Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

130 Zhang Qing: As Long As It's Irena, It's The Same, I Treat Everyone Equally!

When the missing jigsaw puzzle returned and the false jigsaw puzzle was replaced by——, Zhang Qing finally understood why he was obsessed with researching reversal magic. He just wanted to reverse life and death, so he was born with this idea.

It's just that it was simply not something he could grasp at that time, and failure was a matter of course.

This is also the reason why Zhang Qing didn't remember the woman before, but still felt that she was familiar, because the appearance of the other party was 70% similar to his appearance in a female posture, so it's strange if he didn't feel familiar!

Ms. Zhang Qing may have wanted to become a witch because she had Zhang Qing as a student back then, and then became Zhang Qing's teacher in a legitimate way, so she was in a hurry.

Of course, it’s nothing to be eager for success, but it might be the driving force for progress. It’s just that she was unlucky. At that time, she happened to be hired by a certain big family, and she just needed a large sum of money to support her magic research and profundity. She agreed directly without too much investigation. She didn't expect this to be the beginning of the road to death.

That's why Zhang Qing always said, don't imagine people too good, because there is no shortage of bad people, as long as you have bad thoughts, "good people can become bad people.

Especially those aristocratic families, who are used to being aloof from birth, don't care about the lives of outsiders, especially the lives of civilians.

Zhang Qing's teacher forgot that these aristocratic families have their own enshrined magicians. Although there may not be witches, there is absolutely no shortage of magicians under the witch. When will it be necessary to recruit magicians from outside!?

This is obviously tricky.

And most of the magicians outside are from commoner background, at least the background is not as good as these high-ranking elders, so they are naturally classified as untouchables.

So even if Zhang Qing's teacher is a trainee witch, in the eyes of these people, that's all.

Desperately needing a large amount of funds to become a witch, she readily accepted the other party's entrustment without thinking too much about it.

After thinking about it, I knew that it would be shameful. If I had calmed down, it would be absolutely impossible to agree so easily.

Just like Zhang Qing accepted the entrustment to buy a sex doll before, the other party needs Zhang Qing's guarantee, so why does Zhang Qing not need the other party's credibility guarantee, Zhang Qing would not dare to accept it easily if he hadn't investigated it, after all There are too many examples of sudden stabbing in the back among nobles.

Zhang Qing is still the one who knows the secret, do you think he will be silenced!? If he doesn’t mind being known the secret, then why not go to the Magic Coordinating Association to place an order!?

So there is nothing wrong with being careful, which is why Zhang Qing is angry that Estelle and Irena's vigilance is too weak, too naive, and too idealistic of the world, which is very bad.

Even in fairy tales, there are villains, let alone reality.

Zhang Qing's teacher died after going out for a long time. Fortunately, not many people knew about her death, so when Zhang Qing took revenge, he basically wiped out that family. Killed a few innocent people, so Zhang Qing can't be regarded as a good person. When he becomes crazy, he can absolutely abandon any bottom line.

Also because of such a bad incident, even if others didn't know that he did it, he still couldn't stay in the Eastern Kingdom, so he ran out.

That's all there is to truth.

Others would not have thought that the death of a trainee witch was the cause of all this, let alone that the trainee witch had accepted a student, even though it was only in name.

Don't underestimate a traverser, go crazy, you can make a nuclear bomb, what about a mage, what about a big family!? As long as you are a human, you will die if you are killed. As long as you kill quickly, no one can resist. As long as everyone is killed, no one will know that he has come.

It's a pity, what about revenge!? The dead cannot be resurrected after all.

"Who are you!々?"

Just as Zhang Qing was recalling the past, a familiar voice came from behind him. When he turned his head to look, he saw that stinky girl, Irena, pointing her magic wand at herself, with a vigilant and probing look on her face.

Zhang Qing, who was really not in the mood to tease the other party anymore, threw the doll she was carrying over, "I'll return it to you, it's a promise, let's forget about today, I just want to go home and have a good sleep... ..."

Irena, with short hair and deep eye circles, caught the familiar doll, but she frowned even tighter, "Who are you!? Why is there such a doll?" I clearly

Irena looked at Zhang Qing with a more inquiring look.

Zhang Qing glanced at the other party strangely, wondering what kind of trick the other party was trying to play, could it be because he always teased the other party in the past, so now he plans to play tricks on himself the other way around!?

