Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

131 Irena: I've Become Black, Why Haven't I Become Stronger! ?

"What kind of monster are you!?"

Irena, the version of the bitter hatred, panted heavily and looked at Zhang Qing in disbelief. None of the various methods she tried could make him suffer a little bit. Every magic, every trap, the opponent They all seem to have been foreseen in advance, and they can always avoid them.

Irena was even more angry and powerless because Zhang Qing avoided it too easily.

Zhang Qing actually didn't want to do this, but his strength is too strong, all-round strong, although he is a magician, but his physical fitness is also inhumanly strong. got him in trouble.

Of course, one more thing is that Zhang Qing has already confirmed that the Irena in front of him is not the one he knows.

Compared with the one Zhang Qing knew, to be honest, the strength is much worse, and the methods are a bit immature. It is obviously a blackened version, which should be three times stronger, but in Zhang Qing's view, it is a low-end version of Yi Rena.

Is it really because of Estelle that it hurt so much!? It hit the heart of a witch to such an extent!?

It's hard to believe that a witch like Irena has such a sensitive and fragile side. Shouldn't she leave all this behind after leaving the town of clocks and watches? Just like the one who collects happiness The story is the same, I can guess how the maid will end up, but she doesn't do anything, because she is a traveler and the other party is just a passerby.

However, Zhang Qing never imagined that Irena's journey along the way is not only beautiful, but also contains many stories about knives. Accumulated along the way, the hometown of clocks and watches, Lostov, is just a fuse. Even if the tragedies of Estelle and Serena did not occur, this situation would only be later.

There are too many misfortunes suppressed in her heart. As a witch, she is powerless. Realizing this is the greatest misfortune.

Irena, who left her heartbroken, has not actually become weaker, but because her hair represents beauty and her title of witch. Because of this, she cannot 463 restore her long hair no matter what. Resisting, like a rebellious girl who has got into a dead end.

Of course Zhang Qing will feel that this Irena is much weaker than the one he knows. After all, the one he knows has been entangled with him all the way. Thinking of ways to become stronger, no matter which aspect has been greatly improved, just to catch up with Zhang Qing, and then overtake Zhang Qing.

Sometimes having a clear goal is more powerful than pure blackening.

Hearing Irena's question, Zhang Qing spread his hands, "It's too impolite to call others monsters, sister Irena..."

"And that one, I think I got the wrong person, can you return that doll to me!? Otherwise, that girl might really want to kill me this time!"

To be honest, twins are such a problem, and this time there are at least 18 Irenas in total, who can play football and have alternates, and they are people from parallel worlds who are more difficult to distinguish than twins, so even if Zhang Qing It was also difficult to tell immediately whether the other party was the Irena he knew.

To make matters worse, the one he knew also had short hair. I hope the other Irenas don't have short hair too, otherwise it will be really troublesome.

As a result of this mistake, the promised return of the doll was given to the wrong person, causing headaches.

"After I kill the other Irena, these will also be mine." However, they all sat on the ground, but that Irena didn't intend to return the doll to Zhang Qing, but hugged it even tighter.

For some reason, she became even angrier at Irena, who this doll originally belonged to.

For no reason, I just feel disgusted, and there is a nameless anger burning in my heart.

How cruel!

They all threatened to kill all of themselves, isn't it cruel!?

Zhang Qing looked at this (caej) strong-mouthed Irena with some dumbfounding. Having watched the animation, he knew very well that this guy was just talking. She had too many chances to kill those Irenas. , but until the Irena that Zhang Qing knew appeared, they were attacking like a daily punch card.

The more important point is that in fact, if there is no accident, the strength of each Irena should be equal. There is nothing they can do about each other, but I don’t know why the other Irenas didn’t have it before. Just subdue this mouthful king.

Although some wanted to see so many interesting versions of Irena, but Zhang Qing felt that if he appeared, the chances of being killed would be higher. At least 18 Irenas would make a fuss, which would be really troublesome .

"Forget it, you take it. After you see that guy, please hand it over to the other party, or I will be in trouble here."

Although Zhang Qing has the ability to snatch it back, there is no need, and this guy has a lot to do with Estelle. As Estelle's friend, Zhang Qing naturally can't be tough.

Zhang Qing looked around and planned to find a place to have a good rest. To be honest, after recovering his memory, he also needed to sort out his mood. This was the reason why he didn't go to Irena. There is no motivation to bully each other.

First of all, rule out that castle. Now a lot of Irena are gathered there, obviously it is not very suitable, so natural selection must also stay away from that place. Zhang Qing is very aware of Irena's dog nose, and it is too far away. If you are close, you may find his existence.

This point has been verified from encounters again and again in the past.

There must be something called "Zhang Qing Radar" on Irena's body, otherwise it would be impossible to find Zhang Qing's again and again.

