"So, why did Mina faint here!?"

Sha Ye looked at her sister lying unconscious on the ground, feeling a little puzzled, while Irena turned her face away as if she didn't hear anything.

Can she tell Saya that her sister was scary before!?

What is she going to do!?

Tell Saya that Mina treats her as the real Saya and plots against her!?

When Irena thought that Saya looked exactly the same, she didn't really doubt that Mina was his sister, they were all the same pervert!

How can I always encounter perverts!?

Thinking of this, Irena picked up the box she had thrown on the ground before, and secretly glanced at Zhang Qing who was staring at Estelle, not knowing what he was doing, and suddenly became a little angry.

"Well, as long as this box is closed again, there will be no problem!?"

Zhang Qing was stared at inexplicably by the other party. He was a little puzzled, but he nodded and said, "That's right, this kind of magic item has an emergency shutdown function. It's impossible to release it at once and just scrap it." , In that case, it would be easier than using magic directly!"

The appearance of props is for convenience. It is impossible to really make a solar lighting lamp. It will light up when there is light, and it will not light up when there is no sunlight!? How many brain-dead witches will do this kind of laborious work? Unpleasant thing!?

Of course Irena knew this, she just wanted to prevent Zhang Qing and Estelle's weird atmosphere.

After seeing Zhang Qing's answer, she let out a "huh" and simply closed the lid of the box again.

Sure enough, the pink mist that permeated the entire city suddenly poured towards the box in a steady stream. Several people closed their breaths, and waited for all the mist to disappear before opening their mouths and noses to breathe again.

"Okay! Now go and catch those who take advantage of the opportunity to do evil, these must be the people from the so-called Antique Hall 443!" After Zhang Qing saw that the chaos in the city disappeared, he reminded, these witches, don't forget own task.

"Yes! Those guys have to be caught! But..." Sha Ye, who was leaning against Irena's body, looked at his sister who was still in a coma, and suddenly hesitated.

"Miss Saya, you can stay here! Miss Estelle and I will go!" Irena pulled Estelle and got on the broom and left.

"Oh, wait..." Estelle was staggered, never expecting that Irena would suddenly pull her and fly away.

"What's the matter!? Isn't this Miss Estelle, your mission!?" Irena said with a smile as she looked at Estelle who also summoned the broom and sat down.

Estelle gritted her teeth, "Sister Irena really has a heart..."

But I also know that this is indeed my mission, so although I don't look good, I still fly to chase those people.

Irena smiled brightly, "Of course, I am a kind and beautiful girl, you don't need to thank me!"

Zhang Qing and Sha Ye, who stayed in a certain corner of the alleyway, stared at the two flying away, speechless for a long time.

In the end, Zhang Qing couldn't bear the silence, and said, "Don't you use magic to wake up your sister!?"

"Ah!? Ah! That's right!" Saya was reminded, and then remembered that she was a witch, and hurriedly put Mina in her arms on the ground carefully, and then took out Irena's wand to cast a spell.

Zhang Qing sighed, this is the current witch, everyone is confused......

"Father..." Aisi and Leina tugged at Zhang Qing's clothes and called out in a low voice.

Zhang Qing touched the heads of the two little ones, and said softly, "Now wait here, they should be back soon."

Anyway, Estelle and Irena are two witches, which is already an unconventional configuration. You must know that one witch can easily destroy a country, and the dispatch of two witches is already a bit of a laborious effort. Killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

If this is the case and the boat capsizes in the gutter, I don't know how to say that the two of them will be better.

It is precisely because the witch is so powerful that the Magic Coordinating Association will always send a witch on duty, that is, ordinary people who do not understand the depth of the witch will question the strength of a witch, even if it is the worst witch, as long as she is If the witch is recognized, then the power it possesses is very terrifying.

However, if the entrusting party is worried and has to spend a lot of money to recruit other witches to participate in the mission, the Magic Coordination Association will not specifically explain the inside story. After all, witches also need to live. No matter how powerful the Coordination Association is, it dare not ignore the anger of one or more witches.

Of course, there is another layer of consideration, which is to blur the witch's ability. Otherwise, if ordinary people know that the witch is equivalent to a nuclear bomb, it is impossible not to have unnecessary thoughts.

Whether it's fear, utilization, or reverence, none of them are what modern magicians want.

Saya's magic level is still acceptable, but Mina woke up not long after she cast the spell, but Mina's vigilance was a bit too strong, the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was the face against Irena Instead, he saw the figure of Zhang Wei, a strange man beside him.

Without even thinking about it, he stood up, kicked Zhang Qing, and seemed to regard Zhang Qing as a bad guy.

