It's useless to be angry, I'm weak...

Huang Yuan sighed for a long time in his heart, very powerless, as expected he is not the protagonist.

The others didn't care about Huang Yuan's psychology. Now that the companion was proved to be fine, they naturally needed to care about the problems they were facing now.

Why didn't the system report customs clearance!?

"Couldn't that be the last boss!?" Le Zhengling raised this question, but no one could prove it right or wrong, and everyone's face was very ugly for a while.

That terrifying huge celestial body composed of countless human flesh and blood is already the most powerful enemy I have encountered so far. It is a coincidence that they can deal with it. If the reward of the previous level does not have the spirit of sound , how come!?

What if none of the contestants has singing talent!? It’s impossible for a person with a tone-deaf person to be able to replicate the scene of Luo Tianyi and Le Zhengling!? It’s unrealistic

The reason why everyone's face is so ugly now is because, if the answer is true, then it means that they are about to face a boss that is much stronger than that Hongyue. Just avoided it for the time being.

But no matter which guess it is, it is a heavy pressure.

Not to mention that a weak person like Le Zhengling who is a weak and ordinary girl is worried, even a strong person like Huang Yuan, who is recognized as the strongest superpower among all current players, dare not guarantee that he can deal with that crisis.

It's like just leaving the novice village, the character is only level 10, and it turns out that the lowest level monsters outside the village are all above level 50. This game is already unplayable, unless there is a forced blood deduction function, even if the difference in basic attributes is too large , can also give the opponent a little damage value, and kill the opponent by killing time.

But for opponents of this level, don't they have a blood recovery mechanism!? Impossible.

This is very hopeless.

If this is a game, you can still plan to send blades to the dog, but this is reality, so it's uncomfortable.

Just when the other people were looking down and feeling depressed, Luo Tianyi let out a "cough", and after attracting everyone's attention, he said slowly, "Actually, I have a guess, and of course I'm not sure if it's correct or not. , is just a guess..."

"Did you find anything, Tianyi!?" Le Zhengling still trusts Luo Tianyi very much. After all, this is a god of learning who is above the top of the list, and his IQ is absolutely fine. It's just that he is a little unruly at ordinary times, and his appearance is also deceptive. Sex, giving people a silly and sweet feeling.

More importantly, this is my one, that's it (blush)

At this time, even Baobao Feng, who was the dumbest, couldn't help looking at Luo Tianyi, waiting for her guess. Although these people couldn't trust blindly like Le Zhengling, this girl was so unexpected along the way, and she was often able to Moving in the right direction is magical enough, and it's not hard to give a little credit.

And I still look forward to it, hoping that the other party can create miracles again.

There is no way, except for the two youngest with online IQs, everyone else here is a scumbag, and some even have no schooling. If you ask them to be dog-headed military advisers, they are not qualified. Apart from being thugs, they are basically it can not be helped.

Although it is a bit embarrassing to say it, but it is the truth. By now, many people on Blue Star are lucky to have Le Zhengling and Luo Tianyi in the team. It's over, although the two little girls are weak (heavy fog).

"Do you still remember that the system gave us the main task!?" Luo Tianyi didn't intend to whet everyone's appetite, and raised his index finger to look at them.

I remember, of course I remember, how could I forget.

That was their first reward for clearing one of the top ten horrors of the painting country.

No matter where it is, the first time will always make people remember it.

"Keywords of main mission clues..."


"Red Moon..."

"And the legend...(cafi)."

After everyone read out the key words one by one, everyone suddenly realized that only "Red Moon" appeared now, but "Netherworld" and "Legend" didn't seem to have any clues yet.

Are there two more bosses!?

Hiss! Not to mention Huang Yuan and the others, even the audience who were speculating in the live broadcast room gasped for contributing to global warming.

"No way, no way, how can this be done!? Who knew that another concert would work!?"

"Don't forget upstairs. In the game, there are four of the Three Great Demon Lords and five of the Four Great Beasts. Maybe it's the same here."

"Is this really just the second secret realm!? Why is the difficulty level so high!?"

"The 'just' upstairs is really good. It's a pity that you can't complain. The reality is a garbage game. You can only pinch your nose and admit it."

"Why are you all so frustrated, you have to believe them, there are still miracles in the world, we have to believe in the light!"

"Guang!? Do you believe that useless man Huang Yuan!? Farewell, you can think about the words of the beautiful girl.

"Upstairs LSP confirmed!"

After more and more worried speeches, they finally started to go wrong, and many bigwigs sighed, what happened to these human beings!?

"That's not right! We've actually met 'You Ming' and 'Legend' before." Le Zhengling, who didn't know anything about the Lanxing studio, pondered for a while, and quickly denied Huang Yuan's guess.

Facing the puzzled people, Le Zhengling said, "Remember the conversations with those ghosts in Feiyun Amusement Park!? They mentioned that they came from the Nether, so the Nether should be a place, or a space, To use a popular term on the Internet, it is alien invasion."

