Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

125 Zhang Qing: I Thought You Called Me A Girlfriend, But I Didn't Expect...

"Huh!? Are you...!?"

Seeing Irena staring blankly at herself and the others, Estelle finally realized something was wrong, and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with her...Irena!?"

The two girls, Aisi and Lena, also cast their eyes on Irena, and they also noticed that this sister seemed to be different, a bit like...

Changed the individual.

Zhang Qing didn't answer their questions right away, but pulled Irena to the window and told her to stand still.

Sure enough, Irena, who looked dazed, became excited instantly, and forgot about asking Zhang Qing who they were.

She even felt that it was not enough and stuck her face on it, pouting and kissing on the window glass, completely looking like a super narcissistic slut.

"Miss Irena...hehe..."

Zhang Qing ignored the shocked gazes of the three of Estelle, took out his magically modified camera, and immediately took a picture, recording this classic scene, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Is this soul replacement magic!? Or consciousness interaction magic!?"

Estelle stepped forward and took Zhang Qing's arm, and asked curiously, she had a lot of knowledge, and soon figured out the key point, "Irena has indeed changed in her body at this moment.

But from the looks of it, it seems that he is an acquaintance, very familiar with Irena, and seems to be plotting against her.

Zhang Qing was only concerned with recording this dark history that would definitely kill Irena, and didn't notice Estelle's small movements. Hearing her words, he nodded and said, "Well, it's consciousness interaction magic!? It will not last for a long time. If you want to replace the soul, the price you pay is too high. Even the witch at that time would not touch that kind of taboo magic at risk.

Estelle looked at Zhang Qing still taking pictures, although she didn't know why the camera in his hand seemed to be much more advanced than the ones on the market, but they were witches, it was very easy to do this, but looking at Zhang Qing's The behavior, and the perverted behavior of the stranger's consciousness possessing Irena at this moment, made Estelle feel black.

"You knew this was going to happen!?"

If Estelle hadn't trusted Zhang Qing, she would have suspected that he was the leader of the Antique Hall, and even planned this farce just to play tricks on Irena, who must have found out that her body had been... ........Hmm.... Estelle didn't know how to describe this perverted behavior of Shirai Kuroko, and was at a loss for words.

Zhang Qing didn't deny it either, "I knew it a long time ago, as soon as I entered the free city of Klose, I found out!"

"To be precise, I discovered it when I came to this cafe!"

"That's right! You were being followed, but you didn't realize it at all. I have to say, Estelle, you guys are still too relaxed. Although the main target of those people this time is Irena, but the following After Reina met, those people should have followed you, but none of you have noticed, when you travel in the future, don't make this mistake again......"

To be honest, Zhang Qing is a little angry, these witches are too vigilant, one or two have let down their vigilance a few times because this is a peaceful era, and forget that no matter what era, there is no shortage of bad guys .

Just because I have mastered the power of magic, I feel that no one can hurt me. These witches who are used to peace and the wrong idea that everyone is a good person should learn a lesson.

This time it was just a funny consequence, but what about next time!?

Because I am a witch, I look down on ordinary people, but I don’t know that the strongest weapon of human beings is wisdom. There is no difference between witches and ordinary people. This is the "fairness" that humans have!

Whether it is Estelle or Irena, they will have a long time to run around the world in the future. Zhang Qing thinks that instead of helping them solve their problems and protecting them now, it is better to take this opportunity to let them have a better life. wake up.

You know people, you know their faces, but you don’t know their hearts! Don’t think too much about people, but you don’t know what kind of devil’s face is underneath that kind and honest face!?

Hearing the anger in Zhang Qing's tone, Estelle was not dissatisfied and angry because of the other party's accusation, but instead felt warm, "Sorry, I was really careless this time. I came here to investigate, but I didn't expect ...."

Simply, she also admitted her mistake.

Since becoming a witch, they have indeed become a bit swollen, especially thinking that they, who became witches at a young age, naturally have the capital of pride, but when their pride becomes complacent, they have lost their way. Far.

Zhang Qing heard that Estelle admitted her mistake, and sighed, "You're okay, you, you have stayed in the hometown of watches and clocks in Lostov for too long, since you graduated and became a witch, you have basically stayed there

It's understandable to focus on that magic and not know the dangers outside. The problem is that Irena, as a traveling witch, and most of the time is alone, this is a fatal mistake. You are already witches, there is no teacher to take care of you for a long time, you have to learn to rely on yourself..."

Reality is not an animation, not a novel, not even a manga, but you will not die just because you are the protagonist, not to mention that most of them are not necessarily the so-called "protagonist", just say Irena, so many parallel worlds, Can you guarantee that you will live in the world where you are the protagonist!?

Obviously unrealistic.

"Father, it's amazing..." The two little eyes looked at Zhang Qing and whispered.

After all, compared to her teacher and mother, Irena lacks the means to deal with the enemy when she cannot use magic. As a magician, you can't fight in close combat. In fact, you are unqualified. Wand time.

