Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

149 Today's Tutelary Mansion Is Still Peaceful!

"I didn't expect to meet you..."

Looking at the man taken away by the gendarmerie, z23 sighed, greeted the captain of the gendarmerie, then turned and left, intending to join Ning Hai.

The gendarmerie is a department that has a mixture of ship girls and humans. It is specially used to deal with various things related to ship girls, and has the powers of supervision and arrest.

The reason why humans and ship girls need to be mixed is because not only ship girls and admirals need to be restrained, but also humans.

After joining the gendarmerie, she can no longer be considered a free ship girl, but she is not a ship girl of the tutelary mansion, she is probably a civil servant.

Generally, the reason why destroyers or newborn ship girls are taken is because they don’t know how to go to the gendarmerie. They don’t have this awareness, and they have to solve it on their own, and they have to consider various problems, so Ning Hai reminded z23 to encounter this type of thing, Don't hesitate to report to Bao Band directly through the radio that comes with the ship.

Leave things to specialists and don't be a personal hero.

"I hope to be able to interrogate more useful information..."

After blessing in his heart, z23 put the matter aside, "Senior Ning Hai, where are you now!?"

z23 poked Ning Hai on the spiritual network and sent out a sentence.

Got a quick reply.

z23 came to the gate of the farmer's market, and it didn't take much effort to see Ning Hai who was waving at her, trotting over there, z23 reported the status of his task completion, and at the same time told about the little accident that happened before.

The reason why it is not mentioned on the spiritual network is because the mental energy needs to be consumed in the spiritual network, which is a bit like traffic and phone charges, so if it is not too urgent and necessary

It is still rare for ship girls to directly use the spiritual network, otherwise if they cannot maintain the best condition, they may die at sea.

After hearing about z23's experience, Ning Hai nodded and said, "So it's best not to walk alone on the destroyer. Not only are there doomsday sects with brain problems, but there are also some extreme thoughts among ordinary people. Up to now, there are still people who think that the end is brought about by our ship girl, after all, the timing of our ship girl's appearance is too coincidental.

The earliest record of the ship's appearance is after the cataclysm, so it is not too incredible to be suspected.

Z23 followed Ning Hai into the farmer's market, and was a little surprised when he heard the other party mention this, is there such a thing!?"

Z23 hasn't been to the inland much, so he doesn't know much about the things in human beings.

In fact, this is also a common problem of free ship girls. Except for some free ship girls who have joined the tutelary mansion or worked in the gendarmerie, most of the free ship girls have spent their lives wandering around the sea and the sea.

The reason why Ning Hai and the others understand so well is because they are different from most of the ship girls, and because of their weakness, if Yixian hadn't met Zhang Qing at that time, Ning Hai and the others would most likely retire. After living, with this kind of mind, I will naturally understand, so I know more.

Maybe they are the only ship girls who almost retired.

Ning Hai smiled and said, "That's why our tutelary mansion didn't consider being in the safe area or the primary area at the beginning. Because of this, we are too short of manpower and don't have much energy and time to spend on managing ordinary people."

The middle-level area is definitely not suitable for ordinary people to go to. It is too dangerous. Unless the human side pushes the safety line forward and incorporates more sites into the safety area, otherwise, if you want to build human settlements in the middle-level area, it will be a hype. No one dared to come.

Anyone who is an admiral may die at any time, let alone ordinary people.

And if you go to the high-level area, the situation will be even worse. The ship girl can't wait to build a fortress and lock her admiral inside to protect it. Energy erosion, either becomes a walking dead like a zombie, or suddenly chooses to commit suicide or anti-social killing indiscriminately after a mental breakdown.

That kind of zone can't even survive normal animals and plants, let alone human beings, that is, the admiral and the ship's wife are special. Otherwise, the high-concentration nuclear radiation zone can only be compared. It really is a second longer Chung is committing suicide.

This is the first time z23 has heard Ning Hai and the others talk about this. To be honest, she was also curious about why her admiral dared to take three ship girls to the intermediate area. It can also be seen from the strength of the body that it can indeed deal with the resentment body in the intermediate zone, but it is impossible for normal people to have such a swelling emperor.

Listening to it now, it turned out that there was such an important consideration. After thinking about it, z23 understood that other tutelary mansions require ordinary people to farm or make things by hand, but their own tutelary mansion, Yixian and the others from the Donghuang camp are themselves experts in farming. , with the ability of Jianniang, a hundred ordinary people can't match the workload of one of them.

And because of the number of personnel, in fact, the entire tutelary mansion itself needs very little. At this time, those ordinary people obviously become a burden and drag, and one has to worry about people with malicious intentions getting mixed in at any time.

It seems that it is indeed better to go to the intermediate zone, get more resources, and have fewer troubles.

In terms of poultry, there is a lot of choice, chickens, ducks, geese etc.

However, after discussing with Z23, Ning Hai and Z23 still unanimously decided to buy chickens, and consider other things later if they are suitable.

