The day after Connelly Foley left Hogwarts, the Daily Prophet hit it again, even Rita Skeeter, who was previously arrested for being an illegal Animagus , also re-emerged from the rivers and lakes, and became the official mouthpiece.

She announced her return with a vicious article, and because of Rita Skeeter's acquittal, the Ministry of Magic received countless complaints, but Fudge suppressed them all, and no matter how the public scolded them, they regarded them as useless. See.

Rita Skeeter described Dumbledore and Harry as conspiratorial lunatics, and said that the rest of the Hogwarts professors were accomplices, and they followed Dumbledore's lead, saying that Hogwarts is a British The Ministry of Magic, as long as there is a slight lack of cooperation from the Ministry of Magic, they will ask the Ministry of Magic to cooperate.

While everyone knows what Rita Skeeter is like, 90 percent of the reports about her are false. But I have to say that her articles are very eye-catching, and people love to read them, especially when they see high-ranking people being pulled down from the altar, they will have a different kind of pleasure.

So people never pay attention to the truth, they are short-sighted and stupid, and they only want to have fun.

This undoubtedly made many professors at Hogwarts very angry. Professor Sprout, the fat and short maid who caught Rita Skeeter, was described by Rita Skeeter in the article as a The village woman said that she is dirty and smelly all day long, and she knows nothing but farming, why not let ten hemp claw farmers go to class in the future!? I am really worried about our next generation.

To be honest, Qing Zhang admires Rita Skeeter's tenacity of vitality. The curse he cast has not been lifted at all, that is to say, whenever this nonsensical female reporter wants to do bad things, she will Usher in the disaster of bad luck that is equal to the degree of evil.

I didn’t expect it to be like this, Rita Skeeter can still insist on finishing an article, I admire it!

How persistent does this have to be!?

In order to spread rumors and make big news, this is even life-threatening!?

With such a fearless spirit, what else can you do!?

Perhaps Rita Skeeter's article really irritated Professor Sprout. This witch who doesn't pay much attention to dressing up all the year round, put on a gorgeous and exquisite robe abnormally, and even took good care of her nails and hair , just standing in her greenhouse, it doesn't match those soil potted plants.

In fact, if you want to say who is the richest person in Hogwarts, besides Hagrid, it must be Professor Sprout. You won't need magic plants for the rest of your life, otherwise you will be inseparable from her for everything you need for food, clothing, housing and transportation. If you offend her, you dare not say that you can't do anything in the wizarding world, but there are many places where you spend more money.

As for the hospital, if you don't have plastic surgery, don't even think about going there, maybe you can consider a black clinic.

In fact, most of the outstanding Hufflepuff graduates are invisible rich people. It's just that they are usually too low-key and don't pay attention to their appearance, which makes people misunderstand that the only rich people in the wizarding world are wizards from pure-blood families. Just like Newt Artemis Fido Scamander, when it comes to wealth, who dares to say that he is better than the other!?

It can be predicted that Rita Skeeter will have a miserable life in the wizarding world in the future. She is afraid that she will not be able to use money. She really shouldn't offend a master of magic planting, especially a Hufflepuff master. Professor Sprout has students all over the world, and there are students from all walks of life. This is really uncomfortable for myself.

What Hufflepuffs are known for - yes, Unity!

Compared with the righteous indignation of the professors, Harry was the worst. He won the Triwizard Tournament, but it didn't make him happy at all.

On the second day after that day, Dumbledore spoke a few words to the teachers and students of the school at breakfast in the morning. He just asked everyone to leave Harry alone, not to let anyone ask him questions, or pester him about what happened that day in the maze.

In exchange, however, most people walked around Harry in the corridors, avoiding his gaze. Some put their hands over their mouths and whispered to each other as he walked by. Everyone seemed to believe Rita Skeeter's article that he was out of his mind and possibly dangerous.

But compared to these, what troubled Harry even more was that Dumbledore still planned to let him go back to the Dursleys' house during the holidays, even though he already had his own godfather.

Hagrid seemed to know something from Dumbledore. After listening to it, he was silent for a long time, drank a lot of wine, and then apologized to Ms. Olim Maxim one day. Afterwards, many people saw the two Sitting together to drink tea, but the atmosphere seems to never return to the past.

The calmer Ms. Maxim was, the more it meant that she and Hagrid were no longer possible.

Because I don't care anymore.

All this stemmed from Hagrid's lack of trust, maybe Hagrid also understood, so every time he returned to his hut, he would drink alone.

On the night before leaving school, Dumbledore still told everyone that Voldemort had returned. Although many people didn't believe it and regarded it as rumors, it still brought a lot of trouble. The elders of some families seem to plan to temporarily suspend their children from school and leave the UK, but they have not taken any action yet, and they seem to plan to wait and see what happens.

Fudge's actions can't fool everyone, especially the big families that dominate the wizarding world. They know better than anyone that the Dark Lord has indeed returned. Even the dark magic mark on Snape's wrist is so obvious, and the other Death Eaters How to lie to yourself!?

Cornelius Fudge was a clown from beginning to end. He thought that as long as he pretended not to see or hear, nothing would happen, but it was a joke.

