Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

146 Prepare To Tear Down And Rebuild The Tutelary Fortress!

The addition of six more ship girls, although it is only a mere destroyer, undoubtedly made a huge difference to Zhang Qing, the tutelary fort.

Although z23 and the others also stayed in Zhang Qing's tutelary mansion before, they were guests or sheltered refugees, so even though they didn't change much after officially joining, their mood is different and their feelings are naturally different.

At least Tianhou they let go more openly, no longer cautious.

The happiest one is Yixian. Only when there are more people in the guard mansion, can she have free time to do other things. As a secretary, she is not a real housekeeper. What she needs to do is to manage the trivial things in the guard mansion. On top of that, as a secretary ship, you should think about how to make the tutelary mansion stronger and better, not just as a housekeeper.

Before Ninghai and Pinghai, one needed to go out, and the other needed to stay to protect Zhang Qing’s safety. Even if Yixian wanted to do something, there was nothing he could do about it. Now it’s different. You only need to wait for z23 and their levels to rise, and Ninghai and Pinghai will be able to I can be liberated and don't need to be so busy.

You mean a mere destroyer!?

I'm afraid I forgot that Ning Hai and the others are just light patrols, and they are also ship girls of the Donghuang camp. Since Ning Hai and the others can become so strong, can they be inferior to Z23!?

But in fact, that's it! Yixian and the others didn't consider at all that not all ship girls are suitable for Donghuang or Chongying. Without a foundation, it is basically impossible to change the fighting style.

Although after contracting with Zhang Qing, they will also be greatly improved, but unfortunately limited by their own ship equipment, what they can display is not as perverted as Ning Hai. Normal ship girls like z23 want to become stronger , Only 297 was replaced with more powerful equipment.

But it doesn't mean that after making a contract with Zhang Qing, there will be no benefits at all, at least their data in all aspects have rushed to the limit, and the upgrade will become much easier and faster, although it can't meet Yixian's expectations , but will still become a very powerful ship girl.

And with the guidance of Ning Hai and the others, although there is no way to become a martial artist all at once, I still learned some coquettish operations that break the current fixed mode of the ship girl, such as floating on the water

Such as jumping to dodge torpedoes and the like.

To be honest, Z23 and the others also felt embarrassed by the previous mode of standing still and firing cannons. After being pointed out by Ning Hai and the others, they realized that what they did before was indeed a bit stupid.

In this way, z23 and the others slowly began to integrate into Zhang Qing's big family.

However, there is a problem that needs to be put on the agenda and resolved as soon as possible.

In the study, Zhang Qing took a sip of the hot tea brought by z23 just now on the table, and then turned his eyes away from the drawings spread out on the table.

There are too many people in the tutelary mansion, but the sudden increase of 6 members has really made the already sufficient tutelary mansion a bit crowded.

At present, z23 and the others still have two people in one room, and the tutelary mansion has to fill in the gaps.

In general, it is necessary to build a more complete tutelary mansion.

However, Zhang Qing is not a civil engineering student. Ordinary houses are fine, but if he is suddenly asked to start a large project like the tutelary mansion, he is a little bit blind.

If you act recklessly, you will definitely regret it in the future. You must have a specific plan.

What's more terrible is that Zhang Qing is a half-way monk and an admiral. He has never stayed in the safe zone or the primary zone, and has never seen what other people's tutelary mansions are like. This means that he has nothing to refer to. Even Zhang Qing, who has played games, doesn't know what the tutelary mansion needs.

After all, a game is a game, and reality is reality. The characters in the game don’t need to eat, drink, and scatter, but in reality, everyone can be a fairy!?

Little fairies also need to go to the toilet.

Ship girls also have a need for clothes, either they are born wearing a set or they will wear it for a lifetime. The real important thing is the ship outfit, not the clothes, and the clothes are not included in the ship outfit, otherwise it will not be possible if you suddenly need to fight. Just run to the toilet to change clothes!? It's not Superman in red underwear.

"The large public bath is a must, as is the cafeteria. The dormitory and office buildings should be separated. The construction room, the research room, and the warehouse. Well, for the warehouse, there must be an equipment warehouse and a granary..

While Zhang Qing was writing and drawing, he kept murmuring.

Yixian brushed his hair and said, "Don't forget that there are still vegetable gardens and farmland, and we need to plan an open space to raise some poultry. These should be prepared..

I didn't think about being able to gain a firm foothold here before, so I prepared some vegetable seeds, and the others were picked on the spot. If I want to eat a meal of meat, I have to find a way to get it from the sea, but the middle-level area too difficult.

