Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

138 Ship Girls Have Limits, So We Can't Be Ship Girls Anymore!

The body of resentment, the reason why it has always been called the body of resentment, has not been more carefully divided.

But, because this is a collection of negative energies, they themselves are invisible, and what kind of shape they will be is really random. What kind of category do you want to divide them into? There is no end to division on the workbench.

So generally everyone's understanding is divided according to the amount of negative energy. This is also the real division standard for elementary, intermediate, and advanced areas. It is not really the number of nautical miles that is used as a dividing line.

As a collection of negative energy, it can naturally cause the surrounding creatures to be affected by the overflowing negative energy, giving birth to negative emotions, including various non-positive emotions such as rage, depression, self-determination, despair, etc., out of control It is these resentment bodies that do the greatest harm to living beings.

At the same time, although they are energy bodies, it does not mean that they do not have the ability to interfere at the physical level. This is already a brand new ethnic group, so it is not so much that humans want to regain lost ground, as it is a struggle between two races.

It's just that the body of resentment seen by human beings doesn't seem to have wisdom at present, which makes human beings not completely desperate. Otherwise, to be honest, human beings would have lost long ago.

Ning Hai was wearing a purple cheongsam, facing the sea breeze, gliding leisurely on the sea surface. As an old-fashioned light cruiser with a speed of only 23.2 knots, "067" can't go anywhere fast even if she wants to, and it's impossible Always maintained the highest speed.

It is precisely because the performance of all aspects of aviation equipment is too backward that people in this world will be so cold-hearted about the ship girls of the Donghuang camp. A ship girl who can build this faction, otherwise human beings will never be able to hold such a large territory.

It can only be said that only warships during World War II are very unfair to Donghuang.

Zhang Qing's tutelary mansion has only been here for more than two months. In the early days, he had to rely on the two sisters and even had to pull Yixian to defend the 50 nautical miles. It's not because Ning Hai and the others have magically transformed into a nuclear-powered battleship, or a star warship, it's just that they no longer rely too much on air suits.

Now the air suit is more about providing them with the ability to run on sea level.

It's like a person on roller skates, naturally breaking the original locked speed limit, plus Zhang Qing's huge spiritual power fed back, it is equivalent to a master with a steady supply of internal power, where it might be weak.

And with the passage of time, the proficiency level of the ship girl itself has been continuously improved, and Ning Hai and the others will naturally become stronger and stronger. This is precisely because of the difference between the ship girl and the real steel warship.

Ship girls rely on aviation equipment, but they are actually the ones who use the equipment, not the ones controlled by the equipment. This is different, but most people in this world ignore this point, and really play shooting games with the other side, Zhang Qing I also convinced them.

The torpedo is coming, can't you jump!? With the physical fitness of the ship girl in the air suit, it is very easy to reach a height of more than ten meters, let alone dodge sideways.

In other words, it’s Superman, do you, a Superman, have to kill enemies with a pistol in your hand!?

A random punch is a blow of thousands of tons, okay!?

Of course, it is very difficult for the ship girl to change her job from archer to swordsman, spearman, etc. After all, she has formed a habit, and she does not have that kind of experience. These ship girls in the Huang camp already have your ability, so you don't have to worry about it, it's the only advantage.

Ning Hai took out a meat bun and took a small bite, but there was no resentment body in the surrounding field of vision. It seems that the cleaning has been done too hard recently, and the resentment body did not condense so quickly.

Yes, after purification, it will take a very long time for the body of resentment to be born again.

This is also the reason why Ning Hai and the others are patrolling more and more, because if they are too close, there will be no enemies. At least they can get some resource rewards after killing the body of resentment. Pass.

Otherwise, I don't know how long it will take to find those resource points!? Therefore, the source of resources for Zhang Qing's tutelary mansion is still obtained by harvesting these resentment bodies.

Of course, no matter how strong Ning Hai and the others become, it is still very unrealistic to rely on one ship girl to patrol such a large sea area, so the patrol work of Ning Hai and the others actually only needs to observe the conditions of the observation points set up.

The so-called observation points are green plant flower pots floating on the sea one by one. Ning Hai's job is actually to fertilize and water, so as to see if there is any abnormality in these green plants. As mentioned earlier, the body of resentment is a collection of negative energy, which will affect animals and plants, so Zhang Qing also came up with this clever method to deal with the current shortage of manpower.

The only downside is that if there is a storm, it will have to be rearranged afterwards, which is troublesome.

Ning Hai took out the prepared fertilizer from the Jianniang space, squeezed his nose and put it in, while recording the number of the inspected observation point and the observation time, and hit "V" if there is no problem

Just record them one by one in turn, and that's it.

When Ning Hai came to the observation point numbered "233" to check the situation of the green plants on it, she suddenly frowned. There was nothing wrong with the green plants, but she heard the sound of artillery fire.

"Ship girl!?"

The body of resentment will not use these cannons and fishes. If the ship girl is biased towards science, then the body of resentment is the mysterious side, so when you hear explosions and roars, don't doubt it, it can only be the ship girl.

