Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

195 Tsunade: I'll Kill The Name Of The Work!

Convince Tsunade!? How to persuade!?

All the people at the table looked at each other in blank dismay, especially when she heard that Tsunade had said everything and she just listened, she knew that it was impossible to be persuaded.

Haruno Sakura and the others also knew what the mission of themselves and others to find Tsunade was. At the beginning, they didn't know how difficult it was. After all, they were still young, and Tsunade has always been a legendary figure. Have you ever seen it? , Even the name of the so-called "Three Ninjas" is basically broken in this generation. If it weren't for Orochimaru's sudden appearance, there are really few little ghosts who know that Konoha still has such a character.

After all, it is impossible for the elders in the family to give them the S-rank rebellion.

Now listening to Tsunade's posture of intending to hear how you argue, Haruno Sakura and the others can only look at Zhang Qing, hoping that he can find a way, and they can see that this task is sometimes difficult, but it is not. Difficult, because it can't be done at all!

Zhang Qing smiled wryly, although a small part was blamed on him, but the dirty things done by Sarutobi Hiruza and the four-member heavenly group really don't count too much, especially the big clans such as the Thousand Hands Clan The extermination of the genocide is absolutely inseparable. Just imagine, in the Warring States period, when there was chaos and chaos, almost every day, the genocide was not exterminated, but it grew stronger. As a result, when it came to Konoha, there were fewer and fewer people in a short time , In the end, it survived in name only, and there were only one or two dead. No matter how you think about it, this kind of thing can't be an accident.

One is an accident, two are accidents, and three are also accidents, so what about the fourth and fifth!?

What Zhang Qing did was more to expose the bloody truth. It was really hard for him to accept that Sarutobi Hiruzen and others had done so many bad things, but they were forgiven in the end, and some people still miss and respect each other. The ending of the original book is simply difficult Let people accept, one by one the Holy Mother has to be rejected.

Especially when Zhang Qing was also disgusted by those old men and couldn't stand it, how could he make the other party feel better, and let him have a bad reputation for thousands of years? Be careful for fear of being targeted by this F4, and then collude with outsiders to kill him, and then he has to work hard for him. As a result, this old thing still misses his girlfriend, and if he doesn't let them die in peace, Zhang Qing is no longer a human being.

So, in this situation, how can I persuade Tsunade to become the Holy Mother? It was impossible from the beginning. You said that being Hokage is not the Holy Mother!? Anbu, but there are still many loyal ones, people don’t care what kind of person their boss is!?

If Tsunade goes back to be Hokage, then she has to forgive these people, she absolutely can’t kill them, otherwise what’s the difference with Sarutobi Hiruza!? So choosing to go back to be Hokage doesn’t just mean accepting that bad old man I have to forgive the other party generously. Is Tsunade really so broad-minded!?

Um......It's quite big, but it's not this one!

"How about..." Zhang Qing looked at Tsunade who was looking at him with great interest, planning to wait for him to say something, and tentatively said, "Or, why don't you just go back and change the dynasty!? Whether it’s Ye Ye or Hokage, just change their names!?”

When Haruno Sakura and the others heard the words, their heads were blackened, and they thought that Zhang Qing would say some great truths!

But yes, before this guy proposed to knock Tsunade unconscious and kidnap him back, what good advice can he give!?

Tsunade was also taken aback, then covered his stomach, and while beating the table, he wiped his tears and laughed loudly, "You, you kid, you really dare to say anything, if it was my grandfather at that time, you kid You will definitely be beaten to death. You dare to say such things. You have to know the origin of Konoha and Hokage... Well, now the Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan are gone..."

Tsunade, who originally wanted to explain the origin of the names of Konoha and Hokage, was suddenly stunned, because the current Konoha really does not have the existence of the two founding clans. Uchiha, the only orphan of the Uchiha clan Sasuke also defected, and she, Tsunade, didn't have the surname of Senju from the beginning.

As the only family that chose to let go of the family name, integrate into Konoha and even be willing to marry common people, the Senshou Clan is finally extinct, and Tsunade is really the only one left with the blood of this family in his body, how sad !?

