Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

202 Where's The Money! ? \"

【The author has something to say: I caught a cold again, and I woke up with a fright today. I always felt that there was something invisible beside the bed, making strange noises. There was someone under the bed. I was awakened by the sound of the mosquito net being torn this morning, but found nothing. The place is broken, the sound is terrifying, like tearing apart the flesh, and now I feel a little depressed, alas, are you hallucinating!?]

There was no accident in Tsunade's inauguration ceremony, it was very smooth, and no idiot would jump out to oppose it at this time, and all the villagers cheered and agreed.

The only confusion is that Konoha will not be called Konoha in the future, but Fengmen Village. The name is still weird. Many villagers have a very weird feeling, but they don't take it too seriously.

Also, Hokage turned into Hanakage, and many little ninjas who used to target Hokage suddenly had strange expressions, as if swallowing a fly that just flew from cow dung.

Yes, these are little boys.

After returning to the Huaying Building, Tsunade's complexion darkened. Last night she went back to the Senshou Clan's place to rest. Of course, Jiraiya sent someone to clean it in advance, and replaced the broken furniture with new ones. , but when Tsunade saw the severely shrunk family land, his face was still very ugly.

Especially the tall walls surrounding the Konoha F4 clan make the Senju clan look like a doghouse. As the largest clan in Konoha, it has turned into what it is now. Tsunade has been accumulating anger all night. The ceremony was over, and the others left, leaving only Zhang Qing and Shizune, Tsunade's team, oh, and the idiot Jiraiya.

Tsunade naturally didn't need to hide his anger any longer, after smashing the desk with a punch, Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with red eyes, "Jiraiya, don't you go back to the village every so often!? Let me ask you, what is going on with the Qianshou Clan's land!?"

Those are her family properties and memories, they were taken by someone, you said the land is tight!? But look at who actually took over the land of the founding family-!?

Tsunade hates that!

Jilai also scratched his head, "How can I come back every now and then!? I'm wronged, if I had come back, I wouldn't have discovered Naruto's situation until now!?"

To be honest, I was also angry when I learned about the treatment of Namikaze Minato's son Uzumaki Naruto these years, but when he asked Hiruzaru Sarutobi for an explanation, he used the will of fire to prevaricate him. Continuing to refuse to let go, he dumped the blame on Shimura Danzo, but Jiraiya was also annoyed by Shimura Danzo.

Two old men, one who sings the red face and the other who sings the bad face, they are so angry that they have lost their temper, and can only feel angry in their hearts.

This is also the reason why Lai Lai also took Naruto out on a trip in the original book.

A prodigal son like Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato didn't come back when he died! It's rare for Uzumaki Naruto to care, the other disciples are all fake.

So it is true that he said that he has not been back much.

Tsunade Leng let out a "hum", of course she knew this, she was very familiar with the two opponents, Orochimaru and Jiraiya, and Jiraiya never had the idea of ​​becoming Hokage, so naturally it was impossible to return to the village, I was afraid that Hiruzaru Sarutobi would forcefully push him to the top position.

To be honest, a fool like Jiraiya is easier to control than Namikaze Minato. If it weren't for Jiraiya, he would have been unwilling to agree. It is estimated that the position of the Fourth Hokage back then, even if Orochimaru was not given, it would not be Namakaze Minato's turn.

Kurenai Yuhi and Kakashi turned a blind eye to this and stood quietly without expressing any opinions.

Everyone in Konoha F4 is dead, can it still be pulled out and whipped!?

This matter can only be a dumb loss, and it is impossible for Tsunade to let the families behind the four dead people pull out what they ate and return it to her. Even if the four families are willing, Tsunade would hate it .

What Tsunade is really angry about is that Konoha F4 has been doing so many evil things in the name of respecting the teacher, even if he suppresses Uchiha against Uchiha, he has to push it to Senju Tomonma, saying that he obeys the teacher In the end, these four people respected their teachers like this!?

I'm afraid that the Senju Clan is still alive, and now there is only Tsunade left who is a half-breed and refuses to let go, constantly erasing the traces of the original Senju Clan, I am afraid that these three or four wooden houses can be left for To deal with Tsunade's possible sudden return to the village, otherwise I am afraid that even this will be gone.


The second grandfather really taught four good apprentices!

"Clean it up and get a new desk..." Tsunade sat down on the chair after venting, glanced at the wreckage of the original desk on the ground, and waved his hands.

Immediately, several Anbu came up to take away the wreckage, but a new one came over in an instant.

Of course, Anbu is still there, although Tsunade doesn't want to use it, but he can't let people go out as soon as he comes up, he has to send his own people to be the commander of Anbe, and then replace his own people little by little.

If the original Anbu is really abandoned all at once, then these people who are suddenly unemployed and feel that they have been wronged are likely to cause trouble.

Tsunade naturally had to take his time.

When the new desk was replaced, Tsunade looked at Uzuki Yuyan, "From now on, you will be the new leader of Anbu, I hope you don't let me down!"