On the island, there are some hares and mice.

Occasionally, it is difficult to eat fried eggs, let alone oil, salt, sweet and sour. These are used less and have to be purchased. If you make them yourself, it is too troublesome. Now there are too many people, but you can’t waste it like this of.

So after a while, I still have to go back and buy something, so the reconstruction of the tutelary mansion will come together by the way, and if there is anything important that can be purchased together, I will buy it together.

Now wait for Zhang Qing to make a plan, and then sort out a list.

Afterwards, no matter whether it is handed over to Ninghai or Pinghai to leave the intermediate zone temporarily, it is also possible to return to the mainland in the safe zone to purchase. After all, there is no such shortage of manpower now, especially with the assistant of z23, Yixian can also start from the document Liberated from their work, they can temporarily take over Ning Hai's work.

It will be easier when the javelins grow up.

"The (cabf) one... If you go to the mainland, please be sure to let one of us follow. The previous mission items are still with us, and they need to be returned to the alliance. And We also need to explain the situation, otherwise we may have been recorded in the death list. Z23 said a little embarrassed.

Yixian nodded, "I almost forgot too. After joining the tutelary mansion, the ship's wife also needs to register with the alliance. We just solved it together."

It is also the first time for Yixian to be a secretary. In fact, like Zhang Qing, it is also the first time for a big girl to be on a sedan chair for the job of the town guard. In the case of the town guard before, what she needed was to be a housekeeper. Now that she is officially up, it is also a bit awkward. His eyes were dark.

Fortunately, she is not really deaf to things outside the window. She has not witnessed some things with her own eyes, but she has heard about them.

The real situation of each town guard must be reported. The increase or decrease of staff must be reported to the alliance, and an explanation must also be given at the same time. This is to allow the alliance to respond in time. Correct adjustments should be made for changes in the tutelary fort.

It's impossible to not know that the guarding mansion over there is dead, but only to find out when the body of resentment invades in a large scale!?

If this is the case, the human race should have perished long ago.

And as I mentioned before, there are some reactionaries in this world, such as the Doomsday Church, and the alliance needs the cooperation of all the town guards, because it is to be able to detect these dangerous elements in time, otherwise the admiral may die somewhere, ship girl A riot broke out, I don't know yet.

It is necessary and duty-bound to regularly submit the specific situation of one's own tutelary to the alliance.

Zhang Qing looked up at z23 and Yixian after hearing this, "Is it reliable!?"

Zhang Qing turned around in his mind, and found that z23 is a more reliable one, javelin and 22 jump off, Tianhou is a weak sister, 33 is a three-no and always shouts that he needs to charge, not to mention Lafite , is a little drunkard.

Yixian was also a little speechless, she just couldn't do without z23, if z23 left, she would have to go back to her previous busyness.

"Let 33 and the others take over for a while, anyway, it's not too difficult a job."

In the end, Yixian also sighed.

z23 smiled awkwardly, she never thought that her little friend would give people such an unreliable impression!?

But what can she say!?

"Let's go like this!" Zhang Qing nodded, this is the only way for now.

Sure enough, we still need more mature big sisters!

However, after rebuilding the tutelary mansion, the current resources in his hand had to shrink a little, and Zhang Qing didn't know when he would be able to accumulate enough resources for ten consecutive draws.

Using elementary school students as bait to "fish" is so inhumane that if someone finds out about it, they will be scolded to death.

It's better to wait for Javelin and the others to improve their strength, and then expand the scope of exploration.

Maybe we can find some new resource mining points, it is a bit unrealistic to always expect to kill resentment and explode resources, and there are certain risks.

"You don't want to just look around, at least give me some advice. In the end, what I need is your ship girl!"

Zhang Qing put down his pen and looked at Yixian and z23. As the demand side, only the mother of the ship knows what the mother of the ship needs. He, a human being, can't know everything even if he wants to break his head.

Yixian sneered when he heard the words, and then said after thinking, "Actually, what the commander pointed out before is enough, what our ship girl really needs is only one or two, and the others are not necessary, so the commander It just needs to be planned in the right place.”

Z23 also nodded. It is actually enough to have a place to enter the canal, a place to sleep and eat. Of course, if the conditions are available, it is better to have an equipment research and development department. As a ship girl, you still need better equipment.

But she had written it down when she saw the commander just now, so there was no need to mention it.

"Okay, that's it for now, but do you have any ideas about the shape of the tutelary mansion!? It doesn't have to be square, we can talk about it.


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