"I said Sister Irena, I have played this trick of pretending not to know each other so many times, it is useless for you to use my bad tricks against me now, but, thank you for being able to Find me, tell me, did you cast some positioning magic on me when I didn't know it!? Otherwise, how could you always touch it!?"

Zhang Qing is also surprised that this has been going on for a long time. The number of encounters is really too much. It is quite rare for a courier and a traveler to meet each other all the time.

And Irena on the opposite side frowned even tighter, she didn't understand what the inexplicable guy on the other side was talking about, and the other side seemed to know her very well, "She clearly remembered that she didn't know him.

Could it be another self!? But this appearance is too bad, and he still has black hair and is a man.

Seeing Irena pointing at her with her magic wand and not speaking, Zhang Qing scratched his head and didn't want to wait any longer. As he said before, he was in a bad mood and didn't have the time to play with her. He just wanted to go early Just go back.

But when he was about to leave, he found that the surrounding scenery was a bit weird. Many buildings from other places were mixed in. The bell tower from the Kingdom of Clocks and Watches appeared not far away, and a familiar castle was also nearby, and there were many, many other places. Or the building of the country in it…………….

"This is.………………"

Zhang Qing felt that this scene was very familiar. After thinking for a while, he realized that this was the country that appeared in that episode. It is said that the country that can see wishes. In the animation, after Irena entered it, she discovered countless different herself , and a self with short hair who wants to kill other selves.

But Zhang Qing has always felt that this is just a ridiculous dream, because he has never heard of such a place after he came to this world. If it really exists, it is impossible for him to have no news at all.

Maybe the title of the book "Witch's Journey" on the cover of the diary used as evidence was written by Irena when she was sleepwalking!

"Parallel time and space!?"

Zhang Qing looked at Irena, who didn't know him, in surprise, and couldn't tell which one she was, because the one he knew also had short hair.

And Zhang was a little surprised, why he was pulled here, logically speaking, it should be Irena alone, and it would be difficult for only ten Irenas as the handover point.

"...`It's troublesome........." Zhang Qing also found that he couldn't get out for the time being. This is a special closed space, and it's a bit difficult to leave without the coordinates.

If you go to another parallel world, it will be really miserable.

"Say! Who are you!?" That Irena was persistent, as if Zhang Qing didn't intend to let him leave easily without explaining clearly.

Is this pretending, or do I really not know myself!?

Could it be that Irena from the parallel world has never met me before!? Or, I don’t exist in other parallel time and space!? Zhang Qing looked at this Irena curiously, wanting to see some clues from the other person’s face .

To be honest, Irena suddenly pretended to be stupid, pretended not to know her, and then made a sneak attack when she relaxed. It was absolutely possible, based on Zhang Qing's perception of that girl.

So Zhang Qing is not sure that this is definitely not the original version of Irena, she blames her for making her hair short all the time, and now it is a little unclear.

Of course, even if there is no difference between long hair and short hair, who can be sure that in the real world there are only a few Irenas in the anime!? So this is the difficult part.

It is no longer true or false monkey kings, but all the monkey kings that appear here (by Zhao Qian) are monkeys themselves.

"Monkey!? What monkey!?" Irena stared at Zhang Qing with an unfriendly expression, and Yiping planned to kill him.

Zhang Qing couldn't help covering her mouth, it's too bad, she actually said her thoughts just now.

However, looking at the murderous Irena, I couldn't help but sigh, as expected, even the Irena in the parallel world is the real Irena, they are exactly the same, harder to distinguish than twins.

"I mean, there was a monkey passing by just now..." Zhang Qing explained perfunctorily, spreading his hands.

"Hey!? Wait, why did you suddenly attack!? You're so rude, be careful that you won't get married in the future!"

Zhang Qing dodged a lightning attack, looked at Irena who continued.

"Don't worry about it, go to hell! After I knock you down, I will interrogate you slowly."

Irena has given up thinking, and plans to use her muscles to speak purely.

"Anyway, everyone else is going to die. If you want to blame it, blame yourself for appearing in a place where you shouldn't be!"

"This is too unreasonable. Dad doesn't remember educating you like this, Irena..." Zhang Qing is not angry, since he can't leave here for the time being, he might as well have fun with Irena, anyway Anyway, it's Irena, isn't it!?


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