Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

143 Is Kidnapped! ? Too Bad No One Paid The Ransom!

Because of the need to prepare meals for 10 people, Yixian spent more than twice as much time as usual.

This is also normal, after all, no matter how you say it, Jian Niang does not have the ability to speed up cooking. In this point, she is the same as ordinary people. She is the only cook, and it is no problem to cook four people. Suddenly there are more rice, and the rice has to be cooked twice. If you want to make a big pot of rice, you have to have such a big pot!

Therefore, in a large town guard mansion, there are often more people cooking in the kitchen because of this.

Yes, other tutelary mansions eat in the canteen.

Fortunately, Zhang Qing's dining table is big enough to accommodate ten people. At that time, considering that the dining table was too small and it would look too spacious in the dining room, he specially made a large oval table.

Maybe, there will be a sudden visit from a guest, or a silly, sweet newborn girl who is picked up by me, so be prepared, of course, the same goes for the rooms, there must be two or three spare rooms reserved , it is now used.

By the time Yixian was ready to cook, the damage was relatively minor, and most of it was caused by himself. Zero", it's a bit dangerous, if Ning Hai and the others didn't go to the rescue, I'm afraid the six destroyers are really in danger.

Yixian was not in a hurry to put the food on the table, he warmed it up first, and waited for z23 and the others to eat before eating together.

Zhang Qing comforted the hungry Ping Hai, peeled off the wrapping paper of a toffee and stuffed it into her small mouth, before saying to Yixian, "It seems that we still need to prepare some accelerator AB... ..."

It's not that Zhang Qing and the others didn't know how good that thing was, but that they were really poor at the time, and that thing wasn't cheap. It's considered a goblin's black technology, and it couldn't be made by ordinary machines at all. Human beings can't make it by themselves, so it's old and expensive.

It needs special equipment to manufacture, and the output has not been high, so it has always been affordable for the rich. Generally, the admiral just prepares two or three bottles for emergencies. Slowly soak in the repair solution and boil for a long time.

Yixian nodded, this time Ninghai brought back enough resources for them to build 5 times, it is no problem to take out part of the purchase of accelerators, although it is still a bit heartbreaking, but considering that Ninghai and Pinghai are really like this In the situation of breaking fast and breaking badly, Yixian still held back the pain in his heart.

There are too few of them guarding the mansion. If they can't recover their combat power quickly, there may be serious problems in the event of a crisis.

So even though he felt sorry for the money, Yixian still did not object to this decision.

"By the way, which tutelary mansion do these ship girls come from!? Why did you send six destroyers out!?" Zhang Qing asked curiously. Generally speaking, it is really rare that all six members of the team are destroyers. After all, destroyers are elementary school students, immature in mind, and poor in combat effectiveness. It is generally recognized that 0

If you don't have a mature big sister to watch over you, I'm afraid that you may never return.

So in Zhang Qing's view, this is very unreliable, and I don't know which admiral is so stupid.

"Commander, you guessed wrong, they are free ship girls! It was a complete accident to break into the intermediate zone, and it was said that it was caused by a storm." Ning Hai looked at his sister sitting on Zhang Qing's lap with some envy, but Still a good answer to Zhang Qing's question.

"Liberty Ship Girl!?" Liberty Ship Girl is the self-proclaimed name of the wandering ship girl, because in their view, they just advocate freedom. Of course, it is really a matter of opinion.

For example, Donghuang ship girls are not wanted by anyone, some ship girls are abandoned, and some are afraid of contact with humans, so not all of them really advocate freedom.

Zhang Qing didn't expect to be Liberty Ship Girl, "This is troublesome..."

It would be fine for other tutelary forts, but for Liberty Ship Girls, the problem is a bit difficult, not because of other reasons, but because it is difficult for them to leave the intermediate area and return to the primary area on their own. It is because of the large number, but it does not prevent them from proving that it is indeed difficult for them to cope with this problem on their own

Unfortunately, Zhang Qing's tutelary fort is different from other tutelary forts. There are only three ship girls here, so it is impossible to send people to escort them away. This is unrealistic, and Ning Hai and the others will not agree.

A ship girl with an admiral regards her admiral as more important than her life. When other ship girls have to choose their lives, they will naturally choose their own admiral. This is known by almost the whole world. There is no need to doubt it. Don't try.

So Zhang Qing is right to say troublesome.

