Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

203 The Naruto World Same-Sex Is True Love!

Where did all the money go!?

This kind of thing must be investigated, but it cannot be investigated by Anbu.

Not to mention the current Anbe members, except Uzuki Yuyan, it’s hard to say who their hearts are towards. Take Naruto, a fake ninja who just wears the name of a ninja and acts like a unparalleled warrior, is not very suitable to execute your plan. kind of task.

I really thought wearing an animal mask would be enough, it’s a joke, the battle is straightforward, I don’t understand anything about assassination, let alone spying on intelligence, but I don’t blame their style of painting for being so weird, because ninjas are the only fighting units in this world, and ninjas generally target They are also ninjas. Naturally, those regular ninjas' small tricks such as camouflage and stealth are useless.

But, those are small tricks, but that doesn't mean that the ideological program is wrong.

No weird things, no, come and go without a trace, try not to be discovered, is it still a ninja!?

Of course, this is not the reason why Tsunade did not let Anbu investigate this matter. After all, Tsunade has lived in this world since he was a child, and he doesn't know how different the ninjas in the Naruto world are.

The only reason why Tsunade doesn't trust Anbu is that most of Anbu's members have the surname Sarutobi. If Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law hadn't died unexpectedly, the Anbu leader wouldn't be able to turn to "Kakashi Hatake". What about "three seven zero" and "outsiders".

To tell the truth, killing someone else's father, and then letting someone's son protect him and work hard for him, I don't know whether Sarutobi Hiruzawa has a big heart or a bad taste.

But Tsunade would never dare to do that. Everyone now knows that she has resentment towards Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the former teacher. For this reason, even Hokage has been changed to Hanakage, which is equivalent to being with her ancestors. The following rules are erased at the same time, which shows how dissatisfied Sarutobi Hiruzen is.

The reason why we still keep those Sarutobi Hiruzen's trusted team is just to stabilize the current village. Everyone knows that the existing Anbu will definitely be replaced. In this case, let the Anbu members do important things. Who knows if these sensible people will download it!?

So Tsunade handed over this matter to Zhang Qing, and Uzuki Xiyan went to deal with Anbu as soon as possible. How many people in Anbu could continue to be employed, Uzuki Xiyan had to judge by herself, which was also a matter of cumbersome opinions.

The words of the others will remain unchanged for the time being. Those who lead the team will continue to be the team leader, and those who have no students will go to perform the task.

Yes, that's right, I'm talking about you, the white hair, Hatake Kakashi.

Uzumaki Naruto Jiraiya also took care of that guy, he only has one civilian female ninja, Mu Xiang, and Tsunade also plans to throw some civilian female ninjas and some male female ninjas who intend to become medical ninjas to the hospital for those who are about to retire The old medical ninja taught him. As for Kakashi, he can't teach anything, so naturally he has to do the task. .

Now there are a lot of tasks accumulated in the village waiting for someone to do them!

Especially for those high-level missions, elite ninjas like Kakashi have to perform them.

At night, Zhang Qing was walking in the Sarutobi clan's land. He had already checked Sarutobi Hiruzen's residence before, but found nothing useful.

Listening to the conversations of the Sarutobi clansmen beside him, Zhang Qing didn't crinkle.

"It's so strange, where did the money go!?"

It seems that no one from the Sarutobi clan knows that these people are still worried about when Tsunade will be liquidated after he came to power. Now that Hokage has become a mess, there are only Hanakage of the new era, so naturally the Hokage family is not popular.

Not to mention that the four major families of Konoha F4 have also become families that everyone shouts and beats, and these people are naturally panicked.

Sarutobi Hiruza and the four of them killed Hanakage Tsunade's whole family, not even a single relative, what would Tsunade think!? Of course these people would be afraid.

But they didn't dare to rebel, not to mention that their reputation is notorious now, and these four big families have not produced a shadow-level master. An elite Jnin like Cassie, but everyone knows that he has water, the kind that will be full of water when he twists it.

How to fight with Tsunade!?

As for leaving the village, it is even more impossible, because it means that the whole clan has become rebellious, so it is better to go against it directly, anyway, it is death, and even if Tsunade did not order them to be killed, wouldn't the people outside Will they do anything to them!? After leaving the village, there is no backer. Those malicious people will naturally do whatever they want.

So these days, people from the Sarutobi clan and other four families have sighed and looked sad, as if they had been drained of energy.

Zhang Qing walked stealthily among these people, but there was no useful information at all except hearing the poisonous chicken soup of frustration.

"Isn't he in the Sarutobi clan!?"

"Then will it be in the Shimura clan!? After all, Hiruzaru Sarutobi trusts and loves Shimura Danzo the most. He can even give up his wife, but Danzo is his reverse scale.

There are so many Hokage gays..."

