In the dark alleyway, three girls wearing Tokiwatai Middle School uniforms were chatting and laughing, and each of them was carrying a shopping bag.

It looks like he just went shopping.

This is a shortcut between the commercial street and Tokiwadai Middle School. As mentioned before, most of the young ladies in Tokiwadai Middle School, relying on the self-confidence brought about by their higher level of ability, often do not I have considered the dangers that may be encountered after breaking away from the crowd and rushing into remote people and rare alleyways.

To be honest, as girls who are almost all lv3 or iv4 powerful, they are really not afraid of this. As long as ordinary people don't form an army, they are really not their opponents. Most of the young ladies suffer from nervousness and fear when meeting bad guys for the first time. After the next time, they have basically learned to drive them away directly.

So generally the chance to meet a hero to save the beauty is when someone first enters school.

In the face of Tokiwadai second-year and above students, there is really no need to worry about them, because they are completely capable of dismissing bad guys on their own, such as a certain gun sister.

After all, the school must also teach these students how to protect themselves and how to deal with emergencies and bad guys. Otherwise, the school will be of no use at all, so why not go home and learn by yourself!

Just when the three of them were chatting vigorously, suddenly a few unscrupulous teenagers with disgusting smiles on their faces surrounded the three of them.

Mitsuko frowned slightly, but quickly let go, opened the folding fan in his hand, and laughed a little arrogantly: "You guys, you know that I am Mitsuko from Tokiwadai, but you still want to hit us. Idea!?"

After marriage, Mitsuko felt ridiculous at 20. She is an Iv4 superpower. It can be said that besides the seven Iv5 superpowers, she is the strongest existence in the entire Academy City. To use an intuitive analogy, it is like It is the existence of a master of martial arts, who can be defeated by hundreds of people with every move, and the existence of a super soldier king.

However, Iv5 superpowers have the ability to affect the outcome of the entire battlefield, and the general army is not their opponent at all.

As the existence of the next level below Iv5, of course, it should not be underestimated. There are some special ability users, especially in terms of destructive power and lethality. It is one of them.

As an air force, you can blow people into the air with a light wave of your hand, and if you are serious, it is powerful enough to shoot radio towers into the stratosphere. It is conceivable how she can be afraid of a few bad boys !?

Not to mention the post-marriage Photon, Wannei Juanbao and Pafu Wanbin standing on both sides of him, although they are only IV3 strong, their abilities are only [Water Flow Operation] and [Fluid Rebound], but at this time they are also There was no trace of fear.

However, because of this calmness, these villains seem to be irritated.

Under the disdainful eyes of the three girls, they spit aside, then sneered and said, "Thinking of you!?"

"As expected of Miss Qianjin, the tone of voice is different from ours, isn't it!?"

Then they laughed out loud in unison.

After the marriage, the three of Guangzi looked at each other, and they all felt a little weird, and of course they were also annoyed by the rude attitude of these people.

"It seems that I can't communicate with words..." Mitsuko sighed after marriage. To be honest, she is not the kind of person who is keen on brutal fighting, although she doesn't mind talking with her fists sometimes.

"Forget it, Miss Ben will play with you, students in Wannei and students in Paofu wait for a while, I will solve it soon.

"It's really underestimating people..."

Faced with Guangzi's contempt after marriage, the delinquents couldn't help showing a playful smile, as if they were already imagining how to entertain these young ladies who are used to being superior.

At this moment, the three of them suddenly felt dizzy after they got married, and they felt a splitting headache, and more importantly, the strange tinnitus.

"This is..………………"

"What's wrong!? You did it! "Didn't you say that we can be easily dealt with!? It turns out that the ladies are also bragging!? You have learned a lot.

"Do it, buddies just stand here, come on, how about hitting the chests of the brothers with your little pink fists, and promise not to fight back, haha..."

"Wait, I'll let you kneel down like 413 bitches..."

The unbearable words immediately spewed out from the mouths of these villains, like the most vicious arrows, making the faces of the powerless post-marriage Guangzi and the three of them suddenly paler, and there was even a hint of fear in their eyes. At the same time, there is endless anger.


"You guys have to think about it... If it's too much..."

"Haha, you still want to threaten us at this time, what's the matter!? Do you think we are mere incompetents and must immediately kneel down and admit our mistakes!?"

"What a naive young lady, with that thing, even Iv5 superpowers can only be manipulated by us, haha, let you all look down on us, now you can all be slaves to us! Damn superpowers them!"

Just when these villains were wantonly venting their dark thoughts, a cold voice suddenly sounded behind them, "You really dare to say it!?"

"Who!?" The delinquents stopped their insolent laughter and looked back with some displeasure.

