Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

182 Zhang Qing: What A Coincidence, Demon King, You Are My Junior!

Blue Star, Xia Guo.

Zhao Mu is a game streamer with the ID "Brother Wood", and the number of fans is around 6,000, so he can only be regarded as a small streamer.

Relying on the low EQ of the straight man of steel, he has a lot of diehard fans. He is known as the wooden big brother who "people don't talk too much, women will only affect the big brother's game".

Every time he met a female player, his speech and the operation of the single dog made people laugh secretly. There were already many fans secretly betting on when Zhao Mu would have a girlfriend, and they were still betting on the woman who was so unfortunate to meet him. This kind of big straight guy who is not pretending at all is afraid that he will die of anger in minutes.

On this day, Zhao Mu was still chatting with the fans in the live broadcast room, while searching for new games. He was a little tired of playing "Sakura Female League" all the time. Other games such as "Extinction" and "Flying Shoes" Tired of playing "Brother Killed Me" and so on, Zhao Mu decided to find out if there were any new games, and change them for himself and the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Mu, cat Leo's, try to pass the level with one life!"

"Don't listen to him, Brother Mu just pretend to be a mountain range, I want to see that!"

"It's too much upstairs, do you want Brother Mu's live broadcast room to be blocked!? Don't listen to him, Brother Mu is playing with X administrator!"

Looking at the fans' barrage, Zhao Mu was a little speechless. He was like this every time, did he treat him like an ignorant child!? If he really listened to the words of these "good-hearted people", he might be banned on the spot. These guys are very bad.

I don’t know that kind of game, do I have to steal it!?

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, be serious, give me a serious game!"

"Hee hee, isn't it serious!? I think what I said before is very serious!"

"That's right! We are all serious people, we all speak serious words, and we all play serious games!"

"Brother, I don't know if you are serious!?"

The corner of Zhao Mu's mouth twitched, "Of course I'm serious! Forget it, I don't depend on you, I am myself!"

However, at this moment, a small pop-up window suddenly popped up on the computer screen, occupying the center of the screen.

Zhao Mu was taken aback, "It's true that advertisements are stronger than viruses now, they can always pop up inadvertently, and anti-virus software can't do anything about them."

Just when Zhao Mu planned to move the mouse to the closed "X" position as before, he heard the voice of someone giving a reward in the live broadcast room. He plays this.

After Zhao Mu thanked the fans who gave rewards, he looked back at the content of the small pop-up window, and was a little speechless, "This year is still doing this, a completely submerged VR game!? How many years have been harvesting leeks, really stupid !?"

With the birth of the concept of VR, there are many VR glasses on the market, but you will not know until you buy them back that they are like glasses for watching 3D movies, and they are very bulky and uncomfortable to wear. It is better to watch movies Woolen cloth.

And it seems that the most advanced ones have to be plugged with wires on the body, and carry a lot of instruments on the hands and feet, so what kind of game is that!?

It's like paying an IQ tax.

"This is a lie, and it seems that you have to buy a special helmet, making it seem like there is such a thing, and it only costs 588 soft sister coins, old irons, this seems unreliable Ah, it must be the IQ tax!"

However, no matter how Zhao Mu persuaded him, the fans seemed to want to see him pay the IQ tax, and they offered rewards one after another, just to let Zhao Mu play this.

Zhao Mu was a little helpless, this reward was more than what he had worked so hard to talk dry before, do you like to watch the host broadcast ugly things so much these days!?

"Okay, I'll buy it! I said yes, it's not fun, you can't blame me, God, there are only 100 places for the internal test, this is still making it look like real, I don't plan to cheat 100 people and run away Let's go, let me do the math, if one person pays about 600 soft sister coins, one hundred people is 60,000..."

"The production cost of this game will not be less than 60,000, right? Can any knowledgeable fans tell me what can be achieved with such a small amount of capital!? Cat Leo!?"

Immediately, many fans hugged their stomachs and burst out laughing.

"It's too much, Brother Mu, it's impossible for Mao Leo to spend such a small amount of R&D expenses. Art doesn't need money, programmers don't need money, and platforms don't need money. Everything needs money.

"What are you talking about? It's an internal beta, maybe there will be a public beta. I bet on games with conscience!"

"Does the game business have a conscience now!?"

"Haha, it's too much, you guys! It's not expensive anyway, let's take a look, even if it's rubbish, it's worth looking at, you can see how rubbish it is, and report it when the time comes."

"Upstairs, have you considered collecting evidence to report!? Niu! I heard that there is no Brother Mu, it's up to you. The task of infiltrating the enemy's interior and collecting evidence will be entrusted to you!"

Zhao Mu sighed, "I have already registered and placed an order, but it will take a while to wait for the helmet to arrive. Today, let's take a look at the official game introduction of this game. The name is

"Dawn"!? Good name......"

When Zhao Mu opened the official website, the forum was empty, but there were a lot of screenshots of the game on the homepage of the official website, and there were even videos.

"These are from a movie..."

Zhao Mu looked at it and found that it was the same as a real person, except that their appearance tended to be westernized, and many people's hair color was not a single black, white or golden, but red, blue, green and purple, and it didn't seem to be dyed, but it was very nature.

Big production.

"It's not really a screenshot from a Hollywood movie, is it!?"

Zhao Mu murmured to himself, and immediately used image recognition to search on Qiandu, and finally displayed the result as "Failed to find relevant content", which surprised Zhao Mu

At the same time, many people noticed this game. Of course, they just laughed it off, closed it directly, and did what they should do. They didn't take it seriously at all. Not to mention that many people are not game enthusiasts anymore. Even if it is, in these years, how many people really believe that they can qualify for the full stealth game!?