And when you see only a ship girl, go for it, well, let’s be honest, don’t say Zhang Qing, most admirals will not do it, unless you meet a rare and powerful ship girl, otherwise it is impossible to do this kind of useless work, because If someone had the intention to join the tutelary mansion, they would have gone long ago.

By the way, some people may wonder why there is an abandoned ship girl. It stands to reason that an admiral who does such a thing as abandoning the ship girl may greatly reduce the favorability of his own ship girl, and even lose the qualification to be an admiral. This kind of ship girl still appeared, precisely because the "abandonment" here was not active.

Most of the "abandoned" ship girls were the ones whose admirals died and had to become free ship girls. This kind of ship girls are the most difficult for them to join other tutelary forts. Not as deep as a lover, after all, there are too many wardens guarding the mansion, no matter how fraternal a person is, they can't take care of all the wardens, and of course there are some admirals who order the other party to live before they die.

So don’t look at what Zhang Qing has been saying about recruiting free ship girls before, but in fact, neither he nor Yixian took it seriously, otherwise they would not have been persuading him to build it.

With that time and energy, what’s wrong with doing something else!? It’s too much to eat if you have to attack a free ship girl.

"It's really troublesome..." Yixian also sighed. After the cataclysm, human beings have lost the technology of long-distance communication. Don't watch TV and feel that the level of technology is enough. In fact, this TV is still left over from the old age The reason why the equipment under it is still there.

Once it is damaged, I am afraid that I don't even know how to repair it. I am still working on these technologies and plan to understand them thoroughly.

And the spiritual network between the warships needs to be linked by the admiral, only the warships between the same tutelary mansion can use it, don't count on the others, the technology during World War II is just the same thing..0During World War II The personnel on the same warship basically rely on wired equipment to communicate, plus direct calling. If people on two warships communicate with each other, they rely on radio equipment, and use lights and semaphores at close range.

Modern warships have multiple satellite signal transmitters, and basically there will be no interruption of communication. But in World War II, communication technology was not yet developed, so it was basically unrealistic to expect the radio to be able to contact the alliance on the mainland.

So even if you want the alliance to send someone to pick up z23, it's impossible.

As for the tasks that Z23 and the others received, they will have to wait until they return safely, but they will probably have failed by then. Will resend it.

After z23 goes back, he probably has to go back and return the supplies, and pull himself back from the death list by the way.

"Let's ask them. It's necessary to stay here for a while. Let's talk about it when other ship girls pass by!"

Zhang Qing finally decided, yes, we can only wait for other warships guarding the mansion to pass by and bring the news back, or simply escort them back.

"That's the only way to go! I'll explain the situation to them later, and I think they won't object!" Yixian didn't think of any other way, so he agreed with Zhang Qing's words.

Fortunately, within half a year from the intermediate area, people from the alliance will be sent to consult or check, and it is not really an indefinite wait. After all, after arriving in the intermediate area, it becomes very difficult to contact the mainland. Everyone knows that it is impossible to really leave the town guard's house alone and helpless, so let it be left alone.

Therefore, the alliance will send people to see if there is anything needed on a regular basis, and then it will be good to send z23 back.

As for the possibility of joining your own tutelary mansion!? Hehe, it's impossible!

As long as he is not blind, Zhang Qing doesn't feel that his tutelary mansion is attractive, let alone that he might advocate freedom!

Zhang Qing, but in 3.4, I heard from Ning Hai that there are Yusanjia Z23, Lafite and Javelin in the game. They are all purple elite ship girls in the game. Mother, it is obvious how difficult it is to recruit the other party!?

As for Ning Hai's mention of the two strange ship girls, Zhang Qing didn't take them to heart, not to mention human beings, the ship girls don't really know all the ship girls, especially some rare and uncommon ship girls. It goes without saying.

By the way, there is only Tianhou, enough to make up a full formation of six people.

Seeing that Ning Hai kept peeking at her, Zhang Qing was a little amused, and also peeled off a piece of candy and stuffed it into her small mouth. If you want to eat candy, just say, really, what's so embarrassing!?

"Hmm..." Ning Hai didn't expect Zhang Qing to attack suddenly. A hard object was stuffed into his mouth, and he was taken aback. When he felt the sweet taste of milk, he was a little speechless, seeing that he had succeeded. Zhang Qing.


Ning Hai was a little angry, but he only raised his small fist, but didn't let it fall down. He stared at Zhang Qing with a smirk, and his younger sister with a foolish smile, feeling tired.

Does she want candy!? Idiot, Commander......

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