It was night, and there was a rare heavy rainstorm.

Fortunately, Zhang Qing had rebuilt all the houses in the village before, and it was not free, because the people who built them were the villagers themselves, and the sewer system had already been built, so there were no accidents.

It is considered lucky in this era, even the storm did not disturb the people here, and they are sleeping peacefully.

If it were the thatched house before, the roof would have been blown off, the walls would have collapsed, and there would be countless casualties, not to mention the cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks outside.

In general, except for the noise outside due to the storm, it is basically safe and sound.

However, in the stable of the noble manor where the devil and the brave man lived in a corner of the village, two guests who escaped from the storm ushered in.

The owners who came to appease the horses because of the sound of the horses made waves, and there were a lot of worries in their hearts that night.

"Is this really okay!?" Brave Claude was a little worried when he heard the head maid Maria said to bring the new maid and sister to report to the Lord's Mansion early in the morning. Escaped slaves and serfs are serious crimes. The head maid has already explained to him last night, but this morning he still has to go to the local lord's mansion. Isn't this a self-inflicted trap!?

Apparently, the two fugitive "063" slave sisters, and now the new maids, Emily and Daisy, are also a little uneasy at the moment.

The head maid Maria pushed her glasses and said in a deep voice, "I remember what I said last night, this area and the surrounding villages belong to different system powers."

"Why do you think they fled in this direction? This is a pioneering village. It belongs to the border and undeveloped area. This place does not belong to any country or any noble. Only here will no one arrest them. It's just that the original idea was Okay, but it’s different when we have a lord here. We are outsiders, and we need to report any more people. This is the basic principle. If we don’t report it, the relationship between us will become very rigid. .”

Seeing that everyone else suddenly fell silent, with a heavy heart, the head maid Maria continued, "No need, you think serfs or slaves can be valuable!? Most nobles don't even think it's superfluous to look at them, and they don't pay much attention to them at all. , I just feel that this kind of slaves or serfs who dare to run away in private hurt their self-esteem, but as long as we are willing to pay money, then we can solve it safely. Compared with shiny gold coins, two female slaves are really not so important. important………………"

"Sure enough, it's unreasonable. Slaves and the like are expressly prohibited!" While the brave Claude breathed a sigh of relief, he was still a little uneasy. This barbaric system had been established many years ago. It was explicitly banned, but I didn't expect it to still exist now.

The difference between serfs and slaves is that serfs voluntarily sold themselves to local lords or nobles in exchange for living materials by farming. They can own personal property, houses and agricultural equipment, and live with their families, but they have no choice of occupation. And the freedom of emigration, as the main labor force of the manor, they can only work involuntarily.

If you still don't understand, you can use a simple and easy-to-understand explanation. Serfs are equivalent to wage earners who have signed a labor contract, and slaves are pets such as cats and dogs, or even worse than pets.

Demon King Sally sighed, and calmed down the excited brave man. To be honest, the brave man is too naive, and the high-level human beings have been intentionally keeping his eyes and ears from seeing and hearing the real situation in the entire human world. Those dark places have long been whitewashed.

The head maid, Maria, looked at Emily and Daisy and smiled ironically, "Aren't they the living proof!? The so-called prohibition is just a lie. Without slaves, without serfs, Do nobles still have to spend money to buy food and hire people to work!? Why spend money when it’s free!?”

"In fact, what everyone knows is that people choose to lie to themselves when they are singing and dancing, and as time goes by, they will believe too many lies."

"Don't worry, the lords here are different. In fact, there are many slaves here, and most of the 'civilians' we see now are slaves." Maria, the head maid, looked at the angry brave Claude and said.

The brave Claude, who blamed himself for being ignorant before and was deceived by others, was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at the head maid Maria, the devil Sally and the maid sister Emily in disbelief. Daisy is no exception.

"But...but, what I saw..." The brave man looked at the head maid, Maria, in disbelief. Although he and the devil just came here yesterday, what they saw along the way was simple and honest. Villagers, there is not much distress on their faces, you tell me that most of them are slaves!?

"Really!? Maria." The Demon King was also a little surprised. Although she always trusted her head maid, this matter was beyond common sense.

The head maid, Maria, pushed her glasses, "I've said it before, the lords here are different, you don't think I'm just talking!"

"Slaves or serfs, or civilians, are actually just decided by a sentence from the lord. Ollie does not allow slaves or serfs to the lord, and there will not be any slaves or serfs here, no matter what they existed before. , the lord's will is above all else!"