Ning Hai was somewhat puzzled. When Zhang Qing came here to establish the tutelary fort, he deliberately chose a location far away from other tutelary forts. The reason was that it was too close to other tutelary forts.

Useful resources have already been taken over by others, and it is impossible for him to eat meat, and it is difficult to drink soup. You must know that this is an intermediate area, and the admiral who can gain a foothold here must have at least 70 ship girls Around, and the number of ship girls is absolutely impossible to be less than three full formations, everyone understands the reason why there are too many monks and too few porridge.

If it is said that the primary area can barely have a mouthful of soup, after reaching the intermediate area, it is too close and can only drink the northwest wind.

No matter what the consideration is, it is impossible to get close to other people's tutelary forts, at least not too close.

So Ning Hai was naturally surprised.

"Report, Commander! At present, in the observation point numbered '233', I heard that there is a warship and a resentment body at a distance of more than ten nautical miles. Do you need support!?"

Ning Hai didn't hesitate too much, and immediately connected to the spiritual network link with Zhang Qing, the admiral, briefly explained the current situation, and then waited for Zhang Qing to settle down.

In fact, the formal method is to notify the secretary ship first, and then the secretary ship notifies the admiral, but there is no way that Zhang Qing is seriously short of manpower, and Yixian has already held several positions, so there is really no way to add more, so Ning Hai Only then will they pass the secretary ship and directly contact the commander Zhang Qing.

The reason why it is so troublesome is that it is necessary to use the secretary ship to do so, it is entirely to protect the admiral, a human being who is very fragile compared to the ship's mother. For such a long-distance communication, the ship's mother herself is just the incarnation of the battleship elf during World War II, and does not Without super computer control, it may make mistakes and exert too much power in an instant, which will cause a mental shock to the admiral

Seriously, it may cause brain death, so the secretary ship is needed as a transfer station..0

This is also the reason why the secretary ship had to stay in the tutelary mansion.

Ning Hai can be so bold because Zhang Qing has already proved that his current mental power can withstand any impact. Besides, the burden is small. Zhang Qing has only three ship girls contracted now, so the burden on the spiritual network is really very small. Otherwise, Ning Hai and the others would never have agreed, but when the number of people came up later, they would naturally have to return it to Yixian, the secretary ship.

Zhang Qing was fishing in the peaceful sea, when suddenly there was an electrical noise in his head, and soon after, he heard Ning Hai's voice, and he was also a little surprised that another ship girl appeared near his guard mansion.

But it was not the time to think about this issue, Zhang Qing thought for a while and said, "Ning Hai, go and see the situation first, I will let Ping Hai also set off, don't force it, your safety is more important.

After explaining to Ning Hai, Zhang Qing turned his head to look at Ping Hai beside him, and asked, "If you are asked to run with all your strength, regardless of the cost, how long will it take you to reach Observation Point 233!?

Ping Hai blinked, seemed to be thinking about something in his heart, then patted his chest and said, "Half an hour, but I have to overhaul after I get back, my ship can't stand this kind of trouble.

Crossing 200 nautical miles in half an hour, isn’t this Superman? What is it? Although the cost is a bit high, it is indeed good news in an emergency. No wonder the two sisters are able to patrol such a large sea area.

Zhang Li was also a little surprised when he realized for the first time how powerful he was giving back to the other party.

"Actually, it can be faster, but our ship's equipment is too weak. If we speed up, it may have to disintegrate." Ping Hai sighed. To be honest, the ship's equipment has always been a problem that limits their performance, and once the ship's equipment disintegrates , then the ship girl will not be able to possess the ability of a battleship and will become an ordinary girl. This is the biggest problem.

It doesn't matter if you break it, but you can't lose the ship equipment.

"You don't need to do this. I'll rent it when I arrive in an hour. Ning Hai should be able to hold on!" Zhang Qing patted the little girl's head and said 3.0 comfortingly.

Zhang Qing also wants to transform her own ship girl, but she can't do it. The ship girl is the product of the battleship of World War II, which is like a heroic spirit. Even if Zhang Qing has advanced knowledge, he can't transform the other party. It means that the personality dies and becomes a new existence, or simply disappears, leaving nothing.

After you have to ask for a transformation, she can still be her. This is like a person's plastic surgery. If you even change your brain, "Is that person really still that person!?

This is also the problem that Zhang Qing is worrying about. The ship girls of other camps can at least improve a bit, but Donghuang's side, except for the four King Kongs, the hull is really too backward, like a frail young lady , You may kill them with a small operation.

Now Zhang Qing probably can only change the armor of the hull and make it thicker.

The others are really more cautious, otherwise these girls may lose their beauty if they are not good.

"Well, my sister is so strong, Commander, don't worry! Then Ping Hai will set off now!"

"You should also be careful, don't be reckless, remember to listen to your sister!" Zhang Qing told this tiger-headed girl like an old father. Seeing that the other party had jumped into the sea and started running wildly, she couldn't help sighing. .

"The energy is really strong.........".

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