Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

148 Z23: I've Been Eyeing It, I'm A Little Excited!

Although it is said that there are many things that need to be purchased, they are actually not necessary. When building the tutelary mansion, many things can be directly carried out in the tutelary mansion.

In this world, there is a kind of creature that is more special than the ship girl—the elf, or to put it this way, maybe even the ship girl was built by them.

Everything related to the town guard’s mansion, as long as there are blueprints and resources to provide, then this group of small and hardworking fairies can build it for you, including furniture. It is true that both Niang and Admiral are great magicians. In the eyes of many ordinary people, it is no different from being able to use magic

However, most of the admirals are not so extravagant. If they can be purchased in the private market, they will try to buy them as much as possible. The trouble is a little troublesome, but in terms of cost performance, it is cheaper than directly using resources to transform.

You must know that the resources dedicated to the ship girl are priceless, everyone is short of them, and no matter how much they have, they don’t dislike more. How could someone deliberately use resources to manufacture things that can be bought with banknotes? Are you crazy!?

So apart from some necessary black technology equipment and buildings, Ning Hai has a long list, but none of them are difficult to buy.

The banknotes used for transactions between ordinary people in "Four Six Three" were also exchanged at the Maritime Affairs Office, so Ning Hai and Z23 did not lack ordinary banknotes.

In fact, this kind of thing can also be entrusted to the Maritime Affairs Office. It just needs a small amount of money. Z23, who has squeezed out his small wallet, has no intention of doing this, because he is poor.

"The furniture is bought, the following is......"

After running through several furniture stores, they finally bought all the furniture they needed. After Ning Hai and z23 put the purchased furniture into the space of Jianniang, they looked at the list together.

"For poultry, senior Ning Hai should buy it last. These living things cannot be placed in the ship's mother's space, and it is not convenient to carry them with you all the time." 23 suggested.

Ning Hai nodded, it was indeed so, "Let's skip this first!"

Although he hadn't eaten eggs for a long time and was a bit greedy, Ning Hai still endured it and was not in a hurry.

The top of the list is all kinds of furniture and the required quantity, and the bottom is the needed poultry and some vegetable and fruit seeds. The last time I went to the intermediate area, I didn’t bring much and it was not complete enough. Now I want to enrich more meals kind of.

Then there is the clothes, whether it is Zhang Qing who is the admiral, or Ning Hai and the other ship girls also need clothes, they need clothes for all seasons, don’t think that ship girls can’t feel the cold and heat, in this point they are different from ordinary humans the same.

It's impossible to wear thin clothes when it's snowing heavily!? The ship's wife can also get sick, not a robot.

"z23, you are responsible for buying clothes, and I will look for a shop that sells seeds!"

Ning Hai doesn't plan to stay here for too long, because even though there are more z23s in the tutelary mansion, there is still not enough manpower. In fact, the temporary departure of Ning Hai and z23 has already affected the operation of the entire tutelary mansion. It has had some impact.

The longer the delay, the more scrambled it will be. The work of the secretary ship cannot be completed by a few elementary school students together. There are too many methods that need a mature and careful mind to deal with, and these are not superficial. It's that simple on the surface.

This is also the reason why under normal circumstances, except for Lolicon, few secretaries of the tutelary mansion will hand over to the destroyer. They are not mature enough to understand certain twists and turns, and have not learned to look at them from a long-term perspective. Question, these are the reasons why destroyers are not suitable as secretary ships.

Even the z23, which is very suitable as an assistant, is still lacking, and it takes a long time to practice and study.

"Understood! Guaranteed to complete the task!" z23 promised very seriously.

Ning Hai: "There is no need to do this, this is not an order!"

Z23 is good everywhere, but it is easy to be serious, and it is very obedient to the military.


"Okay, okay, you go!" Seeing z23's embarrassing look, Ning Hai didn't say any more, and told her to leave and go to work. Her personality and behavior style are like this. It simply cannot be done.

Ning Hai is just not used to it, but he doesn't hate it either.

This kind of person who does things with a strict eye is quite attractive, as long as it is not aimed at himself.

z23 scratched his face, "Senior Ning Hai, I'll go right back!"

"If you remember something, you can find me at the spiritual network!" After Ning Hai reminded, she let z23 leave, and she also turned around to find out where there are seeds for sale of various fruits and vegetables.

The previous seeds were basically taken directly from ripe fruits and vegetables, the quantity is not much, and not all fruits and vegetables have seeds, so Ning Hai does not know where to buy them

Need to inquire further.

