Hearing Saten Saten's question, Chuchun Shiri put down the sandwich in his hand, swallowed the food he was chewing, and said with a sigh, "Yes, in fact, every time we have a holiday, our discipline committee member and the security guard It’s the busiest time for staff.”

"Especially during the long winter and summer vacations, many discipline committee members had to stand by in their respective discipline committee branches during the holidays. Senior Gufa, as the person in charge of the 177 branch, almost never took a break."

Seeing Saten Leizi looking at her with doubts in her eyes, Chuchun Shili of course understood what she wanted to ask, and explained, "I am different from Shirai-san, I am in charge of the logistics of the 177 branch, as long as you are responsible Communication and intelligence management, so it’s okay to not need to be in the 177th branch.”

"As for Shirai-san, as a powerful user of IV4 and the most mobile space-type powerful user, not to mention, after receiving the news, Shirai-san will definitely be able to arrive at the scene as soon as possible, so We don't need to wait in the branch like general disciplinary committee members. In fact, it is Sister Gufa who let us enjoy the holiday.

"Senior Gufa is really a gentle person..." Saten Reniko sighed.

Every time outsiders like them went over to disturb, Gufa Meiwei didn't say anything, and even "203" welcomed them, allowing them to fight around inside [Zuo Wei Youzi felt a little embarrassed.

"But if this is the case, Gufa-senpai, won't you find it boring!?"

"No! Chuchun and I will go there every day, and our 177 branch is not really just me and Chuchun, there are other district committee members besides us and senior sister Gufa."

Without waiting for Uiharu Shiri to explain, Shirai Kuroko who did not know when he recovered had already sat back to his original position intact and explained to Saten Saten.

"Huh!?" Immediately Misaka Mikoto and Saten Ruiko were very surprised.

"But every time we went there before, we didn't see anyone else!?"

The two expressed their disbelief, Shirai Heizi took a sip of the juice, and said, "It's normal not to see it, and it's not really mandatory for the discipline committee members to stay in the branch. In fact, most of the discipline committee members' accusations are patrolling. Chuchun is considered a newcomer, that’s why she stays in the branch. Sister Gufa can be regarded as our instructor. We must work under her supervision and guidance. When she thinks that we can be independent, we will Like other disciplinary committee members, there is no need to stay in the branch for a long time, and it is estimated that new recruits will arrive by then."

"The old brings the new, so the Disciplinary Committee is like this too!?" Saten Ruiko didn't expect there to be such twists and turns.

"Otherwise, do you think that there are only three people in each branch, and Academy City is so big, with so many students, how can we manage it!?" Shirai Heizi said.

"Actually, we are not so busy. It's just that armed incompetent groups have frequently attacked capable people recently, so that we and the security guards have to be on standby 24 hours a day, and there is almost no rest time. If it weren't for Shirai and I Newcomers, it is impossible to have time to rest now." Chuchun Shili added.

"Armed incompetent group!?"

Misaka Mikoto and Saten Ruiko felt a little confused, obviously not knowing the meaning of this title.

Homokaze Junko was one step ahead of Shirai Leiko and the others, and explained: "Armed incompetent groups are the collective name for the armed groups of the incapable people in Academy City. Most of them are guys who skip classes and go to school at night, usually as a group People attack lower-level superpowers."

"It's not surprising if you don't know, Misaka-senpai, because these people rarely attack the students of Tokiwadai Middle School."

Zhang Qing noticed that Misaka Mikoto was still a little dazed, and added with a smile, "Did you forget that Tokiwadai's admission criteria is not only about being rich, but also having an ability level above level 3, possessing this level of ability Except for some special abilities, ordinary people are no longer able to resist, even if they look like a weak girl. This is why your school requires you to wear school uniforms outside even when you are on vacation. .”

"It's just to make those people dare not attack you. It's a disguised form of protection."

After all, most young ladies are inexperienced, and more or less "soft" in the face of bad guys. If they don't do this and wear casual clothes, they might really cause a lot of trouble because of their appearance. I can tell at a glance that you are a fool, how could I not choose to attack you!?

So doing this can reduce the chances of these ladies getting into trouble to a certain extent.

"That's it, although I don't want to admit it, but what this guy said is very correct!" Shirai Heizi nodded after Zhang Qing finished speaking, expressing that what Zhang Qing said was very correct.

"So, if you don't take the initiative to find trouble with those bad guys, my sis, people won't come up to make fun of you when they see you in the uniform of Tokiwadai Middle School."

Misaka Mikoto rolled her eyes, "But I'm wearing the uniform of Tokiwadai Middle School, who is still attacking me!?"