Seeing that Zhang Qing was about to leave, Irena, who was slumped on the ground, couldn't help calling out to him.

Zhang Qing looked at the other party suspiciously, "What's wrong!?"

Irena bit her lower lip, and said seriously, "I will never give this to others!"

It means that she won't listen to Zhang Qing's words and give back to the Irena that Zhang Qing said.

Zhang Qing shrugged, "Then it's out of my control. What I promised is that I will return it to Sister Irena next time we meet. As for which Sister Irena is, that's not something I should worry about!"

Anyway, I have already returned the doll to Irena. As for whether this Irena is the real Irena, Zhang Qing guarantees that this is definitely the real Irena. If you have the ability to say that she is a fake, you Let me prove it!

With a wave of his hand, Zhang Qing planned to leave.

However, Irena who was sitting on the ground called Zhang Qing again, wait!"

"What's the matter!?" Zhang Qing finally saw that no matter which Irena was troublesome, he still stopped in his tracks, turned around and waited for the other party to speak.

Irena's face was a little red, and she said falteringly, "That... I. My magic power and physical strength are exhausted..."

"So what!?" Zhang Qing didn't quite understand. Could it be that there are potions in this world that quickly restore stamina and magic power like in some games? He has never seen it before! And it must be very expensive.

But it reminded him that there is still this research direction in the future.

If successful, he may have an extra job.

"That's...that's..." Irena was a little annoyed at the other party's wooden head, didn't she just sit on the ground without seeing her!? Do you want to leave a beautiful girl in the wilderness? do not care!?

Does she have to point it out to understand!? Gentleman's demeanor!? Don't you think about it!?

Calling Sister Irena, but actually leaving people behind!? Bah, scumbag!

I don't know which guy I know, this Irena already wants to ask how that Irena knows this kind of person.

"Need to urinate!?" Zhang Qing looked at her faltering look, and her face was a little abnormally red. Could it be that she was suffocated!? He couldn't help but asked aloud, and looked around at the same time

"Don't worry, I have observed that there is no one around here, you can do whatever you want, I have brought anything else, but if it is an aunt's towel, give me some time, I can get it too."

Enthusiastic, good citizen, good neighbor, your good friend, good boyfriend Zhang Qing is online.

"Please, what the hell are you thinking about all day long!?" Irena gritted her teeth and looked at the other party, and she became even angrier when she realized that the other party was really stupid instead of pretending to be stupid.

And should this kind of thing be said in front of a girl!? This bastard must be single.

"Isn't it!? Then you blushed and made a bubble teapot!?" Zhang Qing was also a little speechless, you hesitated for a long time, not to solve the urgent problem, what can't you say!?

Irena took a deep breath, now is not the time to be arrogant and shy, I'm afraid that if I don't speak clearly, this piece of wood can't guess what I want to express

He said weakly, "Help me up, take me and leave together, don't you really want to leave me here......"

Tired, she didn't want to talk anymore.

Zhang Qing asked curiously, "Aren't you going to attack other selves anymore!?"

Irena rolled her eyes, "How am I going now!? If you obediently let me knock you down just now, there won't be so many troubles."

Speaking of which, Irena's face was full of anger, and she looked at Zhang Qing with some sorrow. She originally thought that a mere male magician, no matter how strong he was, would be a witch apprentice. Yes, I didn't expect to be so lucky, I really ran into a pervert who could reach the level of a witch.

If she had known earlier, she would have ignored this guy and killed the other herself first. She was fully prepared this time, and she would definitely be able to catch that group of people by surprise.

At this moment, Irena is also full of questions. Is there such a pervert in her world!? Why haven’t I heard of it!? Logically speaking, it should be very famous, after all, there is a male magician who has reached the level of a witch , is definitely a big event!

It shouldn't have been unknown before, and it is obvious that the other self seems to have known each other long ago, but is there such a big difference in the parallel world!? People who would have met, would they not be able to meet!?

Then is there another world where my teacher is not the witch Fran!?

Even a male self!?

"What are you doing, bastard!?" Just as Irena was thinking wildly, she suddenly woke up and found that she was hugged by someone around the waist, and a princess hugged her.

Zhang Qing looked at her puzzled, "If I don't hug you, how can I get out!?"

"Do you want me to walk on my shoulders or on my back!? Actually, I don't care. You can choose the way you like. As for walking with your arms, forget it. You can't even stand up."

When asked this question, Irena couldn't refute immediately, she had worked too hard before, and in the end she couldn't even raise her strength, but being hugged by a strange male princess was too much to challenge her nerves.

Gritting his teeth, he said, "I chose to carry it on my back, thank you."

As for carrying something, she is not a pig, and that is not the treatment that a beautiful girl should have, how did this bastard think of it!?.

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