This is also the reason why she will act separately from z23.

As for the final reminder, it’s the same, don’t think that you won’t encounter bad guys just because you are a ship girl, especially a destroyer like z23, who is like a schoolboy, is most likely to be targeted by those bad guys when you are alone, although the ship girl can Perceive good and evil, and malicious words will definitely be perceived in advance.

I'm afraid of those who don't have a trace of malice, but are doing bad things, which is why the alliance is so wary of those lunatics of the doomsday sect, because they all think that they are doing good things, and they are the saviors of this world. Kind of like, the ship girl can't feel the slightest malice from these people at all, this is the scary place.

Humans are definitely unable to beat the ship girl, but humans also have thousands of ways to make the immature ship girl stumble.

With the exception of destroyers, most of the first ship girls are easy to get, so there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Ninghai and Pinghai, who are junior high school students, have actually met many times, so she is not aimless. Regardless of the fact that this is a coastal area with a maritime affairs office, it stands to reason that it should be the place with the most official personnel.

But the most dangerous place is the safest place, this sentence has been applicable throughout the ages.

Before there is no better way to distinguish those criminals from the crowd, one cannot be careless.

This is also the reason why Yixian and Zhang Qing are worried about other people going. Compared with Ning Hai and z23, it is really difficult for others to be reassuring. Moreover, if one can't control well and shoot too hard, if they kill those guys, I'm afraid it will be troublesome Constantly, the relationship between humans and ship girls is close, but if there is a situation where ship girls kill humans, it will still make people feel bad. Once they are used by those who want to, then it is very likely that there will be a split in the alliance..0

Don't think that everyone is rational, most people follow others' advice, regardless of the overall situation, and tend to follow the crowd.

Well, the earth is modern, and compulsory education is universal, but some people are as stupid as they should be, let alone this doomsday world. Never overestimate human nature, because it is likely to disappoint you.

It is also because of the inability to kill people with malicious intentions, so those people become more and more rampant, and the ship's mother will be restrained, and she will not dare to contribute at all. This is the reason why some ship's mother was successfully killed .

Otherwise, even if it is a naive destroyer, when it finds something is wrong, ordinary people will not be able to stop it from leaving. Drugs that are generally suitable for humans are actually not ideal for ship mothers, so they are poisoned. Drugs What, that's useless at all, unless the amount is large enough to fill the ship's space, otherwise it's just that.

So those lunatics just want to make the ship girl degenerate and become their weapon to harm the society and break the order.

Of course, the best way is to kill the admiral, and naturally the ship girl will go berserk.

This is also the reason why general admirals are always surrounded by ship maidens to protect them.

Ning Hai inquired all the way, and finally found the place. When he asked the price, he sighed, and it was as expected, very expensive.

After shopping around, Ning Hai finally bought it, but it was a bit of a heartache, but fortunately, it only needs to be purchased once, and there is no need to come back later.

After carefully storing the bags of seeds into the space of Jianniang, Ning Hai turned and went to the stationery store.

Pen, ink and paper are the big consumers. After the town guard mansion is completed, there will only be more clerical work. These need to be purchased in large quantities. Of course, there are also paper towels, some regular medical cotton swabs, gauze, etc., which also need to be purchased one by one. , so Ning Hai is very busy.

On the other side, the same goes for the z23 that goes to the clothes shop. Although it’s just one task, let’s not talk about it, we can’t buy it together. After all, the measurements are different, and the preferences are also different. It’s impossible for everyone to wear exactly the same 4.0 In terms of clothes, Jianniang still prefers beauty, unless conditions do not allow it, otherwise they really make them sloppy, and they may not be able to accept it at all.

Fortunately, there are not too many tricks these days, otherwise z23 will have a headache, she doesn't care, but others don't, they have to be picky.

This z23 was instructing the clerk to find the size of clothes she needed, but during the waiting time, he accidentally saw the picture in the mirror.

z23 frowned, because she found that there was a suspicious guy outside who had been pretending to be shopping, and had been wandering around several stalls, but the only thing that was okay was that the guy would sneak peeks at her shop from time to time.

I am being targeted!?

When z23 came with Ning Hai, he heard Ning Hai say a lot about this matter along the way, but he didn't expect that he would actually meet him.

z23 didn't make a sound or turn his head, just pretended to be nonchalant, waiting inside for the shop assistant to find all the clothes she needed, but his eyes glanced at the mirror in the shop from time to time, through the mirror to observe the situation of the person outside .

She needs to make sure that there is really something wrong with that person. .

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