Of course, this is also a common problem of most magicians nowadays. Peace corrodes vigilance against danger.

After Zhang Qing finished his lecture, he remembered something and said, "That's right! You'd better not breathe..."

However, just as Zhang Qing finished speaking, he saw the strange-colored mist blowing towards his face, and Estelle and the others still opened their mouths and made questioning "Huh?!" sounds.

Zhang Qing sighed, he said so much, it was completely in vain, after all, she is a witch, shouldn't she be vigilant immediately when she sees this abnormally colored gas!?

Zhang Qing looked at Estelle speechlessly.

However, just as he turned his head, he saw Ayerdale blushing and posting it a little abnormally, even Ais and Lena did the same.

"hey dad"

"Ah Qing~~~~!"

"Miss Irena---!!! Ahh!"

Zhang Qing:

Cover your face, who are these people!?

When Irena, who was wearing Shaye's cute face, came to find her, she saw Estelle and the others who had been subdued. Seeing Zhang Qing with many strawberry marks on his face, she asked a little strangely, "Are you...!?"

Zhang Qing looked at the sky, how should he explain it!? Could it be that he didn’t expect Estelle and the others to conspire against him!? Or did it mean that Miss Sha Ye planned to sell clothes on the street, and went further!?

"After I wake them up, ask yourself!"

Feeling tired, Zhang Qing took out his wand, but just as he was about to do it, he remembered something, stopped immediately, and said to Irena, who was conscious of Sha Ye, the witch, "You should come, I'm a little inconvenient... …………”

Zhang Qing almost forgot about her "Mother Drowning Spring Magic Syndrome" again, so dangerous!

Irena gave Zhang Qing a weird look, took out a handkerchief and handed it over, "You should wipe your face first!"

Irena felt uncomfortable when she saw the red lips on Zhang Qing's face, and she didn't care that the handkerchief belonged to Saya. After forcing it into Zhang Qing's hand, she took out Saya's wand and pointed it at Ai. Stelle and the others cast spells.

At this time, the streets are already full of chickens and dogs, and there are all kinds of strange scenes, such as dogs chasing cats, men chasing men, women chasing women, and even mice chasing cats, eh!? Does the cat appear in two directions? time!?

Zhang Qing took the handkerchief with some embarrassment. In his cognition, Estelle should be a lily, and the one he likes is Serena's, but he didn't know that this lavender witch actually had unreasonable thoughts about him. Zhang Qing doesn't know how to get along in the future!?

After all, Zhang Qing never thought that the other party would like him or something, because when they first met, Zhang Qing was also in a female posture. A female figure appears outside.

So Zhang Qing always felt that Estelle should just regard herself as a different kind of best friend.

Well, if there are some shameless words to describe it, it is a male best friend".

"Okay..." Irena stood beside Zhang Qing, smelling Estelle's unique lavender scent on Zhang Qing, she couldn't help but frowned, and seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Ah!? This is.....!?"

Soon Saya and Estelle came to their senses, but compared to Saya, who was still covering her forehead and was a little dazed, Estelle's face was already flushed, and she didn't dare to speak at all. She still remembered that she had done it before. something.

Aisi and Lena untied the rope on their own, and looked at Zhang Qing with some sorrow, "Dad, it's too much..."

After figuring out what was going on, Saya was a little angry, and beat up Irena, "It's too much, Miss Irena, how could you do this!?"

Irena felt a little wronged, she didn't know why she was so mean, she opened the box when she saw it, so she let Saya vent a little bit, and Saya didn't use much force.

After Saya finished venting, seeing the messy scene on the street, she was immediately discouraged, "What can I do!?"

Irena also spread her hands, "I can make you sober because you are all magicians, but these people...

She is really helpless (Zhao Zhaohao), there are too many people, and even draining their magic power can't save them.

When Estelle saw Irena, she also waved her hand, "My magic power is not as much as yours now!"

What Estelle said was also true, that trip through time was really expensive, and she has not recovered to her prime until now, and if Irena can't do it, it's even more impossible for her.

As for Zhang Qing, Irena didn't bother to ask. Before this guy didn't even want to use magic, Irena understood why in an instant! Although she was a little puzzled as to why the other party's space magic could be used without hindrance, she didn't say anything in front of him here. The meaning of asking so many people.

"Just close that box again!" Zhang Qing was speechless when he saw that Irena was ignoring him. He thought that this girl did it on purpose, so he had to reveal the mystery and let her see what he was capable of.

Of course, Zhang Qing doesn't want to delay too long, who knows if there are any innocent women in this city because of this

Hurt!? Although it is possible that these women are also chasing someone, there is no guarantee that no one will be hurt.

Zhang Qing just wanted to teach Irena and the others a lesson, to remind them to be vigilant when they go out, but he didn't want innocent people to be harmed. He still has a bottom line.

"That..." Irena was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Saya Yao with a guilty conscience.

Saya suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, where is my sister Mina!? Why didn't I see Mina!? Miss Irena!?"


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