Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

139 Zhang Qing: Yes, I Was Called \"Zhang Hei\" In My Previous Life!

Although Zhang Qing has already guaranteed that his mental network is absolutely stable, it is impossible for problems such as crashes or tidal fluctuations to occur due to frequent communication with his own ship.

However, Ning Hai and the others will still subconsciously reduce the direct contact with Zhang Qing as much as possible. Unless there is an emergency and it is unavoidable, they will have to contact Zhang Qing. However, even so, they will think twice and use their own carefully Spiritual.

It can be seen that ordinary people, even the admirals, are very fragile, and they really can't stand the casual toss of the ship's mother.

After Ping Hai also set off to drive away, Zhang Qing took off his hat and fanned the wind, looked at the golden sea shining under the sun, and sighed, "Let's do this for today, it seems that we really need to fill up the manpower. ..."

As he spoke, he picked up the fishing rod that Ping Hai had left behind, and carried two fishing rods towards the direction of the tutelary mansion in the center.

In order to make Yixian feel at ease, he had to appear in the other party's line of sight at this time, otherwise his secretary, Miss Jian, would die of panic.

After both Ping Hai and Ning Hai left the town guard's mansion, it means that there is no bodyguard in the mansion. Of course, Yixian will worry about the safety of Zhang Qing who is an ordinary person. Fortunately, there is no one else on the island at present, otherwise Yixian might not even sleep. I can't sleep well.

Don't think that Zhang Qing is just joking. In fact, no matter what era, what world, the most indispensable people are those who are mentally ill and can't see good people. In this doomsday world, aren't they all dedicated to defeating the doomsday and rebuilding the great civilization and happy homeland of mankind? of people.

There are also idiots who declare to embrace the doomsday and turn their resentment into a "messenger of God".

So you say that the safe area or the 20th primary area is safe, but it is not always true. The resentment body you may face is not strong, but you have to face human traitors who are likely to stab a knife in the back, and these brain-damaged elements are still learning. If you are smart, you will usually pretend to be the most ordinary civilian, or simply pretend to be your crazy fan, it is really hard to guard against.

Therefore, the general admiral's town guard mansion refuses to allow people irrelevant to the task to approach at will, let alone enter. The limited communication is basically between the admirals, or with the ship's wife.


However, the materials needed, such as food, clothes, etc., have to deal with these ordinary people. The mothers are as proficient in farming as the ship girls in the Donghuang camp. The number of ship girls has also increased, and the daily food consumption is also a big problem. As soldiers and combatants, the ship girls have so much time and energy to spend on farming, so It can only be purchased from ordinary people.

Even though the alliance government has strictly checked the credit and safety of each supplier, it still cannot prevent those lunatics from the doomsday sect from lurking.

Fortunately, the town guard's mansion is not stupid. Every time the supplies are handed over, the ship's mother will take care of them, and they won't let their admirals come in person at all, so that there will be no real troubles.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Yixian is worried about the safety of his admirals. In fact, every admiral must have at least one maid who protects him 24 hours a day, but it is usually done by the secretary. It could be another ship.

On Zhang Qing's side, firstly, it was because of a shortage of manpower, and secondly, because the town guard mansion was located on an island surrounded by the sea, and there were no other humans around, so Zhang Qing persuaded him to come out alone, otherwise, even if Yixian let go The job at hand will be by Zhang Qing's side every step of the way.

Of course, the main reason is that the two sisters, Ninghai and Pinghai, go out in turn, so there is still a ship lady who stays on the island, otherwise, how could Yixian agree so easily!? But now that the two sisters have gone out, Zhang Qing can only Obediently went back to report.

Otherwise, if Yixian came out, he might have to chatter for a long time.

Sure enough, Zhang Qing just walked to the gate of the town guard's mansion, and saw Yixian appearing there in a panic. As soon as he saw Zhang Qing, he stepped forward anxiously, and said angrily, "Commander, how can you make Ping Hai go to the gate?" You left like this, how can other ship girls be as important as you!"

It is much easier to communicate with each other in the spiritual network between Jianniang and Jianniang than with the admiral. If the communication between Jianniang and the admiral is telegram, then the relationship between Jianniang and Admiral is WeChat

It is still the kind that can build a group, so the importance of the secretary ship is a must.

After all, the ship's mother and the human admiral are always two species, no matter how similar they look, they are all different. This is why many admirals and ship's mother are married, but in the end there will still be a normal human wife. , humans and ship mothers are reproductively isolated.

Of course, it doesn't mean complete isolation. As long as the ship's mother is willing to give up her identity as a ship's mother and her ship's clothes to become an ordinary person, it's not impossible. Generally, admirals will never agree to this request, because everyone who can get to this point The ship girls are all very powerful, and the human side simply cannot afford such a heavy loss.

