Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

194 Tsunade: Where Did The Pig Dare To Come To Her Cabbage! ?

After rejecting Zhang Qing's unreliable proposal, Shizune sighed, "This is not an option, I'm afraid that if this continues, Master Tsunade will be devastated, and when the time comes...

The following words need not be said too clearly, and everyone can imagine what will happen.

Leading the four little ones of Haruno Sakura to the seats, and pouring a cup of tea for the others, Jing Yin rubbed his temples, and then said, "If you come here, I will be able to rest for a while. These days, I I was always afraid that Tsunade-sama would sneak away while I was falling asleep, or do something, but I never dared to sleep. I managed to survive until today with refreshing tea, and it was almost the limit. Aqing, you guys came just in time.. ..."

Speaking of Jingyin, she yawned a little unladyishly, and I am afraid that she is really close to the limit.

Zhang Qing also said with some heartache, "Then you lie down here and rest for a while, I will watch over Tsunade-sama.

Zhang Qing can already imagine how hard it has been for this friend who was the closest to him and played with him all these years. Although he always avoids the important things in the letter and only talks about some happy things, but every time he asks Zhang Qing with a cheeky face There are a lot of emergency rescues. Seeing that the child is so hungry, only A is the only one.

And if it's red, it's, cough cough......

"I always feel like you're thinking about something impolite, but forget it, I'm really sleepy now, can I borrow your shoulder for a while!?" Jing Yin stared at Zhang Qing for a long time, then leaned her head directly on Zhang Qing On the shoulders, he was not given a chance to refuse at all.

"It's almost the same as when I was a child, I really miss that time..."

Especially after such an incident happened, Jing Yin sighed more and more about the beauty of the past. How could there be so many bad things at that time!? The only sad thing is that after his parents died in battle, his uncle left with him not long after, but this The world produces orphans all the time, even Konoha orphans.

Everyone is the same, it is commonplace, so it is not so sad.

And Shizune is quite lucky, at least she has become a disciple of Tsunade that many people dream of and wants to be. With Tsunade protecting her, she has no grievances to bear. The old hen usually protects Jingyin, for fear that she might make a mistake. In the end, she may be afraid that Jingyin will stay in Konoha and will end up in the end of her younger brother Naoki, so she insists on leaving Konoha with Jingyin not long after.

But looking at it now, what a correct decision that was, otherwise I really don’t know how Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others would use Shizune to deal with Tsunade!?

Zhang Qing looked at the other party like this, wanted to push away, but couldn't do it, finally sighed and let her go.

Hinata and the others looked sideways, looking at Zhang Qing and Zhang Qing strangely.

It's like saying, Mr. Zhang Qing, you are also this kind of person!

But I didn’t say anything, after all, this is the normal state of this world. A man who is really clean and self-conscious is either because of a special reason, or a false show, or he has a problem with his sexual orientation. In fact, he likes a man, otherwise there are more than one woman who really likes men. It's not surprising.

Not to mention Kuruma Yakumo and Tiantian's little thoughts, they couldn't hide Yuhihong's eyes. In fact, Red Dou was too, but Hong Dou was too slow to notice it.

For one's rival in love, a woman's sixth sense is very accurate.

Not to mention that Shizune was inseparable from Zhang Qing when he was in Ninja School, and Kuroyuki was living with her because of Asuma Sarutobi's unilateral declaration that "he has a crush on this girl, and others are not allowed to like her". Distressed days with fewer and fewer playmates.

Yes, not only boys are afraid to talk to Kurenai Yuhi, but also girls are gradually moving away from Kurenai Yuhi. Also awkward, and don't know how to deal with it, so it's not that I hate Yuhi Hong, but I don't know how to get along with her, because Hong is always followed by ten dog-licking flies.

That is, after Asma ran away from home, Yuhihong and Zhang Qing formed a team, and gradually became acquainted. Yuhihong naturally doubted Shizune's careful thinking. After all, if she didn't have that kind of thought, she would keep writing letters !? This obsessive look, if you say it innocently, it's a bit fake.

And in terms of order, Jing Yin really came first, Yuhihong naturally felt a sense of crisis, and she was not afraid of the others, but Jing Yin was a bit of a threat, and the status of the main palace was not guaranteed.

Moreover, Shizune is still a disciple of Tsunade, and in terms of status, she is really very high. If Tsunade intervenes, Shizune can't be a junior. Suddenly become the small one.

Obviously she is the one who has been with Zhang Qing the longest!

"Cough, it's not what you think." Zhang Qing said with some embarrassment after noticing the eyes of the four of Tian Tian.

"Oh~~~~" Haruno Sakura responded with a long noise, obviously not believing it.

Kurama Yakumo and Tiantian didn't know what they were thinking, and there seemed to be something more in their eyes looking at Zhang Qing, while Hinata lowered his head and played with his fingers, not daring to look at Zhang Qing at all.

The corners of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched, "It's up to you..."

Smelling the scent of herbs coming from Jingyin next to him, Zhang Qing also knew that it was difficult to explain clearly. After all these years, he had never met Jingyin, and he was absolutely innocent. Unfortunately, he did not People believe it.

But Zhang Qing also admits that when he was in the ninja school, he really had a crush on Shizune, and wanted to learn from Namikaze Minato to be a lolita, but it's a pity that Tsunade stared too closely | Shizune couldn't meet any need for a hero Save beauty in danger.

Not to mention that Jingyin is also very popular in school. Zhang Qing, who didn't want to be bullied and rejected like Wuzuo Xin Jiunai, found that the homework couldn't be copied, gave up after a long time, and was treated as a little sister. Do you really look too girly!?

