Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

147 Ning Hai: Jian Niang Can't Do Pyramid Schemes, Put Away Your Thoughts!

Primary area AE78 area, Qingshi guarding the mansion.

Julie Hastings was sitting in the admiral's office in the middle of the topmost floor of the tutelary mansion reviewing documents. The room was on the third floor with a sharp corner above it, and a ferocious cyan lion was roaring with its mouth wide open.

After hearing a knock on the door, Yuli rubbed the space between her eyebrows, put down her pen and documents, and shouted, "Come in!"

The one who opened the door was a white-haired woman with an astonishing chest and a white dress. If someone knows the goods, they will be able to easily recognize the identity of the other party. That's right.

It is the Royal Navy's most famous fleet aircraft carrier, and many blue people have called the glory of "grandmother". summer

Being able to own an aircraft carrier, Yuli is definitely the most watched among the young admirals - a small group of people.

That is to say, relying on the existence of such an aircraft carrier, she has only been an admiral for three years, and Julie Hastings has developed her tutelary mansion to a great extent, which can be regarded as a very eye-catching and outstanding one in the same period.

When the poor students were still suffering in the safe zone, she had brought her ship girl to the primary zone and successfully established her own tutelary mansion, and it grew little by little, and successfully gained a firm foothold. strength.

But when she was full of ambition, something happened, which made her depressed and blamed herself for a month.

"Any news!? Glory..."

Seeing her secretary come in, Yuli couldn't help asking again. She had repeated the same thing many times in the past month. Every time the glory came, she would ask again, and this time was no exception.

The same glory also shook his head as usual, "No, according to the route we and the alliance have concluded and determined, we have inquired about the nearby town guards along the way, and there is no sign of a large number or particularly powerful resentment bodies appearing, and apart from Besides us, other tutelary forts have also dispatched ships to patrol the surrounding waters, but still haven't found anything_____"

"That's it..." Yuli was a little disappointed, and sighed, "Guanghui, do you think I harmed them? If there is no mission of mine...

"Commander! You don't need to blame yourself. Even if they didn't accept your mission, what should have happened will still happen, but it will be replaced by other ship girls..

"And our ship girl has already been mentally prepared to sacrifice at any time from the very beginning. We won't blame anyone, so you don't need to take responsibility for this matter."

Guanghui is a little helpless, his own commander is good everywhere, but his mind is too sensitive, and he also has a strong sense of responsibility. There are many ship girls who suddenly disappear every day. This is very common among free ship girls, but this time it just happened It's just a relationship with his own tutelary mansion.

It's not that Guanghui is cold-blooded, but that in this doomsday world, this is already a common situation. If you feel sad every time an unfortunate person or ship lady appears, then you will be too tired to live.

"We just have to do our job well!"

You Li smiled wryly, "I'm not the Holy Mother. If the situation was normal, of course I wouldn't blame myself so much. It's just that this time we asked someone to deliver desserts and delicacies. It was just to celebrate my birthday, and it was marked as urgent. Now that 6 ship girls have been killed, my heart can't be calm..."

Although the tutelary mansion in the primary area generally has ordinary people living there, because the alliance has a subsidy policy, compared to the more crowded and overpopulated mainland, it can be said to be a very good place to go, otherwise no one would be willing to leave the safe area , Lived on the islands where the tutelary mansions of the primary districts are located.

It is a pity that compared with the safe zone and the mainland, there is still a relatively short supply of supplies. Take food cultivation as an example, but it is not easy to feed so many people. Where is there any extra manpower and land to plant other crops? !? Not to mention opening any gourmet restaurants in the areas sheltered by the tutelary mansions in these primary areas.

Therefore, if you want to eat a good meal, the tutelary mansion in the general primary area really has to go to the mainland to buy something.

If you are rich, of course you don’t mind paying some errand fees, and leave it to others as a task. In fact, this kind of task is relatively common. After all, it is very time-consuming to go back and forth by yourself, and you have to let at least one person do it. Do it, let your own strength to guard the mansion be weakened for a short time. Naturally, as long as you are not too poor, it is the best choice to let others do it.

After all, not every ship's wife has a good skill in farming, let alone other town guards, it is impossible to have only a few personnel, which consumes a lot of money and cannot be self-sufficient in all supplies.