If you want to give up your status as a ship girl, you must meet very strict requirements. The training level is not lower than level 100, and the compatibility with the admiral is 100% (favorability).

You said that if this kind of ship girl is really an ordinary person, then the resources cultivated in the past will be in vain. If she really appears, she will be scolded to death! It’s really a peaceful age, but now is the end! How can there be love? Survival matters!?

"Okay, all the ship girls and admirals are one family! Don't say such things in the future." Knowing that Yixian was concerned about him, Zhang Qing still scolded him seriously.

Everyone has privates, even the ship girl, but in the general direction, all humans and ship girls must be united, unless it is beyond the scope of their ability, otherwise, if they have the ability, they must try their best to support the party in danger. This is what all the town guards of the alliance must abide by.

Yixian also knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, "I know, but we only have 3 warship girls in the town guard mansion. If you send two at a time, your safety will not be guaranteed, and you are not by my side......"

At the end, Yixian looked at Zhang Qing with some sadness, as if blaming Zhang Qing for not letting him follow this matter.

Zhang Qing rubbed the center of his brows, although, Yixian is indeed a beautiful woman, but it feels uncomfortable to have someone by her side 24 hours a day. It's a pity that I can't say that I am very good at fighting now, even better than her.

Otherwise, it would not be so troublesome.

Zhang Qing still doesn't want to break the balance, it's a good thing to reassure his mother-in-law, but once an ordinary human like the admiral has a powerful force that can break the current rules, God knows if someone will use this as an excuse to do something, such as Turn around to study the mass production of powerful human soldiers, and then run to fight with the ship girl.

Or a lot of boring people came to Zhang Qing with nothing to do, asking him to hand over the method of becoming stronger, and kidnapping him with righteousness and morality.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhang Qing is worried that Yixian and the others will feel that they have lost the meaning of existence and do something extreme, so it is not good to degenerate and join the body of resentment.

Jian Niang's mind is not as invincible as imagined, especially when it comes to the matter of the admiral who is close to their soul, it is absolutely ignited at one point, so Zhang Qing can only know about it since she broke up, and did not tell Yi about it. It is because of this that Xian and the others plan.

A person who has nothing to worry about can certainly be unscrupulous, but he is not!

"I'm not, I'll be right back to find you!?" Zhang Qing grabbed Yixian's little master and said with a smile.

He hadn't guessed Yixian's reaction yet.

Yixian sighed, "Actually, I don't really want to take care of you, Commander, but we really have too few manpower here, which makes me very afraid that one day, without my knowing, something will happen to you, Commander. …”

As long as the town guard mansion is small, Yixian has a lot of workload. Yixian wishes to have 48908 hours a day, but she still finds that there is not enough time. She thinks it would be great if there is a clone technique or something.

Unfortunately not realistic.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault. This time, we'll see if Ning Hai can play the emotional card after saving people, and see if there is a way to get those ship girls to help us promote it through the grace of saving lives. After a while, maybe there is a ship girl who is willing to join us!?" Zhang comforted.

Yixian puffed up her face, "Impossible, I don't know how stubborn the Wandering Ship Girl is!? Commander, you think too much!"

Zhang Qing sighed, "You, do you have some misunderstanding about your admiral? I'm really not some kind of European Emperor. It's impossible to pull out miracles alone. Give up!"

There is a ship girl who has been turning a corner to persuade herself to build, and she doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It's like an otaku's girlfriend has been tempting the otaku to recharge, send 648 and then ten times in a row, it's just amazing.

Obviously, the nerd is planning to save money and buy her a bag.

Zhang Qing swears that in his previous life, he couldn’t even guarantee the bottom line for ten consecutive games. He played Honkai III, and he clearly said that he would draw 100 draws, but after drawing 100 times, he didn’t have hair. When he wanted to complain, he found that he forgot to take screenshots as evidence One can imagine how bad luck is.

Now Yixian still asks him to draw solo, how can he have confidence!?

He has never won any games related to luck. To be honest, he didn't want to spend money to buy construction machines at first, but Yixian's pleading eyes made him have to buy them.

Since then, it has been procrastinating, and it has not been built once. The machine has been eating dust since it was bought.

However, it’s not that Zhang Qing really doesn’t intend to build his new ship girl, but he intends to make up ten consecutive draws, at least maybe, maybe, maybe, probably “all have a


Up to now, Zhang Qing can only comfort herself in this way, he shouldn't be so black-faced, he has lived a second life, and his luck should have improved!?.

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