Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

119 You Don't Understand The Joy Of A Bag Of Cement!

Although Yuncheng has barely entered the category of third-tier cities with the support of policies in recent years and the local government's vigorous suggestions, it still lacks some background and convincing strength compared to other third-tier cities.

Not to mention first- and second-tier cities, it is simply incomparable.

That is to say, those migrant workers will come here to try their luck. They want to gamble on the east wind of Yuncheng Leaping. Maybe they will be able to settle down in Yuncheng and become a person in a big city within a few years. After all, other third-tier and above cities are basically saturated, and it is basically difficult for newcomers to intersperse.

Although it is said that with the development of the economy and the domestic trend, there are signs of moving from the city to the countryside, and there are voices such as "farmhouse fun" and "pastoral water color", but after all, the employment law in the city remains high, and people's jobs today The pressure is relatively high, and not everyone has the spare money and time to experience rural life.

Usually work is tiring and hard enough, don’t you just lie on the bed, brush your phone and play computer games during the holidays!?

Therefore, most of the farmhouse entertainment is just the fun of rich people.

After all, the flow of people is still crowded from the city.

At this moment, in front of a small shop near the Zhang family in Changqing County, Yuncheng, several men and women dressed as "283" were playing mahjong for four people, making crackling noises.

However, in the thick five-color hair that hangs down and covers the ears, everyone is wearing a Bluetooth headset.

Suddenly, one of the green-haired young men said "Bump!", and whispered to the blue-haired middle-aged man opposite him, "Team Chen! There is a situation!"

"Call me to cough." The blue-haired Shamat said in a huff.

The other killers all closed their eyes and trembled.

My heart is full of shit.

To protect the mission well, but have to dress up as the Shamat nobleman who retired to the mountains hundreds of years ago. Several people feel that they want to die, which is too shameful.

Especially when people come to see their monkey show from time to time, and passersby pass by to take pictures, they all feel that if their faces are not painted so that their parents don't recognize them, they might really die.

What kind of taste is this!?

"Yes! Lazy!" Green-haired Shamat changed his mouth through gritted teeth.

"Speak!" Lanmao Shamat nodded, indicating that the other party could speak.

The green-haired killer took a deep breath, looked around, saw that there was no one else but them, and said in a low voice, "Two suspicious people entered Yuncheng and were discovered by our people."

Chen Jian raised his eyebrows, "Yuncheng is also a third-tier city, isn't it normal to have outsiders!? Let's get to the point.

The green-haired killer nodded, gave a thumbs-up and said, "Cough! That's the reason. The problem is that those two people intentionally or unintentionally inquired about the real and fake daughters. This is not the case for ordinary migrant workers. It is too late to find a job and earn money." What!? I don’t have the time to pay attention to this, it’s only after work and life have settled down.”

Chen Jian thought for a while and played a "10,000" card, and then said, "Is it from the Leng family!?"

"Probably not! The members of the Leng family are being watched by our people, and even the telephone network is under surveillance, because the rumors about the real and fake daughters are spreading in the capital, and it is impossible to hide it, so even if the Leng family wants to Using some illegal means, they can't take any action before the heat of the matter, so they can only endure it!" Lu Mao shrugged and said, maybe the members of Leng's family never thought about Zhang Shishi's refusal to go back The Leng family, if they had known this would happen, the Leng family would never have been so high-profile back then, but now they can only be incompetent and furious.

Now if they really do something like bullying ordinary people and kidnapping people forcibly, I am afraid that not only will they lose face, but the capital will also strictly investigate their Leng family for the sake of influence. This is the main problem.

It's not that the Leng family are law-abiding citizens, it's just because they have to.

"What about the Lin family!?" Chen Jian nodded and asked.

"The Lin family, in fact, the Lin family is not too attached to Zhang Shishi. Although Leng Qiuran needs a bone marrow transplant, Zhang Shishi is not the only one who can provide bone marrow. With the relationship between the Leng family and the Lin family, if Zhang Shishi is unwilling If we go back, this matter will have to fall on Leng Hao or Leng Wenhao, and for the inheritance of the Leng family, I am afraid that Leng Hao will be forced to let Leng Wenhao, the ex-wife's child, submit. "

Lu Mao said that this wealthy family is really more exciting than the Gongdou drama in TV dramas.

"After all, a daughter who has no inheritance rights and only has the effect of marriage is more threatening to the Lin family than Leng Wenhao who has begun to accept the Leng family's business."

Chen Jian frowned, isn't the Lin family too!?

"What about the Xiao family!? Do you want to change your fiancée so that you can guarantee business with the Leng family!?"

Lu Mao glanced at his cards, "Xiao Sixi!"

