Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

118 How Can A Bloody Drama Be Without Kidnappers! ?

"Boss, is this news accurate!? How do I think this is a bit of nonsense!?"

In a somewhat dilapidated van, a tall, thin man who was driving looked in the rearview mirror at a middle-aged burly man with an inch hair sitting in the back seat, and asked hesitantly.

"Boss, talk about it, how can anyone know that they have a rich father who won't go back!? No matter how you look at it, this matter is unreliable!? Besides, I came all the way to Yuncheng, and it's a waste of gas money to go all the way. .………”

"Fake!? Skinny dog, tell me how fake it is!? There has been a lot of rumors in the capital, and many people have seen that the Leng family swept out a girl and a lot of things. It's cheap, isn't it?" Don’t pick up junk!”

The middle-aged man with an inch head sneered, then lit a cigarette and took a puff, and continued, "And I'm not an idiot who just believes in what others say, I've also inquired about it, and it's basically not a secret in that circle. Ladies and gentlemen, they may not tell us people, but they will not hide and talk about it. The waiters in many places can hear it clearly. This is not fake.

Although the Leng family is not the family of the richest man, it can be regarded as a wealthy family with some energy in a place like the capital. We only need to kidnap their biological daughter, and this trip is enough for us to live comfortably for three to five years. Do you understand? Still care about the gas money!?"

"But, is the Leng family really willing to pay!?" Although the thin dog seemed to be convinced, he still had some concerns.

What happened more than 20 years ago is still circulating in their circle.

Hu Xiaoyao, the ex-wife of the head of the Leng family, Leng Hao, was also kidnapped back then. At that time, Leng Hao, who was still the head of the Leng family, only paid a few thousand yuan, and all the coins underneath were Tiandi Bank coins. What's more, That guy dared to single-handedly bring money to redeem people, or save people, but he managed to escape with Hu Xiaoyao.

MD, ten kidnappers, although only cold weapons can be used because of the ban on hot dogs in Longguo (you can’t say that word, I understand), but it’s not something a young man can force his way into.

But he succeeded, and finally escaped and called the police. The ten kidnappers just couldn't catch two of them.

It's all a bit magical.

The most important thing is that after the police brought back the box of ransom money, they found that almost all of them were published by Tiandi Bank. You said that the Leng family, a wealthy family, could do such a thing. Can you believe it!?

It is conceivable that the Leng family is notoriously stingy, even the life of their daughter-in-law is worthless, let alone a mere daughter!?

No wonder skinny dogs think this way!

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, "It's different this time. I'm not the ten idiots with silver guns and candle heads. If he doesn't give you enough money, I'll send him a copy of his daughter's parts every day. If he dares to come alone, I will simply tie him up too."

"Besides, it's not that he doesn't care about his daughter's life now, but that his youngest son's life is waiting for her to save him. The Leng family is married to the Lin family. This youngest son is related to the cooperation between the two families. Even if the Leng family doesn't care, Can the people of the Lin family watch their grandson have an accident!? The Lin family is in a hurry!"

That Leng Hao is not a superman or a martial arts master, but an ordinary young man. The reason why he was able to do that at that time can only be said that those ten guys were stupid and useless. Can you imagine chasing after him? Suddenly slipped, suddenly the shoelaces loosened and fell, the wind and sand got into the eyes, and the car just ran out of gas, such outrageous things!?

Those ten idiots just happened to have such an oolong incident, which shows how unprofessional they are.

It's not without reason that it became a joke in the kidnapper world.

"So it's true!? But why didn't the real daughter go back!? If I had a rich father, I would have gone back. Isn't it the bone marrow!? Anyway, no one can die, even if there is an accident , there is still someone to take care of it. In short, you don’t have to worry about eating and drinking, and you can still do what you want with a lot of money. It’s exciting to think about it.

The skinny dog ​​sighed, it's a pity that he didn't have this luck, his parents were farmers, facing the loess and their backs to the sky, he finally went to a big city, but found that these places couldn't accommodate him at all, fortunately, he met Tianxue!

At last, I am doing well, at least I can send some money home every year, and life at home is much easier.

The inch-cut man laughed, "Do you think someone can treat money like dung!? Shit, if there is no money in this world, you yourself are dung. People passing by will hold their noses and walk around, and they are not even willing to step on you. !The real daughter is just waiting for a price, and she is making progress by retreating. Anyway, she is not the one who is in a hurry. After waiting for a while, she can not only gain a good reputation, but also get better from the Leng Lin family. The advantage is that it is much better than a mere young lady's name."

"It's just a short-sighted and careless idiot like you who rushes to meet her relatives. This real young lady is much smarter than most people. Learn from it!"

