Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

142 Zhang Qing: Morning And Evening, Evening And Evening...

When the red sun falls into the sea.

The sea and the sky are betted with a layer of gold. In the golden waves, 8 small figures are like the loneliest conquerors in the world, stepping on the waves, before the night falls, slowly heading towards a certain place from the sea and the sky. direction forward.

"I'm a little hungry..." Patting his own belly, Ping Hai, who was leading the way and leading the way, looked up at the Huoshaoyun, and swallowed involuntarily, seeing that he was hungry.

"Who told you to go out without bringing anything!?" Ning Hai, who was at the end of the team to prevent emergencies, could not help but sigh inwardly when he heard his sister's words, and said indifferently on the surface.

But in the end, he added softly, "Go back to the tutelary mansion soon, just be patient for a while."

"I'm sorry, it's all because of us..." The six Z23 apologized a little embarrassedly. If it wasn't for their dragging down, Ning Hai and the two would have been able to go back a long time ago.

"By the way, we have dry food on us. If you don't mind, please take it!"

Ning Hai waved his hand, "You guys have apologized many times, as I said, there is no other way to be so out of touch, anyone else would help, and you didn't do it on purpose, did you!?"

"Hey, no need for that, our tutelary mansion is coming soon, I'd better save my stomach and eat sister Yixian's food!" Ping Hai also smiled and rejected z23's kindness, compared to the poor taste and hard food It's unpalatable dry food, but she still likes hot food~.

Yes, she hated it!

Who said that ship girls don't know how to enjoy themselves!-?

Although I have suffered a lot before, but after all the hardships have been paid off, I still belittle my innocence and sickness. It may be rude for humans to refuse like this, but there is nothing wrong with going straight between the girls.

Seeing this, Javelin and the others took back the dry rations they had taken out. They were speechless all the way. Because they were not familiar with each other, Ninghai, Pinghai and Javelin had nothing to talk about at all. The reason why my mother talked about something.

As for Javelin and Z23, the six of them are really exhausting. Although they are protected by ship armor, they are not injured at all. For the mother, there is no doubt that it is no different from severed limbs, so it is true that they are seriously injured now. They also have the conditions that a seriously injured person should have, but the mother is special, and the body is not directly affected. damage, so it can still move.

So they walked very slowly along the way, which is why the sailing took so long.

Supporting each other, how can I have any thoughts of chatting and playing around!?

I don't know how long it took, when the tail of the setting sun was almost gone, Ping Hai, the leader, suddenly said happily, "Here we are! This is our tutelary mansion!"

Z23 and the others instantly looked in the direction pointed by Pinghai. The sky had already darkened, and the outline of a small dark island on the sea surface was reflected in everyone's eyes. According to visual inspection, it was about ten square kilometers in size. How much has to be measured to know. The main island is crescent-shaped, and there are many very small islands on both sides. The smallest one can only accommodate two or three people.

What surprised z23 and the others was that they didn't see the light of the light, it was dark.

You know it's almost night now, shouldn't the normal tutelary mansion turn on the lights!?

Ping Hai also let out a "Huh", expressing his confusion, "Did it stop!?"

She asked a little silly.

Ning Hai had already contacted the secretary, Miss Jian Yixian, but to Ning Hai's surprise, Yixian on the other end seemed to be a little flustered, and Ning Hai even heard the sound of many objects falling to the ground or something falling on the ground.

However, it was confirmed that there was no accident at the town guard's mansion, and he was relieved.

Sure enough, not long after, the center of the small island lit up, and the center of the crescent moon lit up, and a house appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Sister Yixian, is this saving electricity!?" Ping Hai remembered that it was not unheard of in those hard days, but now there are wind turbines and solar generators!? This place still needs to save electricity. electricity!?

Ning Hai: "

She doesn't know either, why is my silly sister looking at her!?

After everyone landed on the shore, z23 and the others really saw the appearance of the town guard's mansion, and they all looked at each other in dismay. Isn't this just an ordinary private house!? You can't come to the wrong place!?

Ning Hai probably saw their puzzlement, and explained, "We have not been here for a long time, the commander was afraid that we would not be able to defend, so he didn't waste resources to build a complete town guard mansion from the beginning, this is just a temporary camp . . . . ”

Thinking that this is indeed the case, the other party reported the location of the tutelary mansion, and the registration time did not exceed 2 months, z23 and the others nodded, and they agreed with this statement.

Thinking about it, if you enter the intermediate area from the elementary area, if you miscalculate your own strength, you invest a lot of resources in the beginning to build a complete tutelary fort, but later you find that you can't hold it, and when you evacuate, you will be heartbroken. Free (wandering) ship girls, z23, they also have a deep understanding of the hard-won of every penny.

Ning Hai grabbed his stupid younger sister who opened her hands as if she was running straight to finish the meal, and taught, "Take the person to the bathroom first, and prepare the repair solution!"