He didn't notice that Chen Jian's complexion was getting a little dark. After putting a few toffees on the table into his pocket, he said, "That's even more impossible. The Xiao family is much stronger than the Leng family. If you want to fight with the Xiao family There is basically no shortage of people getting married, not to mention that the Leng family has shown some signs of going downhill in recent years, so the Xiao family can't wait to change their family as soon as possible!"

"And that Xiao Han hates arranged marriages very much. He also publicly said that if he did that, at most he would just add a nameless Mrs. Xiao's family, and he would not give anything else. This is a person who is wholeheartedly looking for true love My young master!"

Typical you get my person but not my heart, this is a public statement that you will definitely cheat in the future.

But even so, there are still many reasons for people to marry their own daughters to each other.

Therefore, the Xiao family really didn't value the Leng family much. The reason why they married the Leng family before was also because of an accident. Zhang Mengyao and Xiao Han met unexpectedly when they were young. Only then did the family have contacts.

This should be regarded as the heroine saving the scum, and repaying it with her own body.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the Leng family's family background to be favored by the Xiao family. Although the Leng family is not bad, what the Xiao family needs is a higher level of help, which is obviously impossible for the Leng family.

Isn’t it!? Chen Jian looked up in surprise and asked, “Who is that!? It can’t be those boring young masters, young masters and young ladies. Want to send someone to see the down-and-out Zhang Mengyao!? It's really boring..."

"This, it shouldn't be. When Zhang Mengyao was still called Leng Mengyao, not only did many girls get jealous because of her gorgeous appearance, but also because of her marriage contract with the third young master of the Xiao family, which made many people jealous. Now they have left the capital too. , the marriage contract is gone, and those people have no intention of targeting them. Of course, if they meet in the future, they might be humiliated, ridiculed, and belittled...."

"And if you really come to the monkey show, you will only come in a bright and fair manner. How boring is it to watch secretly!?"

Lu Mao is still very clear about the thinking of those young masters..0

Chen Jian couldn't help muttering, "Is that someone from other forces!?"

"Keep an eye on them and see what they are trying to do!? Also pay attention to whether it is only these two people, or there are others we haven't found!"


After Chen Jian finished his orders, he also planned to tell Zhang Qing about this matter. He was not afraid of 10,000, just in case. If someone really came for Zhang Qing, he really needed someone from Zhang Qing. Just be prepared.

And not long after, Zhang Qing, who was watching TV with his two younger sisters at home, also received a message from Chen Jian. After reading it and deleting it, Zhang Qing didn't see any abnormality on his face.

"Who sent the message!?" Zhang Shishi asked curiously.

Could it be his girlfriend? Zhang Shishi was gossiping and curious to see something on Zhang Qing's face.

Zhang Mengyao was also attracted attention.

Zhang Qing rewarded each of them with a chestnut on their foreheads, and said angrily, "Why are you so concerned!? Go watch TV!"

"It's just an advertising text message!"

Zhang Shishi stuck out her little tongue, pointed at the male protagonist on TV and said, "Brother, learn how to dress like others, otherwise you won't even be the number three male lead. It's because people can't see your connotation at all! Parents are waiting for you to bring sister-in-law home!"

Zhang Qing glanced at the title of the TV series "The Son-in-Law of the Dragon King" and rolled his eyes, "If I really follow his words, you don't have to wait for you to get married...and I can't make that kind of smile either!"

Is he crazy to keep finding someone to slap him in the face!?

What about the male third!?

Unexpectedly, the two younger sisters would follow these TV dramas instead of watching those bloody romantic dramas. Zhang Qing was a little speechless.

Zhang Mengyao snickered, didn’t Xiao Han want to find true love!? I don’t know if he would be slapped in the face if he pretended to be poor, and then reversed and announced his identity as the third young master of the Xiao family!?

It's a pity that it's 0.4. Thinking that Xiao Han finally found a goblin, Zhang Mengyao felt that there was no role in the face-slapping scene.

During this period of time, Zhang Mengyao still paid close attention to Li Bing secretly, although she didn't want to get entangled with her and Xiao Han, "but Zhang Mengyao still couldn't help but observe this strange thing about Song Mei.

However, it is a pity that Li Bing at this time is still an unknown walk-on, and his appearance is not very outstanding, so there is basically no useful information on the Internet.

And Zhang Mengyao is no longer the eldest lady of the Leng family, and she doesn't have the energy to send someone to investigate, so it's basically just doing useless work.

In Zhang Qing's words, he was thinking, who is planning to trouble their family!?

Since Chen Jian didn't explain it, it shouldn't be the Leng family, the Lin family or the Xiao family. After all, if they were really these people, Chen Jian would explain it, but since it was just a simple reminder to let Zhang Qing pay attention, then it's all gone. It can be explained that this is an unexpected person.

It made Zhang Qing a little curious.

Of course, at present, Zhang Qing never imagined that there would be kidnappers eyeing her younger sister. After all, in Zhang Qing's concept, her family is just common people.

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