Of course, it’s a bit difficult to expect the shipgirls from the royal camp to make non-dark dishes, so it’s understandable for Yuli to have a good meal on her birthday, and it’s all about bad luck.

Guanghui said: "It's not that there is no useful news at all. It seems that there was a short-term storm in the area of ​​​​AE54 that day. Although I can't believe it, those free ship girls probably encountered a storm... ...."

To be honest, Guanghui couldn’t believe it, because the storm couldn’t come all at once. If the situation is not right, the normal situation is to escape and leave, or find a safe place to wait for the storm to pass. After all, it’s nature, Mrs. No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to be stronger than nature.

This should be common sense!

Continue to rush forward, isn't that to die!?

So when he first heard the news, Guanghui didn't take it seriously, because it's impossible!

However, it has been more than a month, and there are no traces of resentment groups that are large or powerful enough to easily destroy a team of 6 people without anyone escaping. Guanghui also has to start looking away from possible enemies Move away from the body and face up to other conjectures.

"Impossible!? Although we have increased the urgency, we are not in such a hurry!?" Yuli shook her head. This is not before the catastrophe. It is impossible to expect 2- The so-called urgent delivery that can be delivered within 3 hours is only 3-4 days.

As far as time is concerned, it is enough, and they cannot give an impossible task, and the alliance will not approve it.

As for how to get to the Alliance side for the mission!? After all, this is only the elementary area, and it won’t be so difficult to contact the intermediate area. The radio is still barely usable.

As long as the weather is not too bad, the impact will not be great.

0 looking for flowers......

So Yuli didn't believe that she couldn't even take a little time to avoid the storm.

But in fact, it is so outrageous, it is not that z23 and the others are so stupid, but when they saw the signs of the storm, they were already moving away. Unfortunately, they happened to arrive at a place where there was no landing point in the surrounding area, the vast sea , can only race against the storm.

It's a pity that the scope of the storm is too large, and it comes too fast, and it's not something they can dodge if they want to.

Not to mention that because of avoidance, they also deviated from the original channel, so the accident happened.

It was lucky not to sink in that storm.

Z23 and the others, who didn't even know that there would be a client worrying about their lives, were happily living a new life in the middle-level district.

But at this time, Ning Hai, who was relatively safe, brought z23 to the Alliance Maritime Office in the safe zone. If it was in the Western Fantasy World, it would be equivalent to an official mercenary guild or adventure guild. The missions are received in the maritime offices in the coastal areas of the entire mainland.

Of course, there are also some town guards in the safe zone who will send their own ship girls to earn some extra money. After all, the resources in the safe zone are not so much. Although the safety factor is high, it is difficult to develop their own tutelary mansion.

So if you want to gather enough resources to build the ship, you have to find a way from other places.

While returning the mission items, z23 also offered 10% of the commission as compensation for mission failure. After the staff registered their situation, they breathed a sigh of relief. Entering the death list is troublesome.

After z23 was finished here, Ning Hai took her to another window and went through the process of updating the members of the tutelary mansion. There was no need for Lafite and the others to come along with them. All they needed to do was enter the spiritual network. Naturally, there was a dedicated The machine exports information such as how many members there are and what type of ships are there.

It's just that the staff member in charge of registration stared at Ning Hai and the two for a long time with a strange expression on his face, as if hesitating to speak.

To be honest, the other party still recognized Ning Hai. After all, the last time when the three ship girls dared to apply to establish a town guard mansion in the intermediate district, she was also in charge of reception, so I still have a little impression of Ning Hai.

Unexpectedly, it has been almost 3 months, and the opponent is still alive and well, and it seems that he has successfully gained a foothold in the intermediate zone. Not to mention, now he has tricked 6 ignorant destroyers into joining.

The receptionist was somewhat suspicious that Ning Hai and the others were not working as the guardian of the mansion, but some kind of pyramid scheme.

Fortunately, Jian Niang's character is trustworthy, otherwise, if another human came here, she would have been taken for interrogation.

And not long after Ning Hai left with z23, the Maritime Affairs Office sent a telegram to Yuli's Qingshi Guardian Mansion, informing that the ship's wife who took over the mission had been found, and also explained the situation to Yuli. Don't worry about Yuli. As for z23 and the others joining the tutelary fort, there is no need to mention it.

When Guanghui brought the news, Julie Hastings breathed a sigh of relief, "It's's fine...Mr."

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