Qing Zhang, Hermione and other friends finished packing their luggage early, and waited in the crowded foyer for the carriage to take them to Hogsmeade station.


Fleur Delacour at this moment hurried up the stone steps and entered the castle. Across the field behind her, Hagrid was helping Madame Maxime harness two giant horses. Beauxbaton's carriage was about to set off.

"I hope we can meet again." Ignoring Hermione's unhappy and hostile eyes, Fu Rong stretched out a hand to Qing Zhang, and said, "Can I write to you!? I am very impressed by that mysterious ancient oriental country. Interested, I hope you can thank you for understanding, I plan to travel there with my family during the holidays, but before that, we must learn as much Chinese as possible.”

Hermione shook her hand ahead of Qing Zhang, "Then you can exchange letters with me. I have already passed level nine in Chinese. I dare say that I speak better than many native Xia people!"

Fu Rong was not angry either, "That's fine, that's fine, to be honest, I like you little Hermione very much."

The half-blood witch still likes to play tricks on Hermione, and seems to appreciate Hermione's jealous and defensive look.

Qing Zhang rolled his eyes, "Okay, go back quickly, you will be left behind for Buschton's business."

"It's not cute, others want to talk to me more! Okay, goodbye!" Furong giggled, then turned and ran towards Ms. Maxim, waving her hand while trotting, "See you this time." It is very pleasant to see you, if you want to come to France next time, you can tell me in advance!"

Compared with Beauxbaton's relatively pleasant atmosphere, Durmstrang's side can be said to be clouded. Not only did Kemru hit the Imperius Curse, but he also released the Cruciatus Curse many times, even if he was later proved innocent. , but it still had an impact on his mind, and now he is a little sluggish.

I am afraid that after going back, he will have to receive psychological treatment for a long time. Black magic will cause spiritual distortion to the caster, even if it is involuntary. It has a serious impact on the psychological state of the wizard itself. Even adult wizards dare not use it all the time, let alone Krum.

The reason why people keep saying that black magic is dangerous is also based on this. Many black wizards who use Avada Kedavra all the year round will become cold-blooded and ignore life. But if you use the Imperius Curse too much, you will become arrogant and inflated, and you will even think that you are the center of the world, and everyone must revolve around you, treating others as puppets.

The reason why Barty Crouch did not recognize his six relatives was actually related to the long-term use of the Imperius Curse.

Not to mention Karkaroff, he regretted coming to England to participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

Maybe he won't set foot here again in the future.

On the way back to King's Cross, the weather was completely different from when I came to Hogwarts last September.

The sky was cloudless.

Hermione sat down with Crookshanks in her arms, planning to turn out her book and read it. Qing Zhangtui gave her a notebook about the Patronus Charm.

Professor McGonagall gave it to him a long time ago, but because Professor McGonagall didn't learn it himself, Qing Zhang studied it a little bit, and then modified it.

This is the notebook that Professor McGonagall used to learn the Patronus Charm when he was young, but now it is given to Qing Zhang. In fact, there are ancient books related to the Patronus Charm.

But even Professor McGonagall couldn’t get it out. Although there are some related books in the Hogwarts library, considering that it still contains a lot of black magic content records, Professor McGonagall simply gave her a notebook. .

There are a lot of excerpts on it, and there are even some expansions and conjectures. Although they are from the records of Professor McGonagall when he was young, they are still very precious. Professor McGonagall's talent is not bad, so some of her opinions and conjectures are very good. Useful, although it won't help you learn the Patronus Charm.

This is!?" Hermione took it with some confusion, and after reading a few pages, her eyes widened, a little excited, "Where did you get it!?"

She wanted to learn the Patronus Charm a long time ago, but as a Muggle, she couldn't get in touch with it, even if she wanted to learn it by herself. And with He Min's character, she can't be so arrogant as Professor McGonagall.

"It has the author's name on it. Don't worry, it was given to me by Professor McGonagall." Qing Zhang pointed to the back of the cover, where the words "Minerva McGonagall" said.

Hermione hugged the notebook and was very excited, "Great, so I don't have to worry about dementors in the future, those guys..."

Thinking that Fudge broke into Hogwarts with the dementors before, Hermione felt a little suffocated. She was sure that this was definitely not the first time, nor the second time, nor the last time. Can only avoid in fear.

"However, you gave it to me, what do you do!?" After Hermione was happy, she frowned and asked Qing Zhang again.

Qing Zhang pointed to his head, "I've written it all down, don't worry. But Hermione, after you read it, you can give it to Luna and the others. I think they are also willing to learn. If you learn it, you should be able to hurry up." Teach them."

Hermione looked at the quiet Luna, nodded, "Yes."

"Luna invited me to her house during the holidays before, but it's not for you, because Mr. Lovegood doesn't welcome boys to his house." Hermione laughed out loud

Qing Zhang rolled her eyes, "If you are not welcome, then you are not welcome, Luna has to go to school anyway."

Luna smiled helplessly. Both her father and Qing Zhang were not very serious, and they were obviously not so lucky.

This article is over.

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