"As for the 'legends', we have actually encountered many ghosts in other worlds that are not ghosts and ghosts, and some of them are all legends. That is to say, as long as they become widely circulated legends, they may become true after a long time. , Even if it is a myth, it is a pity that whether it is the Blue Star we are in or the era of this Blue Star, it is an era where science is paramount and theology is out of the stage. Most people are so shouting about God and the like However, few people really believe in it, and most of them are atheists. Therefore, compared to those bizarre and bizarre ghost legends that attract novelty hunters, there is no sign of gods appearing. This is a blessing in misfortune.

"So, in fact, we have already had contact with three key clues."

In the end, Le Zhengling concluded.

The renters and the others can only nod their heads. In short, what the smart people say must be right. Whether you understand it or not, just buy it.

"So what are we missing now!? The map is not infinite, have tried, can't leave the city, and now the city's weirdness and copies are all


Huang Yuan frowned. During this period of time, a lot of players' lives were spent to finally clean up all the ghosts that could be found in this city. Could there be any omissions!?

To be honest, Le Zhengling didn't know either.

Luo Tianyi shook his index finger, "I think you didn't understand what I said. I mean the mission itself, not the key words. The mission has always been to find the truth, even in the last secret realm."

"????" What does it mean? Several people are a little confused.

Even Le Zhengling is a bit puzzled, isn't the truth obvious!? Has everyone formed the Red Moon!?

Luo Tianyi sighed, "Do you think we have really passed the first secret realm!?"

"You have to know that other people don't have the strength of Uncle Huang Yuan. Normally, the players from Blue Star are very weak at the beginning. Let alone defeating the big eyeball, even if it's just for ten minutes, it's not a good thing." possible things."

"And what kind of truth is it to find that big eyeball!? Do we know the reason why it became like this!? How did the big eyeball come from, do we know!? Yes, we don't know, so we In fact, the main line task has not been completed, but it may be a novice level, which was released for us."

Speaking of this, Luo Tianyi paused for a moment, she also had a strange feeling that the system in the secret realm was treating them preferentially, which was considered partial, although it was not obvious, it just felt like this

However, Luo Tianyi didn't think too much about this question, because there are too few clues now, if it is true, one day the answer will appear in front of her, so there is no need to worry too much now.

After the others had almost digested it, Luo Tianyi raised his second finger, and continued, "The main mission of this secret realm we are in is actually the same, which is to find the truth, but we just defeated the boss. What is the truth? What is it, do we really know!?"

"Why did this world become like this, how did those strange things, including the red moon, come about!? Do we really know!?"

Faced with Luo Tianyi's straight-forward question, several people looked at each other in blank dismay. After careful consideration, they realized that this is really the case. This is not "The Disconnected City and the Weak Brave". It's not just about killing monsters. Games require brains.

Just focusing on earning rewards or extraordinary power, many people now, not only the players from various countries in the secret realm, but also the audience in the live broadcast room have almost forgotten that this is not a game of racing to find the level and killing monsters to pass the level.

Force is important, but so is calm and a clear head.

Although there are so many adults in the team who can only rely on one or two half-grown girls, it's a little embarrassing, but the brain is born, it doesn't work if you work hard, and it's useless to memorize the most books, and you can't react , I don’t know how to use it, and it’s not much different from having never read it or learned it.

This time, they finally let everyone understand that the presence of two weak chickens in the team is not a bad luck, but a kind of luck. Without Luo Tianyi and Le Zhengling, the team might not be able to go so far. You must know that there are now two dragging Xia Guo teams, and they are the only team among the many teams that has not been reduced or replaced.

Although there are Huang Yuan, the renter, and Feng Baobao who are strong enough in force, but if they can only fight, those players with hot weapons in their hands, at the beginning, are actually far behind the renter and the others. of.

It was Huang Yuan, an extraordinary ability user, who really widened the gap, but with two burdens, it can be regarded as leveling the gap between the teams, which can be regarded as fair (Da Fog).

Therefore, every member of the Xia Guo team is indispensable for the Xia Guo team to come to this day.

Almost everyone on Blue Star is aware of this problem, and they lamented that Xia Guo's luck is just too good. Of course, it is not that there are smart players among the players from other countries, but they were not united at the beginning, and the players with force did not protect them. Weak minds took charge, and eventually turned into group destruction. Such examples abound. Up to now, those who can survive are almost left with strong strength.

Of course, there are exceptions, for example, a certain iron man with a big shit, who tested the external force of science and technology, has survived to this day in a very different way, and he is still living very freely.

but not every

A smart person can protect himself, and it is unrealistic to rely on the protection of teammates he just met, especially since most countries still respect "democracy" and "freedom"

In the case of putting justice above righteousness, solidarity and mutual assistance itself is unrealistic.

Not to mention, many of the players in it are not good birds, there are murderers and ogres, who dares to hand over their backs to such people!?

So no matter how you look at it, the Xia Guo team is very lucky, so good that it makes people jealous. .

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