"Ah!? Wouldn't it be nice if my sister went!?" Ping Hai said with some reluctance, she was hungry and hadn't eaten since breakfast, so she immediately pursed her mouth.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I have to hand over the report of the observation point to Sister Yixian! And you smell like sweat and are dirty. Don't you need to wash it!?" Ning Hai cast a glance at the other party. , pointing to the black patches on Ping Hai's body and said.

In fact, Ning Hai is not much better, but now she has to hand over the work at hand.

Otherwise, Yixian, who is the secretary ship, can't arrange the next work according to the real situation.

In addition to the delay in saving lives, there is still a lot of work accumulated. Ning Hai suspects that Yixian may have been so busy that he forgot to turn on the light. Maybe he didn't even cook the meal! It was useless for his stupid sister to run away. of.

"Okay..." Ping Hai looked at his appearance, he was afraid that if he really ran to the dining room like this, Yixian would have to tug her ear to teach him, so he was a little scared.

Seeing that Ping Hai was obedient, Ning Hai said to z23 and the others, "Follow Ping Hai first, but we are a bit rough here now, you probably have to take turns, I will find out if there is anyone who can take a bath later For the big container, you go to the bathroom to wash your body first, I will deliver the task now, see you later!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked up the stairs, disappearing from everyone's sight.

Ping Hai yawned and waved, motioning for everyone to follow her to the end of the first floor.

When Ning Hai came to the study and saw Yixian, he looked at Zhang Qing holding a copy of "Postpartum Care of Sows" in a strange way. As long as the book was read upside down, Yixian If so, blushing a little unnaturally.

0 for flowers...

After handing over the records and the large amount of resources obtained to Yixian, Ning Hai reported to Zhang Qing, "Commander! Ning Hai, the first ship of the Ning Hai class, has returned after completing the mission!"

Zhang Qing then put down the book and praised with a smile, "Well done, everyone is intact!?"

Ning Haidao, "I have asked Ping Hai to take them to the bathroom, but there are too many people, I plan to find a larger bucket container so that they can be maintained faster!"

"This...there is a large wooden basin that I plan to use to make wine in the warehouse at the back of the house. It is high enough, and you can use it first." Thinking of the grapes I planted, I didn't expect to wait for the wine, Let's wait for the ship's mother soup.

Ning Hai nodded, "Then I'll go get it."

At this time, Yixian also remembered that he hadn't cooked yet, and immediately glared at Zhang Qing reproachfully, blaming this guy for hugging him all the time and oversleeping. Fortunately, Ning Hai and the others didn't find out, otherwise he would be ashamed to death.

Zhang Qing pretended not to see it, and nodded to Ning Hai, "Go! You guys should also soak in the repair fluid, the ship equipment on your body should also be damaged. "It must be restored to normal state as soon as possible."

"I will, then I won't bother the commander."

After seeing Ning Hai leave, Yixian gave Zhang Qing a blank look, "Commander, I'm going to cook first, so you can get busy!"

As he said that, he planned to go out, but before leaving, Yixian turned to Zhang Qing and said, "Also, Commander, your book is reversed!"

"Ahem!" Zhang Qing suddenly felt embarrassed, no wonder why the pig fell asleep upside down.

After Yixian left with a smile, Zhang Qing was left alone in the room. Zhang Qing put "Postpartum Care of Sows" back on the bookshelf with some amusement, and then tidied up the messy clothes on his body. When I came to the window, I looked out with my hands behind my back, and saw the sea covered with night veils of stars.

The night was as cool as water, suppressing the heat caused by the beauty in her arms.

"O sea, you are all water..."

After reciting a poem, Zhang Qing turned around and planned to leave the study. As the master of the town guard mansion, he still had to meet those lovely guests.

Of course, the most important thing is that it's meaningless to stay here alone. My girlfriend is still down here, and I just told each other about my feelings. I really don't want to be separated for a moment.


"Commander, don't make trouble, I am enough here..."

As soon as he got up, he was pushed out of the kitchen by Yixian. Zhang Qing sighed, what's the use of his damned cooking skills!? Really, there is even him, the admiral, who can't enter the huge town guard mansion place, does that make sense!?

"Okay, let me watch your head office!?"

Yixian blushed, "No! You will affect my work!"

Zhang Qing was speechless, "You still know, don't you also keep watching my work!?"

"What's the same!? Anyway, it's not okay, Commander, just sit over there and watch TV! Don't bother me, or when Ping Hai and the others come out, I won't be able to do it yet!"


Zhang Qing, who was driven away unreasonably by Yixian, scratched his head. This one still has a TV. The problem is that the TV programs are a bit boring. As I said earlier, the world is extremely lacking in entertainment, and TV programs are nothing but news. , It’s just some programs that make people fall asleep after watching them, similar to cold jokes, in short Zhang Qing thinks it’s meaningless at all.

It's more about the story of the admiral and the ship's mother, which is even more boring. .

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