Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

196 Mute: Why Isn't The Bride Me! ? Heijue: Obito, Aren't You Really A Spy? ?

Zhang Qing is talking about moving Tsunade, but obviously they agreed, it doesn't mean that Konoha will agree, so neither Zhang Qing nor Tsunade plans to leave

Zhang Qing just wrote a letter, explaining the situation here, emphatically stating that Tsunade's attitude, if she disagrees with abandoning the name of Konoha and the name of Hokage, she has absolutely no intention of negotiating, and changing the dynasty is just a matter of course. Just make her less resistant.

It is obvious that Zhang Qing is throwing the blame, and to put it seriously, it is obvious that Konoha's side can't wait, and can't afford to wait, so if there is no accident, this relatively excessive request, the people on Konoha's side He gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

Anyway, Tsunade is the granddaughter of the first generation of Hokage, and Konoha is Tsunade's family business after all, so if Tsunade wants to change his name, he can change it.

As soon as you throw the letter away, just wait for it to be delivered.

Tsunade, who seems to be in a much better mood here, took Zhang Qing and started to gamble against each other, just rolling the dice to guess the size.

Zhang Qing didn't take it seriously, would he lose in this kind of pediatrics!?


Zhang Qing didn't even bother to use clairvoyance, for a fat sheep like Tsunade, wouldn't it be easy for him to win!?


Tsunade squinted his eyes, then opened the dice cup to reveal three dice with one point, and said with a smile, "Boy, you lost.

But after laughing, Tsunade was worried again, "Before you came here, Jiraiya didn't die, did he!?"

Now there is still a relationship between Konoha and Tsunade, and the one who is closer is Jiraiya, Tsunade is really afraid that another one will die.

Zhang Qing's face was a bit grim, but he assured him, "If Jiraiya-sama didn't die from nosebleeds because of voyeurism, nothing would happen!"

"That's good, come on, let's continue!" Tsunade felt that it was likely that the deaths of the four Sarutobi Hiruzen still left behind aftertaste. Since Zirai was fine, she could rest assured and accepted Zhang Qing's After one million taels, I yelled for another one again.

Zhang Qing doesn't believe in evil either. Although he was a non-chief in the 040 card game in his previous life, there is no reason why he would lose to Tsunade. "Continue to buy big [ten million taels!"

Tsunade grinned and said, "Are you sure!? I think I'm lucky today! You are allowed to repent once, but only before the dice cup is opened."

Zhang Qing didn't pay attention to this small woman with ambition, and said affirmatively, "It's big, don't change it!"

"Okay then!" Tsunade shrugged as he said, then opened the dice cup, looked inside, there were three dice, namely one, two and three, the total was six. After stuffing one million taels into the murder weapon, he said, "I gave you a chance, but unfortunately, some people just don't listen to persuasion."

The corner of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched, he really wanted to slap this "old" woman!

so cheap!

Isn't that just winning twice!? Enough to live and die at least twice, see how happy you are!? Humph.

But there is no reason, how could I lose!?

Zhang Qing couldn't help but looked at Tsunade suspiciously, "Are you out of luck!?"

Tsunade rolled his eyes, "Am I that kind of person!?"

The fact is true. Although this woman can run away, she won't pay money, otherwise she wouldn't owe so much gambling debt. If she really wants to pay money, it's useless even if there are ninjas watching the casino. After all, the casino doesn't invite money I can't afford a ninja of the ninja level, let alone a kage-level powerhouse. If I want to catch Tsunade, unless she is also a kage-level powerhouse, there is no way to get her.

It is precisely because Tsunade abides by the rules that these casinos are willing to play with her, otherwise, who would dare!? People like Kakuzu who love money like their lives, if they can win all the casino money in minutes, since it is not so It is because the casino is not stupid, and it is impossible to let unruly ninjas mess around.

Therefore, Tsunade should not be out of the blue.

This made Zhang Qing a little doubtful about life. Is his luck so bad!? Anyway, live a second life! Doesn’t it mean that the luck of the time traveler is not too bad!?

No reason!?

"Aren't you coming yet!?" Tsunade urged.

Zhang Qing touched his wallet. Although he didn't believe his luck was so bad, Zhang Qing didn't dare to confirm it again. Otherwise, when he returned to Konoha, he would have no money to hold a wedding. If you get popular and pay money, you will really lose face.

He quickly shook his head, "No, I'm still waiting to go back and get married!"

Jing Yin on the side suddenly changed his face, "Knot... Married!?"

What's going on!? Didn't she just leave Konoha for a year, two years......... How many years!? Why is the childhood sweetheart getting married, and it seems that the bride is not from 2!?

"Huh!? Didn't I tell you!? I remember I wrote it in the letter, Hong and I have been together for a long time!" Zhang Qing looked strangely at the mute with an unexpected face, and his face was full of anger Tsunade, who seemed to see some scumbag, quickly explained.


Jing Yin was a little confused, "No, there is no such thing at all!"

Every time Zhang Qing wrote to Jingyin, he carefully read every word and every sentence, and did not mention this matter at all.

Tsunade couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then looked away guiltily. She remembered that once, she was in a hurry to spend money, so she privately sent a letter to Zhang Qing in the name of Shizune, but when she got the reply later, She only cared about pulling out the banknotes, and the words of the letter accidentally fell on the puddle, the ink melted, and it was impossible to see the contents of the letter clearly. From the looks of it, Zhang Qing's replies must be as nutritious as in the past, and they are all trivial matters of life.

Could it be that time!?

Tsunade lost his composure for a moment.