The thin dog curled his lips, "It's not my fault, I just finished elementary school, it's not because my family has no money, otherwise I might still be a college student!?"

"It's just you!? Besides, college students are not very popular now. Look at the talent market, the one who is crowded there every day is not a college student, but if you observe there for a long time, you will find that you can find the same face in three or four months. Then see, and there are not only one or two people like this, this world is like this, if there are too many things, they are worthless, understand what is rare!?" The third master Dao looked at the stubborn little brother with a funny face , Tell him the truth.

Stupid people are stupid, you at least went to elementary school, the third master didn't even go to school, but he just knows a lot, who said that as a bad person, you can't have a love of reading, he has taught himself, it's no better than these Those who have gone to school are poor.

If you don't have education these days, you can't do anything.

"Okay...but Yuncheng is so big, where can we find each other!?" The thin dog changed the subject.

The third master Dao looked at the speeding scenery outside the car window, flicked the ashes of the cigarette between his fingers, and said, "When you get there, just ask someone to find out."

"This matter is definitely something new to talk about after dinner in a small place like Yuncheng, and there must be a lot of people who know about it."

After all, such things as true and false daughters have been seen in TV dramas, but not many people have witnessed it in real life, so this is not only well known in the capital, but also one of the protagonists in Yuncheng People in the place don't say they know everything, but at least they have heard about it.

It's not hard to find someone with a little effort.

"We have to hurry up, or maybe after other people react, we will have more competitors, and then this matter will be difficult to handle!?"

0 Seeking flowers……………

There is no shortage of bodyguards for these rich people these days, and Longguo is a country that bans hot dogs (things that emit metal particles). Being a kidnapper really pays attention to the right time, place and people, as well as small tricks.

It's really rare to come across a situation like the real daughter of Leng's family who is alone.

This is also the reason why Mr. Dao came here in a hurry. He just wanted to complete this big order before everyone reacted. Otherwise, what if the Leng family sent someone to come!?

"Brother, there is no way to go faster. We are taking a small road. We can't go faster, otherwise this broken car will fall apart." The thin dog said with a bitter face.

In order not to be caught by the camera, they seldom take the main road, but this broken car is really tossing people on such a small road. Of course, listening to the "creaking" sound of this car that has never stopped along the way, the skinny dog ​​is a little worried , This car will fall apart halfway.

Can't you find a better car!?

Mr. Dao became angry when he heard the words, and he knew what he was thinking when he saw the thin dog's expression, and scolded, "You still drive a good car!? Are you afraid that the messenger can't find us.


"But this car is also very conspicuous!" said the thin dog aggrieved.

Mr. Dao stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said in a bad mood, "So what if it's conspicuous, others will find nothing if they try hard to check, and only this kind of car can be thrown away at any time, don't you understand!? Don't think about it all day long. I want to drive a good car, this car just looks broken, but it is much better than the car provided by that place when I took the driver's license test!"

Driving a luxury car, driving a supercar, does that seem like a serious crime!?

"I'm just worried that this car won't be able to drive to Yuncheng. The capital is too far away in Yuncheng. I don't know if Hu Xiaoyao ate too much and ran so far with a big belly. This woman is really capable of tossing around. ..." The skinny dog ​​was also angry when he was scolded, and he didn't dare to attack his elder brother, so he was still afraid of you being a dead person!?

Immediately cursed and complained non-stop.

"Satisfied, it's not the first time for that woman to run with a ball, she even went abroad before, who knows what she's thinking!?" Mr. Dao doesn't understand women, especially such a special woman. If he was Leng Hao, he would have already slapped him.

And I heard that when Hu Xiaoyao was in a foreign country, he lived with a foreigner for a long time. I don’t know how Leng Hao can accept it!? The child may be yours, but it’s hard to say whether your wife is original or not. Isn’t it popular these days for some “male girlfriends”!? We went on a trip together for a month and they all got divorced, but it turned out that the wealthy young and old were lucky. They lived together for almost three years, and even took them back to get a marriage certificate, tsk tsk...

To be honest, Master Dao admired Leng Hao very much for this alone, anyway, he couldn't do it as a master.

"Oh! In that case, it's still good luck. If the person is in a foreign country, we will be in trouble and have to go abroad." The thin dog said in a daze.

Mr. Dao is speechless, the real people are in a foreign country, where is it their turn to pick up cheap, in a place like a foreign country, the Leng family doesn't have to follow rules and laws, just tie people back by hand, anyway, there is some money there People acted as if they hadn't seen anything.

On the foreign side, if you have money, you can do whatever you want. Unlike the Dragon Kingdom, money is not everything.

"Okay, look at the road, my car is not like Fan who retired so early!".

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