Obviously, as long as a little more time is given, everyone in the entire Konoha will basically have a little blood of the Thousand Hands, and the result has become what it is now. In fact, this kind of thing was already obvious from the beginning, but in the past Tsunade didn't dare to think about Hiruzen Sarutobi and them.

Especially after Hiruzaru Sarutobi pushed everything to Orochimaru, saying that it was what Orochimaru did insanely.

In fact, if you think about it, you will find that without Hokage’s consent, how could Orochimaru kidnap the residents of Konoha for human experiments!? Others don’t know what the three-generation old man’s crystal ball can do. Doesn’t Tsunade, a disciple, know!?

The only thing that can be regarded as unjust is the death of Nawaki. It may be an accident, but it cannot be ruled out that it was guided by Shimura Danzo secretly. After all, even Kato Dan died. There is a feeling that he wants everyone around Tsunade to die forcibly. It is very in line with Shimura Danzo's style. After all, Konoha Tsunade's reputation was still higher than Orochimaru. He is definitely a strong candidate for the next Hokage. If Shimura Danzo is desperate and wants to kill Tsunade directly, since he does If it doesn't come, it's better to attack the people around her.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Qing never dared to jump too much, and performed too well, for fear of being regarded as the second Namikaze Minato.

Therefore, it is not wrong for Tsunade to blame all his misfortunes on Konoha F4. If it is really wrong, it will not be completely wrong. It is impossible for someone to rob you of your property. Throwing you a dollar, you think that person is a good person, a great kind person!? Because Xiaoen Xiaohui forcibly washes white, it is a brain damage.

You said that Hiruza Sarutobi was qualified as Hokage!? But at that time, if you change pigs to go up, you can do well, maybe even better than him! At least the pigs will not take the initiative to kill their own teammates , weakening one's own experience.

Tear down and start over!?

Originally, Tsunade wanted to laugh when he heard Zhang Qing's words, but after thinking about it, it was actually the best thing. Since he hates everything related to Sarutobi Hiruzen, why not just throw all those things into the trash can .

However, the only thing that makes Tsunade hesitate is that the two Hokages, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobema, once Tsunade really listens to Zhang Qing's words, it is equivalent to giving away the hard work of his grandfather and second grandfather. And memories, all abandoned, is also equivalent to denying them.


"How could you have such a ridiculous idea..." Tsunade rubbed his swollen temples, leaning directly on the back of the chair and said.

However, Zhang Qing noticed a slight change in Tsunade's tone. The woman's tone and demeanor were obviously moved, but for some reason, she hesitated to veto it, but her attitude must not be firm and affirmative.

Zhang Qing didn't expect Tsunade to take it seriously when he made a joke at the moment. Does this mean he wants to kill the title of the play!? Hiss—! He's even more ruthless than Jiang Yuyan!

However, this also gave Zhang Qing a little hope. Although he doesn't like Sarutobi Hiruza and other Konoha F4s, Zhang Qing was born in Konoha, so he still has some feelings for so many years, and he doesn't want Konoha to really ruin the village. It is undoubtedly the best for Tsunade to come to power.

Others, even he, are not suitable, because the prestige is not enough to convince the public, and Tsunade is also a member of a powerful family, and he is in the same camp as the ninja families in Konoha, so naturally, those families will not be able to resist. meaning.

But Tsunade is now a lonely family, no matter because of Senju Clan Hashirama or Togama's claim, or to win over the support of his own manpower and subordinates, Tsunade has to rely on the common people, it can be said that there is no one in Konoha better than her more appropriate.

It doesn't matter if he comes from it, that guy is just a prodigal son, who accepts his disciples and throws them aside, letting him fend for himself.

Lai will continue to use Sarutobi Hiruzai, he won't want to change anything, and that guy listens too much to those stinky toads in Miaomu Mountain, and Konoha will probably be the Konoha of toad by then.