She knew that Jingyin had always been thinking about Zhang Qing, a brat, and she kept every letter from the other party well, and would read it if there was nothing to do. Mute will kill the teacher!?

In an instant, Tsunade's forehead was sweating.

Jing Yin couldn't control so much anymore, and hurriedly grabbed Zhang Qing's arm, and said, "Didn't we make an agreement before!? We will get married when we grow up!?"

Jing Yin was so anxious that tears flowed out.

Zhang Qing is also big-headed, not to mention that Jingyin has been away for more than ten years, how many people will really take the promise here!? Many people in anime said when they were young that they would marry their father when they grow up. Isn’t this childish nonsense!?

Besides, Jingyin has never expressed any love for her in the letter for so many years. It is impossible for Zhang Qing to take it seriously because of a "joke" when she was a child, and she will not marry her!? Not to mention, When he was in a relationship with Hong (cace), he wrote a letter to tell the other party about this, but the other party did not change anything, and still had the same attitude as before. Doesn't this explain the problem!?

Looking at it now, it seems that this is not the case, Zhang Qing is simply a big head.

"This..." Zhang Qing couldn't help looking at Tsunade, wanting the elder to think of a way, but unfortunately Tsunade turned his head directly, as if he didn't know anything, saw and heard nothing, It made Zhang Qing's teeth itch with hatred.

Haruno Sakura and the younger ones even hid aside early, so they couldn't count on it.

As for why you made that kind of agreement when you were young!? Hey—! At that time, was it wrong to think of having a soft meal next to a rich woman!? Look at Namikaze Minato, can you learn from it!?

If you don’t know how to do it from a young age, don’t you have to wait until you grow up to do it slowly!?

It's just a pity that Jingyin is not Uzumaki Xin Jiunai, the experience is different, and the ending will naturally be different. Learning from Namami Fengshuimen is not feasible at all, and the damn Sarutobi Hiruzen did not let Zhang Qing and Jingyin be in the same class back then. Behind Shizune followed Tsunade directly and left Konoha, which made Zhang Qing's loli raising a success fall short and died halfway.

Therefore, all the mistakes made are Sarutobi Hiruzen's fault.

Land of Rain, Akatsuki organization.

Wearing a mask, Obito Uchiha looked at Heijue with a confused face, "What's going on!? Why was my identity suddenly revealed!?"

What's worse is that Nagato seems to know it too, and now that all the members of the Akatsuki organization are suddenly summoned, they must want to attack him. How could Uchiha Obito not guess what Nagato was thinking.

If he hadn't used Uchiha Madara's identity to make him feel scruples, Nagato would never obey any of his orders, and the mere Uchiha clan is not enough to make Yiyin, who has the legendary reincarnation eye, fearful.

One mountain cannot contain two tigers, and it is naturally impossible for the Akatsuki organization to have a real leader behind the scenes besides the leader Nagato, and Nagato will definitely drive him away.

Not to mention, Konoha also wronged Obito Uchiha as one of Hiruzaru Sarutobi's people, but now they have betrayed, so Yahiko's death before is likely to be suspected by Obito Uchiha by Nagato Yes, what's more terrible is that the fact is really inseparable from Uchiha Obito.

If Nagato doesn't want to kill Obito now, I'm afraid Obito himself won't believe it.

After doing this, he was the mastermind behind the scenes. He didn't expect to be exposed suddenly. In this way, Obito was angry and baffled.

The reason why he still came to the Xiao organization now was to see if he could continue to fool Nagato and Xiaonan. Before that, he had to discuss it with Heijue.

Hei Ze was also a little confused, "Obito, are you sure that you really haven't revealed your identity to Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo before!?"

Hei Jue couldn't figure it out either, if it wasn't for that, how could Hiruzaru Sarutobi and the others be sure that the masked man was Obito!?

And after thinking about it, it seems that every time Obito enters Konoha to make trouble, Konoha turns a blind eye and closes one eye, as if deliberately letting go, Heijue is a little suspicious now, Obito is really a wood Ye is a spy, otherwise the explanation is not clear.

Thinking about Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi's brainless actions, it is obvious that Obito is also surnamed Uchiha, maybe he is just as loyal to Konoha, and wants to be a dog, even if he slaughters his own people, he is willing!

Hiss—————————————— Thinking about it this way, Kuro couldn't help but look at Obito Uchiha vigilantly, this guy didn't expect to hide so deeply, he even lied to him!

Obito didn't know what Heijue was thinking, but when he heard Heijue say that, he was furious, "How could I be with those bedbugs! These guys are also inseparable from Lin's death, I wish I could kill them all." kill it!"

"The plan for now is how to make Nagato and the others continue to trust me. Once I am kicked out of the Akatsuki organization, Madara's plan will get out of control."

Heijue also knew that it was true. After all, Nagato didn’t know about the Moon’s Eye plan. If Obito didn’t stare and guide him, he might really get out of control. Not to mention that once Nagato lost his trust in Obito, then Whether or not the Tailed Beast collection plan will continue to be carried out is another question.

"However, Nagato will definitely let you take off your mask. At that time, it will be revealed that you are not Uchiha Madara. This cannot be denied..."

Hei Jue was also a little desperate. He shouldn't have allowed Obito to pretend to be Madara in the first place, otherwise such troublesome things wouldn't have happened. It's hard to imagine how difficult it is to continue to gain trust after being exposed for cheating others.

Not to mention, now Nagato still thinks that Obito is related to Shimura Danzo, the murderer who killed Yahiko, and it is even more difficult for the other party to calm down and listen to their fooling around, so what the hell is this!?

Heijue felt a little sad. .

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