Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

210 Huang Yuan: How Can I Prove That I Am Myself! ?

After listening to Le Zhengling's explanation, everyone couldn't help sighing that she was indeed the daughter of the richest man's family. Not only was she a top student, but she also never lost the chain at critical moments. She was always clear-headed enough to come up with a very reliable plan Come.

Many Xia Guo viewers in the live broadcast room nodded.

I began to forget how many people sent barrage after watching Luo Tianyi's test before, saying that Huang Yuan was indeed a fake.

Yes, many people also recognized the accuracy of Luo Tianyi's test before.

It can only be said that there is a teaser hidden in everyone's heart, but they just don't usually find it.

Of course, this is also Huang Yuan's own fault. His strange reaction because of the time traveler is really suspicious, a bit like a neuropathy, and of course it will attract suspicion, so when the charter woman said that he might be fake, naturally no one thought about it. This is the real thing.

It was led astray from the start.

Later, Huang Yuan still claims to be a high-quality human male, and even boasts that he is handsome. How crooked the aesthetics and three views can be recognized!

This time it became even more suspicious.

As long as they have not received the world notification of customs clearance, and Huang Yuan still inquires about Luo Tianyi and their abilities, which is a sensitive topic, it is doubtful no matter how you look at it. The first impression is very important, and the current farce has come about.

Of course, the more important problem is the problem of appearance! If it is a beautiful girl, maybe everyone will be suspicious!

Appearance is justice! This is a proven truth.

After all, most people are Yan dogs, if you want to blame, you can blame Huang Yuan for being too ugly.

"Then what questions should I ask!?"

"It's best not to be right by luck."

The four women got together to discuss in whispers, and finally Le Zhengling finalized a few questions, and the group ended the debate.

"Ahem, listen up, Uncle Huang Yuan!"

"First question: What's the name of the person Uncle Huang Yuan likes on Blue Star!?"

Huang Yuan opened his mouth and scolded his mother in his heart, why didn't I know that I have someone I like!?


Finally, Huang returned without any hesitation.

"Oh, is that so!?" Le Zhengling didn't know the answer, and waited for the information from the country.

Soon the country gave an answer, just one word "wrong".

Le Zhengling spread her hands, "The answer is wrong. Obviously, the real Uncle Huang Yuan has someone he likes."

Huang Yuan is speechless. I don’t know if I have someone I like!? I’ve been busy playing the role of General Huang Yuan all these years, so how can I have time to think about it!?

Is the country so unreliable!?

Regarding this, Huang Yuan's boss and colleagues at Blue Star explained it to the official personnel who came to inquire. The old boy Huang Yuan always said that Rem is my favorite.

There must be a woman named Rem whom he has a crush on.

If Huang Yuan knew the truth, he would have to swear at the street, big brother and big sister, now you are asking real people, who would say that the housewife of the two stinging apes, can you be more reliable!?

"Don't be like this, it's not just one problem. Don't worry, we also ask for caution. Indeed, if it's a relationship problem, it's very likely that the person involved won't be able to explain clearly~々." Seeing Huang Yuan's dejected look, Le Zhengling couldn't help comforting her .

"Then please listen to the second question: every festive season is a time to miss your loved ones. Which festival does the 'festive season' here refer to!?"

Hearing this, Huang Yuan cheered up a little, and after hearing this question, he stroked his chin, which had already grown some stubble.

During the festive season, I still miss my relatives. Didn’t Su Dongbo have a poem about the Mid-Autumn Festival, “People have sorrows and joys, and the moon has cloudy and sunny waxes and wanes. This matter is difficult to complete in ancient times. I hope people will live a long time and share the joys and joys of thousands of miles.”!?

Isn't this Siqin!?

No, there is also the Lantern Festival, so you have to eat glutinous rice balls, which also means reunion.

There is also the Spring Festival, isn’t there a long holiday and many people will return to their hometown!?

There are too many, I am a scumbag at first, if the second generation is not a man, the grades would not be as good as Huang Yuan is now, suddenly I am full of thoughts, and I don’t know what the so-called festival really refers to.

To be honest, young people nowadays don't know about this festival, it's not a holiday.

After scratching his head and scratching his ass for a while, Huang Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "Mid-Autumn Festival."

After much deliberation, this festival is the most reliable, and Huang Yuan thinks that the Mid-Autumn Festival must be the answer.

This time, Le Zhengling didn't need to wait for the country's recovery. After looking at each other with Luo Tianyi and the others, she directly judged, "I'm sorry, but I'm still wrong. The correct answer is 'Double Ninth Festival'!".

"This is a line from "Recalling Brothers in Shandong on September 9th" written by Wang Wei of the Tang Dynasty. Anyone who has completed nine years of compulsory education knows it."

Regarding Le Zhengling's words, many netizens nodded their heads if they knew the words after nine years of compulsory education, indeed.

However, many scumbags also nodded in the mix, and no one would think that they didn't know or didn't know at this time.

This is people.