"The same is true in other places, so those prohibitions are useless at all. The lord has absolute dominion over his own territory, even higher than the kingdom's decree itself."

A strange color flashed in the devil's eyes, "Is there anyone who understands!?"

Seeing that everyone except the head maid was looking at him, the devil shook his head and explained, "In fact, the value created by slaves and serfs is far lower than that of free people, but unfortunately most people don't see through it. Slaves and serfs The only thing that can be extracted is labor, they only need to prove that they have work, and don't expect more, but what about the common people!?"

The head maid nodded and said, "According to my observations, the wealth spent by the lord has gradually returned to him from the people. Uncertain wealth will be more.”

"Because he is a wise lord, I will ask to tell the truth openly and honestly."

Only then did the brave man understand, "This is the real lord, the others......"

Others, he doesn't want to talk about them anymore, those people know how to break the law, and they can get away with it by not punishing the public, so what is there to say!

Only the devil's mood is a bit complicated, everything she does is just to end the war, as for more, she can't do anything, but now someone has tried to do something she dare not do, she doesn't know whether to be happy or disappointed .

In fact, the demon king of the demon clan is just a mascot, not even the king of a human country, otherwise it would be impossible for her, who has little fighting power, to become the demon king.

She can command the battle, but changing the old system or something is a no-brainer. Once it is proposed, she will be the first to die, because it obviously damages the interests of those high-level officials.

Even if she knows that after the reform, she will become better and gain more benefits, but before there are no examples, she will not be able to convince those stubborn old people, and they will still feel that she is cheating them..0

But if no one tries it, there will never be an instance. This is ten endless loops.

As for why the devil doesn't find a place by himself and become the first person to eat crabs, in fact, she has already done so, but she can't become the lord, because her identity itself is a problem, even if she succeeds, she won't be judged by the two. The people of the tribe admit that those people will only continue to fight and rob the wealth here, and after the division is over, they don't care about the reason why this place has become so rich and peaceful.

"It is right for the lord here to temporarily cut off contact with the outside world..."

"Okay, take Emily and Daisy, let's visit the lord again!"

"Follow your wishes, my master!" The head maid Maria lightly twisted the hem of the skirt with her fingertips, lifted the skirt, and saluted gracefully.

Emily and Daisy saluted the Demon King in a panic.

Lord's Mansion, reception hall.

Zhang Qing saw the Demon King and his party again, let them sit down, and after listening to their intentions, Zhang Qing glanced at the nervous sisters Emily and Daisy, and nodded, "No problem, here is the pioneer collar, the hands of other lords or nobles cannot reach here."

"And so what if they come!? How can they prove that these two ladies are the serfs they are looking for!? All slave trade is prohibited here, and abducting women and children is a felony!"

Zhang Qing said with a faint smile, come here if you are not afraid of death, he just needs some free labor, the death penalty is fine, what a waste.

Both the Demon King and the Brave breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. Although they had already thought that there would be no problems before coming here, they were still a little worried. After all, they were not familiar with Zhang Qing, the lord, and had no in-depth contact with him. Even the head maid, Maria, only watched from a distance for a while.

As for Zhang Qing's thoughts, we can only rely on guesswork, which is hard to be reassuring.

The maid sisters Emily and Daisy also let go of their raised hearts, and secretly looked at Zhang Qing, the biggest 0.0 noble here——Lord Lord!

Young and handsome, and gentle, more importantly, kind......

"By the way, after a while, I will make some golems to realize them, so you may see a lot of strange golems appearing in the territory. You don't have to make a fuss, but in order to prevent them from causing trouble to you, we give everyone here One family has a special forbidden prop, as long as it is placed in the house, unless the owner of the house allows, those puppets cannot enter."

The devil asked in surprise, "Your Excellency, you are still a magician!?"

Brave and the others also looked at Zhang Qing in astonishment.

Zhang Qing nodded, "Yeah, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see any guards, right? It's because I have enough strength to protect myself, but I prefer to delve into alchemy experiments rather than governing the territory."

Compared with the citizens here, the devil and the brave are the ones who need to be explained, otherwise God knows what these two will come up with, so Zhang Qing gave them a vaccination, and also used the excuse that he is a one-hearted A magician who conducts alchemy experiments.

This is also why the player appears after the explanation.

The Demon King and the Brave looked at each other, then nodded, "We know, then we won't bother you anymore, thank you for your reminder and help, Your Excellency!"

"It's nothing, it's just a small thing."

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