If it is said that it appeared on the side of the beautiful country, it may be more credible.

In the case of Xia Guo, even the chip technology is not independent, how could such advanced technology suddenly appear!? Anyone who knows a little bit knows how many aspects of technology are designed into this technology, and the chip is even more necessary.

Predictably, this isn't what an IQ tax is.

Even foreign spies are just treated as a joke, not serious at all, let alone a citizen of the country.

However, there are still many people who, for various reasons, placed orders to buy game helmets and registered internal test accounts, and finally filled up the 100 places.

Of course, there are a small number of people who received some rumors and applied for internal test accounts in doubt. Not many people know this for the time being.

Another world, a wintering village on the southern border.

People who don't know that there will be a large group of "players" coming to this world are now living their small lives as before. Compared with other people outside, the sadness on the faces of the villagers of Yuedong Village has disappeared. Instead, there are many more smiles.

Everyone was cheerful and seemed very friendly.

"Maria is right. The lord here seems to be good, but I hope he is a good talker......"

Early in the morning, the demon king and the brave man took the box to meet the village head of Yuedong Village. As imagined, after hearing their intentions, the village head didn't agree immediately, but instead asked them to go to the lord Discuss and say that except for some trivial matters in the village, other matters are left to the lord to decide.

However, the village head still told the Demon King and them that the lord's maid had greeted them before and asked them to give them convenience, but changing crops and improving farming methods are not something that the village head can decide, so it is best to find the lord, and they will Believe that the lord will not harm them.

At least in the view of the village chief, even if the devil king and the others mess around and make their harvest miserable for a year, if the lord endorses it later, they will be compensated. After such a long period of observation, not to mention the village chief, everyone can understand , Their lord is a rich man.

0 looking for flowers......

People don't care much about the little money of these low-level civilians, and paying taxes is also symbolic.

Because of this, the people in this territory are quite convinced of the lord Zhang Qing, and they also believe that the other party is a good lord. Sometimes proving one's wealth is actually a very easy way to win people's trust.

So in the end, the devil king and the brave man could only turn their heads and walk towards the lord's mansion on the other side of the village.

Before, she just wanted to get some fields, so she went to the village chief, because in her opinion, this kind of thing doesn't need to alarm the lord, it's just a change of crops, it's not a big deal, and it doesn't require all the fields to be planted, It is a test field.

Unexpectedly, the village chief would tell them that the lord had to decide such trivial matters.

However, seeing that the village chief didn't have much distress or anger on his face, the Demon King took this as the village chief's excuse. After all, he suddenly asked the villagers who depended on the land not to plant the previous food crops. It's very difficult, the devil was prepared to be rejected before he came.

After arriving at the lord's mansion and being greeted by a gray-haired maid, the devil and the brave man saw the lord, Baron Ollie Barbatos, who was already waiting in the living room.

"Hello, my lord! I am Sally Mokar, a scholar from the Holy King's Seminary, and this is my guard, Claude.

"It's an honor to meet your lady, what is your purpose of coming......!?"

Zhang Qing asked knowingly. Although he was a little surprised, he had already explained it. Why did the devil still look for him? The village chief should not be stuck with such a thing.

However, what Zhang Qing didn't expect was that in the eyes of people of this era, especially those who had been living on the fields before, the matter of food in the fields was absolutely a big deal, how could the village chief dare to make decisions!?

Without the approval of the lord Zhang Qing, if there is an accident at that time and the crops fail, they will be the ones who will suffer. How could they agree so easily.

Only when Zhang Qing guarantees that any losses will be guaranteed in the future, the villagers will not have any worries. People here still have such small calculations. Don't think poor people too stupidly. When it comes to their own interests , they can be smart with it.

The devil opened the box, took out the potatoes inside, and then told Zhang Qing the various benefits of the potatoes, like a salesman.

Zhang Qing nodded from time to time, but he felt a little funny in his heart, maybe because he already knew these things, so seeing the other party's serious explanation, Zhang Qing felt a little funny in his heart, but he held back.

From time to time, he looked at the brave Claude who stood upright, and that gaze made the brave a little hairy.

Fortunately, Zhang Qing's gaze didn't stay on him for too long, otherwise the brave man would have suspected that Zhang Qing had taken a fancy to his masculinity.

After the devil Sally finished speaking, Zhang Qing smiled and said, "Okay, I'll let someone make it easier for you, just worry about it."

Just do it bravely, I still believe in the reputation of Shengwangdu Theological Seminary, and I was also a student there before, maybe you are still my junior!’

Demon King Sally couldn't help coughing when she heard the words, "Hehe, is that so!? That's really a fate......"

She is at least one hundred and fifty years old, and she will be your human schoolgirl, you can always joke.

And why is it such a coincidence!? Oh my god, it won't be discovered!? The devil is very puzzled at the moment, this kind of fate of encountering an old acquaintance in a foreign land really doesn't want it at all.

She is a fake fellow! Hey!

After the two demon kings left, North asked curiously, "Master, you were still a student of the Holy King's Seminary before!?"

Zhang Qing shrugged with a smile, "No, I'm just lying. You can't say that I'm an ignorant second-generation ancestor. People will laugh at you!"

"Is that so!?" North always felt that it was not that simple.

"That's it!" Zhang Qing affirmed Dao Chuan. .

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