Zhang Qing said to this, "You are a little girl who ran to the wolf's lair alone. Everyone thinks that she can eat it. You are fishing for law enforcement. If you are on the street, people come and go. Do people dare to make a move!?"

Just like the few Tokiwadai girls rescued by Zhang Qing before, when there are passers-by during the day, if you dare to attack the Tokiwadai students, someone has already acted bravely. Wearing school uniforms shows that you are Bai Fumei, and many People want to get the friendship of rich women.

For a guy like Misaka Mikoto who specializes in fishing in the dark, even if the school uniform of Tokiwadai Middle School can be luminous, it is useless, unless she engraves the words IV5 on her forehead, otherwise a few or a dozen of them How could a man be afraid!?

It can only be said that this is not the world of Lifan, otherwise Misaka Mikoto's behavior would have been included in the plot of the book long ago.

But Zhang Qing didn't expect that the plot of armed and incompetent groups will come out so soon!? It seems that Teristina Kihara Liverain, the granddaughter of Kihara Gensei, has already started to act.

While Zhang Qing was thinking, Misaka Mikoto explained to Saten Ruiko and the others that she didn't have that special habit, let alone go fishing and enforce the law to achieve the justifiable purpose of beating bad guys.

But Saten Reiko and the others, how could they believe it!? You, a lv5 superpower, go to that kind of place for nothing, how can you really uphold justice!? If you have this kind of belief, you should have become a discipline committee member.

So no matter how much Misaka Mikoto argued, it was useless.

Chuchun Zhuli said at this time, "It's a bit strange to say, although this kind of situation has happened before, but recently it has been too frequent, and it seems that only the capable people suffer..

Shirai Heizi said indifferently, "Maybe those scumbags have gone crazy!?"

To be honest, Shirai Kuroko really hates this kind of guy who has no ability himself, but blames others for his mistakes, and aims to hurt innocent people. Kuroko Shirai doesn't understand any exams, a guy who has nothing to do all day, and lives by robbing other students to leave Academy City..0

This has definitely affected the atmosphere of Academy City, and it will also give outsiders a bad impression when they visit.

But Shirai Kuroko just complained in her heart, in fact, she is very clear, don't think these guys are really incompetent because they are the bottom in Academy City, after all, they have experienced ability development, even if they are only Iv0 incapable , but he is also a top-level figure outside, and he is better than ordinary people in all aspects.

If this is released, it may really cause social turmoil, especially if these guys want to make trouble outside, it is not like the capable people here in Academy City can suppress and arrest them.

"Don't think too much, maybe it's because someone with ability robbed her girlfriend, or the girl is a person with ability who directly rejected their confession, hurt her heart and decided to take revenge on the society, Chuchun You're just making too much of a fuss."

Don't think this is a joke. In the past, it was because of these outrageous reasons that these incompetent people would attack capable people. For example, when they went to buy croquettes, they were sold out when it was his turn. Did the clerk do it on purpose? Some people think that the other party is looking down on him, or that the person who just happened to be in the front and bought the last one is a capable person, so it is a bad thing.

Once this person was extreme, he felt that there was something wrong with everything, and then he attacked shops and people with abilities.

This kind of thing is unreasonable and novel when encountering it at first, but after encountering more and gaining more knowledge, it will naturally become commonplace. Shirai Heizi has already arrested many people like this, so naturally he will not make a fuss.

Moreover, she is also a powerful person in the space department, and she has a kind of self-confidence or arrogance that can handle everything.

"Okay..." Seeing this, Chuchun Shili could only let go of her doubts. Although she felt that this matter was not simple, she didn't find anything for the time being, so after Shirai Heizi said 1.1, she also felt that Maybe I was thinking too much.

After regaining consciousness, Zhang Qing sighed a little when he saw Baijing Heizi's disapproval.

Probably everyone thinks so, it seems that I have to go to fight for righteousness recently, otherwise these young ladies will suffer a big loss, in reality, it may not be like in anime or novels, where bad guys catch you , I won’t do anything to you, and then wait until the male pig’s feet come to the rescue.

These young ladies have a high level of ability, and they usually don't avoid trails like other people. They often choose to take shortcuts for ease. In the past, those bad guys were of course not their opponents, but now they have The "Capacity Down" device provided by Teristina Kihara Liverain, in addition to Iv5 superpowers, even those with Iv4 superpowers can be tricked and overturned if they don't notice it. It is conceivable .

In the face of women who have lost their resistance, those people will not really simply steal money.

Zhang Qing can't see this kind of thing, so naturally he has to take care of it. If it wasn't for the low degree of freedom of the disciplinary committee member, he wouldn't mind being a nerd like him.

It's a pity that I really don't want to go to school again, and I have to go to work after school, which is too tiring. .

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