was threatened by Barty Crouch Jr., and his spirit has reached the limit at this moment.

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to fall asleep, but that he was afraid that it was a dream when he closed his eyes. In fact, he was still in deep danger. Now that Dumbledore and Godfather Black are here, Harry finally relaxed his tense nerves. Come down and start to feel sleepy.

He just wanted to sit here, not to be disturbed by anyone, to sit like this for a long, long time, until he fell into a deep sleep, without any thoughts or feelings.

Instead, his head slowly drooped amidst Dumbledore's voice, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally closed.

There was a sound of flapping wings. The phoenix Fawkes left its perching branch, flew over from the office, and landed on Black's head.

"Be quiet." Black didn't move, just reminded him in a low voice.

In fact, his conversation with Dumbledore had long since ended when both had noticed that Harry had fallen asleep. Even if Dumbledore wanted to know what happened after Harry was teleported, he had to give up now.

"Okay, Black, let Harry sleep first." Dumbledore finally agreed under Black's pleading eyes.

"But don't forget to report Molly's safety tomorrow. She was also very worried, but I persuaded her to go back."

The Molly that Dumbledore was talking about was naturally Ron's mother, and she treated Harry as her own child. If it wasn't for Dumbledore's failure, she might not be able to go home so easily, but would stay at Hogwarts until she saw that Harry was safe and sound.

"My dear lady! As the Minister of Magic, I have the right to decide whether I want to bring bodyguards, because I am coming to see a potentially very dangerous..."

"Shut up! That guy, that guy jumped at Crouch the moment he entered the office!"

"According to all accounts, he deserved it! He seems to have caused the deaths of several people."

Early in the morning, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge brought his so-called bodyguards and several dementors into Hogwarts. This move not only frightened many who had just experienced dementors last year The students who suffered from the disaster also made the professors look very ugly.

No one knows better than them how unruly these dementors, who don't remember to eat, are unruly. They stare at the students as if they are seeing gourmet desserts, full of greed.

It was Professor McGonagall who was arguing with Fudge at this time. She blushed and was very angry because Barty Crouch Jr., who had been guarding her all night, was sucked by a dementor before her eyes. gone soul. Crouch Jr. is now dying.

But in the face of Professor McGonagall's accusation, Fudge is also justified, and he is not willing to admit that he is wrong.

"But he can't testify now, Connelly." After hearing this, Dumbledore stared at Fudge sharply, as if he saw him clearly for the first time, "He can't provide evidence to explain why he wanted to kill Those people are dead.

"Why did he kill them!? Hey, isn't that obvious!" said Fudge angrily. "She's a wandering lunatic! From what Minerva and Severus have told me, he seems to think he Everything I did was in accordance with the will of the mysterious man!"

"Voldemort did dictate to him before, Connelly! Those people were just a by-product of carrying out Voldemort's comeback plan."

"Heh, who can prove it!? Let me tell you, don't confuse the public, I am the Minister of Magic!"

For Dumbledore's words, Fudge just looked at him coldly. At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Harry poked his head in. "Professor, isn't it time for me to come!?"

Even Harry cringed a little at the sight of so many eyes.

"Oh, I remember he said yesterday that the mysterious man is back, very good, really good, Dumbledore, you teamed up with your students to create panic, just to make the entire wizarding world have to rely on you , since you said that the mysterious man is back, let him come out! Hehe, no way, you can’t fool me.”

Fudge gave Harry a cold look, then pointed at Dumbledore who kept capping his hat.

He didn't seem to need the truth at all, and he didn't want to hear any bad news. He came today to destroy the evidence, and it was premeditated to bring the dementor to suck the soul of Barty Crouch Jr.

Harry looked at Fudge angrily, "I'm not lying!"

He hates it when people suspect him of lying, it happens every time, at Privet Luthersley's house, at Hogwarts facing Snape, and that Rita Skye The same is true of the special female reporter, why does a person always disbelieve him!?

"Hehe, you've become angry after being exposed! You see, your student's acting skills are obviously not as good as yours, Professor!" Fudge sneered, without looking at the angry Harry, he squinted at Dumbledore They, gazes—flicked across their faces.

"Harry Potter, I know you. You're a Parseltongue, and you act weird in every way, oh! Yes, and I've heard you cover your forehead from time to time and say it hurts."

Then I talked nonsense, does it still hurt now!? Did I see hallucinations again!?”

"Dumbledore, you know that even if a person with a mental illness takes Veritaserum, what he says is not evidence. If you want to rely on this little boy with hallucinations as a testimony

You'd better also learn more about the laws of the wizarding world. "

When Dumbledore and the others saw Cornelius Fudge jumping around like a clown, their faces sank like water. How did this guy become the Minister of Magic!?

Run away when things happen, if you can't, just play tricks!

But who is kidding him!?

Didn't you think about the consequences!? And you brought dementors as bodyguards, didn't you know that these guys worked for Voldemort before!? These disgusting people didn't die fast enough or something!?

"Connelly, you are too obsessed with your official position, which makes you lose your due judgment." Dumbledore looked at Fudge with some disappointment, his voice gradually increased, and people could feel the ecstasy surrounding him. With that halo of power, his eyes glowed again.

"You place too much value on the so-called pure blood! You always have! You don't realize that it is not important to a person's origin, but what he grows into! Your dementor just eliminated a very old man. The last member of the pure-blood family—look at the life path that man has chosen!"

"Let me tell you now—as long as you follow my advice and take some measures, then the Ministry of Magic and the entire wizarding world will always remember you [you will be regarded as the bravest and greatest Minister of Magic in history.

"If you don't act, continue to hide your ears and steal the bell. History will remember it well: because you stood by and gave Voldemort a second chance to destroy the world we have worked so hard to rebuild!"

"Ridiculous" Fudge backed away in horror, as if he didn't dare to meet Dumbledore's eyes, without the arrogance he had before when he was talking nonsense, "crazy"

As he said that, he turned around and ran away, as if he didn't dare to stay any longer, and walked out of Hogwarts with his bodyguards.

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