"Yes, Lord Huaying!" Uzuki Xiyan admitted.

Tsunade nodded. Tsunade is still very satisfied with Uzuki Xiyan. After all, she is also a woman. If Uzuki Xiyan can really conquer other Anbe members, then she must be a talent. As a female shadow, she Of course, I want to see more and more promising women who can rely on their skills to reach high positions.

Many people say that Empress Wu Zetian is not as powerful as others say, and they think she has lost a lot of ground, but they don't think about it. At that time, she was a woman in the top position, and there were many opposition voices, and there were too many things in the country that involved her energy. And under the suppression of women by the whole big society for so many years, how many women can really be useful!?

Women who were taught how to be wives, husbands and children, female celebrities, etc. from a young age, even if Wu Zetian improved the status of women, the results will not be seen for a while. Learning takes time, and when Wu Zetian is in power Also very old.

What she has done is good enough, if someone else is in the same situation, she is definitely not as good as her, even Zhu Yuanzhang and Qin Shihuang are the same.

Tsunade's current situation is actually similar to that of Wu Zetian, except that Tsunade is a normal leader, but she also receives discrimination because she is a woman, so of course she also wants to see more outstanding women appear.

As long as those family members see Tsunade's preferences, they will naturally distribute the family's resources to the girls, instead of every time some outstanding clan members appear, they will only be boys. If you don't give girls resources, of course they won't either. Maybe surpassing those men, how can they compare when they are not equal at all!?

After turning his mind, Tsunade didn't linger on this matter for too long. He looked at Jingyin and said, "Take out the ledger and let me see how much money is available!?"

The reconstruction of Konoha requires a huge amount of money, and Tsunade naturally knows this.

Shizune's expression turned ugly, but he still handed the account book he found to Tsunade, "Master Tsunade..."

0 looking for flowers......

Tsunade noticed Shizune's face, but his heart sank. He quickly took the ledger and opened it. Although there was no deficit in it, many income and expenditures were out of balance. This is a fake account, bastard.

After a quick look and calculation, Tsunade found that there was really no penny in the account, and the only good news was that there was no debt.

Suddenly Tsunade's face darkened.

Ji Laiya also sighed, he had seen it before, and he had to say that his dead ghost teacher had gone too far, it was fine to embezzle public funds, and the food was so ugly that he refused to let go of almost every tenth of the money.

"Not only that, Uchiha's legacy, and the legacy of Namikaze Minato's parents are gone..."

When he first found out, Jiraiya was as angry as he is now, and Tsunade is now. Of course, Jiraiya understands Tsunade's feelings, but he can't help it.

"Hehe, does it take so much to allocate funds to orphanages and orphans!?" When Tsunade saw what the biggest expenditure was, he almost wanted to laugh. Doesn't she know how Konoha treats orphans!? Really If you have given so much funding, why are those orphans living so miserable!?

"I really have a good teacher......"


Tsunade couldn't help but sneer.

After sneering, he looked at the others, "Then the door needs to be rebuilt now that the door is closed, and now there is no penny in the village's accounts, what do you think should be done!?"

Zhang Qing was very surprised to be honest, because this is not the case in the original book, otherwise Tsunade would have gone berserk in the original book, but now he really doesn’t have any money, Zhang Qing is a little skeptical about life, is his butterfly effect so big? !? Impossible!? He didn’t do anything, did he?? For more than 20 years, he was very low-key.

Or, is there anything else he doesn't know!?

"Master Tsunade, when those ninjas who went out on missions come back, part of the money can be made up for. There are still a lot of rebellious ninjas who are offered rewards. We can start with these releases, and the reconstruction work can also be handed over to our village. The Chunin and Genin, after all, the village is now like this, the original low-level tasks are gone, let them perform them, so the cost will be reduced a lot, plus the ability of the ninja, the construction period will also be shortened, the real cost It's not as big as I thought it would be."

"Now what we really need to pay attention to is where the money in the village is going. We need to figure this out. It stands to reason that it is impossible to use up such a huge amount of money. What is it that needs so much money?" Money has to hollow out the village every month to fill the vacancy!? If we don't understand this, we can't rest assured.

Tsunade and Jiraiya also heard the words, and they couldn't help but frown. Indeed, it is impossible not to spend such a huge amount of money on home use or doing experiments. After all, in this age, even if you have money, there are not so many places for you. Expenses, can’t be piled up at home as a bed to sleep in!? Crazy!?

"You're right, there's something wrong with this!"

I didn't notice this because I was dazzled by anger before, but now that Zhang Qing woke me up, everyone realized that something was wrong.

Where can so much money be used, and from the perspective of the account book, it is far from enough, and it has to be replenished regularly. If it is a business, it will always be at a loss, which is very wrong.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all that, and it is impossible to embezzle public funds for his own family to use so much, and this matter is easy to be seen, as long as Sarutobi Hiruza and the others are not stupid, it is impossible to do so.

Then the question is where the funds are going. This matter needs to be investigated, and it must be investigated clearly. .

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