So Zhang Qing was really innocent with Jing Yin, and never thought that Jing Yin would like herself.

Now, I just treat it as Mute and miss my childhood, and I don't think much about it.

It’s not that Zhang Qing is a gentleman who insists on monogamy, but that the world of Hokage is really sick. If there is a dispute of ideas, they will really kill people. This is the case with masters and apprentices, brothers and sisters, let alone husband and wife. !?

The longer you live here, the more profound this experience will be. Yuhihong is still something he has taught for many years, and now he has become more normal. Other people can only hehe.

Just for the sake of Konoha, Uchiha Itachi slaughtered the whole family. How positive can this kind of world be? Anyway, this is the case in the general environment. It cannot be changed by one person. The low productivity is doomed to be generally correct. Obsessions cannot survive, and even more so with ninjas.

So if you want to open a harem, you have to think about whether you can handle the sudden betrayal first!

Anyway, if a girl he doesn't know suddenly comes to say that he likes you, Zhang Qing will definitely turn around and leave, even if the girl is very beautiful.

Tsunade stared at the empty wine bottle on the wine table with drunken eyes, and after yelling for her to drink, he found that no one paid attention to him. He couldn't help but want to find his good apprentice to mute the sound, but when he turned his head, he saw that the other party's head was pillowed by a male On the shoulders, it is indeed a male from the back view, that's right, how can this strong muscle and strong and broad frame be a female!?

Alright, mute, secretly looking for a man!?

Tsunade, who immediately ate a mouthful of dog food, became more and more upset. She has been single for so many years, and she is already an overage leftover woman. As a result, her apprentice secretly hooked up with a man.

Not happy!

And where did this pig come from!? How dare you push her cabbage!? You want to die!

Thinking of this, Tsunade stood up blushing, rubbing his fists, and walked towards Zhang Qing's table. Surprisingly, he was able to walk in a straight line, and his pace was barely steady.

As a movie-level powerhouse, and the degree of spirits in this world is just like that, if you really drink too much, you can only have a urine accident, and you really can't get completely drunk, especially if the other party is still the top. As a medical ninja, as long as she doesn't want to get drunk, it's really hard to get drunk.

After walking a few steps, Tsunade could see that the Tiantian four little ones who were at the same table with Zhang Qing, the leaves on their heads, necks or arms supported their foreheads, it should not be too obvious. Can't help but stop.

"Is it really here!? That kid, if there are no accidents, is the little guy who always hangs around with the girls back then..."

"I didn't expect this kid to come!?"

Tsunade also thought that Konoha would definitely send someone to look for her. She didn't leave, she just wanted to make it clear to Konoha's people. Anything related to it feels disgusting, I don't want to go back to Konoha at all, it's useless even if Jiraiya brings Naruto, this time I completely give up.

Maybe it's better if Konoha is ruined and scattered.

"I don't want to hit you, I'll give you a chance, if you can persuade me, I'll go back with you, otherwise, just get out, and don't even think about your marriage with Jingyin, unless you leave Konoha, hehe ....." Tsunade pulled out a chair, sat down on the other side of Zhang Qing, pushed Tian Tian away, and said with a sneer.

Zhang Qing pinched his nose, "You smell like alcohol..."

"Huh!? I despise my old lady. That's not what you said back then." Tsunade didn't mind that he smelled of alcohol now, so he looked at Zhang Qing and the others in a funny way, "I don't know which kid back then said he wanted to be like me Where are the 293 people!?"

"What's the matter, you regret it now!?"

"Still think my wife is bad!?"

Zhang Qing was in a cold sweat. Back then, he also yelled with other girls. Didn’t he want to look too protruding!? And who knows if he didn’t say that back then, would the stingy Tsunade give him a slap? Fist, this woman doesn't care if you belong to a child or not. Zhang Qing, who didn't get the money for cheating at that time, might really die.

Who would want to become one of pornography, gambling and drugs, he is not sick!

However, because of Shizune, Tsunade still taught Zhang Qing some medical ninjutsu, so Zhang Qing didn't dare to offend the other party too much, otherwise, how could a commoner get these ninjutsu!?

This is the gold master's father!

Even after the father of the funder left Konoha, it was a little uncomfortable to rely on him for so many years.

As a result, Zhang Qing didn't have much savings.

Every letter from Mute also contained a threatening letter from Tsunade asking for alimony.

When you are happy, you will also bring some real goods, such as unique ninjutsu, so Zhang Qing can be regarded as half of Tsunade's disciples. .

The only bad thing is bad temper and bad gambling.

"No... of course I'm still the same as before!" Zhang Qing quickly explained.

That is to say, he will come, otherwise this time someone else will come, and we will have to lie down when we meet.

"Hmph! You're so smooth-tongued, you've cheated a lot of little girls over the years!" As he said that, he looked at Tiantian and the others, "Tsk, you also specialize in accepting female disciples, you really...

Zhang Qing has a black line, making it sound like ordinary jonin have the right to choose their own students, but Zhang Qing also

I don't intend to explain, otherwise Tsunade might really punch him once he hears Sarutobi Hiruzen's name.

Then Zhang Qing had to kneel on the ground and beg her not to die.

With Zhang Qing's current physical fitness and the reaction force, Tsunade will not only break a single hand, it is very likely that his internal organs will be shattered, and his head may directly turn into tofu.

This is no joke.

Especially after the addition of the small broken ball, unless Tsunade has enough power to destroy the stars, otherwise he is really courting death.

"Okay, I won't say more if I have to say anything, just try to convince me. Although I won't be convinced, you can try."

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