While lamenting the distortion of this world, Zhang Qing turned around and teleported towards the Shimura clan.

Don't be kidding, you said that the family of the two advisers of Zhuanzuan Xiaochun, don't be joking, as long as Sarutobi Hiruzen is not stupid, it is impossible to hand over to these two people. In fact, the most likely thing is in his own hands. Zhang Qing's first stop was naturally to search the Sarutobi clan, but unexpectedly found nothing.

No, you can only believe in the unreliable speculations of some funny netizens in your previous life!? Just bet that Hiruza Sarutobi loves Shimura Danzo, just like Uchiha Madara’s favorite things Senju Hashirama, Naruto and Sasuke It's a pair.

Zhang Qing's next stop was in the clan land of the Zhicun clan.

As for the basic base, it has been rummaged every inch of the land, and it has been thoroughly investigated in order to find evidence of Shimura Danzo's evil deeds.

The Shimura Clan is simply a replica of the Sarutobi Clan, the people inside are also depressed and decadent, unlike the Sarutobi Clan who have several Jnin who can see past, the Shimura Clan doesn’t even have a ninja who can handle it now, Some don't look like Konoha's little handle family.

In fact, if you think about it, you know, if Shimura Danzo gave the resources of the village to his family, would Hiruzaru Sarutobi still trust him so much!? Perhaps it was Shimura Danzo's selflessness that made Hiruzaru Sarutobi for decades Trust each other like a day.

What Shimura Danzo owned from the beginning was never the Shimura clan, but the roots.

That's his roots.

"It's not right, it's still not there, it can't disappear out of thin air!" Zhang Qing frowned after walking out of the Zhicun clan, and looked back. The Zhicun clan in the dark night was very puzzled.

It is absolutely impossible for such a huge financial expenditure to be without any traces. This matter must be handed over to other people to do it together, but the Sarutobi and Shimura clans did not know about it at all. It took so long to show that Sarutobi Zhan did not hand over these people to the tribe. 0

In this case, there are only two possibilities left. One is that all the funds were in the hands of Sarutobi Hiraku, without the knowledge of the second person.

The second is that Sarutobi Hiruzen has other unknown private soldiers.

You said the Zanju family and the Mito family!? Don’t be joking, unless Sarutobi Hiruzawa is really seriously ill, how could he tell those two people about this matter and hand over such important evidence to the two elders? Good!? Does he trust the two of them so much!?

It is precisely because those two people are useless that they are not a threat to his position as Hokage, they are able to live. They are today because Sarutobi Hiruzane needs a good reputation. See if he is a benevolent Hokage who will treat his own people preferentially. There are definitely benefits to following him.

These two are nothing more than Hiruzaru Sarutobi's tools for gaining fame.

For a while, Zhang Qing didn't know how to check it!?

He turned his head and looked around in this Fengmen village full of waste, trying to think of something to give himself a flash of inspiration and think of something useful.

But unfortunately, looking around, there is nothing worth noting at all.


"Hokage Rock!"

That's right, even if most of the village was destroyed, nothing happened to Hokage Rock alone, and Tsunade was a little unsure how to deal with this Hokage Rock. After all, there were still two portraits of her grandpas in it, and it wasn't just the apes. Hiri cut the third Hokage.

But the problem is that there is no Hokage now, only Hanakage. It stands to reason that all the heads of Hokage in the past have to be erased, and there will be the first generation of Hanaage again, which is the head portrait of Tsunade.

And these are all due to the current situation. When Sarutobi Hiruzen was alive, there may be no place safer than Hokage Rock.

Who dares to be disrespectful to the head portraits of previous Hokages? No one dares to do anything to these head portraits except for the scribbled son of the Fourth Hokage.

And 0.6 and Zhang Qing also remembered a very strange thing. Although he has been performing missions outside for many years and stayed in the village very little time, every time he returned to the village, he could always see the old man Yuanfei standing with his hands behind his back. Looking around at Hokage Rock, I used to think that this old thing was overlooking Muye Village, but now, think about it again, could this old thing hide something unknown there!?

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Qing felt that this was very possible.

"We have to check it!" After looking at the night and making up his mind, Zhang Qing did not delay, and directly teleported to the Hokage Rock.

"Then it's hidden in that avatar!?"

Zhang Qing doesn't have such excellent perception ability, but even if he does, it's useless. Hiruza Sarutobi must have arranged an enchantment to prevent the perception of ninjas from perception. He is not so stupid. ,

But this made it difficult for Zhang Qing, because it was hard to find, and there were four Hokage heads.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato are fine, but if it is Senju Hashirama and Senju Tomona, Tsunade has not made up his mind to erase them together, and Zhang Qing is also a bit difficult to do it. Standing on the Hokage Rock, There are some difficulties.

"Forget it, let's talk to Tsunade tomorrow, she will decide what to do!"

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