After all, it is impossible for anyone who suddenly fell into a coma and then woke up to see a strange man in front of him not to be misunderstood.

Over there, Saya looked at her sister's actions in astonishment, forgetting to stop her.

Zhang Qing stretched out his hand to hold the opponent's ankle wrapped in black, and resisted the kick that was aimed directly at his head, "I think you can attack Xiasanlu next time. If this is the case, men will definitely Immediately lost mobility."

Zhang Qing wasn't angry, but rather admired the other party's vigilance and reaction. If it was her sister Sha Ye, or Irena, they would still be at a loss for a while!

"Let me go!" Mina was startled and ashamed, and she also realized that she seemed to have misunderstood, but now she seemed to be gone, she was ashamed, pulled her skirt with one hand, and blushed and shouted at Zhang Qing (caeb ).

Zhang Qing coughed, realized the problem, let go quickly, and then apologized, "Sorry..."

Saya hurried forward, "Mina, are you alright!? Why did you suddenly attack someone just now!? And why did you become unconscious here!?"

Immediately, a series of crackling questions jumped out of Saya's mouth.

Mina tidied up her dress, concealed her embarrassment and shyness with a stern face, and then looked suspiciously at Saya who was pulling her. After all, Saya was still using Irena's body at this time, and Mina hadn't seen Irena yet. Na, so it can be said that I don't know the other party at all, and when I see the other party's familiar look, and ask myself all kinds of things, I can't help but wrinkle.

But she wasn't angry, because she smelled a familiar smell from "Irena" at the moment, or saw someone's figure.

After hesitating for a while, he asked with some uncertainty, "Sister... Sister...!?"

"Yeah, it's me, Mina! You haven't answered my question yet!?" Saya nodded fiercely, but she didn't mean to analyze it. Instead, she asked Mina who just woke up and couldn't figure out the situation.

Mina looked at Zhang Qing who was dressed as a magician, and asked, "How did my sister become like this!?"

Knowing that the idiot sister who asked her was Bai Wen, Mina couldn't help but look at Zhang Qing, who was with her sister. Although Mina minded it very much, but now is not the time to lose her temper. Mina still knew the seriousness of the matter.

She still remembered that it seemed that her sister opened that weird box before.

Could it be that after opening it, it transforms!?

This man is a box genie, like Aladdin's magic lamp!?

Fortunately, Zhang Qing doesn't know about Mina's brain hole, otherwise he would vomit blood, you're an elf, and your whole family is Aladdin's magic lamp!

What do you think of him!?

Zhang Qing ignored Mina's vigilant gaze, briefly analyzed the cause and effect of the incident, and finally reminded, "When you go back, you should mention your sister more. You are too vigilant when you go out. It was a good time, but the next time may not be so lucky..."

After listening to the analysis, Mina let go of her guard against Zhang Qing, but felt a lot of hostility towards the original owner of Saya's current body, as well as a trace of panic.

Of course, she still has some memories of what she did after she was unconscious, so although she knew that Irena was her rival in love, she was afraid that the other party would talk nonsense about what she saw, so her mood was very complicated.

After hearing Zhang Qing's reminder, he just nodded lightly, not sure if he really listened to it.

But it doesn't matter even if it doesn't matter, when Sheila drags her back, she will definitely have to be educated. After all, she will be so easily robbed. Being a witch is simply the biggest joke this year. As a master, Sheila must I can't afford to lose this person, and I will definitely not make it easier for Saya.

Yes, the two teachers, Sheila and Fran, are also here. This is why Zhang Qing is not worried that Irena and Estelle will really capsize in the gutter. If there are four witches, if something happens, This world is too dangerous, Zhang Qing has to flee back to Mars.

Zhang Qing had already noticed the figures of Fulan and Sheila following behind. It can be said that Irena's every move was basically in the sight of these two elders.

This time it was really embarrassing.

Perhaps Sheila and Fulan didn't expect their disciples to be so unreliable!

Zhang Qing picked up the beret on the ground, wiped off the dust, and handed it to the restless Mina, "Just wait here, they will be back soon."

"Ah, um! I'm sorry, I was impulsive just now, and thank you..." After Mina was awakened, she came to her senses. As a result, after the hat, she first apologized for her previous sudden attack, and then thanked Zhang Qing for her help.

I just don't know if the thank you is for looking after her sister Saya, or thanking him for picking up the hat.

Zhang Qing waved his hand, "Let's talk, I'll take the two little ones to the side, so I won't disturb you two sisters."

Speaking of Zhang Qing, he led Aisi and Reina back a little bit, and he saw that Saya and the others seemed to be a little scrupulous about his existence, and the awkward atmosphere.

"Ah!? This.........".

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