As for the patriarchs of other big clans, if they can make the same choice as the Qianshou clan, it is possible, but if not, it will only be another public tool for private use

Using Hokage's resources to subsidize his own family's Sarutobi Hiruzen, the reason why the Uchiha clan was not accepted by Senshou Kaima is because of this, it is too closed, and I never thought of integrating into Konoha, abandoning the narrow boundaries of the clan, How could such a Uchiha make them Hokage!?

It's a pity that Senshou Tomona died too quickly, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible for Sarutobi Hiruzen to have the opportunity to misinterpret his policy. He had an opinion on Uchiha. Already united into one village, he will not let the village have internal turmoil because of his own preferences. What really makes Senju Tomona have an opinion on Uchiha is that Uchiha never thought of integrating into Konoha, obviously their Senju Clan has already I made a demonstration, but these Uchihas seem to be deaf and blind, turning a blind eye to hearing and not hearing, what is this trying to do!? Is this dissatisfaction with the shadow of a village!?

So if Senshou Tobima is still alive, he will definitely let the Sarutobi clan disband and merge into Konoha, and let Sarutobi Hiruzen become Hokage, because he was still young at that time, and he could definitely execute it for many years, with so much time, It was enough for the Sarutobi clan to fully integrate into Konoha, but it is a pity that after all, people are not as good as God, and they died too early.

You can put the past of the old era into the history book, so that the younger generations can not only see how the new Konoha came about, but also sing how great the first Hokage and the second Hokage are, and see who the Konoha is because of And the one that dies can be used as a lesson, and it can also prevent the people who succeed Tsunade-sama from repeating the same mistakes, right!?" Zhang Qing pushed a cup of tea to Tsunade and said with a smile.

"And maybe the first Hokage-sama and the others also disliked the name of Hokage, which was tainted by Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

"Wait, let me think about it first..." Tsunade was obviously moved, and Zhang Qing's reason was also very considerate, just like every little ninja in Konoha, the previous Tsunade also had mistakes. Hokage's wish, she herself does not reject this position, otherwise it would not be so easy to be moved back by Naruto in the original book, she just lacked a step.

As for the phobia, what is it!? Anyway, when Tsunade said it was cured, it was cured, and if it was not cured, it was not cured!

This is more of an excuse, if not, how could she leave Konoha!?

Tsunade thought at that time, probably: "Studying medicine can't save the world, that thing is useless!", and then escaped and left the sad claw.

If she was really afraid of blood, she would not be able to teach (good) silent medical ninjutsu at all, without her guidance, it would be possible!?

So Tsunade does not reject being Hokage, but rejects things related to the gloomy past.

If she can get rid of those messes and become the shadow of a village, she will not refuse. After all, only by becoming the shadow of a village can she have the opportunity to change the world. Anyone who aims to be the shadow of a village Ninjas all have the idea of ​​wanting to make this village better, and Tsunade certainly does, otherwise she wouldn't propose a class of medical ninjas


It's a pity that Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't agree, the old man didn't want Konoha's ninjas to survive too much with their military exploits.

If each team is equipped with a medical ninja, how can the ninjas of the Senju Clan and the Uchiha Clan get rid of them reasonably!? That is too difficult, it does not match

Sarutobi Hiru cut their interests, so naturally they would not agree. As for the reason for lack of manpower, material resources and money, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was just an excuse.

As long as there are more ninjas preserved in the Konoha War, they will naturally become the victorious side. At that time, how much war compensation will be required, and where will there be a shortage of funds!? As for manpower, that is even more important.

It's ridiculous, how many civilian ninjas betray and send to the battlefield every year, and they only know the three-body technique, and they are almost killed in seconds, which plays a role in delaying it. Rather than waste it like this, let these people learn medicine to save people!? Could it be that there is one more cannon fodder? Can you win the battle!?

That's why Tsunade was so angry at that time.

And even if Tsunade really has blood phobia, as a Kage-level powerhouse, her own mind is strong enough, is it difficult to overcome it!? Not difficult! And there are many ways.

So now Zhang Qing gives her a step up. .

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