Huang Yuan's face turned black, he was offended, is Xueba great!? Who do you look down on?! Suddenly I feel that Le Zhengling is so annoying, what's going on!?

I don't even think about how many years he has graduated, and his job is still an official post, so how can he use these ancient poems!?

It is considered good for him to be able to recite the phrase "Moonlight in front of the bed".

Isn't this bullying!?

"We have prepared three questions, and you have already made two mistakes, but for the sake of rigor and not to waste, let's release the third question too!"

Le Zhengling couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of Huang Yuan who was sitting across from him, and stepped back cautiously before continuing, "Question 3: The person who committed the most crimes and the worst plots in the history of Xia Kingdom what is it call!?"

"This is a question of common sense, as long as it is a senior Chinese, it must be known.

Obviously, Le Zhengling felt that the fake Huang Yuan in front of him must not be a senior Xia native.

Huang Yuan thought about it, he was in an agency, so he naturally knew something about previous criminals, and he was a little happy, because he was finally not a blind spot in the knowledge area.

"Li XX!" Huang Yuan gave the answer without thinking too long. He was wanted for more than 20 years and was not caught not long ago. During these 20 years, he committed dozens of appalling cases. super criminal.

Surely there is nothing wrong with that.

Le Zhengling looked at Luo Tianyi, this question was requested by Luo Tianyi, and it was very reasonable, so after seeing Luo Tianyi sighed and shook his head, Le Zhengling also sighed, turned back to look at Huang Yuan, "Alas... all three questions are wrong, the truth is very obvious"

"Wait, how could I make a mistake!? Isn't the answer to the third question Li XX!? I'm an official, so I can't remember it wrong." Huang Yuan couldn't calm down anymore, this is his knowledge area, why? Could go wrong!?

Le Zhengling shook her head, "Of course I'm wrong. Is there anyone in Xia Kingdom who has committed more crimes than Zhang San!? From snatching children's lollipops to treason and murder, prison escape is even more serious. It's commonplace, Li XX is nothing compared to him."

Huang Yuan was silent, hell, is that real!?

Isn’t this embarrassing him, Fat Tiger!? Zhang San has indeed committed numerous crimes, but isn’t this a nickname!?

Now, the charterer and Feng Baobao saw that there was no one to stop them, so they pulled up again, preparing to capture the fake monkey in front of them alive, and asked Huang Yuan's whereabouts.

At the critical moment, Huang Yuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and hurriedly shouted to stop, "... `Stop, stop! I have a way to prove that I am real."

Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Huang Yuan hurriedly said, "I can also receive messages from the country. Doesn't this prove that I am myself."

I didn't expect that one day I would have to prove that I was the real me, and it was so difficult, Huang Yuan didn't even know why there was such a magical scene!?

The four of Le Zhengling immediately looked at each other in dismay, what this guy said made sense, what should we do!?

"Also, if I leave the team, my personal live broadcast room will definitely appear on the split screen. This is also one of the proofs!"

Huang Yuan's brain is very good at this time, under the desire to survive, he will not lose the chain at all.

"But, if you are really Huang Yuan, why are you so strange, and you can't even answer such a simple question correctly!?" The charter woman, the first person who doubted it, still didn't believe it, but her tone had softened.

Feng Baobao also nodded, expressing his puzzlement.

These are obviously very simple questions, as long as a person from the Xia Kingdom can answer them.

If Huang Yuan knew that these people thought so, he would be terrified. ,

But it's almost the same now, he gritted his teeth and looked at his four good teammates, "That kind of question, can only be answered correctly!?"

"I'm here to answer seriously, you are here to give me a brain teaser, do you have cat cakes!?"

As he spoke, he gave Luo Tianyi a vicious look, the one with the most innocent expression, this guy is leading people all over the world.

Huang Yuan was very suspicious that this girl knew from the very beginning that he was real (De Nuo Zhao), and she was playing with him!


In vain I was still Jin Yiwei before!

Luo Tianyi blinked and looked at Huang Yuan quite innocently, as if he didn't understand why he looked at him like this, the angelic cute face was very confusing.

That silly, white and sweet temperament has no flaws at all.

This is an old actor.

A queen who was delayed by singing.

Huang Yuan is tired, let's destroy this world.

"Ahem, put away your weapons. Now that Uncle Huang Yuan is the real person, we have to discuss what's going on now!?" Le Zhengling also broke the embarrassing silence at the moment with some embarrassment.

To be honest, she also suspected that Huang Yuan was a fake just now.

Who would have imagined that Huang Yuan would have so many questions, and be unable to answer them so easily!?

Le Zhengling, a little girl who has been a good student and a top student since she was a child, of course doesn't understand how scumbag such a creature is!?

What she thinks is a simple question is simply a super difficult problem for a scumbag.

Coupled with Luo Tianyi's deliberate misleading, it also turned into brain teasers and other funny comparison questions, jumping back and forth between normal and abnormal, Huang Yuan can only answer it!

And at the critical moment, facing the danger of his life, can Huang Yuan think about the answer to the entertainment question? Of course, he started from a realistic and reliable place. .

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