Comparing chickens is more suitable for the environment of the island where I live, and it is easier to feed and worry-free.

After the necessary purchases are finished, it is getting late.

"Let's go! Next time we have a chance, let's go for a stroll together. Now that you have these things in hand, let's go back as soon as possible!" Ning Hai pointed to the cage of hens and roosters, indicating that it was time for z23 to go back to sea.

Z23 nodded. Although sailing at night is very dangerous, when they came here, they traveled day and night, so it was nothing. After all, this is a safe zone and a primary zone, and they rarely encounter danger.

Unless z23 and the others encountered a rare big storm before, there is no need to worry too much.

"However, Senior Ning Hai, I see that you bought some fish fry. Do you want to raise them after you go back!?" Z23 nodded to indicate that there was no problem. Behind the big plastic bucket, I couldn't help asking.

"Ah, this one, I really plan to dig a fishpond to raise it after I go back. After all, sea fish are relatively difficult to obtain. The intermediate zone is not like the primary zone. The negative energy of the resentment body will still affect the habitat of marine life, so I just want to raise some myself." Ning Hai nodded to confirm z23's guess.

"And it also allows the commander to really fish, instead of always sitting on the beach fishing for air!"

z23 smiled upon hearing this, Senior Ning Hai still likes Commander very much!

The two slowly sailed on the sea, getting farther and farther away from the mainland, and the hustle and bustle slowly moved away, only the sea and the wind accompanied them.

On the other side, Zhang Qing was also busy on the island he called "Crescent Island".

Although it is said that you only need to throw resources and blueprints to those goblins who are everywhere, you still need someone to keep an eye on them all the time, otherwise, with the character of those goblins, they might really give you a "little surprise" .

Of course, they are everywhere, but in fact these goblins appeared with the ship's mother, so they can't be seen in the inland of the mainland, and they can be seen in coastal areas.

The consumption of those resources is also partially due to wages, which are dedicated to these goblins. They do not work for the admiral and the ship's wife for free, so even if ordinary people without special resources can see these little guys, they can't command them. , and their existence is more special, and it is impossible to catch them with ordinary methods.

Yes, these little guys will appear suddenly and disappear suddenly.

At the same time, because Yixian needs to replace Ning Hai's usual patrol work, some paperwork that was originally taken care of by Yixian fell to Zhang Qing. Javelin and the others really can't handle these tasks like z23.

However, Zhang Qing's suggestion of wanting to cook was still rejected, and Yixian still refused to let him into the kitchen, even if he entrusted the cooking to a few small ones, Zhang Qing would not be allowed to do it.

Zhang Qing sighed a hundred times, his culinary skills were useless.

With the chicken flying and the dog jumping, the life of the guardian mansion is considered to be on the right track.

"Alas........resources are running low again..." Yixian looked at the expenditure records of the tutelary mansion at night, and frowned again. Finally, the resources in his hand increased, and the result was like this After a few days, the flowers went out in a hurry, which made her heart ache.

Zhang Qing snatched the report from her hand, "Okay, don't read this all the time, go to sleep!"

"Can I not watch!?" Yixian was twisted by Zhang Qing, and lay down helplessly, but he still murmured with some displeasure.

"After all of a sudden, our treasury is empty again! Don't you care about the development of the tutelary mansion!?"

Zhang Qing turned off the light and coaxed, "Don't worry, it will get better and better. This is a necessary expenditure, and it's just this one time. Even if we come to the high-end area later, we just need to sell everything here to others , or dismantling and recovering some of the resources, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to rebuild the tutelary fort, isn’t it!?”

"Be patient now, as long as we are together, we will get better!"

"I also know, I'm just heartbroken!" Yixian sighed, "By the way, why is there a smell of alcohol!?"

Just as Yixian was about to close his eyes, he suddenly smelled a strong smell of alcohol, he couldn't help but frowned, and asked in surprise.

Zhang Qing was also taken aback, "Really!"

"But there's no alcohol in my room!?"

Although Zhang Qing can make his own wine, he doesn't like drinking very much, so there is no wine in his room.

So strange.

Yixian turned on the light, sat up, glanced around the room, then sniffed his nose, traced the source of the smell, and finally looked under the bed.

Looking around, there was a Lafite sleeping soundly under the bed.

For a moment, Yixian and Zhang Qing were speechless, "When did this girl come in!?"

Moreover, the wine bottle was overturned on the ground, a lot of wine flowed out, and there was already a puddle under the bed, no wonder the smell of wine was so strong.

"I'll take her back to my room!" Zhang Qing scratched his head and said.

"Let's go together! Otherwise, if you run over, it won't be good if you are misunderstood." Yixian said helplessly, it doesn't matter whether you misunderstand or not, I am afraid that you will be held back by those pestering little lolitas, Yixian doesn't want to Stay alone in a vacant room.

This is also not the case. .

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