As a result, he saw a teenager wearing a high school uniform with his hands in his pockets looking at them playfully, as if he was looking at reptiles on the ground.

After the marriage, the three of Guangzi were also taken aback, and when they forced themselves to raise their heads to see the person coming, they were taken aback again, because the three of them all found that they knew each other, well, it can't be considered acquaintance, right?

Just met once.

While he breathed a sigh of relief, he was also a little worried, because it was so weird, and this sudden headache must be the means of these people.


The villains also saw who was coming, and then squinted their eyes one after another, looking at this guy who dared to disturb their good business with some disdain, "Oh!? Is there a guy who wants to be a hero to save the beauty!? To be honest, he really deserves to be Tokiwa Ladies and gentlemen of Taiwan, you can always meet this kind of person at critical moments!"

There is more sarcasm on the faces of the villains, as if these heroes who save the beauty are the same as them, maybe their minds are not much cleaner than theirs!

Zhang Qing raised his eyebrows, it seems that there were not enough demerits before, no one recognized him!?

Taking a look, struggling to support the three married photons whose legs were already trembling, Zhang Qing also recognized these three people. To be honest, after the two-dimensional to three-dimensional, it is really difficult to recognize who is who Yes, this time I also saw the folding fan in Guangzi's hand after marriage, and these three people barely overlapped with certain three characters in memory.

Seeing that if it drags on, the three of you will have to pass out here, Zhang Qing sighed, "It hurts a bit, I hope that Doctor Frog can let you live, I will try my best to restrain myself, if it hurts, call me Come out………………"

"Stinky boy, what are you mumbling about alone!?"

"Heh, you thought you could beat brother alone and lose a few. Originally, you just wanted to bring back these three girls. Now that you're looking for death, I'll beat you up later and let you appreciate how we tuned in." 425 godmother 412 dog bar [haha....."

"Maybe, you will kneel down and beg us to let you join later!?"

Several delinquents didn't take Zhang Qing seriously at all. After all, in their view, since Zhang Qing was able to move freely under the "Capacity Down" device, he must be an Iv0 incapable person just like them.

They all think that Zhang Qing also thinks that he is better at fighting and knows how to punch, so he doesn't pay attention to them.

Could it be that meeting Li Olong made it happen!?

In short, if you are afraid of anything, "you have the upper hand in terms of numbers.

However, after they finished talking, they realized that Zhang Qing, who was still a few meters away from them, had already passed them. Before they realized how it was done, they felt a huge shock The force bombarded them, and the whole person immediately lifted their feet off the ground, flew up as if they were directly hit by a locomotive, and then sank into the walls on both sides of the alleyway with a "bang!" A human-shaped pit was formed. The walls are covered with spider web-like cracks.

The delinquents all spit out bloody 210 pieces of meat with a cry of pain.

Zhang Qing didn't look at those people at all. As he walked towards Hou Guangzi and the other three, he slowly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and called the hospital and the hotline of the disciplinary committee.

When he came to the post-marriage photon and the three of them, he had already done all this and put away his mobile phone. Seeing the three of them in a panic, Zhang Qing scratched his head, "Go outside first, find a place to sit, You still have to make notes later!"

Originally, I wanted to go to the next place to have a look immediately after saving the person, but seeing the three people like this, I was afraid that I would just leave the person behind. .

So after thinking about it, Zhang Qing decided to put the person on the street outside the alley first. There are so many passers-by, so it is naturally safer.

Before the three of them could respond after the marriage, Zhang Qing stretched out his hands and pressed the shoulders of the three of them, and immediately moved them out. It happened that there was a milk tea shop outside, and there was an open-air dining table for customers outside the shop. .

After placing the person on the seat, Zhang Qing ordered three cups of milk tea, paid the bill, and planned to leave.

He usually does the same thing after saving people. If he leaves directly with his ability, it will rarely take too long. Therefore, although there are many people he saves bravely, there are not many people who really know each other because of this.

It's the same this time.

Just when Zhang Qing was about to activate his ability to leave, the three security guards in the bay stopped him, "Wait..."

"Can you leave your name and phone number this time!? We would like to thank you." X3

Zhang Qing was surprised, this time!?

Have you ever saved them before!? Zhang Qing can't think of it, because he usually drives away the bad guys and leaves directly, and doesn't need others' gratitude at all.

"No need, be careful next time, I don't just meet every time..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the red-haired young man who was sucking a box of Musashi milk at the entrance of the alley, waved his hand at the three of them, and immediately disappeared.

Immediately, the three of Guangzi were very helpless after marriage, and then they all looked at each other.

"After marriage (wannei/paofu) classmate, you also........."

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